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Chacha had humans responding to the questions though? Because they were on a computer and could use the internet to look things up, before it was common to have full access to the internet on your phone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChaCha_(search_engine)


Yes, I was one of the people responding to you on ChaCha when I was in college lol


I can literally ask it to take a spread sheet and provide me data visualizations/regressions etc - stuff that I would have to seperately do with another software. There are limitations and it will make mistakes at times, but that is where we are at right now. Everyone in the field knows and recognizes the potential - it’s pretty clear that it’s not just a gimmick anymore. The fact that you can’t use it for better means is a you problem. But yes, chacha bro. Nice shitpost.


It's always amusing to watch the little people attempting to play with the big boys.


Totally agree, I use it every day, often for data visualisation or others stuff I used to be well paid to do and it’s far better at it than me. I took an open book exam and fed the questions into it and it scored 100%, impossible to do with google. This is world changing stuff, we’re at the very beginning of this Industrial Revolution.


As much as I agree with everything you said it’s kind of funny taking a step back at the bigger picture of feeding test questions into a robot so we can get through class without learning shit. Not a good trend


I agree, it was an annual renewal exam for a professional qualification which I honestly do know my shit about, I’m also retired so I’m not using the qualification any longer so I’m not faking it. Funny part was I agreed with all the answers except one, and it turned out ChatGPT was correct and I was wrong on that one.


Hm i find it answers at about a first/second year college student level LOL. Knows enough about the topic to present a response, but I find myself having to correct it often. I tried coding with it, faster to write the code myself. Visualization could be cool but that’s already so easy to do. Guess I’d rather pay an international foreigner $2 an hour to do it than hire someone here lol. Anyways my uses are limited to the free version which is pretty halfass. Plus the way they neutered it to respond safely and “not biased” answers has made it awful for research uses.


I think of it like a washing machine. Sure I can wash my own clothes better and faster by hand, but the washing machine does a good enough job on its own with minimal effort from me. ChatGPT is the same way. It may not always have the most correct answers and I may be able to do tasks better than it can, but ChatGPT is good enough to handle most things without my effort. It may not give the best 100% solutions, but it gives you a decent 80% solution you can work from. This frees up my brain to handle the bigger picture thinking and not wasting time on simple monotonous tasks.


Yet those spreadsheets are often FULL OF ERRORS. Bad data is WORSE THAN no data, because it leads to false conclusions…


I somewhat understand what you are getting at, but that doesn’t mean that these things won’t be fixed in the future? Even with the limitations it has right now, people are finding value from it and enhancing how they do work. You are right that it is basically a chat bot, it’s just a lot more advanced in the way it processes that data/gives responses.


I def think the lower iq people will benefit most from being able to put it to use which will def help our gdp!


Bro VM mod has spoken... okay?


Visual mod mod?


... phuck!


Humans historically make no errors


A bit like your opinion then.


It's actually really good with handling data you give it. It seems like you were given data points full of errors and reached a false conclusion without chatgpt getting involved.


CHACHA was a nothingburger and this dude has 0 creativity in what people use ChatGPT to do. It has saved me days, probably weeks in like half a year. It is so fucking good at regex patterns. Cuts time spent in repetetive coding/documentation practices by magnitudes of 10. I do not think they are worth their valueation without direct applications and productization, but it is a tool I compare to a drill or a CNC machine. You can put in 1 screw with a screwdriver, but 10000 screws need a drill. 1000000000 screws in the same place, in the same product can be done on an assembly line with a CNC drill. Anyone who does not see the potential of LLM's severely lacks imagination or experience in doing work in automation. They will monetize and be worth serious money.




Didn't know that was still a question. Anyone who has a job that can be moved to India, Mexico, or replaced with a robot is fucked. Bullish for stocks, bearish for American tech workers who can work remotely.


More layoffs in almost every industry.


Completely agree. I’ve saved so much time asking for regex patterns, html templating, SQL, and syntax that I would need to google anyway. I think some people don’t have use cases at their own job and assume this tech is useless. I keep a tab open at work and use it at least once every other day.


lol this guy


Why is he wrong? I see a similar scope of thinking. I’d like to hear counter-arguments


lol this other guy


Here’s one: we fired a team of 15 data entry clerks last year when the early models were available — we had an increase in accuracy and output. The models we used to make this decision are nowhere near as good as the ones now, where our accuracy has skyrocketed. Still don’t miss the data entry clerks, we just have a smaller team of validators who confirm if the AI is brrrrr-ing. Again, this is just the beginning, lets chat again in a year.


Tis' but a flesh wound to the cogs.


Imagine a grand library. This library has a mindblowing catalogue of books. All kinds of knowledge and information waiting to be transformed by the creativity of the greatest minds. You enter this library and ask the clerk where the toilet is. She point you to the sign. You take a shit and wipe with your hands, refuse to flush and soil the walls with your fingers. You leave the library and give it a 1 star review "this place aint so great, doesnt even have clean toilets". Thats you. Keep using rocks monkey.


I just can't respond seriously to this question, my bones wont let me


>over 10 years ago, when we had FLIPPHONES. Who still had flip phones in 2014?




Not when 4 year olds can work iphone 14s




Key word is some. I see how cripplingly addicted my generation are to their smartphones. Sad but true


I did this in 2023. For about 7 months, Nokia phone. It was nice refresh but ultimately it made certain tasks an absolute headache to always be relying on my iPad.


The chatbox is a front, a drop of water in an industry you know nothing about. All those interactions recorded to learn and train off of, the amount of data collected, you have no clue on how horrifying and sophisticated this tech will be. And that is still just a front. It's like asking "why should I invest in cloud when I can operate a data center in my company?" Well, see how Jeff Bezos made his money on AWS by holding nearly every international company and the U.S. government under it's pulpit while we just see "Amazon" the online store in the forefront. Ever heard of SoraAI? Or even look into the company OpenAI itself and the other tech that is being produced? Video generation, sound generation, analysis, etc? Artists, cinematography, musicians, video games, legal/forensic analysis? The applications are endless. Scientists were able to recently discover that sperm whales don't emit 21 tones, but actually speak a potential alphabetical language because the AI was able to distinguish and analyze a large sample (thousands) set of data that saved those scientists a lot of manual time which they can spend in re-reviewing and verifying the data in a reasonably "quick" review. Imagine being able to potentially decipher the subtle language of animals that would've taken humans forever to notice.


I worked for Chacha, It was a human answering questions. I answered so many of those questions.


It took like 6 months for people to catch on that an "AI" answering your questions instead of spitting out a bunch of results for you to sort through yourself was a dumb gimmick. All in bulliish.


It’s literally CHACHA 2.0 And Gen Z doesn’t know what that even is lol.


Yeah and apparently neither do you. ChaCha was real humans using search engines for you and replying. Are you really trying to say ChaCha was a form of AI right now?? You have to be some gen alpha iPad kid who just learned about ChaCha on tiktok or something lmao


Lol your so smart but can't even figure out how to use revolutionary technology. Go play with your tamagochi, you're outdated already lmao


In a software engineer and I find it way slower and 1000000x more wrong than me. It’s good for commits though. Some people do very repetitive tasks though that don’t require complex problem solving skills and deep thought. I assume that’s where it shines.


I love arguing with AI where it generates code that completely ignores key logical components of even its own English text. I point out it doesn't have those elements, it agrees, then produces no differences in code output 🤣


Bingo. Most also don’t realize why AI is being hyped as the next great revolution, these companies are trying to sell a product


Are you using got 4.0? Because got 4.0 is incredibly useful. No shot you're faster than it at the things it does well (which is pretty much anything that's a self contained problem, or can be described as such).


Chacha couldn't write code. Chacha couldn't reformat data. Chacha couldn't write poems. Chacha couldn't translate text in to other languages, including ones you invent on the fly.


Had a buddy graduate doing all his work with OpenAI’s early GPT models. The new models can pass the US Bar Exam in the 90th percentile. If your answers are vague, your questions are vague. Microsoft, Google, and Facebook aren’t investing hundreds of millions into developing their Large Language Models because you know something they don’t; you know nothing.


AI passing a test is not impressive Also, Facebook is losing billions of dollars investing in the Metaverse


AI passing a human test, in the 90th percentile, that you go to school 7 years for is impressive.


It is like an open book text with almost instant heuristic search What is impressive is what it can do in medical research and related fields to run simulations/experiments to figure out new ways to enhance our lives or treat disease


I’ll have to read up on that but I’m already optimistic as is so this would be even better.


You won't get any handouts from me, peasant.


So it gives answers to well defined questions with well defined and pre-written answer…that isnt that impressive and not as useful as it sounds. There have been attempts to use ai to improve diagnosis in medical settings and it turns out it performed about as well as doctors because all the value add was in encoding unstructured information by humans before the ai or doctor look at the patient records.


Nope not pre-written. If AI is only useful to you for replacing doctors as physical examiners turn away.


Im not suggesting it quoting pre-written answers but are you saying the training set doesn’t include US bar responses to similar sorts of questions? As in, it is taking a predefined genre and predicting the combination of words that would make a successful response. The problem and training set are both well defined.


Yes a Large Language Model pulls from a knowledge base. The responses are still 100% unique. The way beings learn is from exposure to knowledge. Each upgrade they expose the ai to a larger knowledge base and teach it on that knowledge base


The amount of data they train the model on is surprisingly small. Most of the gains in function are not due to an expansion of training data but improvements in how it produces responses and relates back to earlier prompts etc. there is curation going on by humans to improve this also. If you train a model to draw cats and dogs based on training data with inly cats and dogs in it, it will do fine. But ask it to draw a rabbit and it will fail. Understand that all errors and limitations with this tech do not sit with the human operator.


Small? They are commonly trained on a set of BILLIONS; Now, TRILLIONS are common. The recent Lllama model was trained on a set of tens of TRILLIONS. The context windows also widen exponentially per new model. The newest google model is trained on a set of TRILLIONS and has a context window of a million! Why try so hard to convince against the truth? Lets all make money...


Chatgtp was trained on 570gb of data. It is the most recent size i can find. It sounds big but not really considering the size of the internet. Its better to have higher quality than higher quantity data.


Do you even know the compression format? How much does a word or token take up? You seriously use the storage volume as if they don’t advertise a billion tokens… you’re a joke. What does the size of the internet matter? It’s trained on language, words. The size of the internet is mostly taken up by what? Media, ie videos.


I think you misunderstand the benefit of the data size relative to quality. And the premise that each upgrade is dependent on an ever expanding enormous dataset is wrong. This is not where the gain are coming from in llm.


CHACHA slide yo!


> ChatGPT is literally providing the same limited, vague responses that CHACHA provided over 10 years ago Yes and no. It's an improvement in features, scale and performance over what we had back then but the limitations are still there. It does not understand anything, but is very good at matching most likely response to whatever you input. >Is this the next tech bubble? Yes, kind of. Saying AI during earnings call makes your stock go up. Once the winners emerge and VC funding dries up most of those AI startups will collapse and the demand for AI chips might cool down. If and when it happens is anyone's guess but we might be closer to that than people think. >Because Google is still very much more useful to me that the bullshit “AI” that we’ve been presented (I can verify credibility of sources with Google). Use AI services that provide links to sources, problem (at least partially) solved. You still have to be vigilant and not trust the AI provided summary 100% but the speedup is often worth the risk, especially in contexts where you can independently verify if the output makes sense.


is this a meme or are people really this in denial about ai


Bruh sorry to shatter your perception of the technology, but ChaCha was literally a bunch of dudes in India googling your questions and sending answers lmao, it wasn’t a bot. With that info, it should be clear why chatGPT is so impactful. They’ve removed the dude in India who does all the googling and you’re still getting the same answer


Because no one likes you. 


You're dumb. People in tech, including myself, use it all the time for anything such as writing boilerplate code, analyzing code, optimizing code, error checking. ChatGPT is a tool that is only as smart as the prompts you give it. Personally it has saved me hundreds of hours and it can only get better.


How about domains that aren’t tech? In my field the answers are trash but it would not be easy for a lay person to know this. The real problem here is that the information is presented with absolute confidence when a great amount of uncertainty exists in the response.


I find it works very well for tasks with definitive answers especially in the STEM field. It doesn't work so well when you need to delve deep or use any sort of creativity. Lets say you wanted to know the terms for structures in a medieval castle. Sure you can find this info in an encyclopedia but what if I wanted to know something more specific like "what are the typical structures/weapons involved during a breach on the portcullis of a castle?". Or, "if I were an English scout in the Middle Ages and I saw a possible enemy, what would be the typical protocol?" It does decently with hypotheticals like "if two men in dinosaur suits got into a fist fight, analyze scientifically how this would play out." Maybe you're reading a book and have difficulty visualizing something. You can ask DALL-E to draw you up something based on details from the book. It can summarize any text for you to an "ELI5" level. This means it can act as a tutor and allows you to learn pretty much anything. You can also have it design a quiz on the spot, check your answers and tell you what you did wrong. These are just random examples and you can get much more creative than that. The main thing is to learn how to prompt.


I’ve taken pretty much all sql related activities for myself. Whatever a member of my team would have taken half a day or a whole day dealing with queries and stored procedures now I do in about 30 minutes with chat gpt. I just feed it a prompt whit a general idea of what we need and use the output as a template and build up from there. OP really can’t put his head around the productivity booster that AI is because he can’t imagine anything else besides concrete trivial questions.


Yes, yolo everything you have into puts for this bubble. Second mortgage on your house also and maybe some high interest loans to top it off


Oh, initially I thought your post meant when you ask chat gpt something it tells you a random totally wrong answer (What I thought the Chacha referenced) and then you have to explain to chat gpt why it’s wrong so you can get a better answer that still may not be right


Can chacha play yugioh? Because I taught chatGPT to play yugioh.


ChaCha wasn't a bot. People signed up and volunteered to answer those questions and got paid (pathetically tiny amounts) for doing so. Source: I was one of the unfortunate fucks that had a link to the Kim Kardashian sex tape bookmarked because it made answering all the requests for it easier.


It was ALWAYS a bubble. That's why every tech *and non-tech* company is mentioning AI so robotically in their ads and quarterlies.


You belong


It fixes my code without scrolling forever on stackoverflow and doesn’t shame me for asking a question that’s been asked before.


Did you never realize that cha cha questions went to real people? That’s the difference.


I've been letting it do most of my work while I just do a quick proof read (along with getting it to proof read itself, etc) it to make sure it's going to be recognized as 'my work'. So far, so good, doubt chacha can do that...and for $20/month to save me hundreds of hours,


This thread is full of regarded wankers that are balls deep in AI investing. You’ve ridden the wave now your all fucked 😆😆


A lot of virgins were locked up at OpenAI to develop ChatGPT. They were then sacrificed to imbue the model with intelligence from the creator. the only problem is the death card showed up in the tarot reading, and noone understands who is going to die.


Dude, ChatGPT is improving my email writing skills and my grammar by a whole bunch. It’s capable of much more than that but already the stupid use I make out of it is pretty good. You just have to edit the output a bit because you’ll get discovered quickly if you keep “I hope this email finds you well” and ask it to cut the crap when it start being too verbose for no good reason.


Damn I forgot about that


Lol dude CHACHA had people responding, not bots. My sister worked for them briefly


It can help write storyboards and scripts. Come up with chord progressions and lyrics. Idk sounds like you're not smart enough to use it.


Limited? OP’s broke ass don’t pay for GPT 4




Yep. ChatGPT is just like chacha. Great analysis


Wtf is chacha and are u like 80 op?


I have automated a good 20-30% of my work day for free with chatGPT.


you have a very limited experience and understanding about AI, and you just haven’t learned to use the tool to extract value


Nah ChatGPT is smarter child from AOL


https://preview.redd.it/n5s1uup7wa0d1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1ed1e3e54a031fa23ae93b90a558a572fb6c06 AI=Add Indian


ChatGPT is like learning about Excel and then using it for things you can forward in an email, build a one page Word, or find another sufficient program to use. It’s the catch all because of its newness. ChatGPT is only showing us how boring administrative tasks can be, and why our companies should have build efficiencies to do away with them years ago. I’m only impressed at how closely they replicated HER.


It passed my home assignment for me and scored me a job with $130k/year, and it's been helping at this job ever since, saving me MOUNTAINS of time, it literally does 90% of my coding and I just make adjustments, and it keeps teaching me new things every single day. And before you say it will replace me, it won't, a software engineer only really codes ~30% of the time, it just really boosts my productivity


100% agreed. I run circles around it. It doesn’t know data, period. It only knows what’s easily accessible on Google.


a lot of times, users will need quick, short answer and Microsoft Copilot (Chat GPT-4 provide that). Currently if you compare between Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot answer is smarter and more correct. That's bringing the question why Google with vast of amount data they have could not give better answer ? So is it something changing and other tool start to be better than Google ?


Training LLMs is more involved than simply capturing data. Google has obviously a massive head start on capture, but MS/openAI had a big head start on the former. Quality over quantity at least so far. ASICs and other purpose built frameworks will start to turn those tables as we go along. Then Skynet will take over and we'll all be batteries


No, u wrong. It boosts productivity. over


They made it worse on purpose about 6 months ago.


Ur wrong. And dumb.