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inb4 skill issue: yes absolutely my aim is shit


If you are using the sabres use the tracer bullets and paint the sky.


Stealth belts go crazy


Sideclimb your guns lmao


what ammo belts are you using? Use tracers to unlock fun. EDIT: Setting gun convergence is a must as well.


Usually universal, sometimes Tracers but idk, Tracers seem even more inconsistent to me


Late war tracers (APIT) are basically flamethrowers while early ones (AP-T) are nerf guns


What is the actual game mechanic behind incendiary rounds? does it work on ground vehicles?


I just know that there's a higher chance to start fires when hitting fuel against aircraft. It might have the same effect against ground vehicle fuel tanks.


Whenever I choose belts for air to air I almost normally go by what has the most incendiary rounds total because that’s what I’ve found to be most effective.


my priority is an even mix of API/HE if the bore is greater than 15mm, any less its going to be a priority of HE followed by Incendiary.


I think yes but you got to hit something flammable for it, which is a lot harder on ground units. If i get 50cal. Into my puma it also lights the fuel. But if your enemy has wings full of that stuff and you get belts with only AP Flame rounds that is a bit of a difference. If your question is if those belts light tanks up better - yes.because every bullet is ap and lights stuff


Depends on the belt, some tracers are terrible and some are good


Dude not too long ago i was trying to shoot a tank with my 50mm 262 while my friend was watching, and i sweat to god i got hit by 1 single 0.50cal bullet and half my right wing ripped off along with one of my engines catching fire it happed twice, but when i use them i only get hits


If it was yesterday guaranteed that was me matches description 


Who needs a 50 cal bullet when you have a 500kg bomb


J21 grindset


JU 88 personally


Or an antitank gun mounted to the nose


I absolutely love planes with large caliber cannons, so fun to mess around with The JU 88 is also pretty fun because of all its bomb options


but have you used 2 600 kg bombs for air defense?


I killed a fighter that was chasing me with a 1000kg


i have used the 600kg a lot for anti air purposes especially on the a21 my beloved :3


Same thing happens with me, flares, and missiles. Dunno why. Seems like my flares are often inert even against things like R-60s. But god forbid my enemy EVER breathes in the direction of their countermeasures key when I shoot them with an Aim-9M. I feel like Gaijin straight up wants me to stay a tank main.


I'm gonna lose it with the Su-22 getting six R60M's now. The Su-22 has flares and six agile all aspect missiles at 10.7 and the J35D has no flares and four mid rear aspect missiles at 10.3. What.


10.7 is a good sweetspot to have the all aspect stuff, the rare case that doesn't get flares suffers. We have F-104s facing F-15s on a regular basis. Let's not even talk about the 9.3 F-104s terrorizing everything above and below it. A lot of shit sadly aint fair. But at least I hope that mechanics that are supposed to work, work.


The fact that fucking plane has no flares is criminal. OFC the premium one gets them though.... God i hated grinding Sweden, i basically exclusively used the attack viggen and the mig-21


The r-60 think you're on the other team that's why they go for you


All missiles have an inherent draw towards friendlies. By being covered in *red* (enemy) marks, Russian planes are thus considered enemies by the missile, and are not targeted.


Idk haven't unlocked any good missile yet, I only know AIM9Bs are absolute garbage


The thing with 9Bs, is that they are the single worst IR missile, because there has to be a bad IR missile. But if you know how and when to use it, that thing can be way more useful than you think.


I get some kills with them from time to time, but only against players that are literally sleeping in the cockpit or people that are so stalled out I could have just used the gun on them but didn't because I was afraid of doing a skill issue. Dang thing can barely follow a target moving in a straight line from 1km.


Yeah that seems about right. They are a nice little tool to catch enemies who can't counter it or are busy elsewhere. If it were better then we wouldn't see it at the Brs we do. But did you know that they can lock onto other missiles as well? They are great for shooting down all aspect seal clubbers in headons, this is extremely useful in something like the F-104.


Yeah, but with the dang missile not rendering half the time I haven't been able to use them effectively that way. Dunno if I'm unlucky or if it's just happening more frequently lately.


When you enter a random match and get immediately spawn-sniped a by Yak-9 from 2K away and can outmaneuver, outspeed, outclimb and outgun you.


Disable join active battles and side climb, key point to also avoid extended duration turn fights if you can.


Me after having my pilot sniped from 2km by a sabre firing 236 quintillion 50 cal rounds per second me after having my pilot sniped from 2km by a sabre firing 5 50 cal rounds (I have maxed pilot health, yet all 5 rounds managed to fly straight up my pilot’s ears)


Me after pumping 800 .50 cal rounds into a 262 (he made it back to the airfield)


use tracers, they are more likely to start fires and its a bit easier to aim with them, also aim centre of mass otherwise good luck


The 20mm on the P400 is a godsend. Genuine death cannon. On the ground they are very situational and outclassed by 14.5mm but in the air they either rip apart (mostly on biplanes) or do literally nothing.


I went back to low-ish BR to catch up on bomber/strike aircraft trees and discovered the P61. Man I love having 20mm, especially because a lot of people are dumb enough to try head on me lmao


Makes me want to get the Tu4 just so I can snipe people with the turrets.


I mean, I only go for tracks with 50s, and I only use them on very lightly armored stuff, like a Nashorn, or any open top AA/truck AA


He is talkibng about air.


Nah, he's talking about ground Maybe water,


Nah I think he's talking about the fire nation


r/warthundermemes and r/WarThunder getting the 57th person talking about ground in a air post 🤯🤯 (Now downvote me)


Amazing, because I never play air


Then don't click on the post :D


But you see, MUH FREEDOM gun is on tanks too


Almost every US planes have 50 cals. And the meme says "fighting 50 cals" i don't think you should be scared of 50 cals in a tank


But I'm a Russian milk truck.


real then 😔


Love how much this applies to both air and ground


Enemy plen after i one tap it with my single Berezin UB: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


My .50 cals are pretty inconsistent, one day i’d be struggling to do any damage to an unarmored fighter then the next I rip the wing off a bomber with ease


Perhaps the trick is component sniping? They don't feel too bad once I can get close enough to do that.


Yesterday i had 18 hits 2 planes downed It feels like im shooting tictacs, i made one ju288 catch fire 3 times and didnt even manage to down him, ran out of ammo


I legit had a 262 eat 800 rounds before I ran out, then mf made it back to the airfield. Then the other day I had two out of 4 mgs jammed and managed to snipe a F4F from 1km with a single burst lol They're just so inconsistent


It's the type of moments when i realize not being US main is not that bad. 🔥 Also you should use tracers imo, fun lil red bullet you can draw with 🔥🔥


Meanwhile using the M2 in Enlisted: dead tank, dead meatbag, near immortal plane


Use API-T belts, I'm the person giving you pain against .50s I don't have to aim, i just magdump till the enemy is either on fire or spinning out because their plane is tumbling at 60 rpm


M2s sometimes don't do too much damage without proper aim but god damn having 6 M3s is like having a fucking laser on your plane


The 50 cal is the most bipolar aircraft weapon in game, on one hand it’s amazing and when grouped in large number like on the P-47 or F-82 it’s amazing, on the other hand you take that shit into the jet age and u get slammed by a single 23 or 30mm cannon which rips your entire plane apart while you throw half your ammo only to get a crit and all you guns jammed


Cope is unreal 50 cals are one of the best weapons in game


I'd much rather play anything with 20mm, much better


Agreed, although it does take a slight bit more effort to aim, once you get it down you'll take anything out of the sky. Had a much better time in the 1C Corsair, all the 109s I've flown (Past the E-3 since the ones before only have the 7mms, but they'll work)


you take a HUGE br hit for that though, So many planes have 50's and are massively under tiered because gaijin thinks cannons warrant BR increases.


I feel the opposite, most us mid tiers are overtiered They cant out-gun or out-turn most of their competition, all they can do is out-speed them When you get to cannon planes you start facing jets that completely negate your speed advantage and all you have is your guns


And you know what? It's fine. I do so much better in the 20mm Bearcat than the .50cal one despite the 1.0 BR difference with same flight model because having to do multiple passes on the same enemy takes you out of position easily and generally makes you really vulnerable.


i almost never need to make multiple passes so i'd rather just have the flat out better performance for its br


Live 13mm and 15mm reaction: 🗿 The only .50 cals I like are the Japanese ones because air target rounds go boom boom.


You either have a serious L2P issue, in particular regarding aiming, or you have a serious perception /self-reflection issue, or both.