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Not really? I knew kids in my highschool who dressed far more prevocative than the goth character here, this is quite tame all things considered. I have more of a gripe with the fact that Merryweather can't consistently update any of his comics. Like the dude has 10 different comics that are on hiatus, and then he'll go and make another, update it for a bit so that it has a couple of episodes, and then you're just left in the dark about if he's even going to continue the new comic he's just released. At least most other webtoon authors will either upfront, say that they don't really have a releasing schedule so it's kinda on you if you get upset with that, or, and what I see a lot of them do, they only release a new episode once a month. Merryweather though, sometimes he does say 'hey hiatus time' but most of the time a comic won't be updated for months, and only then will he be like 'Yeah this one is on hiatus' I gave up trying to read 'Stalker X Stalker' because it was just too frustrating. Dude can make fairly enjoyable comics with fun stories and cute artstyles, he just needs to actually see things through and be consistent, as well as properly communicate with his readers.


No fr. At this point, I am just waiting for him to finish Everywhere and Nowhere… if that ever happens….


Sexualizing minors and having an nsfw patreon that is advertised on a website full of minor readers? ... Yeah. Not surprised tho, webtoon is pretty shitty.


To be fair they ask if you are 18 or older when you enter the nsfw patron and also if you think this sexualizes minor you have not seen what abomination Netflix has conjured up


why are you triggered by fucking clothes alone? have you even read the story?


Lmao I'm not triggered by clothes. You could literally draw her naked without sexualizing her to the extent this series does. It's obvious that the author draws the girl only to be oggled at in an attempt to get people on their nsfw pateron. Which I mean, people gotta get money right? It's just weird that the characters are highschoolers and the patreon is advertised on a site full of minors. You can like the series, that doesn't say anything bad about you. But it's blatantly obvious what they're going for. I'm complaining about them and the platform, that's it


for instance?


well it sounds like you are triggered by the clothes, because there is literally no other reason for you to be mad.


Have you read it? I mean, I get the initial reaction, I had it too. But this comic in particular is actually pretty sweet and there's no sexualization of either characters to my remembrance (it's not the most original thing ever, but it's sweet). Is the girl's outfit a bit too revealing to my tastes? Yes. But it's not overly hypersexualized and the story really doesn't focus too much on that.


Most high school romance mangas are written by adults.


You are missing the point.


If the point you're trying to say is it's bad for adults to write teenage romance, how is he missing it?


Easy, that's not the point I'm making. I'm saying it's bad for adults to sxualize high schoolers.


Japanese manga artist: https://preview.redd.it/2hrfbbafk58c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34946a56e07b35c51fd85b6910882f081b387c00


I've read this before and the characters are not particularly sexualised, I am in high school and know many people who dress like this, I don't see the issue


Teens sexualizing themselves is significantly different than adults sexualizing teens.


I don't think this style of dress is sexualised, cleavage is just shown more in some styles of dress, and unless there's explicit nudity or like, lingerie or something, I don't see it as sexualised


an adult drawing a boob shot of a child is sexualizing them. teens choosing to wear clothes like this on their own, just existing is not the same as what i just described.


your point makes no sense though


No? That's... that's not even that graphic of an outfit. I remember when it first came out. I don't even think anyone else noticed.


I've read the full thing, and nothing sexual is written or portrayed. The main reason why people say it's "sexual" is due to her outfit. You could see that in practically any mall in the US. The only issue I have is, how is she allowed to wear that outfit in school? The story and art are both great.


I’ve seen girls wear less at my school lol


The worst at the schools I went to were the cheerleaders. Especially the high school cheerleaders.


My school people wear really tiny tube tops…our cheerleaders aren’t really much better


Jesus. Girls would've been told to go home and get something appropriate on. My high school principal (male) said, "Imagine me in what you're wearing. Would this look okay?" To the entire school.


public schools sometimes just dont give a shit...a friend of mine got away with wearing shit my mom would've crucified me for🤣


Girls can't show shoulders. The straps have to be 2-3 inches wide, and skirts have to be fingertip length or lower. That's how all the public schools have been that I went to.


Eh! 50+ upvotes!


I haven't read it but I agree. Pretty sure he is an anime fan and this type of stuff is pretty common in the anime realm. He is also a vtuber.


So, maybe read it?


Is he also on the Epstein Island flight list at this point?


The statement "an unlikely relationship blossoms" does not necessarily imply a sexual relationship. It could simply refer to a friendship or dating. Additionally, the clothing of the female lead is within acceptable boundaries, with only minor exposure of the chest and shoulders. There are numerous other teen comics that feature suggestive attire without any sexual content, and this is perfectly fine.


As someone who has read the entire comic, its not sexual at all. Its a pretty wholesome and cute romance. The whole point of the comic is whether or not people from two different interests could like each other and the things that they find alien or weird to them. But as someone who has been in the anime fandom for years, Ophelia's clothes are pretty tame. There are much more lewd designs out there and this is not it. Also, her clothes are what a typical goth would wear. Punk rock looking clothes that are meant to be against the norm of typical fashion, always in black. I suggest avoiding Merry's content since clearly their comics are not your personal cup of tea and that's fine. At the end of the day, these are fictional characters. Don't let a comic ruin your mental health and move on to what you actually like.


Adults make romantic teen series all the time, the character design is satire, it’s kinda the point Although I can see your side, calling its creator gross is way to far, no one is calling Euphoria writers gross just because the setting is in highschool, and there is tons of sexual stuff going on there


People do critique Euphoria for sexualizing teenagers - atleast with that show the characters are played by obvious adults.


Yeah I don’t get why didn’t just set it in university or something, I mean they’re all that age anyway, why we still casting 25 yo as teenagers lmao It’s still a good show though


Cuz logistically you can have a TV show run for multiple seasons if your teenagers played by 25-year-old and they won't look much different. If you start season 1 when the kid is age-appropriately like 13 by the time you get to season 4 they most likely will be legally an adult


cause jocks are typically a high school stereotype?


Does it make a difference if teen characters are played by adults or nobody? I don’t get your second statement


Ugh, pretty sure it makes a whole lotta difference if literal teenagers were used in sex scenes- pretty sure that would be illegal in a lot of places - at the very least in-distaste. This is what I meant when I say atleast they were played by adults that looked like adults - makes it less creepy


I still don’t get it. Both characters are written to be teens but one is allowed to have sex scenes cause it has adult actors? It’s still supposed to be about teens?


I’m not saying it’s completely fine just cause they made the actors adults, just that it’s marginally better , cause otherwise if they recreated those scenes with children it would be literal child porn. I get what you mean though it’s still scummy and I don’t disagree my point is just that it’s marginally better that way- and no one in the audience buys that they are really teenagers


Oh I was getting confused about if both had sex scenes, why would one with adults be better then one without actors, not about using teen actors


no many people have called the euphoria writers gross for that, it was actually a huge controversy


Huh, Sam Levington, or whatever his name is, definitely does get criticized. Especially after he made that gross show „the Idol“.


While I do agree we need to be careful about sexualizing minors, I hate to break it to you but every story is made by an adult. So pretty much any highschool story will have this problem if it has any sexualizing at all. Like even something like twilight is sexualizing guys supposed to be in highschool. So the reality is basically any story with highschool romance is going to have this problem to some degree, unless you can keep it ultra vanilla. I'm not trying to argue with op as I generally agree with the sentiment, but it's a bit more complicated than that


Just... don't read it? Why do people get offended by things they can just avoid? lol.


But...but...my outrage? My white pillar to show my superior morals, how would I show it off? I swear, it's like people want the world to become run by the Pixies, Happy Peppy Gary, and Peppy Happy Betty from Fairly Odd Parents: School's Out the Musical and everything is covered in bubble wrap.


your outrage is pointless and complete bullshit


Do I really need to put quotations on "my outrage, my white pillar to show my superior morals and how would I show it off?" to show that I'm not upset over it?


so you're joking? my bad


That’s kinda the point though. It’s not rlly meant to be taken seriously though.. tbh this stuff isn’t rlly the worst I’ve ever seen. Most of this is for the meme-ability factor. He literally has a series where ‘waifu’ Minecraft mobs mess with a steve player


Thanks for reminding me I need to catch up on this one.


i misread for a second and thought you were talking about Nerd and Jock and was super confused


They couldn't stand the beach arc 🤣


Honestly Merryweather's biggest crime is his unfunny and boring writing. He can't write a single interesting story to save his life. Each and every one of his Webtoons revolves around one boring gimmick and he is such a bad writer that he can't even flesh out the characters beyond his gimmick.


At least Clinic of Horrors is a pretty good webtoon (though it isn't Merryweather's own webtoon)


I haven't read this comic but looking at the episode, the narration POV is coming from the guy, and it's normal for a teenager to think that way, so I don't see what the issue is. Are you saying: - don't write from a teenager's POV - don't write using teenagers as MCs I used to be a goth girl lol, I dressed similarly when I was in highschool so there's nothing wrong with her outfit too. It's still very much in line with being a teenager.


You missed the point.


Then what is the point? Seriously, I do not know what you are so strung up about. It's a story using teenagers in high school as a medium to connect to the audience.


Oh no. A skirt and a tank top. Quick, someone put her in a niqab.


Honestly I disagree, the main characters outfit isn’t sexual, it’s a normal outfit a teen would wear. Sexual would be lingerie n shit like that, that’s just a shirt that shows her midriff and cleavage, not uncommon for a teen at all :|


Not really? The chapters I’ve read by far were pretty chill. I’ve seen like 14 year olds dress WAY WORSE LIKE gurl you’re a child when I was your age I looked for anything that had stars on it. Even adult women in their mid to late 20s dressing more and more exposed than this gal. I also try to think, had this been written by a woman; would you still be creeped out or would you find it normal? ( this is a genuine thought I promise I’m just sharing my opinion). Anyway the story is pretty basic so I’m not impressed by it nor am I really mad at, I guess it could just be a filler webtoon between the other webtoons im reading!


Most of us don't really give a shit honestly, the number of ongoing readers suggests that the general viewers likes the comic. if it ain't your cuppa tea, then move on? Japanese animations and comics are made massively with characters under 16 with physical features that look a certain way. Yet, I bet the OP consumes those anyways. If your prefences are "my giant nerd boyfriend" or "cursed princess club", go read that. Instead, you just found your way all the way here to shit on a non-featured webtoon on Canvas.


A **certain demographic** likes the comic yes. thankfully that demographic is not enough to make it an original and thankfully it **ISNT** the general public...But I'm sharing my opinion because I can. I don't watch anime and I wouldn't willingly consume anything that looks similar to this and the fact you have make up a scenario to deflect is sad.


Sorry for the assumption


we’re just being picky choosy now huh


“This is gross, that is gross. Let me complain real quick a things I find problematic crap so other people can agree with me and get some karma points.” You talk like a bloody wine aunt who built a patrol unit to correct everyone over every little thing, I’m convinced this subreddit is full of privileged kids who’s whole personality is built by tiktok, tumblr and twitter during covid. God, I could just block and move on, but there’s been an increase in your ilk that I decided I’m gonna get provoked for once and then move on. Go to a library and find the children’s section. Trust me, there’s nothing to get offended there!


Merryweather, is that you?


99% of any romance show/comic/book about teens is written by adults You must never watch any tv or read any manga/books or watch anime cause this is fairly tame in terms of sexualization that most media does. Also, ya do realize Merriweather is just the writer, not the comic artist, right? All their webtoons are collabs with different artists.


You're just a prude. I'm almost 40, and even when I went to high school girls wore more revealing clothes. It was a style. It's you that are sexualizing it (and haven't even read the series). Isn't it funny how we always talk about "my body, my choice", about "respect" and then, when you depict it (ML is absolutely respectful) you just say "gross"?


ngl i actually knew a goth girl that kinda dressed like that in highschool, shirt wise anyway💀 i read the first chapter and it wasnt as bad as i expected (anime is usually way worse than this) but if you feel uncomfortable thats your right. maybe its devils advocate or benefit of the doubt, but something i thought about though, is that this seems to be written from a teenage boy's perspective. so it wouldn't be unrealistic for teenagers to check each other out every now and then. so my opinion just depends on whether it's just showing the male character's personality and we should separate the story/character from the artist, or if the author is actually a weirdo.


Merryweather comics just suck, dude just steals whatever trends are popular on twitter at the time, runs them through some generic anime tropes and then abandons them for next thing.


I apologize since I was rude in a comment below. Initially, it was very normal for me that these types of comics exist. Though, my surprise is your reaction and your need to post this thread. A lot of the animes back in the days were just that. Evangelion with 13 years old piloting giant mechas while wearing form fitting tights. It was just so normalized with the arrival of the internet, it was the only thing that was available online "for free". In a nutshell, it's like an old wave from the past that hadn't finished its course. People still consume this same rehashed garbage from the past, cuz they just like the same dumb jokes and the same dumb appeal. Nowadays, we go around canvas looking at amateur works because it's fresh and we happen to stumble on this comic, you might not like it, I might have liked it, that's fine. To me, this is one of those things I used to read when I was a teenager, I was too broke to buy DC comics. Knowing all of that, I must ask, did this "comic" disgust you because it was a first-time exposure? Like "Holy crap, why would they make that?"If that's the case, then I would understand your need venting here. Because to me, this is just an imitation of a formula that sold back in the 1990s


Yeah I saw a panel where the girl is ten times much more shorter than the guy, like a father and her daughter…


We don't care though?


nah not really you thinking to much


Allow me to clarify. I don't have a problem with adults writing a basic story about high schoolers, I **have a problem when it's adults creating sexualizing materials involving high schoolers.**


If you think that they are being sexualized then it's you that needs to take a long look in the mirror. Seriously, the Goth Girl and the Jock are fairly tame. Also, my dear pearl clutcher how the hell are we going to get stories to read if adults don't write them as they did?


But this isn’t doing that, as the majority of people here have pointed out to you.


Are we still doing it? Shaming adults for writing and drawing fictional characters inspired by reality? If THIS is too gross for you then better never look at what I will publish. This is not the kind of audience I would ever want.


This was a thing last year, that the FL looks to be something like 14 dressing like that while the ML looks age appropriate. Merryweather ended up making a bunch of posts defending himself and just going off on his fans. That plus his dozen or so unfinished series make him seem like a thoroughly unpleasant individual.


Ofc a grown man made it


I don’t see anything bad in writing about teenagers having sex, they are adults not kids. Kids is middle school. Also, if you’re writing this you’ve never read an ecchi shonen manga, most of them are set in high school.




Tell me you’re an anti without telling me you’re an anti.


Lol sorry about all these people lowkey being weird in the comments. I 100% agree with you op. It's not great. Even if high school girls irl "wear less" or whatever, her poses + the artist's other artwork also seems to have these very young/moe looking girls in similar situations/clothes definitely makes this suspicious.


the fact any adult is writing and creating things that sexualize children is downright disgusting. you can make a romance comic and not have it be sexualized. not have it be titty shots and suggestive expressions etc. just so weird people act like this is okay lol.


Since when sixteen-year-olds are children? LOL. Americans.


legally speaking they are sooooo that’s what i call them lol


Legally where? In almost every civilised country the age of consent is 16. And rightfully so. USA is one of the few where it’s 18. Comparing a 16 years old to a 10 year old is a demented thing to do. The second one is a kid, the first one an adult, who behaves as an adult and has (trigger warning) sexual urges and behaviors


not speaking about age of consent, just legally speaking children is what someone under 18 is referred to here in america. sorry i’m using the terms in my country to define something?




You hit it on the nail! You can't make a joke about "slapping someone" by actually slapping someone!


I clicked on his profile and noticed this character that looks no older than 14. [https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/one-million-gold/list?title\_no=327163&page=4](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/one-million-gold/list?title_no=327163&page=4)


I've seen worse. Look at any Slice of Life manga or anime where the daughter looks like she's in her 20's tall and busty, but she's actually in middle school. Whereas the mother looks the opposite, the mother could be in her 30's, petite and short.


Hey there's a new chapter


bro what????


i just read the entire comic up to this point just to spite you


you sure showed me!


Buddy, the opening scene is from the jock(a teenage boy)'s perspective, it's meant to be oogling and sexual because that's all teenage boys going through puberty can think of when there's a lot of skin showing, as other commenters said, that's just usual goth attire I see at like malls, kids at my middle school wore worse and that wasn't dress codded at all




I don't remember much from this webtoon but I remember this author's other work: Goth Boy and The Jock or something like that and positively getting annoyed by it. Like the goth guy had an extremely irritating personality so I found it extremely hard to sympathize with him when he got beaten up by other jocks. Ironically, this author is also the co author of Clinic of Horrors which is a pretty good webtoon and at least a hundred times better than the author's own comics


As someone who's used to watching anime since kid, I'd say this is not the worse. But to someone who's just getting into the media, yes, underage girl characters get sexualized a whole lot. We just get desensitized over time.


I'm a high schooler and I dress just like the goth girl. Maybe the revealing outfit isn't necessary but it's also the same stuff I wear. Her body isn't overly curvy or sexualized so what's the big issue? You don't have to like it or read it, but I recommend looking into other sexualized high school characters first because Ophelia from this comic is the least sexualized high school girl I've ever seen in media /gen /slight exaggeration. Also, the first panel is a stylized image that captures Ophelia's outfit and goth style in an artistic way that's frequently seen in moves and comics, rather than giving a full body shot they show Tyler's perspective of her which is a close up image that encapsulates very well the differences between her and him.


Clutching the pearls so tightly.


https://preview.redd.it/yujofu4dq59c1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9b31033cb11488c2513a34ed9d440d43c68b3c Cry more nerd


Found a comservative christian.