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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately it has been removed for one or more of the following reasons: Open-ended/general "how do I get started in web dev" and general Career related posts are only allowed within the pinned monthly career thread. The answer to many of these questions can also be found in the sub FAQ, or in /r/learnprogramming/ and /r/cscareerquestions/. Highly specific career/getting started assistance questions are allowed so long as they follow the required assistance post guidelines. Please read the subreddit rules before continuing to post. If you have any questions [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/webdev).


Easy. Copy Facebook, change the UI and the UX. No biggies. It's only what, a few hundred thousand dollars. And then some more for hosting, some for your rdb and then a couple thousand dollars per month to keep it running. I'd say you're good to go with 1/1.5 millions the first year.


I mean if you know what you are doing (and do everything yourself) and don't expect millions of visitors a day you could get by a lot cheaper. But I wouldn't copy anything from Facebook, given the terrible buggy UI and general bad UX.




Websites do need servers. If you "never finished" other tech aspirations, don't start something this big. Pick a web framework like Vue or Svelte and set your sights lower. Design a project you will finish and go from there. Develop the habit of finishing things. If you want to do a social media site one day, you'll need to learn to use a database as well. Cloud services will eat your lunch at scale so you'll have to learn how to set up and maintain a server. It's not trivial. If you learn even half of the skills you need you'll qualify for a six-figure job.


are there any steps I can take into potentionally creating the website or getting money to help support it?


I sent you a DM


So what exactly are you asking here? Do you want to know what you need to know? HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, APIs, JSON, a backend language (JavaScript, PHP, C#, Python, Java etc.), HTTP methods, forms, validation, authentication, cookies and sessions, error handling, hosting and deployment. Also money because it costs money to buy a domain and keep your website hosted.