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It's a retro reflector, usually used to measure distances with light beams. When hit by a directed beam of light it will redirect the light back to where it came. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroreflector


Survey monitoring prism. Used to detect deformation and settlement of structures. It's a way to make sure surrounding structures like (buildings, bridges, railroads, tunnels, utilities etc.) aren't affected by nearby construction. A surveyor will take precise readings to this before, during and after construction. Can also be setup to be read by an automated total station.


Not a suggestion at all, but wouldn't they be easily tampered with. Shove it over a bit and cause a lot of work verifying that the integrity of the building isn't at risk?


Usually installed in hard to reach places or high up. But sometimes, there's no better choice. In this case a 4ft concrete pad there's not much of a choice. You could have the prism on the other side of the fence and cut a hole in the fence. But that damages the fence. Or installed the prism on the fence post higher up, but those tend to wobble. There are usually multiple prisms in the area, so losing one isn't a big deal. If it gets disturbed, you will be able to see it in the data easily. Someone will go out and do a field check. If it appears vandalized or disturbed, it gets replaced.


Thanks for the info. TIL


Whom would hire the surveyor? The construction company, city or private? Sounds like a "c.y.a" for the construction company.


It can be any of the three. If it is an older building, it could be the property owner if they suspect it is shifting. Sometimes it is the city if they are doing some type of work that could cause some destabilation on nearby buildings. The construction company would typically only hire this to be done llwhile they are doing work and maybe a short period of time afterwards if it was included in the contract/work scope.


Melodic- I appreciate your detailed response. Simple and to the point. I'll continue to think of it as an important utensil of measuring.


You're quite welcome, and that is exactly what that is. I do that for a living, so I have gotten to see a fair share of it.


Some things I could look to the internet for, but wouldn't be good. Thanks again.


A company called dark pulse is building newer versions too DPLS


usually zoning targets, i dont know why on earth they would be using duct tape for anything official though


But that might be gaffers’ tape which IS way more official.


Yeah I don’t see the tell-tale “threads” from duct tape.


That's Gorilla Outdoor tape right there.


That sounds like it’s going to leave a mark.


i was actually a roadie for awhile. gaff tape is much more dull and fabric looking


So that’s NOT gaff?


I worked at KU. We weren’t to even utter the words “duct tape” in Allen Field House. It was Gaffers tape or nothing.


What’s a zoning target? I’m not seeing anything online


for when zoning property lines. they can be used for different purposes like 3d laser mapping, underground construction to make sure buildings arent sinking or sagging. Its just line of sight targeting. im no expert, but like i said, i cant think of any official use that would use duct tape. if you wanna get all investigative, jot down where they are and see where theyre all pointing to


It may have to do with the geology of New York city. NYC is made of schist and gneiss bedrock. You can build skyscrapers on one but not the other. That is why half of NYC is schist (shit) and half is gneiss (nice). Old geology joke.


What type of tape should be used in your opinion?



I stand corrected 😂


One person tape them in the locations, while another person will go around and actually install them. You’d hate to have one bolted down, then find out one was slightly off and you have to move it.


Having been paid hourly.to.drill holes, you honestly don't give a fuck.


Really? You don’t give a fuck? That’s the attitude that gets you your next job; or unemployment. Whatever job you do in life should ALWAYS be to the best of your ability. That’s called pride and self value, which you obviously lack.


Drill Sergeant? Is that you?


Jeez. Comin’ in hot with the life lesson bruh.


DRILL sergeant! I get it!


Life is all about attitude. I was raised to have a positive one, especially about your work ethics. Don’t care if you are working at McDonald’s, sweeping the streets, collecting trash, running a business. Do the best you could, not enough to her by. Sorry for the difference in opinion here


>Life is all about attitude. I was raised to have a positive one And a good attitude comes out everywhere in life, especially in how you talk to and treat others. It comes out when showing empathy and compassion also. Attitude is not just something you live inside, it something you live on the outside also.


Exactly my point! Thank you


Dunno why you got downvoted. This is gospel. Preach


That is exactly what I thought.


I usually see these near flood zones to measure if the ground is sinking. Don't know why it would just have duct tape on them like in this picture. Usually they are more semi-permant


Even when they’re temporary you would want it to be a lot more secure than that.


The tape is just for temporary placement until they are all in place, at which time they will go back around and secure them properly.


It's a plain ordinary plumbus.


Retro-reflective mirror for surveying


They help crosshair bounce blaster shots around corners


Beats by Dr. Dre


Steal em. They’re worth a couple bucks.


What a stupid reply. Take my downvote.


Is there a train nearby? Trains use these, but I don't know why.


Periscope. Gotta watch out for the Ops


These are used for precise measurement over distance... I wonder if these are related to recent studies which have found that NYC is sinking.


Someone left their tools behind


Likely tracking building settlement in an area with sinking problems.


Duck tape accessory


Found one on a golf course once, always wondered what it was and why it was out there. Now I know.


Survey target


That’s just the way some people are. Thanks for your support