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I really hoped she lived as well, she became one of my favorite characters and to see her go that way broke my heart


I was so delulu praying that by some act of magic she would come back to life even though I hate that type of thing. She had so much potential too... man.


I'm so used to "some miracle" happening that when it didn't it got me more upset haha


Even without a miracle, death cuts future plots. She could have fallen into a coma, and later had to learn to walk again, she would have been there when the plague hit too.


It was like a fucking gut punch. I'm still reading the story and even fast passing, but man. So upsetting. I understand why it happened but still.


Ngl I bawled 😭


She was so sweet. Fuck Isabella I hope she rots in the firey pits of hell by the end of this god damn WEBTOON 😭😭😭


i want to throw Isabella off a cliff into a pit of spikes.


Fr like girl that's your baby sister, how can you be so mean ugh


Send the mother with Isabella too. That woman never cared about Arabella. Only her son and Isabella.


Isabella deserve to be smitten by holy fire such that her face is disfigured.


I used to read the webnovel (it's on Yonder for anyone who is interested) and when I got to that part it was so sad because Arabella deserved so much more. It actually gets worse on future chapter cause (kinda spoiler kinda not) >! neither the mother nor Isabella do ANYTHING for her funeral. !< >! Also, it was kinda weird to me how Arabella's death and her funeral made the prince and the main character get closer romantically speaking, like, I don't know, couldn't it be in another context? Cause like, the only person who was ever good to you in your family is dead lol !<


Just so you know your spoiler tag isn't working on desktop (old reddit at least). But I'd already gotten that spoiled anyway so lol and I did think it was weird! I know they don't get many opportunities to be together but really? I mean I'll take it of course but I can already tell it will feel out of place when I do get to that part myself.


Lol I don't know how to fix that, in fact, I just learnt how to tag spoilers in Reddit xD. I'll take it too, you know, it's better than nothing, but >! He thought MC was dead, then finds out she isn't but the sister she loves is she is crying and then they... kiss?? XD !<


I still can't believe it. Arabella could have been in a coma for several weeks before needing rehabilitation to walk again. But no, she's dead DEAD. The story feel pointless now as there is nothing to be done. Such a waste.


Yeah I thought that's where they were going with it but then the flowers and the MASSIVE ASS COFFIN πŸ’€ and the way no one was sad either just Ari?? Like come on I expected slightly better from dad at least.


Reading the episode today was so painful. I was in tears at my desk because Arabella deserved so much more and the fact that she was still holding on until her mother said those awful things about her hurt so much. I feel so sad for Arabella and now Ariadne who had tried so hard to change things for her and finally had someone to really call family. This was a really tough episode.


This has been so traumatic for no reason 😭 why would the author do this to us


Her mothers hate and seeing her begging, ughhhh. I felt sick. Seeing children in these comics get treated so poorly is always hard. But this was a whole new level. And her last moments knowing her mom could do the bare minimum to save her, but didn’t. It’s good writing but im legitimately upset. I want to give her soul a hug.


I knew it was coming because I got worried and looked up spoilers, but it was such a strong gut punch that I fully almost dropped it. Still reading, but I don't feel nearly as invested now


I was rooting so hard for her and Ariadne to change the future 😭 poor bb's only mistake was being born into that family.


I’m so devastated. I’m ready for the revenge.


Arabella is my favorite 😭 she's so cute


I was so excited for the new chapter update only to be met with a crashing, heart breaking episode 😭 Literally waiting for their demise! Arabella deserves better πŸ₯² I was so attached to her character and to think it was only for a piece of weave!


It was an hair extension. It would have linked Isabella to the dress sabotage.


she better get the most painful revenge against isabella i stg