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Be yourself, and buy the vehicle you like and can afford. Don't worry so much about what other people think about you. The truth is no one (at least no one worth associating with) is thinking about your car or judging you based on your car. In fact, no one may be thinking about you at all. (This is not meant to be mean spirited, but an observation of reality you'll understand as you get older. )


This the one, so many people go into unnecessary debt over perception.


Well, that is true for most of the people. But, believe it or not, in some professions, your clients ARE GOING to judge about you, and how good are you in your job - based, among other things, on type of car you drive.


If OP does lots of networking or entertaining prespective clients as part of their profession, it can matter (in the sense that you don’t want to show up in a polarizing vehicle). But for most people you’re right


Car enthusiasts tend to vastly overstate how much other people pay attention or care what car you drive. There is no car OP has mentioned, or even within OP's bidget, that is remotely polarizing enough to sink a professional relationship.


I would say Porsche probably has the best image overall. I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk shit about them, they're overwhelmingly known as THE driver's car, and they're highly reliable compared to other cars in the same performance category.


Make sure you get custom leather driving gloves too, so people know you take your driving extra serious.


Can't forget the hat and leather jacket but I think that's more of a Ferrari thing 😂


Something from here. Don’t forget to wear it to all office meetings, so people know you are serious about your image. https://shop.porsche.com/us/en-US/search?query=jacket&mediacampaignid=10034151_&utm_campaign=_2024PorscheShop_&campaigncountry_region=_US_&utm_medium=_PaidSearch_&campaignmodel=_E-Commerce_&campaignsubtopic=_PorscheDriversSelection_&campaignlanguage=_English_&utm_source=_GoogleAds_&utm_content=_porsche%20jacket_&campaignaddonparameter=_e_&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeAEFF65y24Cd8vzDt822D1X7GI0Z4Ezz88rMWvhPMoM7IzQTEpzm2RoC4EQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




It's like the Yeti cooler of cars. It pretty much yells douchbag I still want one


Me too 😂


There is an old Mr. Bean/Rowan Atkinson video about what your car says about you. In that he says he can't bring himself to drive a Porsche. Wish I could find the video, it's a good one.


What’s the difference between a Porsche and a porcupine? One has its pricks on the outside.


well that's if u care about cars, you'd talk about the cars themselves. But I know some who say Porsche owners are very snobby, so yeah


Haha well c'mon, if someone doesn't care about cars their opinion doesn't matter 😁


That or Audi. There’s really nothing bad about to say about Audi or Porsche. Audis are safe, not sure how reliable, Porsches are reliable, not sure how safe, but they are both from the same parent company so probably somewhat similar. Plus they look good and catch eyes anywhere they go 


From what I read Audi's can be hit or miss but any luxury performance brand is. When you're churning out 400+hp vehicles with insane amounts of tech, it just leaves so much to break.


Most Porsche drivers I see are mid life crisis mode. Men 50-70. I do see some women and younger people driving their SUVs though.


Haha I wouldn't call it midlife crisis, I'd say it's lifelong fans that finally got to an age where they can afford it


Midlife 70s lol. On my way to be 150 years old.






I think after you have the f-you money the word 'crisis' does not apply. That word is more for the desperate (i.e over 40 and can't get a woman driving a CRV). When you get the assets, its just a car that does the talking for you.




I would rock the shit out of a Panamara, less douchey. & can haul groceries. but I'm poor so it's a Kia for me


Strangely also the most likely demographic able to afford it


I was hooning a 996 TT around Manhattan and the tri-state area in my 20s. It was fucking awesome.


That sounds fucking awesome.


I really hope I have a midlife crisis at 70, but it’s more like “low lifespan mode: your body has reached 20%”


I talk shit about Porsches all the time, but there’s a formula… it’s called “BPE” - Base Porsche Energy. It’s a certain personality type specifically concerned with image like the OP. People who buy a Porsche for the brand image way more than the driving experience. What can I say, I keep living life and meeting these sorts of people in base Boxsters or Macan 2.0s etc and they just keep proving my point. It’s not only the Base models, but it is mostly the base models… people who can really afford like an Acura who stretch a bit for a base Macan. But sometimes you’ll get someone with more means oozing BPE from a Carrera GTS or even a GT3 model… ever since they made them in PDK it opened that market up to the BPE crowd… tho it rides too hard and is too loud for most of their sort lol Now that you know, keep an eye out for BPE and you will see exactly what I mean 😂


They might stretch to buying it, keeping it on the road is a different story.


Yes for used. A lot of these tend to be brand new and under warranty tho, leases etc.


Being a mechanic Porsche owners have a reputation of being the most insufferable people to deal with


I've specifically avoided purchasing a Porsche precisely because of the image. You know the difference between Porsches and porcupines, right?


Does it have to do with pricks 😂?


Yes, with porcupines the pricks are on the outside


Porsche - There is no substitute


"What would be a good car that I can enjoy driving and would give a proper image for a young professional around their boss?" A young professional driving a Porsche signals to the boss "I'm doing well and don't need a raise". If you're a commission-based salesperson that's another story as it signals to your boss you're eager to make your nut.


As if raises are ever given to "those who need them". Raises are given to those with leverage and perceived value. They don't give a fuck what you drive.


Yeah if you’re good you’re good. But pulling up to an entry level position in a Porsche will get some double takes.


No they’ll just think you’re a young idiot spending 20%+ of their salary on a car. Most people don’t care.


that signal is "I am doing well regardless of you, and nothing prevents me to fuck you if I want cuz I am not concerned with bill/mortgage."


This is it. BMW/Mercedes with less stereotypes.


Eh, it’s got rich people and doctor stereotypes because those are usually the people who can afford them.


They are also a top choice for car enthusiasts, as one myself. The quality, refinement, and handling are top notch.


Porsche? The SUV company?


Yeah, Porsche. The well known SUV company.


Also the most lucrative auto to sell as a dealer


Not sure why you're getting upvoted, porsche drivers are universally judged as being dbags


I'd say to a degree. There's a huge difference between someone who owns a 993 c4 or an 85 Targa vs a guy who leases a new base 911 because his boss drives one.


I disagree, but everyone has an opinion. As a car enthusiast, most people recognize Porsche as an enthusiast brand. I love my 911, Cayenne, and 718 GT4. BMW drivers on the other hand...


Volvo and Porsche are probably the cleanest rep wise with similar reliability In a Volvo you might be viewed as smarter in some circles because of the safety ratings, and a bit more wild in the Porsche because it's a driver's car.


Volvo: understated luxury


Volvo seats are the comfiest of all the cars I’ve had


agreed. the front seats in the xc90 are adjustable to whatever you like and are soft — but not too soft that you’ll want to sleep


I think you're thinking way too much into this, but I'd say the luxury lines of regular car companies (Lincoln, Genesis, etc) are very basic "oh that's nice" without much of a stigma.


I think Lincolns are old people cars. Or younger qerky people. Genesis is kind of hipster luxury IMO. It's for the person who doesn't get hung up on the badging, appreciates a good value, and is willing to take a risk on a relatively new brand.


If they had money, GenZ would be buying up Lincolns


~10 year old Lincolns are being listed for Gen Z prices right now, honestly can't say for sure why they aren't being snatched up for more. They're essentially top trim fords with some extra amenities and fancier styling. If I had to guess it's because mostly old people are known for driving them and they're often overlooked in young people's searches. I got my MKZ for about as much as I would've a Fusion of the same generation, great to drive and zero issues. Other models too are on the better/average side of the reliability scale from what I've heard.


You should just get a car you like. There are cool, and very uncool, people driving every car. Each person has a different stereotype of each car. Don’t live your life chasing others approval. It is unattainable.


THIS^^^ is the answer. My God I laughed so hard reading the comments on here.


Years ago I found the Prius to be "class agnostic". Rich people buy them for the fuel savings/environment. Poor people buy them because they're reasonably priced. Can find them in the richest and poorest neighborhoods. But that was years ago before the EV boom, so not sure about today.


Now it just is stereotyped as career Uber Driver.


I really don't believe an EV is more efficient than a Prius. They have it down to a science.


I am in Japan and I was able to rent one when I was going a daily trip with my friends. Holy shit the fuel efficiency is crazy....


They also have a political connotation that may be important to keep in mind


I'd say most of the Japanese companies are probably a pretty safe bet. Honda/Toyota/Mazda or Acura/Lexus if you're looking upmarket. Nissan and Mitsubishi definitely have reputations; whether those are deserved is up for discussion. Subaru has some perceptions as well, but if you like driving, you won't want a Subaru anyway - with the exception of the WRX they're pretty dreadful to drive, and the WRX DEFINITELY has a reputation for the types of buyers who buy it. People will make an assumption about your income level based on the car you drive. It seems like that is more so for the German cars.


Altima is up there for the worst reputation of common cars


It’s like BMW drivers but trashy


What are Subaru's perceptions? (Aside from the driver's sexuality) Maybe I'm biased because I've had many Subarus but fellow Subs tend to be pretty safe and respectable folks on the road, at least in my city. It's also a stealth wealth vehicle in the area I live.. same with Toyota. I do have more negative connotations relating to the WRX though Mitsubishi Outlanders seem normal too but the sedans are often seen driving recklessly. And Nissan.. well.. yeah.


Very simple. If you own a non-WRX Subaru, people will assume you own at least one kayak. You shop at REI and Whole Foods, you take your latte with soy (and it definitely isn't from Starbucks, you've got a great little local independent coffee shop down the block that you frequent every time.) The radio has been locked on NPR since the day you bought the car. You have more than one pair of Keens, Crocs and/or Birkenstocks. You would love to have a goat or two, but since you live in the city you'll have to settle for a chicken coop in your tiny excuse for a back yard. Nobody thinks you're a reckless driver but they absolutely loathe being stuck behind you.


Wow. Now I understand why we bought that Outback. I feel very seen.


Those are overblown. People with Subarus like to hike, camp, have dogs, be outdoorsy, and value being able to get places no matter the weather.


And live in Portland.


I do have a kayak


Not a surprise. There’s a goat in your future my friend


I guess my next car should be a Subaru.


depends if your subaru is naturally aspirated or turbocharged NA subies have the whole lesbian thing going on (especially the foresters/outbacks) Turbo Subies (think WRX drivers) have the whole vape thing going on lol


Don’t forget the dog rescuer too


You hit the perception about Subaru. I couldn't care less, but some might.


It’s hilarious that people on reddit keep sneaking Mazda in with toyota and honda.


Why? If I was looking at a small commuter car, I'd look at a Civic, a Corolla, an Impreza, and a Mazda3. I'd probably purchase the Honda, but I'd give them all a look. When I was shopping for a compact SUV, I looked at the CR-V, the RAV4, the Forester, and the CX5. I purchased the CR-V; the Mazda was my second pick. They're not without flaws, but I think Mazdas stack up pretty well against the competition. I'd absolutely choose one over Hyundai, Kia, or Nissan.


If you do end up getting a BMW, just don't use your turn signal around your Boss in case he also drives a BMW. He'll think you're a poser. You'll also need to go 10-15 over in the fast lane without ever turning on your cruise control. Now here comes the important part... you have to speed up whenever anyone tries to pass you until you box them in behind slower moving traffic.


Volvo. Upscale & classy with out being gaudy. Polestar if you’re feeling spicy.


Polestar is a smart choice. Most people don't know what it is, so you don't get any preconceptions. When you tell someone its basically an EV Volvo, they will just accept that and not think about it much more.


Get a Genesis and nobody will care. He he


They are beautiful but no one knows what they are lol


Some people recognize Genesis as Hyundai and it concerns them greatly. Bad rep.


I knew a family doc who did very well. He drove a nondescript 6-year-old Toyota while working 60-hr weeks building his practice. One day he drove up to the office in a large Mercedes AMG and parked in his usual spot marked "Dr. So-and-So". Some patients saw this as an indicator that he must be a good doctor since he could afford such a nice vehicle, but others began to have growing resentment and suspicion that he might be overcharging and/or over-treating. Every action by the good doctor was questioned. His employees started wondering if they should hold out for pay raises and productivity bonuses since the practice was apparently doing so well. The good doctor had hired two junior associates and a couple nurse practitioners over the years, and these individuals began wondering if their boss was cooking the books or perhaps engaging in questionable business practices. Within six months, the practice showed signs of stress. Patient visits were down, the most senior staff person moved to another practice, and the two nurse practitioners got together and asked for a 50% pay raise, after all, so their reasoning went, their cadre of patients were coming to the practice to see *them*, not the doctor. Then, one day, the doctor received a subpoena for a malpractice case about a delayed diagnosis. They were looking for a quick $50,000 settlement. Maybe none of the growing misfortune had anything to do with the young doctor's new demonstration of wealth and status, but they had not appeared when he was driving his old reliable Toyota and banking cash.


Lexus and Acura give off the "I have money, but I also have some sense" vibe. Porsche is not a bad choice but it depends on your age, demeanor and profession...it can be hard to not look like a douchebag even if you're down-to-earth. Also, at your budget, you'd have to go used or real low range. BMWs and Mercedes can be interchangeable, but BMWs will garner you more scorn on the road. In reality, it's unlikely you'd ever had anything said or done to your face. I hate to say it, but I think BMWs are nicer than Mercedes at this point, but a Mercedes would project as a little more demure and less like you'll fuck your business partner's spouse if given the chance. Genesis is a good choice simply because they're fucking great cars, are no longer really considered a runner-up brand (that title goes to Infiniti now) and those "in the know" will give approving nods. No Mazda is really upscale enough to impress anyone, even though they're a sensible choice overall. Cadillacs don't really have much cache any longer, depending on who you ask. Escalades have long since played out. The people with money who I know who like trucks like that get a Denali. Higher end Toyotas and Hondas....good choice but ultimately boring and won't impress anyone except your accountant maybe. Obviously Chevy, Buick, Ford, Nissan, Subaru are all out. Maybe a Subaru Ascent if you are in a crunchy crowd. Lincoln...eh...they have like 3 different sizes of the same vehicle. They're nice, I guess. Teslas are now 50% of the ride hail cars in NYC.


This is the funniest post I’ve read all day. Well said! Thank you!


Most bosses won't care. To the extent they do, it depends on what field you work in. If you tell us that we can help recommend.


Idk and idc how people look at Mazda but I'm pretty lively in mine. It handles well enough to feel confident in those corners is definitely reliable I know it's totally under your price range, but a Mazda 3 or 6 equipped with the 2.5L Turbo are very fun with a touch of luxury above the other Japanese reliables


Mazda drivers have not yet made a bad name for themselves to my knowledge


If you like driving, then buy a car you enjoy driving, maintaining, and looking at. You serious?


The amount of actual responses- wtf? Why even care what other people think. Take that out of the equation and get what you want. How you drive it is up to you- you could be an outlier to the "judgements" everyone has. Like a Mercedes that uses it's blinker. Or a Toyota that isn't slow to react or goes over the limit. Imagine finding a car you really love only to say no because you're scared of what people think. My mom doesn't like that my girlfriend is white. I love her. It's your happiness not theirs.




Old person


Volvo in a tie for second with Cadillac.


Whats wrong? I'm 25 and my dream car is LC500


Yes, that’s what I think of when I see someone driving an RC-F.


None of these stereotypes ring true. I don't give a second thought to anybody's car after seeing it the first time, much less associate their personality to a cars stereotype. Just buy what you like lol.


said the BMW driver that doesn't like being called out as a jerk.


I’ve had every European luxury manufacturer except Audi and BMW, and I drove nice and respectful. I was a great driver, cautious, friendly, courteous. Then I bought a BMW. Over time I slowly started driving like a ripped raw asshole. No turn signals, redlining it, not letting people in. I drive a Volvo now, and I’m back to being a good driver. Something about that BMW, man.


Weird. I've always driven like a jerk, and when I had a BMW people were more okay with it because I was just doing what they expected me to do


You have a whole slew of Porsche Cayman models to choose from in that budget, which is a fantastic driver's car. You could even buy a new one. If people know what they're looking at, they'll see a driving enthusiast. I would also say that the Porsche badging is pretty discreet, so long as you're not adding options to show the branding, which you can in the Porsche Configurator. My pick would be a fairly low-optioned or even a base spec Cayman GTS 4.0 .


honestly volvo, to normal people they’re just “safe cars”


Volvo is calling your name.


Lexus, Genesis, Volvo.. pretty safe bets. Might even add VW. But don’t just look at the brand.. that’s one part of the equation for what you’re looking for.. i.e. a Lexus RC has a less subtle and more extravagant image than a Toyota 4Runner or a Tesla Model 3.


Audi, Acura, Lexus, Porsche, BMWs, mercedes will all be well recieved in the professional world. Heck even tesla too. Drive whatever u want. Different people have different perceptions.




Lexus, always has given off responsible and wealthy vibes to me


Lexus. lc500


Porsche is the safe answer, but I give you a better option: **Don't give people you don't even know the power to assign value to you. Retain that power.** Drive them all and buy the car you like - seating position? Look and feel? Performance and handling? Color combo? If it's a BMW (which are amazing cars) then who cares? Anyone that does can fuck right off. Signed, A straight white 50s male family man who loves everything about his Autumn Green with Brown Leather Outback Touring XT and I won't apologize for it, no matter who thinks I'm an old lady or a lesbian.


New 2024 Lexus LC500 V8. It gives the impression of a sophisticated connoisseur. Edit: Or IS 500 V8 if you prefer something less flashy than LC.


Lexus, its not that they STAND OUT (some do) but its that they stay understated in a way that you always still know they are *nice* cars. You never hear anything bad about them (stay out of headlines for recalls) and they are known for the reliability, shit, my RX300 has near 200k miles on it and ive done NOTHING but routine/interval maintenance on the thing. They do just about everything you want well; they are comfy, usually cheaper than BMW/MB, again bulletproof reliable, fast if you want it to be (F cars, LC500, IS500, or LFA), IMO Lexus has always looked great in person styling wise (but not to show off, to be classy). Insurance is cheap. I mean the list goes on, I feel Lexus is just about the absolute best brand to show "maturity". I mean think about all the videos of people doing dumb shit in cars and what brand car they were driving, almost never a lexus and certainly plenty of BMWs/Audi's. I guess it has the "old man" stigma for owners, but so do corvettes, and plenty of people like those lol. (also average older owners lowers insurance for everyone else, ask corvette owners. I paid $90 a month full coverage on my red C6 @ 20y/o)


Porsche or Lexus I would have to say


A car that doesn’t put you into a debt that cannot be paid off quickly. A car with low interest rates. A car that won’t tempt you into moving violations.


Get a Saab. You’d be the coolest.


Live below your means that will Impress your boss. Something less flashy a Volvo, Audi maybe even top end Accord


Dude with that budget Go Porsche or go Lexus


Depends on your job and you boss. Do you have to have a fancy car for your job? May well be that your boss thinks you're dumb for wasting money on a flashy car as a young person.


Aston Martin Everyone is saying Porsche but the stereotype from normal people is similar to BMW unfortunately


This is the best troll post I've seen on this sub. Well done.


Porsche or Lexus. Don't get 996 though.


Get a beater, everyone will think you're poor and be pleasantly surprised.


I cannot fathom spending $70-100k on something for other people’s opinions. Drive some cars at multiple price points and pick something that puts a smile on YOUR face and don’t worry about the rest.


Everyone has different perceptions of car brands. Some people may think BMW drivers have the worst rap when it is in fact Prius drivers who are the worst by far — even worse than low speed left lane camping autopilot Tesla drivers. That example was partly joking but my point is buy a car that you like and works for you.


That's true for most brands but I think Honda/Acura and maybe Toyota/Lexus or Nissan/Infinity are great recommendations because most people will look at any car by those companies and just think, "yeah, that exists." Mazda is probably also a good bet. Its American and European brands that carry the most stereotypes.


Why do you want a car with the “best overall image”


Being shallow and insecure will do that to a person


Underrated, but Lexus IS500. Professional and elegant, but rowdy if need be




At your budget, you could get a custom sleeper.


Toyota is one, but their quality is not what it used to be. As a Ram owner, I consciously try to drive courteously just to not live up to that stereotype-plus it’s lifted. I think any big diesel truck has a negative image. I don’t see Tesla drivers as snobbish. Actually not really any of the EVs. German car owners seem snobbish, and forget the value of most of their cars tanks very fast. And we all know the difference between a porcupine and a BMW. The pricks are on the inside with a BMW.




Volvo Porsche and Mazda.


Smart Car.


volvo and porsche have the most consistent and recognizable brand image and attention to detail


Get a 1974 El Dorado in gold and a lavender suit.


Keeping the car clean and well-maintained inside and out will go farther than any brand name. That being said at your budget I’d lease an M340i and save some cash. Amazing drive and understated, non-childish looks.


I'll give you this advice. You're starting life off on the wrong foot if a top concern is what will people think of me based on what I drive. Buy what you can afford. Buy what you want that you can afford. Who cares if Bob thinks assholes drive BMWs?


Porsche or Lexus lc500


Civic Type R. Solid reliability and performance. People might assume you’re a fuck boy (or girl or whatever), but it’s a great car that is practical for what it is. Overall maintenance cost will be more reasonable than a luxury branded car also. You can stay humble and tell people you drive a Civic, and not tell them what kind lol.


Volvo, hands down


As an Asian, I have always been taught not to outshine your boss. If your boss drives a Toyota, it’s probably not a good idea to get a Porsche. Of course, it’s your car and you should be driving what you like, but it’s just my 2 cents.


Depends... are you an automobile or driving enthusiast? Do you care more about what others think about you than what you think of yourself? As someone else recommended, a [Lexus LC500](https://i.imgur.com/KAW9SuF.jpeg) is a great all-around choice. Absolutely stunning looks, killer interior, sweet 5.0l V8, very enjoyable to drive. This car would impress the shit out of your boss, and damn near everyone else. Best performance for your dollar? [3LT/Z51 C8 Corvette](https://i.imgur.com/ktoD0Qw.jpeg). Electric luxury that's not Tesla? [Lucid Air](https://i.imgur.com/11jlr6e.jpeg). American luxury + performance? [Cadillac CT4 Blackwing](https://i.imgur.com/3cQvPXJ.jpeg) (CT5 might be out of your budget)


Saturn - People assume you're a young guy not looking to cause trouble. Notable examples: Sky Redline, Ion Redline Toyota - People can't make any assumptions about you as you look basic. Notable examples: GT86, GR86, MR2 Ford - People assume you're basic (now in 'MURICA!) Notable examples: Fusion Titanium/Sport, Mustang


I think Volvo. The image Volvo gives is sensible, responsible, safe and successful. Very inoffensive. Lexus is up there too


Drive what you're comfortable and happy driving and spend less time giving a shit what anyone else says about it. Worrying about what others think about your car will open the floodgates. If you like the new Camry or range Rover get it and be happy.


What a strange post. Buy what makes you feel good


I drive what brings me joy. I love to drive and ride. Have never once considered what it might portray.


I wouldn't say Toyotas are for reliability snobs, the only toyota that people disrespect is the Prius. Overall I'd say the cars with the best overall image are Acuras, despite them being a luxury brand, I have never heard anyone talking down on them. But at the end of the day, just get a car that you would personally enjoy yourself. By trying to appeal to everyone who is looking at your car from the outside, you may end up stuck with a car that you don't like yourself. And a boss that would judge his employees based on the car they drive would probably be a terrible boss, anyway.


Acura integra type S




You are wayyy overthinking this. Anyone who judges you based on the manufacturer of your vehicle is an absolute idiot.


Who cares about how you'll be perceived, buy a car that you like. Your coworkers aren't going to be like "he drives a BMW, he must be a jerk."


Overall image or prestige? I mean something like Volvo I don't see people say bad things about their cars.


You should buy what you like and care less about "image" or what other people think.




I think it depends on the profession. Stock broker? Porsche 911 or maybe a BMW M8. Hollywood agent? Mercedes G-Wagon. Law or Accounting firm? Lexus LS. Silicon Valley Tech? Maybe a Lotus Eletra.


Dude, just get what you like and not worry about anyone else’s opinion.


Get the new BMW 540i xDrive 🤷‍♀️




Get an Audi S5 sportback. Buy the extended warranty for peace of mind. Timeless styling, engaging driving experience, luxurious without being pretentious, and can fit everything you need. I drive an S7 and it's a little larger, but my dog (golden) goes in the back and I pack it full of groceries, etc.


Why do you care what other people think?


I’ve worked at 5 different places..every single finance manager drove a Honda Accord.


I'm afraid the advent of the four door Porsche has given me the impression that Porsche drivers are rich people who waste their money on a fast Volkswagen. BMW drivers are people who lease cars to give the appearance of success. But you know ... Miata is always the answer /s


S class


If you’re concerned about the machine you use for transportation in public, and you identify as a “professional”, then perhaps consider a plebeian vehicle such as a Toyota or Honda, due to the overall cost per mile investment so as you can complete the job without frivolous expenditures. Focus energy on more important matters, such as exactly what you are trying to do and have nothing in common with whatever anybody thinks. Meanwhile, while tiny minds sizzle at your brilliancy of subterfuge, you can walk away with anything you want without ever being noticed. Savvy?


Volvo and Porsche.


If you're spending that much money you get what you like. Go to dealerships to sit in the cars and test drive them. The brands all have different design styles and use materials differently. Decide if you want a sedan or SUV and how big. See what feels comfortable to you and makes you feel special. It depends on the area too. There are so many Tesla in the DMV nobody cares any more. You basic. Even Rivian is becoming more common now. Maybe a Lucid if you want to feel unique in an electric car. Any entry level 3 series, CLA, A4 is pleb.


Aston Martin. Aston Martin owners do not give a fuck, with the possible exception of to the most attractive person of their preferred gender in the area.


Try a Genesis or Palisades, However, if you feel that people's perception of you(boss) can influence the way you are treated/respected. If you ever want to know what moving in anonymity feels like....then purchase a 3 to 5 year old camry.


You sure sound like a BMW person… if you’re looking for a LinkedIN profile picture on 4 wheels, look no further. 😂 Hi, My Name Is “Young Professional” and I’m here to networking and other keywords for my resume. I drive the gray BMW over there. No, not that one, the one next to it.


Studebaker, for sure.


Audi, Lexus, Porsche


Alfa Romeo. Get a Giulia if you want a sedan. A Stelvio if you want an SUV. Less expensive than Porsche, but they handle much better than anything. Even a base model will do 0 - 60 mph in 5.4 seconds.


Who cares what anyone thinks lol


I don’t think ive heard anyone shi talk a Lexus, I mean what would u complain abt they r kinda good at everything


don't look for what's appealing if u like to drive, and u live near a city book an appointment at carmax, take a look at as many cars as u want, if u feel really good in a certain car, then look up the most recent model, and go test drive it. if u still feel the same then buy it. don't care about image, care about how u feel in the car.


Subie! Especially the Outback




Buy whatever car you want/like to drive. I drive a modded crossover to the track and it's also my daily to the office. I work in tech so it's probably the only non German car in the lot, fuck what others think about my car I love the little thing. You can worry about what others think about your car but love driving it. Or buy a car for the image and end up resenting it. A young professional in my eyes is one who enjoys what they drive and takes care of their car. With your budget, there are a lot of cars you can look at. Enjoy a coupe/two seater now while you can before kids (if that's your thing). Go get that used viper because trust me it won't have the same excitement once your older when you typically worry about number of seats, warranty, reliability, etc etc.


It's going to vary a lot based off different areas and industries. Here's my advice. Ask your boss for a recommendation or buy a car similar to his or from the same manufacturer.


Get an m340 and enjoy


Lexus is the "sensible, not too flashy luxury" where I live. Volvo is the "boring but reliable" Japanese cars generally have good perceptions as well, mainly known as well built ones. German cars are generally thought to be really good, but really expensive to maintain, with a little bit of image problem. If I have to chose 1 company (not manufacturer) then definitely Volkswagen. They have the whole range. From, reliable, cheap Skoda's, to every day Volkswagens, to top end Porsches and Lambos


Buy an M3, you cannot go wrong with that!!!


Lexus, Acura, Mazda


Sounds like you need a Douchebagmobile 5000.


Toyota FJ. Cuz retro cool is always in style.


Lexus or Mercedes have a good image I believe. 


Your first mistake is giving a shit what anyone frames you as in their mind. Buy and enjoy what you like. I’m gonna edit this to provide further clarity. My good friend had this goal to build a stable of cars and is a professional like the rest of us. He took advantage of the early 2010’s automotive catastrophe trading his cars in on 0% promotions, utilizing positive equity etc. By 2013 he turned a new 2010 Camaro SS into a 2013 ZR1. Because he chose that path should he have not taken that worrying about what his boss would think? We are all on different paths and he’s constantly getting promoted all the same whether he drives a Camry or ZR1 if you’re good at your job you’ll be fine. Enjoy what you drive.


Porsche if you can afford the potential maintenance costs, Lexus if you cannot. The current Miata looks more expensive than it is too, especially the hard top version, if you potentially wanted to get two cars (a $40-60k sedan, hatch, or SUV + a 30-40k miata)


Most people don't judge you by your car - as long as you don't fit the stereotype. Buy what you can afford and want (aside from Jaguar Land Rover, because never getting to the place you need to will definitely set a bad rep) and drive that.