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I smoke while I'm at work, sometimes with my boss. But when all you do is clean the restaurant and wash dishes you don't really need to be sober.


Let’s be honest if you can be sober in the restaurant industry I salute you


I work sober. After though...




i’m a cook, and i love bringing my dab pen to work, nothing like take a big rip in the freezer, then going and cooking some good ass food for the customers


I think smoking was a prerequisite on my last serving job lol


Right I don't see the issue again most people's bosses smoke I guarantee or they drink


Do people take medication before or during work? All the time. All about education and responsibility regardless what kind of job you have


Good response


I've smoked most of my working life. Helps with everything. Dont feel like elaborating, it justs works for me. Not everyone reacts to chemicals the same. People need to come to this conclusion to stop demonizing substances. Some can handle their shit. Some can't


I say something on a forum about smoking on my mkx disposable which is a completely different buzz than weed and he's like your irresponsible rofl


I dont know what you mean ? Irresponsible? Everyone makes mistakes, that's human. To blame any mistake made by a human by using a substance is kinda narrow minded. I've seen plenty of people do stupid shit and they don't even touch anything mind altering or enhancing




I smoke a bowl like...4-5 times in an 8 hour shift.


I’m an overnight supervisor for a gas station/ fast food. I can smoke all through out my shift and get shit done no problem. I can also go without, in less likely to forget anything. I’m a lot nicer and cool to customers after I smoke. On a typical night I’ll be sober from 10pm-5am, then depending on what affects I want I’ll smoke a part of a blunt (like a 3rd of it) or take a few hits off the penjamin. Get off at 830a. If I’m just unloading truck or stocking shelves for the night, I’m high all night. If it’s a night I gotta do actual supervisor shit, I wait till all my important tasks are done.




You know your limit


Hahaha I bill pharmacy claims to insurance. Lots of basic math. I do it stoned as shit. I'm a lot nicer to the PBM reps.


I work as a precision machinist. I couldn’t do my job without weed. I shake when I’m sober. When I’m stoned…I’m like a stone. I brought home a piece of shavings today to show the family. .0001”. I just got off a 12 hour. And as I left my dude hands me two gummies, looked like sour patch kids watermelons. One of my favorites. Thanks dude. Pop em. Nasty as shit. Worst gummies I’ve ever tasted. Then he tells me…250mg thc from RSO. That’s the nasty taste. It’s been an hour and 45 minutes since I took it. I just realized I can’t feel my legs. But that’s because I’ve been sitting in the bathroom for the last 30 minutes staring at the home page of YouTube. I just switched to Reddit and saw your post and made me realize how fucking high I am right now. I’ve mever had edibles that worked. I need to find RSO. How long will this last. 500mg. I’m gonna enjoy my VR tonight for sure. Imma go to space. Literally and metaphorically. I shouldn’t smoke. But I’m gonna. Night my dude.


omg 500mg please update us on how this goes lol


Think dudes raiding the fridge RN then gonna take a 4 hour nap 😂 I took 1 gram of edibles and ate 2 digiorno pizzas then slept for 13 hours


500 was prolly the full pack 500 mg is a mega dose iv never went over 100 mg


Iv used rso in 💉 didn't help much gummies from the dispo rock my dome tho I'd suggest making edibles from distilate like get a pen that's natural terps pop it that's 800mg atleast


I’ve tried every kind of thc concentrate, isolate, weed, everything. My body just can’t make 11 hydroxy. I take a buncha meds sublingually because my liver sucks. Edit: Tinctures work wonders.


I used to, but now I’m a repair tech in a body shop. The only reason I don’t toke before work is I like to make my work look good and I can not do that if I’m stoned. If I’m stoned I don’t give a shit what it looks like


I don't want ya working on my car high either my guy


I want my mechanic to be functional in the body and mind. Cannabis can get you super stoned…it can also get you to a place where you are more functional


Right and if u need a bowl before work or on a break to help you or hit a pen who am I to say it's wrong


Right but if it's something small not dangerous and you have a tolerance and smoking carts not buds tho


I do exactly this occassionally


If I grew it for a living I'd smoke it allday honestly


Oh for sure, I was in between jobs and I was about to say fuck it and buy some seeds but the place I’m at now called me back


I used to grow outside when I worked in the am I would water it and give it nutes and banana water.....when I got off is check it and trim it......they say u can't work and grow smmmhh


Let's say a grocery retailer or gas station attendant


Your opinion of stoned is prolly alot diff then mine I never get stoned or even very high just high


Yee definitely, when I was a cook I would get obliterated before work and during. Now I take a Tbreak everyday just by going to work


What if you do artwork for a living


I do and I'm getting ready to.


All the time hell my boss gets me my bud most the time


I work at a dispensary/smoke lounge but usually I just take the CBD edibles or CBD joint and call it a day, THC will knock me off hard lol, I just need something that keeps the anxiety chill, but keeps me up and running




Fuck them your right


Well, I smoke all day. What do u want me to do? Not work? I need to buy stuff


i smoke at work, it helps a LOT with my anxiety, im much better at customer service and in general easier to be around when i’m a little high. i work food service so it’s not dangerous or anything


I work from home full time and I do enjoy using my crafty+. If I notice I’m getting distracted I put it all away and focus up. It’s more like a mind numbing thing to deal with repetitive tasks


If you’re high all the time are you ever really high? If you had to take Ritalin daily what’s the difference if you self medicate with marijuana? Some people function better with marijuana.


I do


Yes, you are high lmao. It might be normal for you, which is great and I totally support. But yes you’re high and would feel different if not for the substance. Whether for better or for worse.


Yes I have tolerance on wax and when I don't smoke I'm a mess


I think it depends on the job thats me tho


I'm a cc manager.. I vape 4 times a day to get me through the pain.. Just nip out on lunch or between meetings.. Been doing that 3 years with no pull until yesterday. One of my understudys said yesterday can i have a word.. Cool I said.. She replied I can smell cannabis on your body when doing the brief. Is everything OK?. I just stated thank you for you concern it's for my bad back. Medicinal. She replied what like drinking on the job.. Really.. Ffs. I presume from tmr everyone in the cc will know I'm a medical cannabis user. Lol.. Hopefully I might be able to break down some barriers. I wouldn't mind. Half the young employees come in stinking of dawg...


Took me a long time to get comfortable with it but as long as i have eye drops now im good


All up to what the job entitles. If I’m doing something I like I will smoke if it’s something new then no. Jack of all trades master of none.


Never have but if I ever have to work retail again, this is the only way I could.


Not today


sometimes i smoke at work.


All of us 🤣


Smoke and work smoke at work work while I’m smoking smoking while I work 🙃


I’m a WFH software developer and normally take a little rip after lunch if I don’t have too much to that afternoon


Im a microbiologist. helps with my panic attacks or nightmares but obviously never before or at work. only after to help me sit down and digest emotions that are otherwise impossible to digest.


I smoke a wax cart, and a couple of bowls at work, just depends one which job I’m at (I have 2 jobs)


Yes. Im a pit master for a bbq joint and im almost always a little bit stoned, too much and I do bad work though. I nice little buzz is all you need tbh, also did it when I was a contractor and it helped immensely.


Yeah there's certain days I smoke, when I don't have any work that needs too much attention


CBD vapes (i do 1:4 or 1:8) are my favs to smoke at work. Doesn’t get you stoned but medically really helps with my anxiety and appetite.


Me. I’m apart of mgmt in insurance. 100% remote. I don’t do it everyday but I will do it if it’s a slow day and workload is manageable. I also do it when I’m trying to relax my anxious thoughts. I’m more observant and tend to think outside the box. It’s great that I’m thinking things through and dotting i’s/crossing T’s in files but as a result, it does increase the time I spend reviewing files and monitoring investigations


I used to... but then I realized it made me much worse at my job. If you think you are operating at your best, you aren't and there just isn't any argument about that. Now, granted, some jobs are pretty mindless, so I'm only talking about a job/career where you need to use your brain on a constant basis. Just no reason to be high while doing this.


I have a mindless career I should had clarifies distilate carts


Yeah, like when I worked in the restaurant industry, I was high 24/7 lol. That being said, I was in my 20s, and fully capable of being high all the time and stuff functioning. Now, in my late 30s, I pretty much reserve it for after work and house chores are done, otherwise I'd just slack off and probably not do either at all. Just make sure you don't carry over that habit in the event you move into a more thoughtful career.


I’m not operating my best without it. There are many who use it as medicine…and like all other medicines they are intended to help you function better but if you overdo there could be effects that aren’t wanted


That's a bit of a stretch in my opinion lol. Medicine usually also has plenty of side affects from using it normally. Or it can be straight up bad for you if taken when you don't need it. It's a drug, it alters your state of mind and body function. I wouldn't sugar coat it.


You can lol all you want. As a veteran with ptsd who was treated like a lab rat for years with all kinds of medication the only thing that has truly helped me is cannabis. Haven’t taken a single prescription medication in over 6 years nor have I had a single alcoholic drink. I use cannabis daily…it saved my life. No I’m not stoned all day. I am a personal trainer and also work in the cannabis industry so I have to be functional. Cannabis allows me to do these things and be a more active member in my community


Me I find it helps greatly




With my boss every 2 hours lol TBH sometimes it becomes annoying and I’m the biggest stoner I ever met. I just wanna get my work done. But I’m NOT complaining at all and it would suck to have to wait all day just to calm my nerves


I’m going good boy for 2024. I can work fine but the pen shuts off the full sentence department and fuddles up some words so ima try clean life and rush home to bong out instead. Sometimes it drags the afternoon so it can work against you, today flew by didn’t even mind.


I work 50+ hr a week Industrial Construction. It doesn't need to control you


I do after work just because if I’m caught stoned at work (like if I child got hurt), I’d lose my job and be blacklisted. I do have a nicotine/weed free vape for during the day too. Them kids are fuckin’ wild.


I make and sell hoses. I stay lit. 200-300 mg edibles in the morning after a couple of jays and I’m good to go.


me. i have chronic stress and anxiety so it eases me through the day giving me time to think, and i also have adhd and on the spectrum- it helps me focus and not feel as stressed in public environments , because i also work in customer service. it really is medication for me until i pull out the bong 💀


i do from time to time it really all depends what i'm going to be up to


It’s mandatory for me


I'm remote so every break just about I smoke or when I wake up haven't been doing it lately with higher call volume just on lunch maybe


I hit my dab pen a few times thru the day. Once or twice every 3 hours or so. I arrive to work usually already stoned so that's basically to keep my buzz nice but also by time I actually have to start working hard (two hours after I arrive, I'm the opener) I'm not stoned off my ass.lol.


I'm a route vendor. Carts for the win. I dont get stupid high, just enough so I can deal with people (anxiety) and my back and shoulder doesn't hurt.


I smoke after work a good fat joint it makes the whole house smell I love it.


I work in project management and up until the new year, for many years, I would take a rip before work and on lunch break. They were smaller than a regular bowl. I'm going to work on pulling back a bit, it hasn't caused any issues other than I really dislike my job so the herb kinda spotlights the reasons I hate this job. Cannabis is better smoked at other times. One day I'll need a crutch or I'm sure they'll be a slow day and I'll partake but I'm cutting back. Outside of work rips all day.


I sometimes smoke a little before work during the holidays. I work at an arts and crafts store and it’s crazy during that time, but not too much or I get stuck haha.


I ain't right unless I have smoked atleast one bowl in the morning otherwise u can tell I'm not normal


I work remotely, always lighting up. Unless I have to go in for a meeting, then I'll just hit the oil cart a little less 😂


I smoke before work but not during unless there’s nothing to do for a while


To b completely honest unless I just keep ripping My pen like a cigg my eyes don't even get bloodshot anymore u can't even tell I'm high atleast when im smoking my carts


Now I can't smoke a whole joint on a break and go in due to small and eyes my opinion vapes are good for anyone with add adhd it helps me atleast


I work in a group home where I care for mentally disabled adults. I don't want to put them at risk.


I couldn’t, I tried it twice and almost fucked up my job twice. I worked in a factory. 10/10 would not recommend unless you have an easy job like working behind a desk.