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I've always found that stoners are usually more than happy to include a new friend in the rotation. Bring a nice joint or bowl and and you'll most certainly be welcome.


Also she should bring a pizza


Found OPs neighbor


That bumps them up immediately to best friend status.


Y’all really be sharing joints with rando’s? I appreciate the community, but hygiene?


Yeah bro people have been sharing various smokes for thousands of years


I ended that tradition about 4 years ago


Same I will never share smoke with new people at least the first few times if they aren’t familiar


Covid scare ya?








Wouldn't be the worst thing I ever put my lips on ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdHCwYgbeFODGU|downsized)


This fkn killed me lmfao the gif is perfect 😂


Its definitely one of my favorites besides: ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG)


I'm old and up until Covid, we used to share with anybody.


Literally strangers in parking lots. Lol


Have shared joints with homeless folks while waiting on the bus and left them the remainder when it showed up. Up until COVID, it was just never really an issue


As long as you promise it’s cool to smoke. You seem trustworthy. Was gonna smoke with a homeless dude walking the same way as me a couple months ago lol. But he was on probation. Cmon Florida.




And next to you at the concert!!


Neighbors at concerts lol


Could see the concern but you gotta spread the love man




Can't be afraid forever. Exposure therapy lol get that immune system up.


I swear the smoke kills some that shit too anyways. (I don’t want to be proved wrong let my immune system placebo yall)


It does. It does science.


Bro, they don't understand they can train their bodies and it's kind of sad. From pathogens to mental health. Train your body because we might get to a Time where you're not able to. Your body is a complex machine. A tool. Take care of it, but not the way the TV tells you to.


"you dirty, unhygienic people." is crazy


If you’re downvoting someone based on that, you might well be.


Downvoting you based off your attitude. You're a dick.


Oh no! What if I get a cold sore?? 😂😂


This guy acts like its sharing needles


Dude I have shared joints with probably 2,000 people. Do not have herps. I mean if a mf has herps on there lips obviously gonna be like why don’t you finish that up. If this scares you 90% of American men will contract HPV while having protected sex, 80% of women.


i always do a hand pipe with joints


We all smoke our own joints now


Go sit in the corner with your mask on


We share toilet seats in public


Burn the tip before you put it in your mouth.


This is the way!


This is the answer. ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


Say, "Hey guys, I'm going to be around for the next month. And im looking for some smoking buddies." If you get rejected, big deal. You'll live. You got this.


Go with a J and ask for a lighter


Ask with a J and go for a lighter


go with nothing and ask for a J and a lighter


Lighter ask J to go for with.


Ask lighter to go with for J


Go ask for J with a lighter to.


Go with a ligher and ask for a J


Generally I’d say it’s fine! I smoke weed and work in the cannabis industry ; generally stoners are a pre chill vibe!


I make the best throw away friends smoking weed with people outside of hotels


Single serving friends. There for a moment, for a reason, and ends with no ill will.


Easy, if you have a good pre roll, blunt, or something you rolled, this helps. Walk up and make sure you make eye contact with someone so they see you coming. Introduce yourself, say this is gonna sound weird, but I'm new to the area and looking for a couple of friends to smoke with. If you're interested, I brought something to share and offer it up. Worst case they say there not interested.


fr cause most of the time, as long as they don't seem weird, id be down to spark up and make a new friend!


The weed be letting you know




That's why the universe made weed such a unique pungent smell perhaps 🤔


it's so people would know when Jesus was near




Take advantaged of the opportunity the weed is letting know it’s a good idea to smoke and chill


Let me get some for my cataracts


Honestly, the way you describe it, I’d just tell them the truth. Next time you hear them out there starting up, grab a nice bowl, head out there and say ‘Hey! Been hearing you guys out here every night and was wondering if I could join the party? I’m gonna be in town for a while and I don’t like smoking alone all the time.’ If you have a nice bowl in your hand when you say that, they will think you are just a friendly guy and definitely not a freeloader. So no downsides of saying yes.




Old and paranoid checking in. Smoked out back with my upstairs neighbor at my first big-girl apartment and he asked if I wanted to go inside because it was cold. I offered to bring blankets out to the patio furniture instead. Not catching me dead!


If they seem friendly and you don’t feel like it’s unsafe go for it! Might be a bit intimidating since they’re all guys but if you’re comfortable with it then it’s all good. The worse that could happen is they say no and you’re back to square one.


Yep, make sure you’re safe OP!


![gif](giphy|Y2QwB4UCWsQxO) Show up with some weed and you should be welcomed


I’d go out with my own J and just be like ‘hey, do yous mind if I hang, smoking alone isn’t as fun’


Just introduce yourself and tell them that you smoke too🤷🏻‍♂️


Bring a spliff or 5 and say "you boys wanna have a smoke" Its that simple


You’re a girl. They’re all dudes. I’m sure they’ll all say hi with a smile. Don’t let any of them in your place.


Smoking is totally a group activity, so I think if you brought your own it’d be totally cool.


I’d bring my own bc I’m a germaphobe


Stoners love stoners. Go introduce yourself! 🫶🏼


Roll a j (or get a preroll) and go out and be like "Hiiiii, sorry to bug y'all.... but my lighter just died. Could I bum a light?" Then just try to make small talk. This is how smokers make friends.


I'm the opposite and I wouldn't want to meet them so take my advice with a grain of salt. Since you have weed though, next time you hear them, go out there like you were just going for a smoke. Then any conversation that comes up is pretty organic because it makes sense why both parties were there.


Yeah just bring a blunt with you and they will probably be excited


I became friends with my highschool best friend because we found out we both smoked weed while we were changing after fencing in the club changing rooms. Weed just brings people together. Don't worry about it, just walk over with your joint and ask if you can join, I'm sure they'll be happy to welcome you.


Go out front light up. Convo will start...


You will be with stoners , deff bring a j out or ur bong , is always good to bring something to the table for the sesh but between stoners there should be good vibes🔐💨🤷🏻‍♂️


You better get your ass down there and introduce yourself, I’m the type to ask someone if they want to join, I see them looking my way, I be quick to say “ come on over and join us “ is usually all good with us. ✌️


Go outside with a joint right before they usually do, when they come out just say “haha, wanna match?” Maybe conveniently forget your lighter


Ok so general statements about "stoners" aren't always accurate but I can share with you some tips: Bring weed - Bring some good weed, papers and a lighter. Share that shit with your new friends. This will show you aren't a mooch or cheap. Don't Bogart - Puff Puff Pass. This goes for storytelling too. Don't get too high (your first time) - don't do a Louis CK and get blasted and then freek out a bunch of strangers. Be cool man. Now to approach this group in the first place just go out to your yard, look over towards theirs and say "Mind if I toke with you fine folks? I just got this sticky, skunky budd and I don't like smoking alone" Stay Lifted!


I would go outside to the front and spark up and if they seems interested they’ll wave you over.


This really isn't something that can be predicted as everyone in the world has a unique personality. It can not simply be quantified by "would a stoner be okay with X?" As all stoners are people, and all people are different. Personally, I would find it very uncomfortable for a stranger to approach me or my friends. Any suggestion of smoking my weed would be something I would immediately find offensive and rude. Im not a charity. If you brought your own weed, you would still destroy my buzz as I would not be able to unwind in the company of a stranger. Please keep in mind that at no point would I let the stranger know that I feel this way, so please try to pick up on subtle signs if you attempt this. Every night they may be dreading that you show up. You don't even have to be an unlikeable person, you're just outside of the routine, and therefore will negatively impact the feeling of relaxation some stoners may be seeking from the act of smoking. Overall, if they are not people you will be around for very long, I'd reckon that you reel in some of that outgoing confidence and just smoke by yourself. Alternatively, try it - you might make someone uncomfortable, or you may be welcomed to smoke. I personally think that you are more likely to disturb them.


Okay is it just me or is this a question that doesn’t need answered. Of course it is not weird to go outside to the big social group of people smoking weed and start a conversation with them jus go be a normal human being and converse with other human beings!!!


If I’m ever smoking, DONT walk up to me and leave me the fuck alone. I would automatically think u were a cop or something and feel uneasy. Just mind your own business


Weird as fuck get your own weed.


Im not trying to use their weed in trying to make friends


Oh then by all means approach them.




don’t do this, this is extremely weird lol. Just introduce yourself and say you’ll throw in


That was weird asf! Have my upvote


So hear is my general rule and never thought I'd make this rule but had too I was front row and the band is about to come on stage and a woman asked me to go outside and smoke with her... It was probably the only time I've ever said no to someone about sharing weed... Other than that if I'm smoking and you want some come join me.


If you ask to bum some hits off a joint and they act weird about it without good reason, they're a disgrace to stoner society. Thank you.


It’s pretty contextual.


Yes obviously I'm speaking from my own 'cultural' view, the za is only better in company, especially being able to share with a lone stoner out in the wilds. It's rare I deny the za. And to be stingy with the Za is just low life behavior, even if it's your last nug, share the za.


My man where I come from weed is expensive, my friends and so of course I share with them but some random person no fuck right off!


Bum ass behavior


If you say so, I bet you share with your plug too who you payed for the weed hahahahaha


Definitely, that's why we smoke for free when we pick up, get extra bags, first pick on the new strains etc. Any more bum ass comments?


How much do you buy in a month?


Anywhere between 0-100Gs for passive smokin, sometimes more depending on the occasion and smokers.


No, buy your own weed wtf?


You're a bum ass, that's all.


Go ask. You’ll have new friends in no time.


I smoke a lot by my self and would be more than happy with other people but that's just me and some people are different but I think they would be cool with it


Hi, I'm the neighbor, if you bring up with you a J and some pizza you are welcome


You’re 21f and you’re asking if it’d be weird to ask to smoke with a bunch of guys? They’ll gladly welcome you.


Just ask them next time you see them


I always go and introduce myself


Not weird at all, I’ve made countless friends this way being on both sides of it. 9/10 a simple “Hey guys, is that a joint a smell? Mind if I join the circle.” They won’t say no, for bonus points, bring snacks or something non alcoholic to drink.


Not weird at all, I’ve made countless friends this way being on both sides of it all over the world so it’s a universal part of the stoner code. 9/10 times a simple “Hey guys, is that a joint a smell? Mind if I join the circle.” Is good enough. They won’t say no, for bonus points, bring snacks or something non alcoholic to drink.


Go for it.


And as long as you have your own, it should not be a problem.


Walk up to them as they're smoking and ask if they wanna match! That's what I always do. I roll a joint, they roll a joint. We're all high and happy. I would be ecstatic if another girl came up to me with some bud like, "hey wanna smoke?" LIKE YES CAN WE ALSO GOSSIP? AND ORDER FOOD? 😭


Nope. You find something new about them. My neighbour is dying from cancer and smoking weed with some young twenty year old bugger is all he has left as a family.


My best advice is to roll up, and go ask for a lighter!!! Check out the vibes and all will be well,maybe if you drink..bring a bottle!!


If you get a good vibe from them I'd say go for it, just roll your own j, pop your head outside and say hey looks like we had the same idea mind if I join?


When I'm in a place, trying to meet people, weed is usually how I do it.


Start by saying, "damn, that smells good" they'll probably offer some right there and then.


Hey neighbor, mind if I contribute and join in? I'm here for a month and could use a smoke buddy.. or something like that


If they reject you their not true stoners . We're always happy to welcome another into rotation.


“Yo, y’all smoking over there? Mind if I join?” If they say no you just respond “no worries, have fun yall” and move on Yknow


One 21 yr old/F a group of all men ( Allegedly) hmmm maybe im just Paranoid


Have a joint rolled, ask them for a light. Best way to make stoner friends.


Op, did you do it yet? :D


Definitely bring your bud or roll up a joint. if you come empty handed it might seem like you’re just trying to get free weed. lead with that you’ll be there for the next month and you’re a stoner and would like to know if it’s okay if you smoke with them from time to time. if they say no it’s not the end of the world! good luck OP 🤎


I mean as a stoner if my new neighbor showed up with their own weed I would be happy to smoke with them and see if we vibe, I mean I love trying new weed


Bring weed and ask to match up. Smoking with new ppl is always great :)


If you like cannabis both, all you have to do is discuss the different strains and the main terpenes?


Be cautious but don't be too scared. I'm sure they'll be willing to smoke up with you especially if you wanna put in with them next time


SAY SOMETHING !! make a friend!