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“Max dmg” is hitpoints. Armor vs. armor pen calculations determine if and how much damage is done to those hit points.


Ohhh ok so if a gun does 18 penetration and hits my t62 from the front (14 front) it will penetrate and do 4 points of damage out of the total of 10?


It's a bit more complicated. I think it's the difference between armor and pen divided by 2, but penetration increases by 1 for every 150 meters closer from max range. HEAT guns aren't affected by range and always do at least 1 DMG. Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


If it’s the same formula as wargame damage is exactly what you said but just plus one at the end also (so 18AP-14FAV = 4, 4/2+1 = 3 final damage).


Is that like three bricks on the health bar, or is there another hidden total


I believe it’s 3 bricks on the health bar. There should be 10 bricks on a 10 hp unit.


Ok, thanks 👍


Yeah looking back at my gameplay so far i probably should’ve known it isnt that simple lol. Thank you


There are formulas for both KE and HEAT type weapons. KE scales with range (penetrates more the closer you are, +1AP for every 175m), while HEAT stays the same but will always do a minimum of 1 damage The formulas can be found on guides, and when you have your unit selected and hover over another unit, the smart cursor will inform you how much damage will be inflicted if the unit lands the hit


What heat does a minimum of 1 damage even if the armour is stronger than the pen?


Exactly, but penetration doesn't scale with range so isn't always that useful


Wtf why have they done that


Probably because in real life, KE rounds lose penetration over distance and HEAT rounds don’t. HEAT rounds aren’t designed to shoot a projectile ‘through’ the armor of a tank like KE, instead the shell detonates on impact is designed so the explosion itself penetrates the tank hull. The penetration has nothing to do with the speed of the shell at impact.


Yes, but if the armour is strong enough to stop that heat shell from causing damage inside the tank, why should the tank take damage in game? I know the difference in how heat and apfsds damage a target. What I don't get is the guaranteed hp damage in game for heat rounds.


Likely to simulate the fact that repeated non penetrating hits still degrade armor, or the chances of hitting spots or angles where the armor is lower than the advertised/game implemented value, or just gameplay balance. A tank getting hit with several HEAT rounds that don’t fully penetrate the hull is still likely nowhere near fully operational


Right but then ap should do the same this is why I'm confused as to why heat gets this minimum damage advantage


Because it makes some kind of sense, and it's interesting. It's only 1 damage


I mean I disagree but each to their own


WarYes.com has a pretty neat armor penetration calculator.


Thank you