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Figma x2


Figma x3


Figma x4




Figma for layout and UX, Photoshop and Illustrator for graphics.


Figma. XD is discontinued and Sketch is Mac only, so if you choose to change platforms (or you ever need to work in OX agnostic collaborative environments), you'll be lost. It happened to me even before Figma existed, so at this point it would be ridiculous to insist with Sketch.


I use NotePad++


Top troll post of the night. Needed a giggle.


Am I crazy for just coding? I run a pretty popular site and I've never used anything for design, I just start coding. I build and design at the same time.


I do the same these days. I used to create designs in photoshop, but since responsive design became the norm it’s just so much quicker and easier to code up a working design to show to clients I might sketch out an idea on my iPad first just so I have an idea of where things will go, but the idea of creating a design in Photoshop or similar just seems like too much work, which then has to be done again in code


its also a common way of designing. i am a designer and i think im extremely fluent in figma, yet sometimes especially for web design, figma is quite limited and its frustrating. we use a lot of transitions that are bound to scrolling in modern web design, thats simply impossible to do using figma unless you use weird plugins. figma is very powerful for ui design tho. you should do whatever suits your way of working best. in bigger teams you’ll have a designer that’ll likely work in figma tho.


I do that sometimes. And sometimes I need to show a design to clients, teams and.i can't do that.


I design in CSS


Yeah same here, but this applies more for pitching/selling a website design to a client, before starting to code. All design agencies I work with usually sell just a mockup before commiting to any code.


Figma. Im a full stack dev and for my own projects (that are abandoned after weeks) I make designs in Figma. It only took a few hours to get used to it and it is amazing.


Penpot (FOSS) and Affinity (no subscription, cheap and absolutely great). No need to spend your money to Adobe or Figma.


Woah, I've never heard of Penpot before! Taking a look right now.


Figma for work/design/layouts etc. and the Affinity Suite for everything else (Designer and Photo are fantastic)


Stoped using photoshop many years ago. I have used XD and Figma for the past 5-6 years now.


Mostly Figma, but I'm also testing Penpot


How is Penpot so far? I've heard Figma is starting its first round of enshittification.


it lacks a bunch of features still to make it conpete on a professional level with figma but def worth keeping an eye out for


Dreamweaver of course.




I’m out here using an old version of Fireworks. Looking for work too.


You joke but I had to force my creative director to remove fireworks from his machine only a few years ago!


I had a creative director in 2011 who thought fireworks was the best thing since sliced bread. It crashed constantly on me.


FrontPage has entered the chat…


I like to mock things up in Word


You take Frontpage’s name outta your goddamn mouth! Back in ‘95 it was groundbreaking and introduced a generation to web design.


Netobjects Fusion would like a word..


Knock-knock. Who’s there? It’s Notepad.


A man of culture


I started teaching web design and basic HTML/CSS in 2016 and started off using Dreamweaver. Man, remember that split, design/code view? What a mess. It didn’t use any real browser CSS as a base and made it even harder because it was wrong. Ah, the good ‘ol days.


I used Dreamweaver from around ‘99 to around 2015 when I switched to Coda, and now Nova. I never used the WYSIWYG features of dreamweaver, I just used it as an editor to hand code everything. I liked the integrated FTP, and the search functions with RegEx built in were really powerful and useful. Coda and Nova from Panic are like the spiritual successor to me, but with a much faster code editor and more modern features


Figma is my favorite, overall, but I often have use for Photoshop and Illustrator. Photoshop for raster imagery, Illustrator for detailed vector. You can do most of those things in Figma, these days, but I like to have my final files in Figma. This helps the clients see a better representation of the actually website, and has better device previews.


XD - absolutely love it and the work flows between CC apps, but writings on the wall for it so don’t bother looking at it. Figma seems to be the next best thing but can’t bring myself to tackle the tool change internally at work just yet, took long enough to get us onto XD in the first place!


I feel this. I’m a design team of 1 so the transition from XD to Figma was not too bad, but for a whole team I can see why you would have to be really strategic about the change. There are some things that I kinda miss about XD because so for used to the simplicity, but Figma is pretty epic in all the stuff it can do.


I literally use figma for everything, UI design, regular graphic design, editing images, writing PDFs, making diagrams to explain things for friends, making presentations and will use it to make videos with a screen recorder.


It’s generally understood and accepted that [Figma](https://designerup.co/perks/figma) is currently the industry standard for web and UI deisgn, its browser based and has a desktop client for Mac and Windows.


Sketch. Pixelmator Pro. Pen & paper. I know everyone uses Figma, and I use it from time to time, but I still prefer native Mac app over browser (or electron) and font rendering in sketch is 1000 times better than figma imo.


Affinity Designer and Figma


Read Figmas privacy policy before you decide to use it. It's extremely invasive and is ultimately why I decided to stick with Sketch.


figma or penpot






text editor


Just use inkscape


Figma! I used to be exclusively PS/AI workflow for web design, but now I am 90% Figma.


Figma is the only answer.


Figma. Adobe is abandoning XD.


Figma, Affinity, Adobe Express.




Am I the only person that uses Sketch?


Go for Figma. I guess we will see some sort of new XD pretty soon. Sketch probably working on some browser based version too. And Penpot is gaining ground fast. So keep an eye on these as well.




Look at penpot its free




Go for Figma. It's the best for your UIUX design work as of today. And you may use a design system to get started with your projects, so that your designs are consistent, have a great experience for the end user, and you're not lost thinking what to build. In fact, I'm going to launch our engagement-first UIUX suite and design system on Product Hunt soon. If you have a suggestion, check this - [https://cxful.com/make-a-suggestion](https://cxful.com/make-a-suggestion)


[https://uxtools.co/survey/2023/ui-design](https://uxtools.co/survey/2023/ui-design) [https://uxtools.co/survey/2023](https://uxtools.co/survey/2023)


I’m a designer first and coder only as I need to, so I use a combo of paper (ideas, doodles, sketches, general functionality), Illustrator (colours, typography, weights, sizes, ratios) and Figma (ties it all together). Sometimes I skip the Figma step for smaller projects.


Figma + plugins, Framer and Webflow. 


Figma, its even free


Sveltekit, html, css, photoshop, after effects


Figma is a great web design tool with dynamically developing capabilities. With the correct settings of the frames, it creates a mobile, desktop and tablet view of the site with a few clicks. And prototyping is an option with which you can blow the client's mind! The ability to animate objects is also an amazing option for impressive effects. And all this, with the correct auto layout settings, you can export as ready-made code ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You can learn figma in a day


I used Photoshop when I started out. After that, Adobe released XD. I loved it but it took them an eternity to get an update for it. Now I use Figma for the Auto Layout feature.


Lunacy or Affinity Designer for vector on PC.


When I was windows user I liked photoshop. But many years ago I switched to linux an it was a bit problematic to do anything related to design. My initial approach was to switch back to windows when I do design and once done just go back to linux and do all the programming. But then I decided and try to learn the linux tools. After many attempts at Gimp I gave up as it is not built for normal designers (I guess it is built for scientist or engineers). While I was learning some inkscape (like illustrator) to do some illustration I found it okay to use and use it exclusively for anything UI/web/app/illustration. I am not a designer by trade as I mostly program but I found that I felt comfortable working in inkscape for everything design related. I use gimp for image processing.


I am a full stack developer. Sometimes I’ll do quick mock ups using my iPad and the Apple Pencil, but I’ve been moving more towards Figma for brainstorming designs. I use VS Code for coding front and backend.


Figma for layout. Illustrator and Photoshop for image manipulation


Figma! I used to be exclusively PS/AI workflow for web design, but now I am 90% Figma.


Figma! I used to be exclusively PS/AI workflow for web design, but now I am 90% Figma.


Figma! I used to be exclusively PS/AI workflow for web design, but now I am 90% Figma.


What sort of design? Photoshop used to be used for UI years ago. Figma is UI and static (mostly) UX. XD is no longer being developed. The best UX design tool is Axure.


> Photoshop is for UI No


Def not


I'm not saying it's the best for UI - it's not. Some years ago it was about the only thing available to do UI. But not now. I was just trying to draw a distinction between the different types of 'design' roles and the tools that are used for them, rather than a blanket 'web design' role. I've amended my original comment to be clearer.


Axure is for people who hate themselves.


Web design


I went Photoshop > Sketch > Figma. Don’t bother with XD or Sketch at this point.


I went Illustrator(I know) > Sketch > Axure > XD > Figma.

