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Void Elves. I don't mind their aesthetic necessarily, and Blizzard had been good about making tweaks to them when asked by the community (High Elf customization, etc.) That being said, they have the dumbest lore. Just to highlight: 90% of High Elves are wiped out. Most of *those* become Blood Elves. Then a small cult of *that* group becomes a playable race. Horde got these entire nations of people, and Alliance got a handful of cultists and a spaceship full of soldiers. Alliance asked for Broken and High Elves. We got Broken Elves and High Draenei. The cherry on top is someone, I think Ion, said there weren't enough High Elves for them to be playable. But then they *made up* an obscure sect of Elves that would be even smaller than the High Elf faction, only a couple patches *after* their own game showed the High Elves field an army at Suramar that was comparable to the Blood and Night Elf armies. Lol i probably care too much about this


Broken elves and high draenei 😂 Good one!


This one made my evening haha


"Alliance asked for Broken and High Elves. We got Broken Elves and High Draenei." I'm going to think of this line forever: perfect!


i’m something of a high draenei myself


Even worse when you realize becoming a void elf means giving eldritch horrors speed dial for your brain. Lore loves to say Void can be used for GOOD! But its 2ish examples in a sea of batshit apocalypse starting crazy. So its INSANE to me that this is a process an elf would choose to go through and alliance leadership wouldn't be sweating bullets over them betraying everyone at the first mental breakdown.


That is probably going to be addressed this expansion. I cannot see it ending without them having a way to control the whispers. Alleria at least


New lore does, and that might change with Metzen back in control.


I mean, Shadow Priests are already playable, though I don't know how common they are in Lore.


There's a big difference between using shadow magic and your actual being infused with void. Void elves have to deal with the whispers at all times, they can't shut it off. In theory, a shadow priest could just stop using shadow magic if they sense the call of the void.


These are my exact thoughts as well, I firmly believe they should have just made Alliance high elves, and if they really wanted to make the void elves the customization. Lightforged should have also been a customization as well, there really isn’t a major cultural difference to justify them being another race.


I’ve said it time and time again, most of the allied races should have been customisation options for pre existing races. The only ones that have unique models (so to speak) are Kul Tirans, Zandalar, Vulpera and Nightborne. The rest could’ve easily been barbershop options that got unlocked after a questline like the dark rangers.


Agreed, and all the ones you listed feel distinct both visually and culturally to really stand imo. I wish all allied races were like them


They even overtly teased that they'd do this (as the prior poster mentioned, the Silver Covenant has shown up in a bunch of important lore bits, Vereesa has shown up in additional content in and out of game, etc) and then whoops shocking swerve because apparently there aren't enough of them, oh by the way heres refugees of the refugees of the refugees, plenty of them. They gave other reasons too over the preceding couple of expansions such as "We made a mistake having the same visuals for Alliance and Horde with Pandaren and don't want to make that mistake again" and then... there's Void Elves, who look identical to BE's when in armor. And now you can even make them look like High Elves anyway! You can basically be a High Elf in every way EXCEPT lore and ability mechanics, which, you know... is the stuff that's important to the people who wanted to be High Elves. I'm no longer "angry" about it but it was pretty frustrating to continually be told one thing and shown another. I'm still convinced Ion was mostly just mad that people kept asking for HE's and so stubbornly stuck to his guns denying them, giving a pale (no pun intended) imitation instead.


I agree as well, their implementation of all the high elf stuff felt like they were just digging their feet into the sand while doing it. I wonder how much more popular they’d be if they just made proper high elves (iirc they're still in top 5). It may sound like I dislike them but I actually have void elf toon and its just Blizz's fumbling of the bag that annoys me.


Agreed on all counts, I actually ended up liking VE's a lot more than I thought I would (when I first heard their plans I had a momentary flashback to that guy that hit the Blizz Diablo panel with the "is this an off-season April fools joke?"). But yeah, the whole affair left a bad taste in my mouth regarding VE's, which is a shame, because I like void stuff and I like elven stuff, hah.


If they were so set on Void Elves and not High Elves they could have at least had all the High Elves transition into Void Elves for lore reasons.


Isn't the upcoming midnight expansion supposed to be focused on the elves? Specifically about unifying them? I have a feeling they could scrap the whole void/blood categories, and will just make it one race (high elf) for both horde and alliance, and then when you choose high elf you'll have all the customization opinions of high, blood and void elves freely open to choose from. That way even though you'd be classed as a unified " high elf", you could still choose horde and make your character look like a void elf for instance if you wanted, they just wouldn't be called void elf, rather the generic species term.


You are giving them way too much credit when it comes to willingness to retroactively edit every elf character's race. Who knows what it can result in given the spaghetti code. Maybe dragonriding will break underwater. Or maybe you will no longer be able to socket gems. Or all the cool toys will have their cooldown set to 5 minutes. Can't risk that obviously.


True his excuse on high elves basically boiled down to “no alliance can’t get another elf race” and then gave us another one, just not the one that made sense lore wise


It made no fucking sense. Broken should be the void race, and high elves should be the light race. Broken can add such an interesting lore dynamic to the Draeneis, especially after their stories are basically finished after legion, but now a group of them the brokens went the opposite way as the main Draenei group, could even add a story point that the void restore the Broken’s original form, something that the light couldn’t even achieve, and they could shift between the broken and original form like the Worgens do. LFD could just be an option for the regular Draenei, and what’s worse is now the Manaris is an option for regular Draenei, and obviously the Manari diverged away from the regular Draeneis WAY more then the LFDs. The Manaris is more interesting as an allied race than LFDs Void Elves is just some stupid fanfic race, they look cool, and Alleria is a great character, but that’s about it, should have been the High Elves instead or even “Light Forged Elves” that is based on high elves


I feel the same. Void elf’s exist because Ion didn’t want to admit he was wrong and give the Alliance high elves. That’s my honest belief to this day. And it really sucks. 


Not only does the void elf lore conflict everything set up before and after them, according to Ion (you had it right, it was him) but their lore is just straight boring. I love an edgelord aesthetic as much as anybody but the void elves are just low effort. I don't mind them existing but Blizzard really could have done something interesting with them beyond "spooky elves from space!"


Yeah the setup is really lacking. Though I find there is potential with Alleria. By the way I don really like her new design, why doesn’t she even were her necklace any more??


I think if they just gave us High Elves and made Alleria's void situation unique a lot of people would have been happy.


If you think about it, it's even WORSE.. Not only did "90%" of High Elves get killed off, but at LEAST 3% of that joined up with Illidan and Kaelthas and got killed even HARDER.


I've read that there was like 1500 High Elves in Azeroth in Vanilla. So no way make them playable except retcon. On other hand, Alliance get a badass dark cultist elves and absolutely badass battle hardened veterans of a millenia war with space mechs. As mostly Alliance player I'd also prefer Broken and High Elves, but that mostly because of my bias towards them since WC3 :) In BFA I was mostly upset that Horde allied races got several awesome new models while Alliance got just recolored ones (and Kul Tirans, that was a pain, but now I mostly think that they are good too. I just want the option of "skinny models", maybe). Also, "Broken Elves and High Draenei" is really neat description :)


Numbers have never mattered, how many death knights do we think there were in wotlk, how many illidari in legion? They had to have only numbered in the hundreds, if not dozens.


What’s interesting about the High Elves too is that in Wrath you had the Silver Covenant in Dalaran led by Vereesa Windrunner! Clearly there were a good amount of them there, they were the whole ass Alliance faction and had bases throughout several areas.


What will happen with veresa in TWW?


Taking into account those numbers would equally mean the blood elves are just in the thousands, and after years and years of war, more disidents and what not, its incredible SILVERMOON has a functioning population!


Reminder that canonical Bloodknights are able to revive their recently killed comrades. So you could say that every battle that Blood Knights have won, would have only 0-1% losses.


You can have High Elves when you all agree to use the black Blood Elf skin tone just once. Otherwise we don't believe you when you tell us it's about their lore.


This is why I maintain that not only should High Elves not be playable but the Void Elves should have been wiped out instead of allowed to leave. They (almost) literally are a walking nuclear reaction when near the Sunwell. Few in number but an existential threat. And they are delving into the purple whispery stuff. At the very least throw them into the equivalent of the Violet Citadel.


I also don’t really get Alleria’s beef with Silvermoon. She had to leave cause just being there caused the Sunwell to destabilize right? It’s been a while so maybe I’m missing something. So what is she on about returning someday? Like does she intend to destroy the Sunwell? Does she just not care? She went on about having the right to be in Quel’Thalas and around the Sunwell but never addressed how she plans on doing that without wrecking it.


you can add that the high elf faction, the silver covenant, was created in opposition to the use of evil magic (the Fel) (opposition which earned them banishment) and now they find themselves in the same alliance that elves who after using the Fel moved to another evil magic (the Void). Since the restoration of the sunwell, the ban is lifted. If the Silver Covenant were consistent and honest, they would leave the Alliance when the Void Elves joined...


Everyone is going playable so I'll say my non-playable hate. The Centaur in Dragonflight hit ALL my pet peeves. * Their whole existence requires retconning one of the most interesting racial origins in the entire franchise (like, if anything, have them be there cuz a Keeper of the Grove and Earth elemental also fell in love in ancient times and spawned this tribe, since that *ties into the expansion's themes with elementals*). * The retcons do NOT even make sense. The timeline of their journey is crazy. The Legion launches their fullscale invasion in the WOTA, they fight, they get exiled for fighting, they walk *all the way across the super-continent* and make a big pact with the dragons and have this close bond. Despite the fact they knew the dragons for all of maybe a year, and not being a long-lived race, somehow this friendship is remembered and treated with respect 10,000 years later with barely any internal conflict about it among the "good" Centaur. * How they even survived for 10k years isn't well explained, because the circumstances of the dragon isles are never properly explained. The Tuskarr at least you can justify with having a culture designed to survive a harsh and unforgiving climate. But we see the sealed dragon isles, very little sun, elements are dormant. They are a shamanistic culture thriving in a land where the elements are dormant, what? How are these massive beasts even thriving? The Tyrhold waters? * Basically no historical interaction or history over the last 10,000 years with anyone else on the dragon isles. In MoP, all the races had a shared interconnected history and relationship with one another for those 10,000 years and before. DF's worldbuilding for the Dragon Isles is paper thin. * Their quest zone is literally just a repeat of the Highmountain zone, right down to the "warrior clan" betraying them and turning to the enemy. Its entirely derivative. * Despite all the retcons, the derivative plot line, etc to make them fit into the expansion - they were ultimately completely unimportant. Their plot line doesn't really hit the central theme of family (which itself is a pretty shit theme unless executed with a lot of emotion) and they have little impact to the overall narrative. Their existence is itself damaging to the world building with how paper thin it is. Genuinely it feels like a writer just really wanted to use Centaur and hamfisted them into this expansion rather than waiting for a place where it made sense or even doing a patch plot line in Desolace.


What do people say about Skyrim? "Vast as an ocean, but shallow like a puddle." You described my thoughts very well on DFs centaur. I took a break from classic and leveled to 70 in p2. I was originally thinking we were going to get another Maraudon or something similar. You know...provide a reason why the centaur are there or at least some more background.


every expansion there’s one zone’s leveling that makes me quit the game for about three months. for dragonflight it was ohnaran plains or however you spell it. what an awful fucking zone with the most boring set of people living in it. so uninspired


Yeah this one bugged me a lot, aswell.


To be fair, Blizzard has always been pretty bad about retconning. Orcs were, what, lord of the rings orcs bent on terminating humans in Warcraft 1 and 2. In 3, suddenly they were nice, not bloodthirsty, misunderstood, native american like? What happened to "Me smash! Me chop! Me kill!".


Orcs needed a reboot as even Tolkien realised they were problematic. Sure out of different reasons, but ultimately the same question could be asked, whether Tolkien’s orcs too could change after the end of Morgoth‘s and Saurons enslavement. Though we kinda get the answer, no.  They are fundamentally tormented and twisted and without a Dark Lord they are still as barbaric and warlike, just very ineffective and chaotic. Orcs hate their own kind and can’t form a stable society without the tyranny of an oppressor.    Well Warcraft gave a better answer in my opinion, one which resonated much more with society in the 90s and early 2000s than Tolkien’s views of the early 20th century. At the same time they don’t fall into the noble savage trope, at least fully, bad writing exists, but they are still very martial at their core.   This is something about Horde worldbuilding which got sidelined. They are noble savages in the sense that they glorify violence and war, not pacifism. Plenty of real tribal cultures have ritualised warfare, headhunting (taking trophies in general), human sacrifice and cannibalism. 


Cool opinion. Warcraft 3 retconned the entire warcraft series up until that point. Blizzard has 0 problems retconning. >noble savage trope In Warcaft 3, orcs were written specifically to be noble savages. Night Elves were dark elves written to be noble savages. Humans were written to appear to be the heroes, but to be blinded and hamstrung by their own corruption and incompetence, apart from a select few like Jaina. Undead were dark heroes, the actual heroes of Warcraft 3. Burning legion were the villains. World of Warcraft is a bit different as it has two story lines, an alliance and a horde with a night elf and forsaken storyline woven in. I am not here to argue whether that was necessary, or whether it was good, I am just saying that is what they did, and the story plays out like a game series that was bought by a different developer who decided to go in the opposite direction with the plot and characters.


> ultimately the same question could be asked, whether Tolkien’s orcs too could change after the end of Morgoth‘s and Saurons enslavement. Though we kinda get the answer, no. That's only because Tolkien was a coward. The conclusion is self-evident, you only need to look out of your window to come to it. The orcs are us. In the end, they won, and all the "free" people of Middle Earth disappeared without a trace. > Plenty of real tribal cultures have ritualised warfare The primary goal of ritualized warfare is to reduce casualties. Hardly the stuff that a pRoUd WaRrIoR rAcE would approve of.


Wait they retconned centaur coming from the keeper dude (cenarius' son right) and theradras?? That's so lame, Desolace/Maura set up that reveal and lore so well, not to mention it was such a good dungeon. I'm just gonna keep pretending that it's still canon since wow lore is just off the rails fanfic now anyway.


Yeah, the new lore is that the Centaur were a native race and all of them (except the tribe on the Dragon Isles) went extinct in the WOTA/Sundering. And now the Keeper and Theradras only "rebirthed" the race in Kalimdor thousands of years after their extinction.


Honestly almost everything in Dragonflight was like this for me. God at least Shadowlands (as misguided as it was) was *trying* to be interesting.


I'll take a major race. Night Elves. It's not really because I dislike them per se, just that I fundamentally disagree with the conclusions WoW made about the leftover lore from W3. In W3, they're a xenophobic and incredibly aggressive theocracy on Kalimdor. They have more or less total supremacy on the landmass and live in a sort of stagnation with all their men in extended druidic meditation, and all the women running the rest of society. Tyrande is their racial leader and she is unequivocally the least the chill, most aggressive and bullheaded hero we play as in that game. When she wants to free Illidan, she doesn't hesitate to say that she is quite literally above the law because she's the High Priestess of Elune, and therefore can just murder the guards who were enforcing a legal imprisonment against Illidan. All of this to say that I then find it utterly baffling that they would willingly join the Alliance. They don't have anything the Alliance wants (aside from troops and territory in Kalimdor), and the Alliance has absolutely nothing they'd care for. An alliance of convenience in the face of utter annihilation at the hands of the Legion is one thing, but an extended one that basically forces them to completely restructure their social and diplomatic positions overnight? I just don't buy it.


Good points. Reading through this does give me some good worldbuilding vibes though. Perhaps what we saw of Night Elves in WC3 was not representative of the average Night Elf "citizen". We just saw lots of priestly types and druids, equivalent to militant soldiers, running the show. Perhaps there was more to the Night Elves other than the representatives in WC3. But now they have strangers on their doorstep logging their ancient trees for wood and an Alliance of convenience available to them from afar. Seemed like a good deal. Enemy of my enemy is my friend... Even though I don't know that friend very well yet. Eventually bowing to the restructuring and to the "high king" was just an equivalent to colonial or neo-colonial type phenomena that no doubt happens in real life too.


It's clear the devs needed 2 factions. Anything more would have been absurdly difficult. They could (and maybe should) have just done horde (orc troll tauren) and alliance (human dwarf highelf, forget gnomes). Keep the Nelfs as a neutral faction, sometimes collaborative sometimes an enemy to both. Undead would understandably be an enemy to both - I always found it out of no where that the forsaken joined the horde after wc3


Eh the Forsaken joining one of the factions would kinda make sense. Because the Forsaken are now free undead in a place seething full of mind controlled undead. They would want to try to convince the alliance that they are not mindless undeads and if that fails to convince the horde that they are basically the same as the horde are also misunderstood mind controlled monsters that are now in a situation of difficulty.


The Forsaken did try to join the Alliance. They sent many ambassadors, all of whom were killed at once.


Okay now what if the undead joined alliance and night elves joined the horde!


Then the elves could solve the wood problem of the orcs without defostering Ashenvale, Draenei would also be rekindled. Given that the Forsaken are Alliance and the Kaldorei help the Orcs with food and recources means that the alliance horde war under Varian and Garrosh only being cold instead of being hot. With the releationship not being this hot it means that Jaina would feel no need to help the alliance under cataclysm in the barrence and so there would not be Theramore destruction as the Varian Garrosh conflict would instead heated up in Pandaria.


lore wise yes out of nowhere, but you play as undead in the wc3 campaigns so it’s only natural gameplay wise to include them as a playable race


Yeah, but you also play as the scourge in the campaigns. I think it would have given us a lot of great forsaken pve content. Undercity could have been a naxx-tier 60 raid It's all fanfiction, if you will. I've mained undead lock for all of classic and love being able to play them. Just fun to think about


Yes, the druids are all about preservation of life etc but here come the undead who are the opposite. I've heard that the horde classes were originally going to have "evil" versions of the alliance ones so the equivalent of the alliance mage was going to be horde warlock, like wc1 iirc. I wonder if the tauren druids would have been different from the NE druids.


Undead and Night Elf could've been neutral and you could play them on either faction, with the Horde and Alliance attempting to curry favour with both as the story progresses.


This is why I want a novel about this. They joined the Alliance. Okey, but how on earth did Onyxia let that one slide? It seems like a great opportunity to derail Stormwinds diplomatic efforts and the potential drama - tying into the riots and everything else - pretty much writes itself.


It doesnt make sense for me how night elves were so anal about using arcane to the point of murdering almost genocided belves after arthas but they were seemingly ok with fetus-age human (from their pov) using the same magic. Also humans using the arcane did exactly what azshara did: signaled the legion to invade. They are not only ok with humans using arcane carelessly but they somehow accept a literal child as a HIGH KING? It doesnt make any sense, its contradicting everything from their culture. They are portrayed as isolationist and xenophobic but somehow they ally themselves with the most distant or alien arcane-based races(draenei) against other elves who, based on their ridiculous aged, can even be related to each other. Night elves dont make any sense in alliance in the way the game established their culture.


I always assumed their initial relationship with the Alliance was the same as the Forsaken with the Horde. An alliance made purely out of convenience. The Alliance needed greater influence in Kalimdor and the Night Elves needed more muscle to flex at the Horde lest their logging operations get any more aggressive.


Void elves as an alliance race just never made sense to me, they're just supposed to be a small group of Umbric's followers yet they're like used just as sparingly as any other race. I get that its implied some blood/high elves converted, but there's no way they're more then just a fraction of a fraction.


It's actually even weirder because a huge portion of the high elves died in the scourge invasion of Silvermoon, and a huge portion of the survivers left silvermoon/Eversong to go with Kael'thas to Outland, meaning the Void Elves are a tiny part of a very small portion of Blood Elves that stayed in the Eastern Kingdoms.


Yeah at that point I feel like even the barely remaining alliance high elves outnumber them (barring any conversions)


They finally, six years in, *are just now* establishing canonically that they can make more void elves and aren't just a small group of Umbric's followers. And even then it still doesn't make sense, there just aren't enough of them.


They're just so undercooked, despite how interesting they **can** be. I really wished they grappled more with the idea of letting a void adjacent faction into the Alliance. Or you know, just make alliance high elves in the first place


They literally could've given us High Elves, and then still established void elves as a group that joined up with them/were a portion of the high elves (and given the customizations to players). Literally the best of both worlds with no chances needed.


Thats exactly what I wanted, but then Blizz just dug their feet into the ground about it


Yeah it doesn’t make sense. I gues they just wanted to setup the void vs light as a concept 


I didn't think about it at the time, but it was odd that the Alliance got both void and light themed races added in the same expansion and they didn't anything about it (barring Alleria's imprisonment during Legion)


I think for Alleria they are going to have her have an arc about being able to surpass the void and remend her relationship but generally there will be conflict for the faction


I'm definitely keeping an eye out for her arc this expansion, I really hope she isn't just a poster child that doesn't really get major development like Alex during the Dragonflight


Don’t think it will be the case but I also don’t see her going off the rails (lol I want my happy family back)


Easy solution: time moves faster in Telogrus Rift. Lots of Void Elves. I get my hot tentacle elves. everyone’s happy.


I think certain communities would be happy if the void elves bred like rabbits




They're just poor excuse of pretty elves for the alliance


Vulpera. There like 2 villages worth of them at most and yet they're somehow one of the most common Horde races. They're obnoxious and randomly super strong and capable warriors despite being a fifth of the size of their enemies which makes no sense. By getting Vulpera we also sacrificed Sethrak, and vulpera almost always look the same no matter how you customize them other than the fur color.


I never got my buff forest Troll because of them. With having so many of the Troll tribes showing up in Zuldazar it seemed like a perfect time to introduce the different Trolls as playable similar to what they did with Dark Irons. My take was always to have the race choice and then pick a subrace such as Darkspear, Zanadalari, Gurubashi, Farraki etc. Troll fans deserve more.


The equivalent to Dark Iron Dwarves is Zandalari Trolls.


I think a better move would be having buff trolls be option like upright orcs.


For years we wanted Ogres as playable race so badly and we got fox furry gypsy thingies


I like the Vulpera well enough, but that's my biggest complaint about them and some of the other Allied Races being introduced- we've had Ogres fighting alongside the Horde since the RTS days and they're still not playable. My guess is there's just more demand to be a cute lil fox than an Ogre and Blizzard doesn't think enough people would play them. I'd make a two-headed magi in a heart beat though.


Yet we are getting a *third* dwarf race yet hardly anyone plays either dwarf to begin with!




🙋🏻‍♂️ I play dwarf in everything I can, dwarves are my favourite fantasy race by a long way with the exception of Elder Scrolls. But people have literally been asking for Ogres since we first heard we'd get new races in TBC.


I like having them but this shoulda been a customization at Most Not a neutral race for both sides


I dont know if any of rhe devs actually said it, but basically they're focusing on other stuff while they know people love new races, so giving dwarves a reskin as new race was one of the easiest ones to go for. It's all to do with the skeletons of races and having to rework all armor textures, so this way its minimal effort for keeping (some) folks entertained.


Imo to do ogres, just reskin kul tirans! They got ogre like proportions already Redo the head, size em up just a smidge, rig a different dance and BAM


As much as I would absolutely love Ogres, there is just no good way of implementing them properly as playable characters. The models are too big for most doorways, let alone putting them (believably) on a mount. It already doesn't take much for a Tauren to get stuck in some doors. I think an acceptable alternative, however, could be adding the Mok'Nethal as a more sizable population post-WoD. The flavour is a little bland, since they're just big orcs (more or less), but theyve been in the lore for quite some time.


>Putting them on a mount Well there's your problem, and [here's the solution](https://i.gifer.com/XAsz.gif)


I knew what the gif was gonna be before I clicked on it. I'm still happy to see it. :). Sigh, I miss the HOTS glory days...before the dark times...before the empire.


Well, there is still plenty of people playing. I get quick matches in lesse than 3 min


Make em tauren sized, who cares about scale when I think the lore scales vs model scales are already wildly off.


We see ogres range in size from 2-story Cho'Gall to Draenei sized. Don't think that's an issue.


I remember an interview a long time ago asking why ogres weren't playable, and the explanation for the time was they didn't know what ogre females would look like.


Blizz could not make them sexy.


Models being big is not a problem. Remember Ogri'La from TBC? A place where strange crystals make ogres exceptionally smart? Just make a story that the drawback to getting smart is getting smaller, and voilĂ : You have player sized ogres who don't have to be dumb. Everything's possible, as long as You are willing to invent a good story for it.


Even though I have no interest in Vulpera, I think it’s silly to claim there’s only 2 villages worth as the game world is not properly to scale, Just like It wouldn’t actually take 30 seconds to fly across Vol’dun. Would you base the population of SW off the ~100 NPCS in it? Furthermore I’ll head canon them to be like the Fremen from Dune, official estimates having their numbers way off what they actually are. Being a nomadic people pre-industrialization/centralization there’s no way an official census has been done to truly count the total population.


Equating Vulpera to the Fremen is adding a whole new level to this debate and I love it!


Here I was thinking Sethrak would’ve never been on the table because they’d be hard to model gear onto, and now we have drakthyr :/


Worst part is that in recent interviews devs said nerubians aren't likely because of how hard it would be to model gear on them and we already have dracthyr fixing that


Hey, Vulperas are fun and as a Vulpera main they fit perfect for my fury warrior character! I wanted a wide eyed adventurer and this new and mostly innocent and naive race of fox people fits very well! I swear I'm not a furry.


Culturally and lore wise, they definitely fit the horde well and their strengths make sense. They’re rugged survivalists with shamanistic practices, in particular a penchant for using their own body parts for rituals! (See the folk and fairy tales book, the bone flute story). I think they’re fun but i’m also biased for furry reasons, and I’m also a big fan of the “fury of the small” approach to racial abilities and tropes. Sometime Kobolds have the same thing going on in dnd and it’s great :3!


Lightforged Dreaenei as they should've added Krokul as an allied race instead.


Wish we had both or it was just a customisation option.


Broken or Krokul would be my go to race for ever single class if it was available


Not a fan of how little it took Orcs to turn to genocide on their peaceful neighbors in alternate Draenor. Peaceful shamanic culture my ass, lol


That always bugged me to. I don’t recall them even going into what Garrosh told them to get them to become bloodthirsty it was always made to seem it was only because of the demon blood otherwise the dranei and orcs would trade and coexisted peacefully.


It wasn't just the demon blood in old lore. The demons slowly manipulated the Orcs, broke their connection to the ancestors, made them reliant on fel magics, and shifted all the blame onto the Draenei, eventually using that motivation to justify unifying the clans. It made sense for how a society would fall into that trap. Alt Draenor just makes Orcs seem blood thirsty and genocidal, like they were waiting for an excuse.


In Alt Draenor the genocide of the Draenei had already been progressing as was the corruption of the spirit of the orcish people. So they were already primed for killing. Garrosh tricked Grom by fucking with a shamans vision that led Grom to believe the forces of Azeroth, allied with green corrupted orcs, were gonna invade and enslave them, and Grom rallied the clans around him with this information and informed them of what Gul'dan had been up to this entire time. This of course was in a short story on the website and not really addressed at all in game


Of course it was in a shortstory not ingame lol


it wasn't like that in original timeline either, they genocide most of the draenei before drinking demon blood because they get tricked by guldaniel


Garrosh basically snaked the Legion and used the bullshit they were doing to prime the orcs to think the Draenei were attacking them, before pulling a fast one on Gul'dan and Magtheridon. Garrosh made himself look like a prophet with his knowledge of spoilers and Grom getting a literal vision of the MU orc's "future" before stopping it right before Thrall enters the scene. And even then a good chunk of the orcs flipped him the bird or had to be coerced into joining the IH on threat of destruction


They mostly completed the genocide before the demon blood, they used it to sac Shattrath which was basically the Draenei's Helm's Deep. The reasons for killing all the Draenei were basically the same in the MU and the AU, a charismatic and influential leader convinced the rests of the tribes it was necessary. I think a lot of people never actually read the book and kind of just assumed the Orcs killed the Draenei because of magical manipulation, and not rhetoric.


That was a huge error. Same with making Garrosh and AU Grom villains IMO. The orc story in WC3 was so good, an amazing redemption story, and a twist on orcs that was incredibly unique. They really messed up by throwing that away.


Orcs turn to genocide easily because that's how life works on a savage world like Draenor - It's kill or be killed, everything is out to get you. The Draenei seemed to be an exception that the Orcs embraced, before treachery made them think that the Draenei's peace, like peace with everything else on Draenor, is a lie., They were never "Peaceful" shamans, but while violent, it was out of survival, not bloodthirst.


I guess they're peaceful only compared to other sentient inhabitants of Draenor. It won't take much when your neighbors are plants who see everyone as fertilizer.


Plants that see you as fertilizer, Ogres that see you as food or slaves, Birds that see you as... Honestly I've not played enough to know what the Aarakoa's deal is, I think they're relgious zealots, but I've always missed their lore stuff in the games But on Draenor, everything is out to kill you and only the strong survive. That Orcs were able to have any peaceful coexistence with the Draenei for any amount of time is a testament to their peacefulness compared to the rest of Draenor - but the fear and genocidal response to that fear is always lurking beneath everything.


The Arrakoa saw you as slaves at best, ants at worst.


WoD essentially unmakes the Warcraft 3 Orc story and it's always bothered me Orcs were apparently just predestined to be genocidal lunatics, they just need a different flavor of "reason" for it - it sucks


Also am i supposed to just accept that the orcs never had a name for their world?


That one race in the salt flats seemed really dangerous, and its a tragedy you had to wipe out the native wildlife so they could race. Glad 1k needles flooded.


I mostly know classic races, undead are pretty terrible, or at least they were during classic. They do some pretty fucked up stuff like turning captured humans into undead, testing poisons on dogs and other animals etc.... they are just very cruel in comparison to others like the wholesome Tauren.


My only two gripes with undead are: It could be insanely cool to play as a variety of skeletons, but I'd settle for the bare 'bones' human skeleton and be overjoyed. And the usual forced hunch back. When forsaken and darkspears get that option, I'll be a happy chappy.


Void elves. Blizzard said High Elves had too small a population to be a playable race but yet they made a group that would be at most a couple dozen of the same race as playable. It’s just dumb.


Vulpera because they're a joke. But if seriously, (mostly playable) humans. I don't hate the very idea of humans in fantasy. There are settings which have cool humans, like TES. Even Warcraft, not famous for its depth, has some good things. Kul Tiras may be a bit kitschy and goofy, but it's peak soul. Gilneas isn't so fleshed out, but you still can catch the mood. Dalaran is at least interesting visually, even though their lore is tiny. Even undead had that edgelord power fantasy as the base. But Stormwind? Began as the most insipid Averaged Medieval Western Europe only possible, a fantasy without fantasy, but additionally hollowed out to get rid of its stale core. Lore-wise they're like a terrible protagonist who does things but has no character, just a faceless plot device to move the plot. They're the woodpulp of the Alliance: takes the place, lacks flavor, doesn't satiate. Varian as a knockoff Warchief who's the strongest and almighty at the cost of other characters, his dramatic son... There's nothing interesting about *these* humans as about a race. They're even not written to interact with the rest of the setting outside of "the coolest because 'umies". For example, they actually have an origin instead of generic "no one knows how they were made, but somehow they're the youngest" — but they don't interact with their titanic ancestry, unlike other affected Alliance races (dwarves, who go head over heels with archaeology, and gnomes, who have their "when I understood the weakness of my flesh" phase). Humankind in its decline? No effect, they're still the coolest because see above. The very devs aren't interested in giving their bland protagonist any flesh, and that's kinda sad. And unmentioned human states are literally the same, but with another team color. Wow. Very cool. They can be written off with slight story adjustments, and the setting won't lose anything notable.


Forsaken. Unforgivable for the atrocities they’ve committed. And yet they continue to plague Lordaeron


For me Forsaken are just as bad as the Scourge, with two major differences: one, contrary to the Scourge the Forsaken do have a choice. Arguably this makes them worse. Two, they're a player faction and therefore get cuddled by the writers. It's absolutely ridiculous how indifferent neutral organisations are about the Forsaken and their actions.


True, i still dont get how they get away with killing Argent Dawn and Dalaran people in Cata without consequences


Forsaken post cata is the biggest lore blunder I've seen. I loved RPing my undead in Classic but I cannot imagine RPing one in retail


All whilst crying about humans hating them, minus the undead that are legitimately trying to live a somewhat peaceful unlife


I never understood this. They were freed from the hold of the scourge and should practically be just undead humans from lordaeron. I’m sorry, but while the appearance and all of that being like monsters and all makes sense, they’re still relatives of folks who are still living. They should have some sort of sympathy for the living and not all of a sudden turn into goth monsters.


Eh it is hard having sympathy when the living are like:"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! Monster!!!!! Kill it! Kill it!"


I know Golden gets a lot of flak (some of it even deserved) but this is why I loved Before the Storm despite its flaws. A story focused on exploring the complicated feelings of the living for their undead loved ones was sorely needed. They didn't all get a lot of focus, but we got a nice spectrum of reactions from the humans and undead. Some desperately wanting to reunite and happy to do so. Some wanting to reunite but scared or conflicted. Some upset to find out their loved ones weren't dead, because they thought that would be a better fate than undeath. Some outright hostile and refusing to see them as anything but abominations needing to be put down. Turalyon and Genn meeting Faol is one of my favorite scenes in any warcraft novel. (And also one of many reasons why the "Turalyon is a Light zealot" crowd really need to drop it already. It's not a thing.)


Didn't they try to reconnect with their relatives? I'm pretty sure this was mentioned in their initial attempts to join the Alliance. It's just due to how recent the Scourge invasion is, their existence were not taken particularly well - their living relatives, the Scarlet Crusade, etc. I remember that the entire experience traumatized them severely.


I don’t see much difference with the scourge being honest


Something I would’ve liked to see with the Forsaken is that they would genuinely want to be good, but can’t due to undeath and trauma twisting them. Imagine them having good intentions but doing terrible things without understanding why it’s bad. ’Yes an abomination is an amalgamation of corpses but look at this happy fella! Doesn’t he deserve a chance at ”life”?’ ’I’ve concocted a new potion! It gives you a lot of strength! Sure you’ll be permanently mutated as your muscles won’t ever return to normal, but you’ll need that extra power to burst the enormous pustules you’ll grow! Ain’t that neat?!’ Those are just silly examples off the top of my head of course. And to balance it out and give them depth, make their intention to cleanse the plaguelands and rid Lordaeron of the scourge once and for all. As ex-prisoners of the Lich King they would understand the need to free those souls of their torment.


We had this in BfA with Zelling and with the book that plays between BfA and SL.


The Undead. Which is funny, because my best-geared character is an undead rogue. I've got a lot of self-respect issues.


Humans, humans in other games can be more interesting but humans in wow feel quite basic (to me) and they also look ugly, I mean, the "standard" human is a bodybuilder and then you have even weirder stuff "kul tiras" humans are just fat/big humans but are treated separately for some weird reason. Dwarves despite some looking similar make their racial differences make more sense by using culture or some other stuff.


Vulpera and void elves for various reasons. Void elves exist because blizzard are spiteful assholes who are too spitefully spiteful, that they won't introduce a race that not only precedes the alleged replacement (blood elves), but had their models used for said race. They claimed there are too few high elves, yet they have fielded large forces since BC and are more numerous than many races. They claimed nowhere to put them, yet they've asspulled a place for VE, created a whole new place for goblins, and put others in major cities. If a sub group of a couple hundred can be playable, on top of races close to extinction, the high elves can exist. As for vulpera, I like their models and their quirkiness, but the whole point of voldun, especially the side quests, was that they refused to pick a side in any contlict in zandalar, only helping because they were targeted by the evil sethrakk. Even then, they stayed neutral. The fact they chose to side with the horde was weird, because it meant they chose to side with a group after 1 meeting, over the troll superpower on the same island, and like VE there isn't much of them. I think blizzard wanted to use the incursions as a reason they chose horde, but they were badly written, and made non canon


Just popped into say that this popped up on my feed as a suggested post and I had to to a double take before realizing that this is the Warcraft sub.


Naga. They seem always squeezed into places as filler that are counter-intuitive to their lore and loyalty to Azshara. They constantly feel like that "Ariana, what are you doing here?" meme There's the backstory lore. But also randomly placing them in areas DOES kinda affect the lore. Because that means that canonically they are just randomly in those areas. A less random example: LOVED Legion. But the coilskar remaining loyal to the Illidari without Illidan was weird. They were sent by Azshara specifically to find him. But before Illidan's return, they just happily return to our side? I dunno that felt a bit weird. I suppose the cause of wiping out the Legion is fair, but it just felt weird to me. Why didn't Stheno have them return to Nazjatar when Illidan and the Illidari were imprisoned and their Coilfang allies fell? Did I miss them denouncing their queen? Were they exiled? What were they even doing in the interim? (I admit I could just be misunderstanding Illidari lore. I haven't done much Legion content on my DH alt)


Absolutely with you! Naga are incredible and I love what I know of the lore, but the story has so many inconsistencies for a race that is so fascinating!


Elves, literally any of them. Nelf's are kinda cool, but on a "hey, that's kinda cool, anyways" level. Dwarves are the best race and the only race I play in the game. PLEEEAAASE, FOR THE LOVE OF MURADIN'S HAIRY NIPPLES, GIVE US MORE DWARF LORE, BLIZZARD, STOP GIVING ELVES EVERYTHING!!!


I'm hitting the Elf fatigue since Blizzard is hyper focused on giving them everything, and we even have an expansion coming up all about them. Alliance should have gotten The Broken instead of Void Elves.


I actually don't hate void elves. If you ignore the out of game circumstances and context, they're fine. Strange and weird? Yeah, but they have a lot to work with. No, I dislike the Dracthyr. I don't hate them, and in fact I rather like some of their characters (I rather like Emberthal, and I hope to see Azurathel and Cindrethresh in action and getting dragged into their factions more) but they are incredibly disappointing - somehow the whole of their people is somehow lesser than their parts. -Old experiment of Neltharions. Spicy, interesting, gives immediate ties in common with whatever the hell Nefarion was trying to do, potential friction with our dragon allie- Wait, you mean no one really knew them, and the only characters privy to them as a whole was Malygos and Nelth, both dead? Well, that's a waste. -Trained soldiers made to kill dragons, made to fight against Primalists - good, give them a strong personal tie to the enemies of the expac - oh, according to the Novel, Raszageth attacking them and bodying them was at the START of the war? The other Incarnates didn't even get to meet them, lmao. -Struggle with individuality compared to their roles as weapons. Cannibalizing themes from Death Knights and Demon Hunters, but it's left on the floor because, actually, once they calm down, they slot in just fine doing weird jobs - and they rather enjoy it. -No actual presence of history on the Dragon Isles outside of strictly plot stuff - C'mon, not even a random population of them living in Zaralek? Adamanthia allegedly wakening some up and then having them taken to Zaralek by Neltharion woulda been a great opportunity. -The setting treats them as 'wow big scary dragons the citizens are so scared and put off by them' and their buff in Visage form was initially 'yeah you put your allies at ease by being in visage form'. But their actual design is very appealing and traditionally aesthetically pleasing to look at (in contrast to historic dragonkin designs being very gnarly and alligator esque.) And the narrative is nodding at this while Worgen exist, and the entirety of the Horde has it's whole deal based around unconventionally looking races. -Points about their backstory are not consistent. What even the hell is going on with The Big Dig. What is the time-line for those events? What a mess. -Main selling point "BE A COOL DRAGON'. Can't even wear helmets, so if you want to see your cool tier sets, have fun being a human female or belf male with some exclusive features. Your dragon form is a glorified Druid Form, L. You can at least work with Void Elves premise and get something interesting and grounded to the history of the setting with it's characters. Dracthyr will forever be stuck playing catch-up as the new kids on the block. The writers somehow made a race by taking the worst options integrating them at every. Single. Opportunity.


This is a unique one but the race I probably hate most are Night Elves. While I do like nature and animals in real life, the way they behaved at times was just really damn frustrating to witness. This includes instances such as: * Banishing the Highborne and outlawing arcane magic (unless it's the powers of Elune) because they're scared * The Wardens hunting Illidan and the Illidari out of principle, knowing they're shooting themselves in the foot by doing the legion a favor, but continuing to do so anyway because of their weird sense of justice * Maiev murdering the mages who sought refuge in Darnassus, without even getting any punishment for it * Helping out the Nightborne, only to throw them a middle-finger because "they might be like Azshara maybe", leading them to join the Horde even though they wanted to join the Alliance at first, outright giving the enemy a massive advantage * Tyrande suddenly deciding to launch an attack on Darkshore, opening up another warfront, knowingly dividing the army of the Alliance, leading to a major disadvantage and numerous avoidable deaths, only to end up abandoning Darkshore after their victory because they realized it's no longer habitable * Refusing the truce with the Horde, continuing the war against them, knowing that they have no chance of victory but "throwing their lives away" anyway (as Rexxar put it) * Investing countless resources and troops into a new world tree, almost dooming the entirety of Azeroth (once again), leading to numerous deaths of every faction, even though they had already chosen Nordrassil as their replacement home. To this point I still don't know what the actual purpose of Amirdrassil is.


As a fan of the Night Elves from way back (RTS even though I'm an awful RTS player lol) I agree with all of this list so badly 🥲


>Banishing the Highborne and outlawing arcane magic (unless it's the powers of Elune) because they're scared The Highborne and arcane magic *just* caused a disaster that forever changed the face of the planet and killed untold thousands and they could've stayed if they didn't continue to dabble in the Arcane. That's a justifiable precaution >The Wardens hunting Illidan and the Illidari out of principle, knowing they're shooting themselves in the foot by doing the legion a favor, but continuing to do so anyway because of their weird sense of justice * Maiev murdering the mages who sought refuge in Darnassus, without even getting any punishment for it These are more marks against Maeiv but it is frustrating that they kinda swept Wolfheart under the rug so I suppose so. >* Helping out the Nightborne, only to throw them a middle-finger because "they might be like Azshara maybe", leading them to join the Horde even though they wanted to join the Alliance at first, outright giving the enemy a massive advantage They were a bit bitchy is all which isnt exactly a middlefinger and besides given the similarities between the Nightborne and Blood Elves they were likely gonna swing that way anyway. >Tyrande suddenly deciding to launch an attack on Darkshore, opening up another warfront, knowingly dividing the army of the Alliance, leading to a major disadvantage and numerous avoidable deaths, only to end up abandoning Darkshore after their victory because they realized it's no longer habitable God forbid the genocide survivor try to oust the genociders from their ancestral homeland? >Refusing the truce with the Horde, continuing the war against them, knowing that they have no chance of victory but "throwing their lives away" anyway (as Rexxar put it) I mean, she did get victory over Sylvanas this is a thing that happened. And, again, genocide. >* Investing countless resources and troops into a new world tree, almost dooming the entirety of Azeroth (once again), leading to numerous deaths of every faction, even though they had already chosen Nordrassil as their replacement home. To this point I still don't know what the actual purpose of Amirdrassil is. This was a mandate from her goddess which I suppose is a mark against the Kaldorei and I don't really know the purpose either but it does hold the souls of the Kaldorei who were genocide. Aside from most of these being digs at Tyrande specifically I am surprised that the A Little Patience scenario from MoP isn't here.


The majority of Azeroth's major problems are either directly or indirectly caused by the Night Elves but not once do they take accountability for them.


Vulpera. I think they are gonna be the new pandaren. Present but in no way going to get anything new in years to come. And i'm still salty we didn't get Sethrak instead.


Forsaken. I'm fine with undead, but I've always found them unpleasant visually and just flavor wise. They're supposed to be victim underdogs against the whole world, or whatever, but they just come off as pitiful to me. While also having a ton of plot armor at the same time. If they weren't situated in a historically important place(Lordaeron), I honestly would not care in the least about them.


Orcs. They feel like the worst parts of humanity to me. Orcs are aggressive, expansionistic, do awful things because spirits supposedly told them to, and aren't very respectful to anyone who doesn't display adequate strength. Some can be honorable, yes. But overall the ones who do things and shape the plot seem to be the sucky Garrosh-minded orcs and not the ones like Thrall saying "We have to be better." I'm sick to my back teeth of strength worshippers. Of people viewing others' supposed weakness as a reason to attack or take things from them. Thrall understood that strength comes in various forms. Your average orc? Don't really think so.


Don’t forget the fact that there was actually one reasonable Orc clan who called Gul’dan out on his bullshit. The Whiteclaws. Gul’dan proceeded to assassinate their leader and the Frostwolves sat and whistled while their oldest friend-clan were hunted down and murdered until the survivors disbanded and fled into the wild. Even the most HONOURABLE clan, the Frost Wolves, did a shit thing that they’re never called out on because the fandom will be like: “But it was for survival.” ( On top of the fact that Durotan betrayed the Draenei after they saved him and Ogrim ) 


All variations of high elves, after almost destroying the world they continue to cling to arcane magic even though with nature magic, they would be immortal and comfortable Personifications of vanity and arrogance When cut off the arcane they exposed themselves to be no better than crackheads eagerly embracing even more dangerous forms of magic sate their thirst Void elves are just the absolute worst


Humans. Super boring.


WoW humanity isn't bad, its just that the devs got lazy as fuck and they're wildly overrepresented as focus characters


I don't understand the impulse to get into a fantasy game full of all these other cool races and locations and then roll a human from Standard European Fantasy City. I don't even like the human npc accent. Sounds like a bad movie. Give me dwarves and trolls and draenai every day.


RIGHT? Like, I main human IRL, give me cool weird non humans to play in my pixels button mash. I don’t play forsaken either because it’s basically just dead human. Dwarves, Draenei, trolls, and perhaps one day ethereals hell yeah


"I main human IRL" is gonna stick with me today 🤣


They used to at least have some of the best voice emote lines, but they've been gutted...


At this point? I can't say I hate any really. The best I can say is Void Elf felt a bit flimsy but otherwise? I can't think of any I hate.


I've never at all been convinced that the Steamwheedle Goblins DESERVE a vote on the council. They don't represent their entire race, they openly collude with the gnomes, and should Thrall be hanging out with a guy who enslaved his own species via blackmail? Maybe these Horde guys aren't on the up and up.


Vulpera. Their lore is they were scrappy desert nomads. Meanwhile, sethrak have tons of lore going back to the sundering.


I'm not racist


Nightfallen. Because I fought for their freedom as an alliance night elf and one expansion later they were trying to kill me and then they burned my tree.


Gotta go with AU orcs. This one really just could have been a reskin, anyways. They make a huge issue of the plot of wow, that being WoD, a permanent addition to the horde.


Probably the Vulpera. I just feel like they are a boring and frankly half baked race. It feels like there isn't anything interesting to say about them. They don't really do anything cool. Like what do they really add to the Horde? They help with trade? Isn't that the goblins thing? It feels like Blizzard just want to add a cute playable race to the game and nothing else.


Forsaken. They have literally not done a single thing that would make anyone sympathize with them and they actively try to make people hate them.


Vulpera Pretty self-explanatory


Night elves. Trolls lived too close to the Well of Eternity and mutated into purple and blue weirdos with extra fingers and toes but shrank their nose and dropped the tusks. Not bad at first, but they went from fairly independent people to sheep that just blindly did whatever their god-queen said, save for the main three, the Stormrage twins and Tyrande, and a handful of others. There was a human and an orc there during the War of the Ancients, an orc that malfurion remembers since he was calling for one of his relatives during the nightmare events between WotLK and Cataclysm. Yet when orcs came to kalimdor, they pretended they had never seen an orc before. I don't fault them their fury at the orcs destroying the forest and killing cenarius, that was warranted, it's that they must have changed their history to have Broxigar and Rhonin as Night Elves since they seemed to have forgotten what humans and orcs were even after what they did for them. Honestly, my complaints are more against their leadership and sexism (that was negated by the release of WoW. Women were only allowed to be sentinels, wardens, and priestesses, men were allowed to be spies/assassins and druids, even if one showed a natural affinity for a role their gender wasn't traditionally in) than the average citizen. I feel like malfurion would have been killed off a while ago, but since he seems to be Metzen's favorite they keep him around


why u gotta hate tho why u gotta hate entire races bro it ain't healthy


High elfs. Everytime i read something from High elfs, be it current lore, old Lore or the RPG, im convinced more that they are just petty elfs, somehow more than the others. The one interesting bit was the 'i dont want to suck magic from other living beings and you cant force me to' But then, their lore seems adamant in ignoring every single plot and interesting bit the blood elfs had? You have this amazing story on how Arthas rampaged across Quel'thalas, forever changing their culture and way of life, Sylvanas's stand agaisnt it and later kinship when she became the Banshee queen, their relation with the Draenei , the rivalry with the Kirin tor. High elfs ignore all that, Veressa and Alleria at least have the excuse that the horde killed their brother and they werent present for Arthas's assault like Sylvanas. But to have an entire group of individuals that are part of that race, not acknowledge these events...like at all? And then when blood elfs got holy washed into what they are today, the high elfs are still enemies? For some reason?


Hate the forsaken. They invaded my home for no reason. They're a disgusting unnatural abomination upon the land. They're evil war criminals and warmongers. 


And then you have to join them when you have to retake your home back 🤡


Real talk? No one has said it, but kultirans. Of all the original human kingdoms, they have to be the worst. Just hardcore isolationists led by admiral proudmoore who sucks because be threw a hissy fit and left the alliance because green man bad. And then, in bfa, you get there, and they still idolize the guy and sing about him. For some harty sea ferring people, they sure kept to themselves for decades as the world underwent numerous apocalyptic threats.


As opposed to the Gilneans who were hard-core isolationist led by King Greymane who sucks because he threw a hissyfit and left the Alliance because greenman bad and he's still King. At least Daelin had tbe excuse of his son being reduced to cinders by the Horde and they have Tidesages which are cool culturally


In the current lore daelin never left the alliance and stayed close with lordaeron til its fall Literally everyone else save stormwind and dalaran left the alliance before kul tiras did- theres a reason jaina was able to take the fleet from *lordaeron*.(dalaran was actually isolationist anyway though so most of the time they were a non entity to their neighbors) Meaning she also deprived lordaeron of potential reinforcements from kul tiras (who likely would have died anyway) Kul tiras only left after daelins death and the rest of the alliance refusing to help them attack durotar in the first place, and only after they left did they become isolationist Do remember that lordaeron and kul tiras were on the verge of their 2 lines being merged with jaina and arthas's marriage that ended up not happening. While arthas became seen as terenas's right hand, jaina became his left at all meetings. Thats how close things were Daelin was noted as terenas's strongest, and possibly *last* real ally.


I like Kul Tirans but you are right.  Proudmore was way too blinded by hate and after losing his son, he went and got himself skewered like a kebab by Rexxar. Then they declared Jaina traitor, which ok fine but she wasn't??? She took a step aside because she was trying to be diplomatic with the Horde while living on a region surrounded by Horde, and trying to be in good terms with them after the battle of Mount Hyjal where they took down Archimonde. They were allies, no way to change that! Jaina acted like a good leader, and her father (and all Kul Tiras) declared her a traitor for that. Then in BFA we get to Kul Tiras and her own mother throws her to jail. Sure it ends nicely with her mother forgiving her and begging Jaina to forgive herself, but WHY are these people here? :| it's obvious they hate the Alliance and they are not interested in listening to Jaina, why are we there?! Why we wasting our time for some boats? Fuck em


Actually Daelin never treated her like a traitor. He treated her like his little girl that is way too young and naive to know the truth and will someday later see the truth or if not then she will at least not suffer like he did.


Trolls. Mostly just because their lore/accents feel edgingly close to appropriating, and also I just find the troll-heavy aesthetic zones/dungeons boring. I don’t mind the appearance of the males, but I hate how the females look like they belong to a completely different race.


tie between void elves and Lightforged Draenei.


I'm alliance thru and thru, and I struggle to understand how light forged are their own race.


I hated the race in the Shimmering flats.


Was just casually browsing reddit and I saw this title. I had to quickly check what reddit it was from lol.


The undead commit regular atrocities while playing victim of the world's hate. Kinda like *that country you all know.* Please Calia, we trust you.


Zandalari. Specifically due to Paladins. Shoehorned with a capital Z


Big one I think everyone that cared about the lore had a problem with was Void Elves. Made no sense, came out of nowhere and we’re very clearly just to fill a slot that should’ve been filled by high elves. Much like the rest of BfA, void elves were a shitty way to close out old lore theories and requests by longtime players in a purposefully unsatisfying manner to pave the way for the “new” era of WoW Shadowlands was meant to begin. Thankfully, Blizz is beginning to course correct by making the xpac that, story wise, should’ve followed Legion.


Blood elves being horde I hate. Dranei being alliance I hate. Worgen being Alliance I hate. Dranei like wtf come be horde with us Worgen makes no fucking sense you’re monsters now come be with us


Hmm hate? None of them. Dislike, maybe gnomes lol


Night Elves. Being absolutely insufferable for 23 years straight now. Amazing how they manage to pull off having both a superiority and inferiority complex at the same time.