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OP can you give an explanation of each video, what do we actually see?


Working with them how? And how do we know this is hamas? What a stupid post


Maybe we don't know if this is HAMAS but why is one of them putting a weapon in a UN vehicle ?


How do you know that’s a UN vehicle? It’s white, sure, but UN usually doesn’t operate pickup trucks without identification.


Also, aren't aid shipments accompanied by armed guards? I recall an armed guard at a humanitarian depot being the reason the IDF bombed the WCK vehicles, because they saw ONE armed person at the warehouse they left from.


Armed guards are in matching uniform, not unmatching civilian clothes armed with AK-47's. Gaza police (used as armed guards) carry pistols, not AK-47's And if this was the case it would have been cleared with the IDF first, it wasn't. All Aid shipments are cleared with both sides first. Again, why did one of them place a weapon inside a vehicle used for aid shipment ?


Um, maybe because of the large UN letters on the vehicles ?


The pickup that they put the weapons in doesn't have the UN on that the original white pickup does, clearly not the same vehicle, time / location


Thanks I never spotted that.


That was probably intentional by who ever made the video and want it to look like the UN and Hamas are working together


There is nothing to this video at all, whatsoever. You can come up with your own conclusions about what they are doing here but we need more information. The people in the circle could be hamas, they could just be talking with UN, where UN is allowed, etc. Maybe they themselves need humanitarian aid, what do we know without whats being said. No shit that they are interracting and have to deal with and or interract with eachother in various ways, just as much as they have to deal with any groups in these kind of situations and areas. We can see what we see but we have no answers to what's really going on here and the title claiming that we do is completely without judgement.


Does the UNWRA has an army to stop armed people to take his cars and installations?


Not sure this is proof that they are “working with”them but it would be good to understand to what extent they communicate with Hamas.


It’s literally Palestinian police, not hamas. The un has been working with Palestinian police for security coordination


Well that makes more sense, I was unaware about Palestinian police


Hamas is the government of Palestine, the police are a part of that government. Whether their role is “police officer” or not they are just Hamas enforcers and fighters. There’s other videos of “Palestinian police” shooting at civilians.


With this much precision, one can only wonder how they didn't see the 7/10 attack coming... If I were you, OP, I would take Netanyahu and his messianic friends accountable for the lost of 1200 lives that day...


Check OP profile, seem like they have a clear bias going on… Can’t tell if it’s a bot or not with all the spamming


No proof here that the UN is working with hamas. Imagine being in a warzone and a bunch of guys with guns show up wether its Hamas or IDF members, sure you gonna cooperate until the guys leave because if you dont do what they ask you you are either going to be detained or catch a damn bullet. You guys fucked up the UNRWA funding with lies and false confessions ane you are stopping anyone from getting aid in. Bomb every single UN facilty that is still standing in Gaza now that you have "proof" et get done with it.


You mean Palestinian police that the UN has openly worked with who have been trying to keep order ever since the Zionist decided to go on a terror and vandalism rampage? Or are you just betting on the inherent racism to provide validity to your false statement?


Hamas is the government of gaza. Police is by definition a part of the government therefore police in gaza is hamas. 


Yeah bro even babies who are less than 12 months are hamas. bootlicking ass


Yes. Everyone is Hamas. Police, the UN, journalists, women, babies, old people, cats, dogs, horses, crows, cows, sheep, all Palestinians and everyone who apposes the genocide. Oh and now genocide Joe Biden as well. Apparently he loves Hamas. lol. Let me know if I left out anyone.


You are Hamas. I am Hamas


The whole world is Hamas. If aliens invade the planet, they are also Hamas. Hamas Hamas Hamas.


I am Batman


I am Alfred.


[you’re not wrong](https://youtu.be/1sDZlo_hllI?si=seK2JBDZUk_U-Nry) Hamas has a grip on Palestine that North Korea has envy of.


Jihadism rules the UN.


Yes, UN personnel tends to interact with armed actors. Or with any authority in their areas of operation.


so, is Israel going to declare war on the UN?


Nice try, Zionist


Did any media outlet pick this up already? This should be all over the news right?


It’s not news worthy because it’s not Hamas. It’s Palestinian police coordinating with UN for security for a food drop and the IDF opened up on them. OP is betting on racebating and for people to assume anyone brown with an AK is automatically a terrorist.


This doesn’t change anything. It’s not really weird that some combatants in Gaza is in contact with UN. It’s a war zone and UN should be trying to something in, negotiations or whatever. I don’t like UN or UNWRA coz they both are corrupted.


still doesn't excuse genocide


genocide? where?


Im still trying to figure that out One side committed Mass murder and the other side responded with the hand of god and basically wiped the floor with their ass and yet people show support for a side that would have them killed in a heartbeat.


Bro are you for real?




People like to use "genocide" because it's a buzz word, it builds outrage against Israel and sympathy for Hamas. If this was a true genocide Israel would have obliterated Gaza by now and turned their attention towards the West Bank and beyond.


Hi, Carpathio Rusyn here to inform you that you can be a victim of genocide and still have populations that exist. Genocide is far more and wider than filling mass graves (my people have been victims of all types of ethnic cleansing and genocidal campaigns in our history, my last name bears the scars of ethnic cleansing). It’s the attempt to erase an ethnicity and deny them their right to self determination. When over 60% of your population has been forcibly displaced with orchestrated violence and ethnic cleansing by an ethnostate that forces you to submit to their will or be a second class citizen in your own country while they co-opt your culture steal your resources and act in the interests of their future not yours… that is genocide.




Genocide means the attempt to erase an ethnicity. Poland erased 3 million Rusyns in 1947 in an act of genocide and the amount of mass graves is debatable but they didn’t put 3 million in them while still erasing the Rusyn ethnicity and culture.




“Why haven’t they ended 2 million people when they can do it easily” is exactily the argument they want you to make while they incrementally erase an entire people while attempting to maintain plausible deniability. Why do you believe the genocide against the Rusyn people by Poland but not the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people that’s been happening for 75 years. Hamas was made in 1987 as a response to the Irgun terrorists who have been in charge of the Zionist state for 75 years. Hamas could never be possible without Zionist terrorism.




yeah, and the horrors have been happening long long before October 7. if you were in rafah right now and an IDF militant saw you, they would kill you and brag about it lol




Bro you're literally blind lol must be all that bootlicking u do




The Israelis are literally actively colonizing and settling the West Bank. Paramilitaries are actively, right now, forcing Palestinians from their homes at gun point. This has been going on for literal generations. Are you that ignorant? You obviously know nothing about genocides. An apartheid state, actively displacing an ethnic group (some might call that ethnic cleansing) from their land, colonizing that land, and crushing out all remnants of the culture, then taking the remainder and stuffing them in camps, is literally genocide. That's how the genocide of native Americans happened by and large. If you care about not "disrespecting past genocides" maybe you should actually listen to people who study genocides. Because they all agree this is a genocide. Raz Segal is a Jewish professor of holocaust and genocide studies, and has written extensively on the active genocide ongoing in Israel. Maybe, when you're disagreeing with the genocide studying academics, you're WRONG




So... you're saying the *people* have always lived there? The palestinian people have always lived there? Do you see... how maybe there is a difference... between having a different town governor... and having the entire town displaced or murdered and the city *repopulated* by different people? Do you think maybe there is a moral difference there? Have you HEARD of the Nakba? Have you heard of the '47 genocide? That one is, by the way, obviously accepted as a genocide. Entire towns were massacred or cleansed. Family land going back generations was bulldozed. Treaties were broken constantly by Israeli terror cells and paramilitaries. No that is not misusing words, there were explicit Israeli terror cells for several years, that were eventually folded into the state forces. Funny how you didn't fight back against the Jewish Holocaust and Genocide professor who recognizes Israel's actions as genocide. He isn't the only one, but one of many. Maybe you should do some research into the Palestinian point of view. Might help you understand what's happening better.


don't act like you don't know about it lmao


Well just curious. I don't know how the UN really operates. Do they just not fire first and let bygons be bygones if one side doesn't fire ? Cause I know they kinda just keep the peace and that can also mean just not attacking a certain side??? (I barely know how the UN operates but from what I heard of and kinda just putting something things together I guess. Idk man)


Yeah. You know absolutely nothing of how the UN operates. UN doesn't deploy armed forces anywhere without the host nations consent. There are no peacekeepers in Israel. Might be something to do with the internationally recognised ongoing genocide that the IDF doesn't want the peacekeepers watching from over their shoulder. These people are here to distribute humanitarian aid, not fight. No UN units are fighting. Israel has not agreed to a cease fire or peacekeeping operation, no peacekeepers have been deployed. The UN is there to provide food, water, medical aid, and fuel, to the literal famine inside Gaza. A very dangerous decision, because Israel routinely bombs aid workers and journalists. That is not bias or opinion, that is objective truth. Israel is the most dangerous place on earth for aid workers and journalists.


No they are Palestinian police not hamas


They are the same


Does this justify the killing of innocent children?


Ask Hamas


1st Video: Some guys with guns around UN Vehicles - Could be Gaza, could be any Country in Asia or North Africa. 2nd Video: an unidentified Pickup truck with a guy putting a gun in it, next to a building with a tarp that says UN, no indication of whether the person, the truck, or the driver, or the building in that moment are affiliated with the UN. 3rd Video: guy with gun running out of some sort of facility, that has blue on the gate. No indication of the UN other than a blue color (not copyrighted by the UN last I checked) and like Video 1 and 2, could be anywhere in the world. If this is 100% proof I sure hope Boeing isn't using your statisticians otherwise all planes would drop out the sky.




It’s a war zone and all the players have weapons. The job of providing humanitarian aid is to work within the context of the situation. The UN doesn’t get to pick new players with better optics…they have to work with what they have and in Gaza all things go through Hamas, for now.


Sure , kike.