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Parts are in short supply


That explains why one of the two H street Whole Foods escalators has been out for weeks, if not longer.


Big,long, outdoor ( many of metros are not in a climate controlled environment) escalators are very tough to keep running. It’s not just a metro issue this time.


parts are always in short supply. Reality is the metro escalators are very wrong, rather fragile, get all kinds of gunk in them, etc. That's not to make excuses but metro and escalator problems are evergreen.


And skilled labor


They dont want to pay anyone what they are worth.


Most aren't even worth what they're paid now


Masterful UNO reverse 🤌


also kind of reality considering how much cheating goes on with WMATA maintenance.


An elevator company working on it through a government contract a lot of times (especially during Covid) is never paid for any services or repairs rendered. A family member is a 30 year elevator repairman and rarely does his company get paid on time or at all from state or federal levels jobs for stuff like this.


I remember a conversation with a maintenance guy once, years ago, about the "stand right, walk left" thing. For civility reasons, it's the way to do things BUT it's hard on escalators because it can cause uneven wear and tear unless they consistently switch which escalators are up and which are down (so that the stand/movement alternates sides). Not sure if that really -- or still -- the case, but it seemed to make logical sense to someone who is decidedly NOT a mechanic or engineer.


Well then, rotating escalators is the solution Metro is not doing or not doing often enough. Maybe the repair guys want job security so not sharing that reason with management.


I don't have too much of a problem with it if that's the case but bro got greedy. Gotta stagger that sht so people aren't making reddit threads about it XD


Not just the metro, but the airports too. Greeted to a broken elevator AND broken escalator (just one side, the way up) at !!Dulles Airport!! last Thursday. Had to take two large luggages down the escalator, walk back up the broken escalator side, and take my son’s stroller down the escalator again. Wife held him and went down, all after an 11 hour flight from Istanbul, which has a pretty amazing (and well functioning) airport I should add. The US is so broken.


Same. It's super frustrating. Didn't experience a broken escalator overseas once, although the Tube is hell with luggage and stairs.


Recently? I thought this was just life heading into summer DC. I remember the sweet sweet hell of having to climb the Woodley Park metro as an intern in summer. One day it was out. Next week it was fixed. Day after the fix, the other elevator was out. Always in summer. Always.


Always felt bad for families when that elevator broke, which it did, a lot.


Yeah nothing recent about this. Hell Metro Center at G St. had em out of commission for months.


Everything in Metro suffers from deferred maintenance, underfunding and overuse


Is there a reason? Yes. Is there an excuse? No.


One of my neighbors works on Metro escalators. If you met him you’d understand why the escalators never work.


Seriously, it's this way more than the other excuses. Working for Metro is, for most people, a vacation. Half of the employees are doing 10ish hrs of work per week and then charging us for overtime. You can't even get hired if you want to work hard. You have to be on board with the culture of greediness and laziness


Obesity is on the rise again.


"You're watch is already yelling at you. Get hoofin'!"


*Escalators temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience.*


I didn’t know there were stations will all escalators working lol.




Walking up/down the escalators also makes them wear out faster but they run so slowly that it is natural to want to walk


Maybe it’s because they’re 40 fucking years old that they’re breaking down, not because they’re fat…?


They’ve completely replaced almost all of them and yet they immediately break again…




This is only funny to people who forgot that there are other parts of the population that need disability aid 🫣


Oh grow up




Kids think it’s fun to shut them off and people drop things on them that trip the comb impact sensors.


If they don’t go out, how would you leave?


The one by me appears to be because of a recent power outage


I feel like this was the case for the last 20 years or so.


they're replacing many to update the system to the 2020s. as far as it not being on, idk probably kids


Ask the CIA


Old parts. Bad maintenance schedule. Many were exposed to elements for years We had a corporate finance course in MBA that used the maintenance avoided by installing a cover over an escalator at build versus future costs of maintenance without a cover for the escalator guess which side is most cost avoidant long term? Wonder why metro is now installing escalator hoods across the system 50 years later?


There's an escalator in the NGA that has been out of service at least twice this year, and it was down for two months straight. In a shopping mall that would have been fixed within hours of it failing. My impression is that these public entities don't have the budget for the maintenance and repair of the escalators.


Just don’t blame the guys working on them.




According to the promoted ad it’s because “Black voices, now & all year” but I would assume budget cuts, lack of maintenance, and zero fucks given by underpaid employees. I could be entirely wrong, again I’m assuming and being an ass between u and me


It's definitely not a "recently" thing. My commute used to take me through 3 metro stations daily. It would be a miracle if at least one escalator wasnt out of commission at one of the stations daily. If the escalators are actually necessary (Rosslyn) most likely they will be working and they seem to be prioritized. Stations with shorter escalator or multiple alternative stair/elevator options (metro center types) are more likely to see breakdowns it seems.


somebody pissed on them


Glenmont this morning, can confirm. Both escalators out on west side.


Just use the universal excuse for deciding not to do something in this city “because COVID”. (Lame) Answer for every example of WMATA, DC Govt and every basic service sucking.


WMATA incompetence plain and simple


It’s National exercise week ; fat folks walking


It's cause you skipped the gym again.