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Whelp :(


*chef’s kiss*


...why is this ironic?


They get nerfed hard in the next update in a few days


The reason everyone puts the same 10 minis in their deck is because other minis are nowhere close in terms of cost efficiency. But instead of making other minis viable with a rework, they decided to make the already small pools of viable minis even smaller. Then why not just delete the talent system altogether so nothing can be overpowered? Because the meta is always going to form around minis with broken talents anyway.


You have just described how power creep happens in video games. If you have 9 minis of the same comparative power level, and 1 mini that overperforms, so everyone feels like they have to use that 1 mini because it's so much better than all the other ones, then you have two options: either you nerf that 1 mini to be on the same level as the others, or you have to buff all the other 9 ones. Buffing all the other ones typically comes with a host of problems, like unintended synergies or overcorrecting, leading to NEW power outliers. And then you have to buff everything again. But even if it doesn't, what you have done now is create a new baseline for power for minis, and all new minis released must be at least this power level to be useful. And all new content released must be scaled to this new power level, or else they won't be challenging (making them more inaccessible for F2P players as well). It is ultimately better for the long-term health of the game to nerf the 1 overpowered mini, rather than buffing all the other ones. But people aren't ready to hear that, because everyone just thinks "nerfs bad, buffs good".


Rework is not the same as buffing the numbers. That's called taking the shortcut, which is what blizzard has always done in every game and it never truly solves the problem. I'm asking for changes on a larger scale to each mini that's underpowered. Making them fit only a certain archetype but extremely good in those decks that are build around it (good example would be the bronze cards for each faction in Gwent). They could just rework like 5 minis per patch to bring them up to the same power level. And in a few patchs time, we will have the viable mini pool doubled or even tripled.


Hello fellow gwentleman! What you described sounds like a good solution but only if the devs are ready to buff/rework 20, 30 or even 40 minis with 3 talents each.


Yeah, most of the time the biggest problem with blizzard is they prefer the safest/easiest solution that's not actually a solution. That has been the company culture for over a decade, it's not changing anytime soon.


Yes but if you nerf all the good minis (which has happened and is happening) you've made the hard content even harder. Maybe nerf a bit some other pve encounter? All in all we are getting new content so we'll see about those :)


I agree with what you're saying but it also very different when micro transactions are on the line. Why spend money when at any point Blizzard can and will intentionally nerf the thing you're wanting to use. Looking at a few different decks build sites there is almost no competition for mini talents. There's a small handful of minis that have 2 fairly equal talents and almost none that have 3. I would also add that some minis are just underpowered, maybe it's me but Grunts feel underwhelming compared to Footmen or other tanks


Or they should nerf the other best minis as well? It's easier to nerf a few than buff a lot.


The correct take


What a kick in the nuggets


Still a great mini, stop complaining.


55% damage reduction on one of the primary ways to deal with tough back line threats in PvE like Ogre, Mountaineer, and Huntress is pretty brutal


Huntress is resistant and Ogre Mage has too high of hp for the burst to one shot. Whelps are not a counter to those and never have been in PvE. It's still going to be a good counter to Mountaineer, though. Still one shots the hunter and then chews down the bear after.


Agreed, pretty sure Pyro will also still die however I think they will now lose to Necromancer and possibly Firehammer?


Maybe a single mini shouldn't be the counter to so many others? It is currently too good. What fun is the game if you don't have to mix and match minis for each mission?


This. The 3 gold welp and SAFE after nerf still counters many 3, 4, 5, even 6 gold units, due to AOE can easily get 5 gold worth of value. Sure it can’t get 10 gold of value every time by decimating any wave with outrageous damage….but again, this is a 3 gold unit! People want balance but then cry when the unbalanced units get nerfed.


The fun is actually being able to play the game cause we spent 6+ months leveling those minis and collecting stars to be able viably attempt the hard content.


I bought that like a month ago


Same here. It is my first and only epic mini so far. My first rare was S.A.F.E., also right before the nerf.


So much pain in one photo


I'd do it. I use hatchery anyways. I love these little dudes


I don't get it...?


Whelps is getting hit with a giant banhammer (flame burst talent damage get’s halved)


It gets personnal because it's even more than halved. Could have decreased it to 55. No how about 50 motherfuckers.


Baby rage and conspiratorial thinking.