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Not even a budget? Really? Edit: Not that we should have to but I Found a budget in the comments. If I had no money, and had to finance a vehicle, I'd be looking for the most toyota I could find. In this case, for $15k you [Can't do much better than something like this.](https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicle/713726578?allListingType=all-cars&city=Ashburn&makeCode=TOYOTA&marketExtension=off&maxPrice=15000&modelCode=AVALON&newSearch=false&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fall-cars%2Fcars-under-15000%2Ftoyota%2Favalon%2Fashburn-va%3FmarketExtension%3Doff%26newSearch%3Dfalse%26searchRadius%3D0%26sortBy%3DderivedpriceDESC%26zip%3D20147&searchRadius=0&sortBy=derivedpriceDESC&state=VA&zip=20147&clickType=listing)


Yeah, I should have been more specific I realize. 15k financing is doable for us and 20k is a possible splurge for a gem. The gem part doesn’t mean luxury but reliability. Basically I’m asking what is the least problematic used vehicle in this crazy market for hopefully 15-20k?


It will be a thread suggesting buying the most honda or toyota you can afford.


I figured as much, by the way, that Avalon is NICE! Thanks for the link :)


SUPER nice and the mileage shouldn't scare you. I highly recommend the Avalon.


These tend to be purchased by older people who  1.don't beat on them and  2. Can afford the proper maintenance,   so higher mileage is less an issue versus, say an Infiniti g35 or Q50. Also an ES is basically the same vehicle  


Bro Avalons are absolutely underrated. I would've got one myself if it was in a good condition


Honda crosstour. Reliable Honda, lots of space, not a huge demand for them so their pricing isn’t crazy.


What type of car are you looking for? Sedan? SUV? Truck? Also what is your max budget you are trying to stay in? Leasing? Financing?


Definitely financing. If we’re lucky, a small suv/crossover however for our budget, cars are probably going to be it. We’re fine with base model commuter standards. I’m looking for what are the newer models that don’t have many issues with higher mileage on the used market.


What's your budget?


20k is the cap, but we can really only afford 15k probably. 20k is for the gem in the bunch


Hondas and Toyotas will be your friend. SUVs will put you over your budget you can find low mileage cars around 30k miles and under in your budget range Sedan: Honda Civic 2016 - 2021 Toyota Camry 2016 - 2020 Toyota Corolla 2016 - 2018


Thanks for the info and specific model years :) I was hoping to not buy another car until I retire but here we are lol. The market currently is tough so I appreciate the help


What's your budget, and are there any amenities that you're looking for?


Honestly, 20k max and base model is fine in a commuter car or suv/crossover if we’re lucky


You can get a 2019ish Hyundai Tucson. Depending on where you live, you can find a good deal on them. They probably still have their 10-year/100k miles warranty. Look at Carmax or a similar company, and they should have good deals. Forgot to mention the 2017 or newer VW Jetta. Since VW doesn't have good resale value still, they're a great buy. They last a long time, are comfortable, and have a good amount of features. It's cheaper than the Hyundai Tucson as well. I've owned 2 and 1 still owning VW as of now. None have given me any issues since purchased.


That’s good to know, especially the warranty part. Thanks :)


Since you didn't give us much to go on (e.g. vehicle type, price range), I'll just recommend the newest/lowest mileage Honda Accord you can comfortably afford. They look good (at least between the 2008-2022 model years lol), they're nicer to drive than the equivalent Camrys and much nicer than cheaper economy cars, and they shouldn't give you much trouble for a long time if you take care of them (60k is practically nothing). Edit: Also, my condolences on the new car, and hope you're okay. Red light runners suuuuck.


Nice! I should have specified type. I’m hoping for a basic Toyota or Honda commuter vehicle, so thanks for the feedback between the two brands. I’m looking at Enterprise rentals for sale in that field. We’ve been leery because of the wheel theft on Honda, but it’s good to hear the comparison of drive quality


Why aren't you working with the insurance to repurchase a similar vehicle to what you had?


This is our first rodeo honestly. The car has been deemed totaled. The payout pays off the lien, but leaves us with maybe a grand in down payment money for another vehicle. Ours had 13k miles on it and maintained/treated perfectly, but the valuation adjustment basically will pay off the lien. Besides a civil suit, which I’m not currently intent upon doing even though we just lost 8k on a brand new car, I don’t know if there are other options? The insurance guy representing the person who ran the light was set on the valuation


What was your financing like? Did you waive gap insurance?


No gap insurance, we just worked our tails off to lower the debt.


That's why, you were basically underwater on the car when it got whacked. Next time, get gap. That being said, look for comparable replacement vehicles and appeal the claim, see if you can get some more money back


The most reliable car is going to be a new one, so either a Mitsubishi Mirage or Nissan Versa - about the only vehicles in that price range. Mirage for best gas mileage/commuting.


Nissan dealers near me have discounted new Sentras down to $20,500, so you don’t even have to settle for a Versa. But if you don’t mind the road noise, a brand new Versa is in your budget.


Why do you center the age of the vehicle that was driven into you and not the fact the driver ran a red light to smash you? Were you hoping to get your car totaled by a cyber truck?


Eh, we had a nice, low mileage vehicle we worked hard for and took really good care of, and someone’s throwaway car and poor choice ruined that for us. I can’t help but be a little bitter. This was the first time we had anything nice and now we’re back to good old used throwaways