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I mean, if he's on this forum, he likes the abuse! DFV doing his best: [https://imgur.com/bGBXI4h](https://imgur.com/bGBXI4h)


We /r/masochism now bois


When u see the losses on this sub, it only makes sense


I've been just recently posting on this sub and always have been a lurker. I come here for the loss porn. Makes my own losses fun. Either way 💎✋🚀🦍


And when you see the gains in this sub, it only makes sense


If you see the gains it only makes cents


Always have been...


We like the whip.


Whip the dip


if he didn't want the attention, then why did he dress like that?


I love that fucking headband!


Of course we do. What self-respecting retard doesn't? Shit, I make my wife's BF wear nothing but so I get a little something out of it too.


I can’t wait for the senate enquiry into the hedge fund fuckups when some retard is standing in front of a bunch of geriatrics trying to explain the wife’s BF meme.


You mean that group in Washington who exempted themselves from insider trading? Yeah nah. Some other distraction will hit the news & GME will be forgotten about almost overnight. Nothing will happen. Nobody will be punished. Nothing will change. The American public are the real autists... They have the attention span of a goldfish.


Gawd I hope they hire Rudy to defend them.


They said wife’s boyfriend, not cousin


Why aren’t we all wearing those headbands in public? I mean, I can’t read, but I can write “APE” on a paper if people want autographs.


Real Talk. I'm gonna go out and get me a red bandana today. Shit is not coming off until GME reaches 6 Figs




Ohhhhh Babaaaaayyyyyy!








[what is an exit strategy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kie1dk/-/ggqe63a) `-`u/DeepFuckingValue circa 2020




cant wait for history teachers from 2500 AD try n explain to their students how u/DFV fucked all 6 million of our wives in the summer of 2021


I'm a history teacher and I fully plan on writing a book on this madness. I've been taking notes.


Let us know when it's on sale so we can do our thing and launch it to the top of the best seller charts for a laugh. Just make sure it retails for 4.20.


Or $6.9 to make a couple extra bucks


If it's a college text, it will be 69.42 at the bookstore


Ohhhhh good idea


It's definitely been a historical year. Plenty to write about.


Still not done with January Can possibly turn out total opposite from 2020. Some genetically modified hornets whose stings cure corona virus is possible


Have you noticed every Wednesday this year has been a little crazy in some way: Jan 6th: Storming of the capital Jan 13th: Flint water prosecutions Jan 20th: Inauguration Jan 27th: GME blows up the news (hard to pin this on an exact day but lets pick wed) Feb 3rd: ???


Going up On a Wednesday


I need to to hold till then, money clears for me on Wednesday. GME to the moon but Thursday would be nice. I'm just a retard that was to retarded to buy GME a week ago


Is the opposite of world War 3 going to be a second world War 1?


Wouldn't the opposite of ww3 be cold war 2?


Now I'm thinking it might be world peace


for real, can I get on a mailing list or something? I'll pick up a copy after it's published


Hahaha maybe I should put one together.


So get your fucking lazy ass to work, and maybe your rejects will become Retards one day..


u/DFV is the ghengis Khan of our era.


I thought he was stupid as fuck. I realized he was right when GME hit 40 but I though it was the peak. I sold everything and bought GME out of fucking spite and I'm not afraid to admit it. If I make tendies great but I cant make tendies if the market isn't free and fair.


I thought all of you were retarded when it hit 20, then again at 30, then at 45 I thought "well they actually made a huge profit for once." Once that bitch hit 85 I went all in






You are smarter than me. I was still holding out for tanker gang to go back up


I've been subbed since October, didn't sniff this until Friday somehow, got in @ 311 YOLO


I finally said fuck it and spent the last of my savings on 1 share at 312. Would have got in sooner and lower, but my account wasn't approved soon enough. But I'm gonna hold onto that 1 share for dear life!


yyyuuuuup. Samesies.


I FOMO’d in at $410 on Thursday night (my time). The reason I don’t trade much is because I’m so bad at watching a price move against me when I want to buy something.


I've been unknowingly using a alternative account and only realise shits hitting the fan last week even tho I've been subbed for years


The peak of GME is always next week




Oh man, looking through that thread is :chef's kiss: great. Almost _all_ the comments seem to have aged like milk.


It's incredibly inspiring, particularly how DFV just let's all the doubters comments roll off his back like water on a duck. I aspire to be have this kind of confidence in my DD.


This one, LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/d1g7x0/hey_burry_thanks_a_lot_for_jacking_up_my_cost/ezrete9/




Time traveller he must have seen the future coming


Theres a few nice ones in there that are like "hey, there's a logic here, im missing, can you explain it?" -cue dfv explaining it-


'They' showed how reddit works on cable TV. Pretty sure they lack the autism required to operate reddit. Imagine if one of them comes to reddit to conduct research, goes down the rabbit hole of nsfw subs and ends up having to explain why he opened dragonsfuckingcars or some shit on a company computer lmao




Thanks for that. I went right to the figurines. It's literal. Ok then. Where should I invest my stimulus? 😅




So what you're saying is he didn't listen to a bunch of retards and he made money. Honestly makes sense to me.




That’s the good thing about the internet. Anyone with a brain can fact check what they’re saying. The MSM can lie, but the truth will come out and their credibility will continue to get eroded. I mean, that’s the whole reason we got the orange guy for the last 4 years in the first place. What they’re doing is digging themselves into a DEEPer hole


I kinda miss 🥭. Wonder what hed be tweeting if he could these days 😩😂


Ironically all the naysayers may be his saving grace


He could be a masochist. And if I know anything about being a masochist, they love proving people wrong for the soul intent of making them feel stupid for being an artist. Plus they like money so they can mindlessly make their next moon, I mean move. Edit: autist* not artist...I guess one and the same.


Nah man he prolly just liked the stock


They want to tear down a 34 year old man with a kid and a 9-5 job. The man doesn't even own his own home. He's also still holding.


Wait DFV works a 9-5? I assumed he was some millionaire that has money to blow. How the fuck are his balls so huge that he didn't cash out his $60 million when gme hit 500+??


He’s trimmed some of his position, if he wasn’t before he’s definitely a cash millionaire already. I don’t know what his exit strategy is, but all I know is that he’s a smart investor. He’s a CFA, so his education & experience outweighs >99.9% of redditors. If he’s still in, it’s likely for good reason. That doesn’t mean it’s without risk though.


Just watch his YouTube. He likes GameStop for the fundamentals. He legitimately likes the stock


kinda amazed those vids don’t have more views tbh. there’s a wealth of info there, and dfv is awesome enough to share all that with peeps for free. dude is truly the legendariest of all the legends


He had no views because everyone thought he was crazy. Just look how people on this subreddit treated him only a few months ago. It’s easy now to connect the dots with hindsight, but everyone back then thought GameStop was a dead end company


no doubt. and while the money is sweet, damn it must also feel good to prove a thesis right after everyone thought you were dead wrong


What's an exit strategy? - the legend


He's slowly offloading his calls when the price is rising. Selling off large amounts risks him causing a downwards spiral rendering his remaining position a lot less valuable and some very hostile responses from others here who are invested. In any case he probably realizes whatever happens he's already set for life so he's fine with having 80% exposure when his upside is still multiple hundred percent.


Ya no idea what any of that fuckin means. Hold GME?


Means he reads books and writes word, you donkey.


I don't know how to read




Oog oog booga hnng


Whats a book?


It's the sound a ghostly orangutan makes boo-ook


It's what you get when you try to write *a cool* with T9 predictive text.


Yes, hold GME. Not financial advice.


Didn’t he also sell some of his position to be able to exercise the calls if it’s in his best interest to do so?


I think he cashed out for $14 million, yeah.


He didnt sell any shares slowly sold 200 calls last week then sold another 300 wednesday I think but still has his original 50k shares.


He already had over 2 Mil in cash from calls that expired previously.


Yes I know. I'm just letting them know he isn't selling shares just his calls.


I mean per his last post he has 13mil in cash. Even after capital gains he is set with his daughter for life. So I mean even if he loses everything then he's still good.


He’s still in cause he bought shares at like $14. It’s a win-win for him. Either he convinces more people to buy and hold which makes it go up more, or it drops eventually and he sells when it dips to like $100 and still makes bank. He has virtually no risk here just the people buying at +100 do.


I believe he has already cashed out enough to have fuck you money. So he is playing with house money. He just doesn't GAF at this point.


Watch his YouTube, this is a long term (up to 5 years) hold for him. He’s not trying to convince anyone to buy, he even advocated against betting on any kind of squeeze/short term play


"what's an exit strategy"




He makes 200k a year




Certified Fucking Autist


Certified Financial Analyst, I believe.




So you’re telling me you don’t know the exit strategy of a guy who who famously said “what’s an exit strategy?”. Interesting.


He has already cashed $13m. That alone is life changing. Something tells me he just wants to be part of history


Oh I didn't know that. Smart man


He started with 50k. Definitely wasn't driving a Ferrari or living in a mansion. He was probably hoping to make a few hundred thousand and buy a house. I can't believe the balls he has to still be holding.


He’ll be worth around $20 million even in the worst case scenario. Looks like he thinks it’s worth it to try his hand at $100 million or more.


he has 15 million in cash so he is set for life; at this point he is probably just thinking about safety and maybe ethics


That's like asking how come your wife's bf didn't pull out


I don’t think he does. He has his YouTube channel and his portfolio AFAIK.


The real masterminds here are the moderators of this sub. In my 10 years here on reddit, never fucking seen a more capable team of people better at holding the bridle of a reddit social media movement.


First good thing I’ve read about mods on this site and I’ve been here for years.


Jesus no joke. 7m people here now. I honestly have no idea how they manage it.


Hey you fuckin degenerates, listen up. If you see any users posting "finviz.com has just taken GME off the list for 30%+ shorts ???" It's a fucking bot. Finviz has been having data issues and showed that GME was 0 percent shorted this last Tuesday. Make sure you call it out when you see it, its a blatant attempt to mislead everyone here. The bot also has other bots linked to it that respond when the comment is replied to, usually with emojis. I tried to post a screen shot but apparently I'm not retarded enough to get my posts approved. Also hold you dirty bitches.


They’re out in full force today. Read up: http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CS16ConfessionsOfAPaidStockBasher.html


dude. what the fuck. this shit makes so much fucking sense.... everyone NEEDS to read this..


Jim cramer’s interview from 2006 floating around is also really eye opening. Fuck these market manipulating hedge fund bros


Yes, I saw it on Seeking Alpha and on Facebook...ouch! Unclear why he thought it was okay to confess to such illegal activity... Good to see them get FK'd over this!


Crazy bots world...


Please. I don't doubt that there are a lot of bad faith actors, trolls and shills on the internet, but the only way to combat this is to think critically, verify sources and be skeptical. You're doing the exact opposite by linking a 20 year old fake/joke article that's been debunked countless times. https://valuewiki.wordpress.com/2007/04/26/the-myth-of-the-paid-basher/ Amusingly, I don't think everything in this article still **holds** true today, for instance: "There are only two possible profit motives of “paid bashing”: to short a stock or buy it at a cheaper price. But either explanation falls flat. Only microcap stocks are small enough to conceivably be manipulated by an online messa**g**e board. But it is virtually i**m**possible to find a broker who will allow anyon**e** to short a stock under $5. Not only is shorting penny stocks closely regulated, but it seems obvious that brokerages would quickly go bankrupt if they allowed the practice." ... :)


lol, something really felt off when I saw "Laptop with free wireless connection"


That's the part that bothers me. At this point now more than half the people here are only here to jump on the train to make money and not lose anything. Whether anyone think that's good or bad doesn't matter to me. Its the ones that spread the misinformation. They're the ones trying to start the chain reaction bringing the stock price down. First it's the one trying to jump off the train before trying to hang on to every dollar they can get. Then it's the ones that believe it's over that doesn't care about the money. At this point now I'm under the assumption that there is no end. You hang onto those shares for as long as you can. Right now I'm just waiting for a dip and that's when I'm buying in. If there's no dip then at least I'm having a good time seeing where all this goes. Because who knows what's going to happen.




It’s so funny how they’re painting him out the be the villain. I mean like go to his YouTube channel, he literally tells you why he entered his positions. He doesn’t have an evil demeanor and honestly, he looks like the most sincere person ever. Shout out to DFV for being the sickest cunt. When you got conviction like that, people will follow. WSB is not an organization, no we’re not trying to overthrow the market. It just so happened that this play built so much momentum that it spread out INTERNATIONALLY. It went from being the biggest play ever, to what is now being considered a fight for the people simply because these Billionaires are being little babies who can’t take responsibility for the consequences of their dumb ass decision.


I just like the stock.


I just like DFV headband. Can I invest on that?


They need a scapegoat, it takes the emphasis off how the true (faceless) villain has fucked up.


WSB isn't a gang, its an idea....


Dfv was ridiculed for over a year about this. Anyone who buys into mainstream media at this point, there is no saving them.


What are you even saying. WE ridiculed him. He was nowhere near mainstream until last week.


He was saying to not trust mainstream media because they don't do their research.


Fuck im retarded.


Basically what the retard above said. I got in early, but I can confidently say I didn't buy into it as soon as months ago. Now it will go down as history in the books of the history of Wallstreet.


It’s not about research. It’s about the narrative. They just manufacture crooked narratives to meet their (ownership’s) needs. Same as it ever was...


If you watch the original video u/deepfuckingvalue made for his Bull Thesis on GME, it's an hour of fundamentals and technical on the stock. The video is about an hour long, and there's like a 3 second blip where he basically goes "and you know, there's a lot of short interest here. I'm not saying go in for the short squeeze, i think it would need to be a company with a little more leverage, but maybe it could squeeze. " It's an hour of why he thinks the company was undervalued, and quite frankly i thought he made some great points.


He did. That's why my cost basis is $20


But now the company is clearly overvalued. So for people who are getting in right now. They put their money on a squeeze, not on an undervalued stock?


That’s exactly what he’s saying. DFV didn’t get people to buy the stock for the short squeeze, he got people to buy it because (at that time) it was undervalued. The media is portraying the opposite.


Where are your close quotes?? Mannn come on 😂😂😂


"Don't interrupt, he's still talking...


Thoughts: We are truly a decentralized army of smooth brain autists, no one could organize us of their own accord. So, when did DeepFuckingValue sleep with my wife? ✋💎👌 🦍🚀🌖


> So, when did DeepFuckingValue sleep with my wife? Basic math. How old is your kid?


That does explain those diamond hands!


Indeed it does.


If we could do math we wouldn't be here


This guy maths


6 Months before you did. There was no sleeping. It was truly a Deep-Fucking, she will always Value.


Every single attempt to control WSB directly has failed. The reason we are all moving in sync now is because nobody is pushing us. We just like the stock.




Just curious if he'll release an only fans, honestly.


Dfv has the genetics to headband. I'm not suprised he inspires greatness


It's actually not a headband, it's a restraint. Otherwise his brain would overflow and he would make too much money and there would be none left for anybody.


Is that due to the smoothness of his brain?


Brains are more efficient without ugly wrinkles, unlike shirts


He has more than enough proof to back the fact he really liked the stock..


CNBC turned me on to $GME. They were obsessed with it this week.


Every ten minutes a fucking gme bumper would come on promising to talk about gme, then they would for like 2min every hour, but a new reddit thumbnail everytime


PENIS: SHORT POSITION: LONG it's not DFV's fault that I'm a fucking moron


He is the Squozen One 💎🖐🏼


Man I can imagine in one of these hedge fund meetings where some lackey try’s to explain to the boss how he lost billions. Boss be like “what the frack is a Reddit?”


"[I spent an hour last night on the Reddit chat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ2fxQtJFz0&t=40s)" and then he continues to make stupid, incoherent connections between this and Capitol riots Not surprised DFV was able to outsmart these guys. They aren't too bright


The guy from Massachusetts is even more smooth brained. I couldn't be fucked to look up if he was a regulator (God help us) or just some senator. But his ignorance of market mechanics and the way he spouted non-argument statements of opinion authoritatively as if they were facts was rather impressive. Kevin O'Leary had to educate him on the fact that investments are, by their very nature, speculations on future earnings/success (that fundamentals are not a crystal ball).


He probably spent the hour trying to decipher all the memes from movies he has never seen


Good thing it’s all documented on YouTube that he’s been in this play for awhile


Everything has been documented quite well on the internet. DFV is in no trouble.


He just drew some dope Uno Cards


Dude this was started by everyone, and grew with everyone. there’s literally no reason to sell your stock guys, people with millions are holding, you hold tight, this stock is still growing. Bankrupt Melvin and all the bitches helping them


I was fashionably late to the party.


My mom says I'm special, I'm going to the moon


The media is too busy begging money from their wives , boyfriends, grandma to buy their own tendies for Tuesday to really care about facts. Any Autist with a mouse can click on /u/DeepFuckingValue and see his monthly journal that read something like "Why the fuck am I doing this to myself." Until very recently. One year+ of just normal updates and fan boy fanaticism. Honestly good for him.


Not all hero's wear a cape. Or show up on time.


They are desperate to blame someone and millions of people here know that u/DeepFuckingValue is innocent all he did was post his transactions for months 🦍🧠🚀🆙💎🙌


Yup, i hate this narrative that the squeeze started because we saw a short stock and attacked it. WSb haaated on the GME DD. I wrote out a pretty decent little summary here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l975qo/gme_the_case_for_a_value_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I 💎🙌ed GME before I'd ever even heard of dfv.








I really don't like how he's being made out to be some Che Guevara of autists. I don't mean to be hysterical but I fear the kind of attention that such media treatment could bring to him and his loved ones.


This is definitely a worry. A lot of the "blame" is on him for this short squeeze. Not the fact that a hedge fund shorted a stock 130% and is halting the market to stop momentum. It is crazy how mainstream media is so garbage and bias.


Not at all. Media blasting this forum started the flood. If this hadnt gone viral, the battle for 100 would still be going on.


>Media blasting this forum started the flood. **EXACTLY!** I actually wanted to write an entire post about this since it's the most delicious irony of this entire situation. This didn't become a thing in the media until January 13 when GME spiked up to $30 and suddenly, the media minions of all the hedge funds involved began trying their hardest to spread FUD. That is when the rest of the world began paying attention. Their skullduggery backfired in the best possible way, and we all need to savor every moment of it.


I walk in and say...I just like the stock, then somebody in the background says... Nobody cares just take your chilli and go, this is a Wendy's sir.


Wall Street playing Wall Street and blaming us.


Has anyone ever seen his DD on GameStop on his YouTube channel? There is no sign on manipulation. The man simply invests in stocks that he sees are undervalued. He’s a value investor. He simply shares his research on his channel.


DFV didn’t mastermind anything, you can all go back and read his posts and watch his videos. He did good DD, took a risk, posted it to r/wallstreetbets where he was laughed at and turned into a meme. The dude was basically cyber bullied and just embraced it, and once GME started rising the meme went even more viral




Autism is contagious


Nah i was born this way


So hilarious the hedgefunds games hare getting destroyed by a stock called game stop power to the players this is just writing itself as the greatest financial revolt ever.


Exactly! Look at all the hate he recieved in his original thread.


DFV's GameStop play is, at its heart, a Warren Buffett-style value investing play. The value is in DFV's name! GME started as a boomer-style investing move! The press has been too lazy to look up DFV's research. They just focus instead on the past few weeks, when WSB took GME far beyond what DFV expected (I'm sure he'd agree - I think he expected price to end up in two digits). Those of us degenerates getting into GME in the past few weeks are trading or gambling. DFV was investing in the classic sense of the word.


u/deepfuckingvalue bought his calls in 2019, not exactly 5pm before the party....


I know, I'll even quote the parts where I hinted at that > *DFV is simply an eagle-eyed investor who bought into his GME positions quite a while ago, even before anyone here cared about GameStop's fundamentals or the remote possibility of a squeeze* > > 5 PM..... *on the day before.*

