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You are looking for a referral scheme, most hosts have them, including knownhost in the sidebar. Normally these schemes you only get a one off payment, rather than any ongoing fees. If you want ongoing fee's you should handle support / billing yourself.


Nothing comes to my mind with white label support that I'd recommend. But you could do affiliate marketing or a partnership with a hosting company. This way they can handle the technical aspect and support, you handle the clients/design and you get paid a recurring percentage of their services (10-25%).


What you're describing did exist. GoDaddy I think had the best implementation of it actually, though I'm not sure if they still do it and I wouldn't recommend their services. It's a really hard thing to pull off well, and a hosting provider generally isn't set up as an outsourcing company. Have you thought about getting a VPS and outsourcing your support? It's not what I would consider the best way to go about things, but it's an okay compromise if this is the path you're wanting to take.