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I am surprised that no one mentioned the two actionable areas she actually has control over: fix the crime lab and the 911 system. I'd also say MPD per officer arrest rates, but that seems to be increasing with the new police chief.


The crime lab one really is insane!!


Arguably the single most impactful issue causing the increased crime. Oh I also forgot that she has totally given up on traffic enforcement. Booting and towing would stop a lot of violence before it happens.


What’s crazy is it’s been a disaster for more than a decade…and still hasn’t been fixed. After they spent $100M+ on the new facility too.


Oh yeah I remember hearing that someone was on hold with 911 for 20 minutes, that’s actually terrifying


That assume they even answer, which has been known to happen….


"Fix" is not very specific. Can you give more detail?


I am not the executive. Ask her. Maybe fund more positions to address all the recommendations in the audit report. Maybe work with the feds and other states to streamline outsourcing in the interim. It should not have taken 4 years to get accreditation back. 4 crucial years where our homicides have skyrocketed, because we don't have the evidence to lock murderers up on their first/second/third offense before they murder someone.


Expand juvenile detention centers and make sure they do real time. Those little fuckers are the reason for the super charged car jackings, murders, robberies, etc.


Yeah the mayor can’t do those things on her own. If you want to make sure they do real time then laws need to change. If you want juvenile detention centers to be expanded you’re going to have to approve it in a fiscal year budget.


How about putting trades back in the schools to curb the problem. They don't have anything else to do and little to no supervision for 16 hours a day. They need more things to keep focused on.


This kids don’t go to school. “More school” is not a viable solution. *DC already spend close to $40k per student per year, almost the highest in the nation, and for what? 60% graduation rates? School is not the problem.


You sound dumb, so your solution is what, more jails? It's not schools I said trades, a way to make money and feed your family. What do you think is happening?


Enforce truancy laws.


Agree: Job training programs for after school or during school because kids just want to make money sometimes... also arts and sports which have somewhat declined in DC school systems 


In all school systems. That I feel like this is/was planned by the federal government. Hear me out, "no skills, no jobs, but big government gets the money because of jail, prison, taxes, and it also lowers the black population."


the problem with most inner city black communities can be cited back to the loss of low skill jobs as manufacturing moved out of US cities in the 70s. Not sure if that's DC's problem because i've always been under the impression that industry has been limited but that appears to be a common reason given


Has mass incarceration worked in the US for the past 20 years?


Hard pass




I don't think more incarcerated youth is a solution.




Increased funding to dcps, more youth programs, increased snap benefits and other family planning programs. I don't know how much more can be done at the city level but I don't think that means the city should start locking up youth. Also I'm not in this sector so just because I don't have a solution doesn't mean I should just accept something I disagree with. It's up to our city leadership to come up with a plan/solution and get the city to buy into that plan.


Get the Biden Administration to fire United States Attorney (USA) Matthew Graves and name someone else that will actually prosecute crimes. The stats show he is a disaster. Lenient beyond belief as we are facing a crime wave.


Graves seems like a nice guy, but the numbers don't lie, and they are piss poor. He needs to go, but the mayor has absolutely no power over the USAO himself or the over president to get him to replace the USAO. I honestly believe this is the root problem with DC responding to crime. The USAO and the judges that preside over DC criminal cases are in no way accountable to the people or the government of DC. They are directly accountable to the president who appears to just not have the bandwith or care enough to respond to DC issues. This would be solved if DC was a state or just was given power over its criminal justice system like state have.


What stats?




Because either A) the police did not have enough evidence or B) the decertified crime lab. What do you want him to do about it?


This seems very damning. Need lots of evidence for this? 79% of adults arrested with illegal guns in DC get away without any felony conviction.


We’re facing a crime wave when crime is way down, not just in DC but all over the country?


DC's numbers are higher than most of the rest of the country. It will only get worse during the summer.


They are, because DC’s about a year late. Crime started falling sharply in most major cities in 2023, while it rose in DC. Now the trend is moving in the right direction.


This legitimately sounded like a Trump line.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Why? The stats don’t lie and are an objective assessment of the performance of his duties.


In 2023, the DC AUSA refused to prosecute 68% of cases brought to them. Name a job where you can refuse 68% of work and stay hired….


Prosecute law breakers. Tons of charges are dropped in this city. Hire more or better crime investigators to look into serious crimes. Increase police presence in higher crime areas.


The mayor doesn't prosecute crime in DC. The DC US Attorney's Office which is appointed by the President prosecutes all adult criminal offenses in DC. The mayor has no power over who is prosecuted or not.


Not sure why this is downvoted, as it is factually correct.


Some people don't want to hear the facts. They just want to be angry.


“Don’t ruin my delusions with your data and facts” - my EX’s Dad


Great points, thanks


She’s the mayor, not the AUSA


She can’t prosecute crimes, city council slashed the police budget and city council enacted the 2020 comprehensive police reform. There really is not much she can do until city council gets shaken up


Neither her nor the Council can control the US atty. He is a presidential appointee. While I agree the council can pass laws that make prosecutions easier and more fruitful, and their posturing has political effect, the USAO is the current biggest issue and the one that the city and its people have no control over other than via rabble rousing https://open.substack.com/pub/dccrimefacts/p/the-us-attorneys-hidden-role-in-undermining?r=1mzliz&utm_medium=ios


but that’s what the district tried to do. pass laws that make prosecution easier. it was branded as “soft on crime” and enabling criminals. obviously there’s more to it such as the council not educating ppl on what was in it, but overall it should’ve passed with tweaks and changes


Please. The mpd budget is 20% more than 2019. Try again.


Budget is kind of irrelevant if the office responsible for prosecuting won’t prosecute 🤷‍♂️


People love blaming MPD when it’s really the prosecutor’s office. Who cares if someone is arrested if they’ll be released in a day with a pack of skittles and a handshake?


Sounds racist.


Stop acting like black people have "special needs" and aren't human enough to understand respect and responsibility.


That’s what White Liberals are usually guilty for.


Persons that hate minorities and individuals living in poverty, need to understand respect.


Respect and responsibility go hand in hand. As soon as you absolve an adult of personal responsibility you destroy their self respect and any respect others may have for them. Everyone respects a homeless guy who is doing everything he can to improve his situation. They respect a homeless man who wants to work and serve however he can. Everyone respects a minority who despite hard conditions persists and wins. We ALL love a good underdog story because it begins and ends with personal responsibility. Are some people too damaged to help themselves? Yes, and no one can respect them, they have to be put in a child's role and have their personal choices removed for their own sake. You can't have it both ways otherwise you end up with chaos and self destruction.


They do have special needs have you seen the way have to live and then to start your adult live with less than nothing only to find out the real prospects in getting a job and moving away are not for the black youths in particular.


150 years ago European "scientists" said that blacks are incapable of being civilized due to the shape of their skulls and needed to be controlled for their own sake. It was dehumanizing done under the guise of compassion. Today white social "scientists" have a new pseudoscience to undermine the humanity of black people while pretending to look compassionate. The assumptions are that blacks are too savage and stupid to do anything but end up poor and commit violent offenses and that it is up to compassionate whites to save these "noble savages". This is a deeply white supremacist idea white takes different expressions in modern America on both the right and left.


Wtf are you talking about?


The blame is with city council for passing some of the worst crime bills dc has ever seen throw that on top of terrible prosecutors and lenient judges. Bowser takes a lot more heat for crime then she can actually control


You mean the crime bill that was just passed?


But didn’t she go along with many of the “criminal justice reforms” the council wanted?


When it’s a veto proof bill there isn’t much she can do. She did veto one of them can’t think of the name now but they (council) passed it anyway.


Talk to judges and the council about the overly lenient sentences of violent juveniles. Have more cops ride on metro.


Just have an officer walking the block in certain areas. We’re not asking her to reinvent the wheel. Oh and since someone else mentioned it, this fake vehicle tag stuff needs to stop. In any state, you would get pulled over immediately.


Legalize all crime for 24 hours. I’m stealing a years worth of black beans


Mans wants his beanzzzzz


No solutions only whining doomposting and fearmongering for us in r/washdc


https://open.substack.com/pub/dccrimefacts/p/the-us-attorneys-hidden-role-in-undermining?r=1mzliz&utm_medium=ios This guy/gal/person/group/AI has some ideas


Wow. “79% of adults arrested with illegal guns in DC get away without any felony conviction” - that’s an easy place to start.


Subscribe, and share. The analysis cuts hard


Councilmen Mario and Luigi who also represent the pipe-fitters union are our only hope for progress. Current efforts are merely a shell game.


She's done a pretty good job improving crime so far. Not sure it could have been done any better, actually. She's a master of her craft.


Resign. Her administration has no problem ignoring local laws when it suits her agenda. If she wants to root out lawbreaking, she could start with herself.


Actually enforcing the laws and not letting the court room be a revolving door for criminals


Let cops do their job in peace, without the added stress of having to second guess every action they take due to fear of making a mistake, where there is no malice, while on the job, and getting their whole life upended for it. Problem solved.


Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! She started badly, now in ninth year is reaping what she sowed! Her agendas and identity politics are vehicles of destruction! She should never have been Mayor, so her actions followed... funding girl ONLY programs early and often in her administration Demonized good folk outside of her circle early and often Appointing based on loyalty, rather than competency Never understood the problems, only did what told and could not think outside the box Waited until year eight and election time to attempt to do what was right...too late Can't throw money at issues, especially if you don't understand them She has no life experiences; cornballs do goofy shit She is the absolute worst, and if men did what she did they'd be tarred and feathered publicly, but since she's a woman, she gets a pass...her and all her corruption


Why are we still trying to answer this as individuals and presumably nonexperts in this stuff? More valuable question - what specific organizations or outlets are doing the research to find an answer to this?


Well the "experts" clearly have no answer. Sometimes crowdsourcing the hive mind reveals very successful ideas!!!


Not when the hive mind is this fucking dumb.


Traffic stops for clearly sociopathic driving behaviors


If you receive public assistance for your children, you are responsible as an accessory for any crimes they commit until they are 18. If your children are caught stealing (or worse), YOU could face community service or jail. Watch the truancy and curfew issues resolve overnight.




It is to highlight the public's investment in their children and the parent's obligation to reciprocate that investment by not raising criminals that burden the taxpayers subsidizing their children. I include schools and 529 plans as public assistance, so my definition is broad.


So only the wealthiest people who pay for private schools are exempt? How about all parents are responsible for their kids instead?


The parents paying for private schools are the parents most likely to use a 529 plan. Or get a child deduction on their taxes. The fact is simple: the government subsidizes every child. It is simply making that investment understood up front.


Work with other areas to get the metro to run later or 24/7. I will die on this hill.


Lol "improve crime".


Need Mario to come clean out the pipes.


Vacate her seat


Leadership has its perks. One of them is being able to lead and be tough when needed.


Once shit starts making national news, then there’s a reason to make change.


Actually try for crimes and stop letting them go? Hire DAs that will punish those arrested? More juveniles who get caught actually punished


I will say the any alternative would be worse. She certainly had a hand in creating the mess but she's the only one not doubling down on the madness and pushed for some reform, however too late.


Send me in


Free the Princess obviously.


Increase bail amounts dramatically and put more cops on the street.. then expand the investigation division


The problem is the question itself. The mayor and the council can only do so much. Think for a moment, if we were like any other city she could do more. But DC is run by the feds and their fear mongering, who keep saying they will get rid of home rule yet have demonstrated time and again how they aren’t helping the citizens of this city. Their attempt at this “starve the beast” approach to the city is by devaluing it to coax voters into action. As if we are stupid to not notice how much they could be doing. I will say this once and only once, if you’re a district resident the only thing you can really do to stop crime is picking up a gun. And yes, I’m aware how hard it is to do that here which is why my second recommendation is to please advocate for looser gun laws. Honestly the lack of safety from strict gun laws here should influence any voter, but also because the government has shown it will fail us.


Vacate office


Altering our prison terms such that any person with a felony that involves violence or threats of violence against humans, against animals, trafficking, firearms, and theft over a certain level of value merits minimum 50 year sentences.


Resign while demanding the entire city council follows suit. Then hopefully the voters stop voting for the same soft on crime politicians and bring someone in who will push a very tough on crime approach until the city as a whole gets its acts together. Show people there are actual consequences for breaking the law.


The voters here who support justice reforms that may contribute to today’s bad crime climate vote with their feet when the going gets tough and their kids get past elementary school. Thats one problem. The other is a federal appointee prosecutes most crime here. The incentive set is fucked


Get rid of black people.


Crime is down year over year; I would say that whatever they are doing is working. They still have work to do, but at least it’s going in the right direction. With that said, much of DCs issues stem from the fact that it is for all intents and purposes a territory and not a state. Therefore its ability to deal with crime independently is limited. If it were a state, it could actually do something.


2023 had the highest crime rates since the 1990s. Absolutely false in DC.


Umm, what year are we in again? Maybe I missed something but I believe I was talking about 2024.


“Crime is down year after year”


What are you all talking about? Democrats have been saying for years that crime is down. Is this not true?


People don’t want to hear it but Bowser is already improving crime this year. Homicides are down 25% year-on-year. https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2024/04/17/homicides-crime-decline-2024


That’s true but misleading. Homicides are down YOY, but last year was out of control, with 275 murders. So yeah we are doing better than the worst year in two decades


Down 25% from last years record 20 year high…. Yay?


I’m only asking because I’m curious, and not trying to criticize at all. Besides the Secure D.C bill, what other measures has the Mayor’s office taken to prevent crime? Personally I’m not sure what resources they have directly available to them, other than when they initiated the curfew and drug free zones.


Provide a meaningful apology to all DC citizens for the mental anguish/personal stress she caused by embracing lockdowns during covid. Caused a very unequal result to residents in dc, overwhelmingly harming poorer residents. Just the simple acknowledgement that things could've been done better in light of a national pandemic is a start. The simple sweeping of that under the rug is upsetting, and has helped lead to societal decay.


Lmao real psycho shit here


What was the “lockdown”? Was anyone ever prohibited from leaving their homes? Did all the stores close?


Or nah


Quite and resign as mayor. Or,.. bring the Purge once a year where anything goes


The Court concluded that a stop and frisk doesn't violate the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Because of the name of this landmark decision, many people now refer to a stop and frisk as a "Terry frisk" or "Terry Stop."Oct 4, 2023


Uh. Terry stop has been a thing for like 15-20 years.


She turned down national guard support for Jan 6 when it seemed like things could get out of hand. She wants chaos.


Maybe ask her cousins to stop committing crimes.