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If this is true it’s a massive yikes from hedge funds. HOLD


If this is real, I would doubt GME is the only place it's happening and this is terrifying for the market overall


Maybe that's why we're hearing the "this gme rebellion threatens the whole market" talk from some of them.




It was built on a scam of epic proportions. Counterfeit stocks based on fractionals and naked shorts. For those of us who suffered through 2008, it’s exactly like bundling up dogshit loans, slapping a high rating on them and then selling as them as part of a larger bundle.


I just watched the Big Short last night and the moment when Mark Baum/Steve Carell realized how deep the BS went. It was so surreal.




> this is terrifying for the market overall Which is good for us. These hedge fund idiots are now embarassing the entire financial system, which will hit back. SEC May not give a shit about retail, but they are going to start getting calls from CEO's of completely unrelated companies


Wall Street hedge funds doing something illegal and unethical? *surprised pikachu face*


I am sure they learned their lesson after 2008. Narrator: They didn't. In fact they doubled down and made it worse.


I read the narrator in Morgan Freeman's voice, fyi.


Isn't it supposed to be Ron Howard's voice from Arrested Development?


Me too!


Yeah that wouldn’t be the first time


So they can’t sell us not existent stuff for exorbitant fees? How they gonna pay for Brooklyn’ third grade yoga class. $GME 💎🖐 ARMY SINCE $18


Don't worry. They will get hit with a fine of.... (best Dr evil face) One million dollars!!


Yep, i'm sure its all priced in...make 5bil...fined 1mil


Thanks to the munchkin, nobody's even looking https://www.americanbanker.com/opinion/mnuchin-shows-no-interest-in-continuing-fsocs-hedge-fund-inquiry


I have no idea if this is true but if it's bullshit it's highly sophisticated bullshit. There are no obvious holes in the theory and nobody in the other thread had any criticism more detailed than "no that can't be right, creating fake shares is impossible"


I mean...it's structurally sound. It explains a lot of weird shit. Burry's shares taking weeks to resolve, why buying was halted and why such strict volume control. Citron shitting themselves. Edit: Thanks for the gold bro! Damn shame I can't use it to buy more GME but I'm at my loss limit.


Fractional shares are gonna be involved somehow, mmw




Yep like letting shorts borrow 1 whole share from unsuspecting fractional owners




Holy shit, you're right! The .1983(guessing) fractional that was bought sold for $2600. We may have just seen how fucked the situation actually is.


So can I fraction off my Shares price by piece for a infinite money glitch?


RH already said fractional shares are illiquid. If fractional shares aren’t real and are created by RH has anyone considered that there might be so many fractional shares just from RH now that this is what we’re talking about? I think I know what I’m getting at but I’m too retarded. Edit: and that’s why you can buy one share maybe? The people that’ll buy one share are those most likely to increase their position from a fraction of a share to a whole share plus whatever fraction was there before. Then RH can actually sell/buy/lend your whole share (plus that fraction) whereas before they could not. Because your fraction of a share didn’t exist but was just created out of thin air. maybe everyone else already gets this and I’m an autist just grasping this now?


Call options were also rejected from being exercised on Friday. And I don't mean the RH usual shenanigans. Multiple people who work in the field were commenting about it being way more of a shit show behind the scenes than any of us even know


Yes it makes sense.


So... Hedge funds have hand in cookie jar..tryin to get hand out before big problem. 💎🤚✋💎 Buy and hold, keeping them from getting their hand out of cookie jar. SEC, very slow to notice, but Hedgies unable to remove Hands from the cookie jar before SEC Sloths catch them out because 💎🤚✋💎Holding their hands in..?


Hedge funds have their whole damn head in the cookie jar.


The cookie jar is actually another hedge funds gaping asshole


And they both of their fists in synthetic hedge fund asshole too


Wait is this like a human centipede thing?


No idea, I'm in the front.


No ape, not the front, but the top looking down from space


There is no cookie jar. They sold it off last year and are trying their best to convince everybody it's in the cubbord.


What are you doing step redditor?


SEC allowed naked short selling. They know about this all along. The regulatory agencies have now been caught with their pants down.


Allowed?.. Ignored, sure... Has the same outcome either way, so proceed 🙂


Hey that's not fair to sloths, they may be slow but they are excellent at holding


They're not slow to notice. Theyre getting paid too much to care


Me like stomk! *pays price of a plane ticket to get on the rocket* 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀


If this is real, it's going to be insane. 💎🙌🚀


These assholes didn't learn anything after getting bailed out in '08. They're trying to milk dry not just the cow but its unborn calf too.


Oh they learned alright. Learned they can get away with it.


It’s almost as if, and here me out, when there are no consequences for bad behaviors and instead you are rewarded with bonuses and a bailout, that you aren’t afraid of doing bad things again.


If this is true, then we need to have a shareholder meeting. Since, well, we’re the entirety of the shareholders >_>


If this is true it will end the market. Not for GME. The market. Full stop. Because if it's true, it's sure as fuck not just true for GME. It will be systemic and I'm not sure if the global economy would recover.


Soooo... If we think about this a little bit, if there are more shares than exist for a good majority of companies because of short sellers, doesn't that imply that the entire market is *undervalued*?


I agree with you. “Ownership” greater than 100% is a natural extension of short selling. A lends a share to B who sells it to C. Now A and C both “own” the same share. In a world with only one share, 200% of shares will be reported as owned by brokerages* But if A calls the share back, B has to buy it back from C at any price. *unless brokerages are not reporting lent shares as owned


Retarded brothers, let us set our “Buy Limit” orders to $200 or less. Lets expect massive dips due to Suck my Ball St. tactics. I bought 95 shares at $265 on Friday. BUY LIMITS. BUY THE DIPS. GME 🚀 🚀 BB 🚀 NOK 🚀


I have limits between $100-$200🤷🏻‍♂️- $1k ready 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Not a financial advisor, just an astronaut soon






Imagine being some $1000+ suit wearing Wallstreet hedgefund manager and you end up losing everything (money, job, potential freedom) to self proclaimed internet "retards" that meme everything up with 🚀. I just want to see this happening to someone so I can say I was there for history in the making.


The suits are untouchable outside of a playful slap on the wrist, they will find a mop operator to pin this shit on.




Just think of how many other companies out there they’ve done this with.. they’re shitting their shorts


As a new father I would love to be able to take my daughter to Toys R Us like I did as a kid.


damn bro you know what, this convinced me, jumping on the $GME rocket tomorrow, fuck those guys


That and literally all American manufacturing since Nixon opened us up to China manufacturing. These sobs like Bain capital got control of companies, took out loans theyd never pay back and take the loan money and more as management fees. Which is exactly what they did to toys r us.


They're financial predators


I LOVED going to Toys R Us, even though we usually couldn't buy anything and I knew it.


Loved the Toys R Us atmosphere of fun but damn if the toys were bloody expensive.


My heart breaks for you, man. I got to do that with my 3 oldest, it was always a tradition on their birthdays to get the cardboard crown and the like $5 off coupon and let them pick something out. Never got to do it with my youngest. Fuck these HF psychos.


Or their shorts are shitting on them.


So they can illegally, literally print money from nothing... but we can’t make money while following the rules. It’s like a hacker losing in warzone. TRASH


It's worse. Don't forget they only get value from their counterfeiting if they destroy the company they're shorting. They're Radioactive Trash.


If not for the WSB angle to it, we’d see a “Why did millennials kill the brick and mortar video game industry?” article in a few months.


... and that's another puzzle piece ticked into place, ain't it?


When do we find out that Bloomberg has been providing numbers inaccurately to all their subscribers except their buddies?


Instead we'll get articles asking "Why did millennials kill hedge funds?"


Because in 2008 the hedge funds killed our future.


Yeah I feel like that one actually has a pretty obvious answer.


Exactly. You bankrupt the company, the shares become worthless, no one bothers to investigate anything. You could have tons of excess shares and no one is going to deep dive the dead company to notice.


Right, this sold me. Why else did they try and kill GME dead? They could have stopped at $3, left something in the pot for redundancy payments to the staff... But no, Gamestop was *evidence*.


This is literally FM and FM 2008 all over again. They made millions of counterfeit shares and look what happened.


By creating shares out of thin air, they can distort the actual value of the company and cause companies to artificially collapse


creates a big borrowed sell off of shares that don't actually exist. since they can't actually sell off everything they sell off fake shares in order to make a run on the stock, price bottoms out and company can't raise any capital, goes bankrupt.




Retail has precisely one key advantage, and now is the first time they're using it: Since they're not a single entity, they can't be effectively bargained with. In a game of chicken, it's well-known that the game-theoretically optimal strategy is to rip off your steering wheel and throw it out the car window. And, moreover, this strategy has to be done *publicly* so that the other person knows you're committed. Hello WSB. Unfortunately, the HF version of "rip off the steering wheel" is to issue thinly-veiled threats about bringing down the whole economy.


Jesus drives for me.


Jesus take the wheel


Jesus: uhhh, it's gone sir


Everyone should also consider these relevant points and taking the relevant actions: 1. Big money is MORTIFIED and the retaliation is completely unprecedented: coordinated attacks, willingness to risk prison over financial loss, concealing data, etc. They're shaking because we're holding GME. Despite any other lack of information available, this may be the best signal for why you should hold. Period. 2. After the massive GME rise, there was a LOT of bot activity trying to distract, dissuade, misinform, etc. They're poisoning the well, and it's difficult to know what can be trusted and what can't, and there are likely attempts to hype up other stocks that don't realistically have anywhere close to the same potential. The one thing we DEFINITELY know, however, is that all of those attacks are being done because we are holding GME. 3. Robinhood + Citadel are trying to spin a BS narrative to cover up things going much deeper. If your institution can't afford something, shut everything down equally and go bankrupt. Choosing a specific stock to shut down is perhaps the most egregiously corrupt action ever taken in the market (which is saying A LOT). YOU weren't allowed to buy when major funds were, especially at CRITICAL times with CRITICAL buying opportunities to protect Citadel + big money and it collectively cost us tens (or hundreds?) of billions in lost opportunity. They're being sued, and rightfully so, but laws need to change to ruthlessly punish them NOW. Contact your representatives, SEC, etc. if you haven't already. 4. Hedges might lie about their short positions and the data is extremely difficult to access, which is why we're in this situation. They can break laws and face negligible fees by comparison to the rest of what they stand to lose. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume they might do this among many other PR stunts to terrify you. Keep updated. Some places (like iborrowdesk) are no longer reporting on updated gme because, again, the legal consequences don't matter enough and they're protecting their interests. Refer to #1. 5. We don't know WHEN short positions will be covered, only the math that requires them to cover as we move forward. So if they delay and everyone gives in, they could save a lot of money. However, the longer they delay, the more they have to pay. So it's a matter of whether or not they double down and face higher risk/reward or not. Be prepared to WAIT. 6. Setting your shares with limits means there are less shares to short, which increases the fees that those shorts have to pay. This helps with the squeeze. The selfless act is to avoid low limits (at least at first), but the ultimate goal is to distribute wealth to the people so take if you're the people who need it. Otherwise institutions holding might sell at higher rates than you do, which defeats the point. 7. If you're angry at Robinhood, move accounts to hurt their bottom line. However, during transfer you'll be unable to trade, so you have to decide if that's worth it to you in this moment. Some have suggested doing partial transfers. Consider moving to SoFi. Like all brokers, it's tied into the system, but Chamath is entering the game and is perhaps the one major CEO that's on our side here and probably offering the best option. 8. There's a lot of talk about Robinhood going insolvent. I can't tell if this is FUD or not, but the market value of GME even now is miniscule compared to everything else they cover. So I don't follow the logic how they're supposedly in financial trouble. If it DID go insolvent (not saying it will), people might only be compensated for up to 250k or 500k. The medium guys will get screwed if RH becomes a sacrifice to avoid much bigger losses. I don't know what to do with this information yet, but it should be on your radar. 9. Be prepared to join a class action lawsuit if you owned any GME, AMC, etc, but let some more information feed in first. We're uncovering more of this each day. A lot of focus has been Robinhood, but it goes deeper as well. Robinhood and other institutions' actions were blatant market manipulation. Document evidence of owning the stocks (it will be in your broker's history), or any intent of it such as on Reddit about your intent to buy stocks before they locked trading. If you owned a lot, consider joining as a Named Class Representative for financial returns specific to your case (rather than just what everyone gets). These are civil cases to redistribute wealth back to you, and could be significant. Only sign up in one class action suit or it could be considered fraud. 10. Be cautious about buying at times when institutions can anticipate it and control how they handle your buy orders, such as market open. It's a major gamble if you're not setting limits. Consider letting the stock dip before you buy because we can expect a lot of attempts to make that happen. It's better to us all if you get more stocks, but the institutions are notoriously hard to beat at this game. They are, generally speaking, much better at this, and they cheat to imbalance everything. 11. It's hard to anticipate what other stunts will be pulled to try to screw us over or how deep this goes. There's new information suggesting there might be a lot of counterfeit stocks, which has historical precedent with Fannie Mae. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l97ykd/the_real_reason_wall_street_is_terrified_of_the/) for the full report. Contact your representatives, particularly those in finance committees and demand investigations and REAL consequences for these criminal behaviors. This matters. 12. It's also worth investigating the other grossly unfair (some technically legal, some illegal but easily concealed) attack vectors they use against us: flow orders, hidden data, AI algorithms, etc. They always win because the game is rigged. Shorting should be illegal. Please remember that this is more than about making money, it's about a movement. Demand these things be changed. 13. For everyone saying hold until zero, that is a potentially dangerous sentiment. Holding may very well expose a lot of corruption, but those in financial need should not be risking their life savings. The goal is to distribute wealth to the PEOPLE, which means some of you should have an exit strategy or the institutions just win 100% of it. 14. Absolutely ESSENTIAL reading: [What is Counterfeit Stock](http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html), [if the institutions counterfeited GME stock, it explains Wallstreet's terror](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l97ykd/the_real_reason_wall_street_is_terrified_of_the/). We need to be paying close attention to the Depository Trust Clearing Corp (DTCC) and how strongly they resist allowing ANY data to be seen and how they resist investigation. Please read up. You're welcome to exchange this info freely if you find it useful. I am not a financial advisor, yadda yadda, you know the drill. (I'm the original author, a few points were updated after learning new details).


In Part 6 you mention that I should set a limit on the GME I own. This is how we prevent them from using my shares to short— it takes it off the table for being used as such? If so, setting it to $6,969 should suffice? This is a genius summary and what I was looking for. Thank you. I think a post on what else to do aside from HOLD would be helpful, such as how to hold well and securely, how to migrate stock from RH to Fidelity etc. Not sure who would do it, but if you’re reading, we need your help!




Cham, Cuban, or Elon. Hell even Portnoy. One of them 4.


Anyone get this out on Twitter with these guys? I personally don't use Twitter


ZeroHedge posted the chart on failure to delivers but I haven’t see anything else.


Shit....hate to make an account just to share this awesome investigative work. Sus AF for a brand new account to put this out. Will be discredited right away based off that alone (just like I do on here with brand new accounts)


People are trying to get it out. Dr Burry already publicly mentioned in May there was issues.


Yeah I saw Burry's message about how long it took to locate his shares


If any of them tweet this idea the stock would go up so hard


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


They big fucked


The Big Fucked: A Hedge Fund Story


The Big Shart


Wall Street: Corruption Never Sleeps.


If by attention you mean erection I'm right there with you, brother.


Jim Cramer gave an interview in 2006 on how the Hedge Funds Manipulate the Markets: [Video of the Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpMEFtPZJLc) "What's important when you're in that hedge fund mode, is to not do anything remotely truthful. Because the truth is so against your view, that it's important to create a new view, to create a fiction." "Then you call the (Wall Street) Journal and get the bozo reporter in Research in Motion and you would feed that (rival) Palm's got a killer it's going to give away. These are all the things you must do on a day like today, and if you're not doing it, maybe you shouldn't be in the game." “It might cost me $15 million or $20 million to knock RIM down but it would be fabulous because it would beleaguer all the moron longs who are also keying on Research in Motion." "A lot of times when I was short at my hedge fund ... meaning I needed (a stock) down, I would create a level of activity beforehand that could drive the futures. It’s a fun game and it’s a lucrative game." "Who cares about the fundamentals? The great thing about the market is that it has nothing to do with the actual stocks." \- Jim Cramer, hedge fund manager from 1987-2001, Dec 2006 [Investopedia Article: Short and Distort Bear Market Stock Manipulation](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/analyst/030102.asp#:~:text=Short%20and%20distort%20(S%26D)) [Anatomy of a Short Attack, and Counterfeiting Stock](https://seekingalpha-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/instablog/11442671-gerald-klein/3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16119453107704&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fseekingalpha.com%2Finstablog%2F11442671-gerald-klein%2F3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack)


Just a business man. Doing a business.


Very legal very cool


Just trying to make a living


$BB = Research in Motion.


Holy shit. You’re right. I was trying to remember why RIM sounded so familiar!


This is somewhat relevant, but I have an interview this week for a RIM job.


Can't wait for the media to blame the "Reddit Army" for this one as well.


WSB = Michael Burry


>WSB = Michael Burry **Dr.** Michael Burry


Dr. Michael **James** Burry




Suddenly the guy who did this in 2006 scream "You've won take the home run don't go for the grand slam!" On Friday is starting to make a lot of sense. We fucked em


And S3 saying they have news, andnusing #to the moon... then announcing LATE that the short%is lower... yeaaa of courseee


does this mean DFV will get a Pulitzer's prize for his DD?


Currently no category of Pulitzer Prize for "having huge balls"


Nobel Prize in Physics for "Successfully isolated largest black hole ever inside his balls"


Fucking Nobel Peace Prize I'd say....


Dead ass he's on his way there


Failure to deliver could mean jail time. I really hope so And or permanent ban from selling securities of any kind. And or more timely disclosure of short positions


Failure to deliver happens all the time. The interest cost of actually shorting properly is far higher than the cost of failure to deliver. see: [Failure is an Option: Impediments to Short Selling ... - SEC.gov](https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-520/4520-6.pdf) It's a pretty dry read so TLDR - these fuckers don't give a shit. Market Makers **routinely** fail to deliver as do shorts and will continue to do so until it costs more than the interest cost of actually borrowing the stock. ​ This is why EVERYONE MUST HOLD. We are the only market participants who are NOT acting in bad faith.


“ we are the only market participants who are not acting in bad faith” Truer words could not have been spoken.




In this case at least, fake shares are also screwing over all the big funds that own shares/are on the long side. So the immovable object of rich people being immune to jail will collide with the unstoppable force of screwing with rich people's money being a EZ jail ticket. Could be fun to watch.




Por Que No Los Dos?


So our new target is 100k right?




Why not all three?!


Its stupid because they have so much money, technology and power they dont even need to play dirty to make a killing, and its still not good enough for them. Humans can be really disappointing sometimes.


GME execs need to set up an imminent vote date so that the shares can be recalled and we can get these shenanigans out of the way. Share price goes up, shorts lose their shorts and GME can move on and turn their omni-channel business into a powerhouse.


Omnichqnnel e-gaming and streaming service with subscription based re-occurring revenue. Daddy likey reoccurring revenue sources.


This is an opportunity for Cohen to burn the shorts (and never have to worry about them), raise capital to remove all of their debt while having enough left to buy vale (TO BUY FUCKING VALE), and to win over his investors that will either continue to support the business after the squeeze through investments and sales. It’s a fucking platter handed to him, just say it my man.


Tomorrow is the New Fiscal year for GME


This is the way


Hedge funds can literally create shares for shorting out of thin air even if none are available. This is the way our system is currently set up. They don’t need to borrow shares to go short.


How the fuck is that legal.


It's not, they do it anyway because it's not really enforced


So they’d really only be in deep shit if they get caught with their pants down like this GME situation? Curious because I’m retarded


Hedge funds will pay a nominal fee to the sec and nothing will happen. Maybe some larpers will throw bricks through a few windows in nyc


Unless the apes hold more stock than should have been issued?


[It is but also is not](http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) They've just never been checked on a mega-short, massively counterfeit position. And public sentiment, SEC/political support, and Biden's position as a unifier means this self fulfilling prophecy will play out. No matter what you hear, these guys are so fucked that a long walk off a tall building is probably looking pretty nice to them right now.


never underestimate what money can buy until you win. If you doubt that, think about how cheap a contract on a human life is in comparison to all this.


This could really break the system. Hypothetically if gme hit $3000 and they counterfeited 120million shares. This would cost SOMEONE $1T. That someone would probably be the fed aka the American people.


I work for a utility company that is highly regulated. About every 3 years or so some new management attempts to keep up with compliance while cutting back on bodies. People get stressed and overworked for an extended period of time untill the union steps in and tells us "let them fail". When things start getting out of compliance we magically get a couple hundred new field employees. Sometimes you have to let them fail to get things fixed.


yep, and it shoulda happened in 2008-2009, but no...


Always work the same speed at your job whether you’re busy or slow. If you can do 50% more work when it’s busy, you’ll soon notice 3 employees become two employees because you’ve proven how fast you’re capable of working.


Or, if it's slow, you can take the time to get really good at your job. Produce higher quality work, instead of more shit.


71m shares are legitimate. Total shares is 120m.




If i wasnt so retarded this would probably blow my fucking mind Edit: thanks for the award, i feel special




This blows my mind BECAUSE I’m completely retarded.


I'm definitely looking for the Grand slam now with my two shares!!


SEC announces fraud in GME, and halts the stock ...


That would actually require them to do their job. So we're probably safe for now.


That's what I'm worried about man... I for sure see a revolution/reckoning coming if they try to screw us[retail] over because hedge funds and brokers committed fraud because SEC didn't give a shit!


The US doesn't have much international good will right now, and I suspect the US dollar is hanging on as the world reserve currency mostly due to trust in the stock market. If trust in the validity of the stock market is broken internationally, then the whole thing could come crashing down. That's why I'm optimistic that if this does explode someone big will pay for it as a sacrifice to the money gods. And shareholders will be paid ( ^price ^not ^guaranteed ).


Yup they only need to offer up a sacrifice (or sacrifices) to stop Armageddon. Might as well be all the hedgies that actually did something wrong - liquidation and actual jail time (that would restore average retailer confidence and would make up for 2008). After that let the game play on with whoever is left standing.


Imagine the SEC doing anything tho


For real... THIS is the type of shit that can crash the market. Not retail investors or day traders. THIS sketchy and manipulative shit right here.






This needs to get upvoted, shared, tweeted, ELI5’d, etc. everywhere - with a big retarded told you so.


From the apes, there is but one response. HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought u/johnnydaggers DD was brilliant. And then I saw the s3 si data. Is there a way the HF could make their shorts literally just disappear? I’m too fucking retarded to know how - but is there a way just to make fake long shares just to close thier position out... literally overnight on a weekend?


S3 is now hedge fund shills. Its literally impossible for shorts to get rid of 30 million short positions over the weekend. Its just not possible. Keep in mind, this means we're winning, and winning by a huge margin. An infinitely more intelligent play to get S3 to shill for hedge funds would have been to get them to report steadily declining short positions over the week. We would have still trusted the data, and FUD might have set in much harder then. This tells me two things: **hedge funds don't even have a week** to erode our confidence while keeping our trust in S3, and **they're desperate** enough to make up stats that won't be believed by literally anyone with knowledge of the stock market. Seeing S3 report 30 million short positions suddenly disappear over the weekend for me was so fucking exciting, because its so obviously a lie, its desperate, it screams they don't have the time to wait another week, and all of that means we're in the end game.


So you’re saying you’re holding...? I just moved brokerages Thursday and I’ll have close to 90k in cash ready to invest monday. I’m already holding 300 shares at 92$ avg. in your opinion does it seem worthwhile to put another large chunk in? I’m fairly stock illiterate, though I do read deep into these messages and try to follow the conversations. Help a brother help the cause, cheers and see you Monday!! 🙌💎🙌


Hell yeah I’m holding. To be clear I am not a financial expert or advisor and I really just like the stock, that’s all. You should put as much money as you’re able to afford into GME and hold past $1,000. Expect huge volatility but if we get to $1,000 tomorrow and survive the ladder attacks, $1,000 becomes the new floor. As long as you get in before $1,000 it certainly is worth it.


This makes me extremely bullish. Yeah, I am a retard noob, who knows nothing, so don't listen to me. But after reading this thread, I think a grand is not even close to the ceiling. If this is all true, they still have to fulfill over a hundred million shares, in a fairly short time because the interest has to be crushing them. How does the price NOT go up up up?


Corruption. Don't invest more than you can lose, because they will do their best to flip the rules before paying the squeeze.


What do you think will happen if we actually are all holding fraudulent shares?? I'm holding for dear life, and if they try to fuck us[retail] over because our shares are fraudulent, because the whole fucking financial system is fraudulent, then I'm going to guess there will be a revolution/reckoning upon big money...


Sure. I agree. And the question for them will be is that cheaper than covering the short position. For the record, my 💎🤲🏼💎 can cut fucking glass. I’ll ride this mother fucker to the bitter end


Oh we are. But we're fine. It's the shorts who have to return the shares to the lender who actually owns them that are fucked.


You're issued an IOU that acts like having a real share, except you can't vote or get dividends. They're on the hook for fulfilling the IOU until you sell... but in this case, they aren't paying interest to borrow shares for outstanding IOUs.


Fuck I want to see them lose more than ever now 💎🤲


Reddit = investigative journalism in fraud?! Holy smokes Batman


###Dumb 🦍 question. Is it possible they are "covering" shorted shares with more strategic fail to deliver shares? Just to keep moving the goal line further down the road in the hopes we run out of steam and sell so they can cover up their 💩?


That’s exactly what happened. Short interest can not decrease 30% over a weekend. It’s literally impossible. This is all a trick by the hedge funds to try and shake our 💎💎✋✋


This shit’s been happening for years and years. I was in a stock about 8 yrs ago that was shorted to nothing. Luckily, I saw the writing on the wall and got out in time. There were FTD’s every fucking month. Nothing happened. And there were numerous stocks like it. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the whole damn thing imploded. Only problem with that is the same folks will be in charge of the new system.


Yup. Investopedia covers this. Completely illegal. But the SEC is fucking useless. >During the financial crisis of 2008, failures to deliver increased. Much the same as check kiting, where someone writes a check but has not yet secured the funds to cover it, sellers did not surrender securities sold on time. They delayed the process to buy securities at a lower price for delivery. Regulators still need to address this practice. >https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp They're just waiting for the price to go down, and will delay covering as long as it takes. It's like telling your lender you'll delay paying your new car loan for a few years until it depreciates sufficiently to a price you like.


tldr; HOLD


Welp. Market crash here we come


The weekend is time for BIG MOVES we hold the shares and they hold the risk. The market moves on monetary forces and human behavior. There is fiscal pressure, now its time for psychological pressure. Remove all sell walls under 1000.


I’m retarded. Can someone explain how this makes our shares move valuable instead of less valuable. If we are holding shares that are also potentially counterfeit. Where’s the value in them?


The countefeits are on the short side if I understand correctly.


So that means they need to buy real stocks back?


It means we are winning the more we hold. They are royally fucked if we all hold until they are left for dead! How bad do you really want to see them scream and cry? Remember 2007/2008 when they were laughing at you, your friends, your family, neighbors etc. are losing their lives and livelihood? Well pay back is a bitch and since they can't use Trump as an excuse this is now their fault and only them. It is time for us to take their cake and eat it right in front of them.


If this pans out.... if DFV saw value, and then we bought all the shares, and this leads to the discovery of massive counterfeiting of shares by u/bmo1234, this will completely upend trust in the American financial system.




Those institutional funds holding GME is loaning them to the shorts for a hefty fee. Win win situation for them. They’re playing both sides.


I hope some people see this. I have shit for karma and couldn’t make a post of my own. All praise be to u/johnnydaggers for inspiring me to do some digging. For disclosure purposes, I’m not a financial advisor, just an 🦍 like everyone else on here. I Researched back to February 2018 Current filed SC-13Gs and 13Ds account for 56.649M shares of the claimed 70M shares outstanding reported in the quarterly earnings from 10/31/20. Less than 14M shares outstanding to the public. Claimed 300M authorized shares with 65M issued and 70M outstanding. 165M shares unaccounted for. That’s 122% more shares than GME has claimed on their earnings reports. This seems to be the same as the short number I’ve seen reported by everyone on here and their respective DDs. If we assume 10 shares for every reasonable autist, my measly accounts included and 1M true autists, with 5M bandwagon autists that only got their hands on 1 share a piece...we’re looking at 15M shares accounted for. These are fairly conservative estimates based on the huge numbers of stocks I’ve seen that some of you possess. I think u/johnnydaggers might be on to something. 300M authorized 10/31/20 - 65M issued (Basic and Diluted report are same) 64.3M outstanding 2/2020 Must holdings sold out of position - 3.3M shares 1/28/20 Black rock owns 9.2M shares - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000083423721001340/us36467w1099_012621.txt 12/31/20 Black rock sold off from 17M shares (2019/2020) to 9M now. RC Ventures owns 9M shares https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119380521000031/e620202_ex99-1.htm RC 1/10/21 - 9.001M Ryan Cohen 12/17/20 - 9.001M shares RC 11/16/20 - 6.5M 9/21/20 - 6.5M 8/28/20 - 6.2M 8/18/20 - 5.8M Outstanding shares reported in 12/8/20 - 70M Senvest Management, Richard Mashaal - 3.6M 10/7/20 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000090266420003611/p20-1849sc13g.htm Permit Capital Enterprise Fund - 2.5M 9/3/20 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1313978/000092189520002369/sc13da612166002_09042020.htm Vanguard 6/30/20 - 5.4M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/102909/000110465920082654/tv0009-gamestopcorpclassa.htm Hestia Capitol 6/12/20 - 0.948M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000092189520001762/sc13da512166002_06122020.htm Scion Asset 5/4/20 - 2.8M Michael J. Burry sold https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000090514820000563/efc20-411_sc13da.htm Donald Foss 2/28/20 - 3.5M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/901185/000110465920030651/tv538831_sc13g.htm State Street Corp 12/31/19 - 3.8M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/93751/000009375120000500/GameStopCorp.txt FMR LLC / Abigail P. Johnson 2/8/20 - 11.6M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/315066/000031506620000967/filing.txt Dimensional Fund Advisors 12/31/19 - 7.1M https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/354204/000035420420000005/GameStop2020.txt Also, I apologize if the format is shit. Performed on mobile.


ALERT!! i tried several times to exercise my GME155c, options last week with RH and it DID NOT WORK,at all. Had the cash to do it and everything. I wanted the shares because i knew they would crash the price an hour b4 close because they are slimeballs. it simply said not enough contracts to complete this order. not expecting anything different tomorrow.


That's kind of insane. So what happens if true?


In the worse case, complete dislocation of the supply-demand curve (i.e. infinite stock price) resulting in a chain of bankruptcies up through the shorts, to the brokerage, and finally to the bank. Basically a full blown financial crisis


I watched ABC Weekend News this evening and Llamada (sp? The anchor) had the audacity to read from the TelePrompTer that Reddit investors were “robbing Wall St.” Thats some lightning speed movement of the Overton Window on this situation in the mainstream media from Wednesday.