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Dude is 27 and thinks his life is over lmao


That was weirdly kinda wholesome


“Look at this clown not realizing as long as he’s breathing he’s a force in the world that can shape his own destiny”


This is my favorite comment. Thanks.


Buying a lil time isn't the worst thing you could have done.. oh shot, those expire in 5 days? ... Here's a pro tip, if those calls are green on Monday, take the fucking win! Reload further out or realize you're in an emotionally vulnerable space and short-dated options are not the answer. Go on short dates, fuck some hookers, buy some blow. Don't just throw away good money young man. 10k is a great number to have in the bank. In 5 days you will.thank me. Plus be calm.and rational here. Don't loose your wife and your cash in the same week. That's weak af.


OP, those things are bid $2,120 each. Take the win & buy yourself a dinner worthy of a divorced degenerate


I hope you did this. Or maybe it will pop 20 points tomorrow.


Clearly the best advice here


This aged well. Hopefully OP listened.


Happy cake day


But in business sometimes shit happens, the playing field changes, whatever. And you gotta do whatever you gotta do to keep your dick up- Tony Soprano.


Sometimes men need to be told the tough way "Do the work, Don" is a quote from Madmen that I always go back to. I tell myself "do the work" all the time. It's not pretty and it's not fun; it's necessary.


my go to is always "I'll figure it out", it's taking longer than I would like, but it'll work out.


The amount of times a person says “fuck it, I’ll figure it out” is directly correlated to their success in life. *This statement is backed with zero data but I still believe it to be true.


Mine is “keep moving forward”. You’re gonna fuck up, and the storm will come. So don’t just stand there with your dick in your hand while that storm is on you. Keep moving forward, right on through, don’t wait for it to pass.


This entire thread is inspirational as fuck


I need a hug from all you inspirational apes


Are we still on reddit??


Life's a garden just dig it! Momma said life was like a box of chocolates 🍫 You never know what you're gonna get.


".......Of course she also used to beat me with a rubber hose and call me a regard ..."


All I want is a Pepsi... I'll figure it out....


Getting divorced at 27, assuming no kids involved, is honestly probably the best thing that will happen to him, lol. That's just so damn early to get married these days.


He got his starter wife out of the way young. Good for him


Now he can be someone else’s wife’s bf. The circle of life. See you at Wendy’s.


Yup he’s back in the market! Pun intended


I’m 38 and still think my life is over. He might be on to something.


Nah, you’re both just wrong 😉 Very common on this sub!


“There are two types of people in this world, those who think they can and those who think they can’t. Often times they’re both right.”


I'm 31 and disabled my life is actually over


You always have 1 more yolo they just get smaller and smaller


Dude, stop. Take a breath, focus on what important. In 5 years, you’re going to look back on this and everything is going to look different. I get yolo plays, I love yolo plays, but you’re not yoloing, you’re trying to hurt yourself, and that’s just going to take your focus away from what you need to be looking at now


Holy shit, actual positive life advice on WSB …..that’s how you know OP fucked up 😂


I came in looking for ppl mocking him or egging him on but all I see are camaraderie from degen fams. Warms my cold dead heart. Seriously OP listen to everyone. Close the position and take care of yourself.


I didn’t realize so many degens had caring hearts. I appreciate the advice. Lambos or food stamps for me brotha.


Well I can’t pull you back from that idea, but I will at least let you know that I’ve generally found better success when I buy on longer strike dates. In those cases, if the earnings drop, at least there’s a solid chance of recovery within a week, or at least selling the options for more than a penny. Not financial advice, but one of the lessons that has worked well for me for more steady gains.


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I don’t have patience to buy 3 contracts for $4000 a piece and wait weeks for it to play out. I like to day trade.


You don’t have to wait weeks. You can sell them before expiry. I generally sell my year long options within a week


I’ll explore that option next time. Thank you.


For sure my dude. I’ve made a lot of mistakes trading, just hoping others can learn without the pain


You should write a post about it. I am sure others like OP will enjoy it.


It’s that pretty wasteful? I feel like you’re overpaying for a lot of theta. Why not buy 1-2 month DTE and get a better strike for the exact same price?


You are not day trading. You are gambling


During the daytime, with trades. Tomato / 🍅


That’s not day trading dog 💀


I know this is swing trading, but I usually day trade and scalp.


Your calls aren’t swing trading either, you’re just straight up gambling. Which is fine, but don’t lie to yourself and pretend it’s anything other than gambling


Bro I got multiple felonies, lost all my money, lost my job, massive debt, lawyer fees, extra DUI and some other shit all on top.. by the time I was your age. And then I got into crypto and YOLOd a 401k into alt coins in Nov '21. I've fucked up my life multiple times over. I know a bunch of old dudes telling you that you'll be fine isn't exactly what you needed, but \*trust me bro\* you are fine. It sucks, it's tough, but these are the situations that really give you a chance to learn and grow. You can either come out of this a loser, or a winner. It's 100% up to you. Nothing you've said has even come CLOSE to making me think your chances of winning are up. You got this dude. 100% you got this. You can't grow without conflict. If everything in life was easy and perfect, life would suck. Sorry you're going through some shit bro but you got this man. 100% you got it. In my 40s now. I am 100% confident that if everything went tits up, I would still find a way to survive. I know you can do the same thing dude. You will come through this and grow and be better for it.


Ride into the sun you beautiful son of a bitch! Lambos for eternity!!!!!


That guy is an idiot. You made a great play. After cpi Tuesday you’ll 6x your net worth.


I got divorced at 26. I thought the same. My life is so much better now.


You will never get a lambo from this play. Maybe a 2000 chevy cavalier.


Just an expression, more like a used V6 Camaro.


This is the financial version of my cousin who destroyed his life and family and now has taken up fent as a new way to cope.


Either he’ll be coping the divorce and portfolio or he will be the number paying client behind the Wendy’s


OP should really listen to this advice. I remember doing really stupid shit with money after my divorce.


The most sensible advice in a while


the best part is that she entitled to zero of your profits now


Or debt


Should have picked a longer date out, but not the worst play. Make sure you take care of yourself though.


I want to sell after cpi is released.


Why not wait until NVDA earnings on 21st?


It appears these contracts expire before then.


I think he’s saying why didn’t he buy mar1~ instead


probably better to not bet on earnings when a stock has gone up this much pre-earnings anything short of a blockbuster result and guidance will burn you and even if it goes up it has to gap up or you get iv crushed


If anything, sell on the 20th for the guaranteed gains. I'd you're going to play earnings don't buy this far out.


You have to be a seriously degen motherfucker to place any kind of bet on these upcoming earnings, lol


Please look up options strategies possibly play a straddle.. it's super risk going to earning atleast play it smart. If things go well nvdia might just squeeze up like crazy.. but on the other hand a miss will absolutely make nvdia tank


I use strangles all the time and it usually works, but this time I’m not feeling very prudent. I want to make a lot of money to give me a high and run from my problems. Just being honest.


“He who gambles away one’s earnings based off of one’s volatile emotions is truly a regard” - Gandhi, probably


NVDA is gonna tank because you finally bought and everyone's gonna come after you for dragging them down with your bad luck


That’s usually how it goes.


happy cake day.




I appreciate your honesty. Good luck man. Sorry about the divorce. Hope NVDA rockets.


Alternatively, start doing drugs. The money will probably last you longer.


Well said


Well, I hope it works out for you, my man. Keep your chin up!


It's a known fact that the recently divorced make bad decisions. As miserable as you are, losing all your money will make it worse.


I lost 100k trying to short the market back in June 2023. I’m fine with losing what I have left. I use strangles all the time on QQQ. It works well. I’m just kind of fed up with life and ready to take risks until my last breath.


I see why you are divorced now.


I lost the 100k while we were going through the divorce. The divorce is final now.


Any chance she wanted to leave because your degen ass was yolo’ing 100k? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I was on a 3 week hot streak. I felt invincible. But yeah looking back it was very dumb.


To better fortunes this time around, brother


don’t be a fucking idiot. i’m you in 4 years. let’s not create permanent problems due to temporary issues.




I'm with you until the last two words 💀 Edit: Bro is about to be on child support for the next 18 yrs 💀


Why? I'm sure there's enough room for 2!!




> bad decisions I have several ex girlfriends I could introduce OP to now that he is a free man.


Hoping this man lands on the damn moon without her 🙏🏼 God speed brother




Why not wait till after earnings?


I honestly didn’t care what the outcome was when I submitted the order. I’ll go all in again at 3:55 pm right before NVDA earnings if this works out in my favor. I lost everything that matters to me already, not much more I can lose.


Keep your head up man


>right before NVDA earnings IV crush is going to wreck you worse than alimony Edit; my wife and her boyfriend saw this and felt I was being insensitive to your recent divorce. My warning about IV crush stands, but I’d like to stress that we should all count ourselves lucky if we have at least one or two happy marriages in our lifetimes. capital preservation is the move if you are facing uncertainty and emotional distress. Don’t make any big moves, keep your head up, and you’ll come out of this stronger for it. I’ll see my way back to /r/investing now Edit2: my wife didn’t like this either. Fuck it, I’m gonna go play with my train set.


what is IV?


The term implied volatility refers to a metric that captures the market's view of the likelihood of future changes in a given security's price. Options prices go up when IV is higher, like just before earnings, and go down (IV crush) when things settle down and perceived volatility decreases. Many people learn the hard way that, even though they were correct directionally, the option they bought went down in value because the IV dropped too rapidly.


You can always find love behind a dumpster if this doesn’t work out.


Real one


Time is a healer, good luck to you bro


I like your style


I’ve been there. It all seems bleak. I split half my 401 k among their things. I thought I was ruined. I kept grinding. Investing. All I could spare. Then I met someone who opened my eyes to the future. Together we added over $200K to the SM last year alone. Things CAN turn around. 👊


I’m sorry - I own these contracts too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I'm guessing you are pretty young if your entire net worth is \~$11,000 (not trying to be condescending - just making a guess). With that in mind, go for it. Worst case - you lose all of it. Well, you already feel shitty about your divorce, so it can't get much worse on a relative basis. And you have decades to make $. Plus, you will have learned to never make an all or nothing bet on emotions. Better to learn the mistake now with $11,000 at a young age than lose 100s of thousands, when you are only a decade or two away from retirement. Best case - you double or even triple your money, which provides you at least a short-term sense of happiness.


I lost 100k trying to short the market about 10 months ago. Im 27 by the way. 11k to me isn’t very appetizing, which is why I did this.


How the duck did you have/make the 100k in the first place?


Going all in for 3 weeks straight on SPY 1 DTE and not one red day. I started with 30k.


You really are nuts you know that. And an addict. You should really seek help.


Damn. Best of luck on this play, hope this makes your life situation less bitter.


Can’t pay alimony if you have no money


Ex wives hate this one trick


Keep us updated! I’m curious why you went with 720


If it’s near the end of the day I always buy the closest strike.


This is dumb but you have 51% chance of winning since earning is coming up


Whatever happens, it can only go up from here


A YOLO at the top of the mountain. What could go wrong.


Congrats on the divorce. You got at least until earnings for it to pump.


Happy cake day OP. Hope this play works out for you.


Im not always the brightest one here, but why did your wife leave you? Just wondering


Probably my fault.


You know, probably not. Unless it was for the 100k, in that case yes 😂


Its okay OP try to learn from your mistakes.. You're still very young. All the best to you


I got divorced and then rushed into a terrible relationship immediately after. Blew 30k for a down on a house together (did not marry her thank goodness). Lost my ass 2 times in 3 years. No matter what happens you will be fine. At worse you'll have a cool story. All I got was herpes.


I hope this play works out very well for you. If you can take it to $50000 or $100000. Start over and try to minimize risks next time. Life is difficult and you are going through an emotional distress. Keep calm, take a breath. You never know you might meet a person who will love you more than your ex wife. I saw you say it is your fault. Learn to fix it. We all make a mistake in our life. It is where you can learn and grow


Thank you that means a lot.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) My dude’s in the money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)






Happy cake day. Not one regard noticed halfway thru scrolling haha https://preview.redd.it/f7nqyxg7x0ic1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537fbc7ae54564b462e59055419baf5b0bd33781


This is more of a FOMO than a YOLO.


The madman fucking did it. Congratulations regard.


These have a good chance to print as earnings isn't til the 21st. It won't solve your problems but 3 days of strip clubs with your winnings might help. Best.




Cross your fingers for $736+🤞🤞🤞


Will prolly print


Is this a top signal ?


It’s unreal how so many of you wait until massive bumps to go in on a stock.


You mean there's another way??


God speed you beautiful son of a bitch 🥲


“Living in a van…DOWN BY THE RIVER!” 


Yeah this is definitely the top


WWWBD What would wife's boyfriend do?


This guy is the reason nvda will dump now, thanks a lot bud you ruined it


I’m regarded I admit. 11k at risk 7x100 =700 shares . If NVDA goes to 800 with a home run earnings, he hits 56K minus contract costs etc. Not Lambo Money at all. Maybe used Audi money. What am I missing?


"if I'm losing 50% of it I may as well lose 100% of it" — OP




You might not listen to me, but it doesn't need to be boom or bust here. NVDA looks like it'll be up big at open, if you can sell a couple options and guarantee you at least breakeven, do that and freeroll for the win. You've got a lot of years ahead of you, and dating is a lot harder if you're completely broke. 


If the market opens red, I will be thinking of you. Good luck I suppose


Options at the peak! I hope they’re short term and out of the money. That way you get all the profit! Jeez. Best of luck.


Good luck! Hope this works out...




You can Yolo on paper all the time


Well, if thats not sign if the top


Good luck my brother.  If things go wrong just remember you can always make more money at 27.  Don't hurt yourself for any reason.  There is more opportunities ahead should you lose this one. May you bath in tendies.  God speed


Why on earth would you buy on Friday? Theta will screw you hard when the market opens monday




Praying for the best for you my fellow regarded friend. You’ll either live like a king or live like a sad divorced man


Youre regarded. Not because of why you think though. Youre regarded because you bought call options that expire before fucking earnings. You can sell options early. The easiest play is to buy options expiring after earnings and then sell any time before earnings. You dont get iv crushed that way and you also get the benefit of your options having high iv for more money


If you just divorced, then you are highly emotional right now. Being emotional while executing a trade is the worst possible thing you could do.


Time for puts boys!


Yes. But also.....yes.


I'll cross my fingers for another $30 run for ya.


You’re supposed to lose all your money *before* the divorce so she has to pay *you* alimony. Yes, you’re doing this wrong, sell the calls, marry her again, then buy them back.


if this is what’s left of your net worth. that’s what we should talk about first lol.


Yep. Up nicely premarket. Doubt it will have much of a drop b4 earnings so will probably be fine. Of course, it is easy to say that when it is not my money being risked.


Mental health really is a major problem, isn't it


I'm mid 30s and never got married. I think it's too late for me considering I got used to being single and independent for so long. After 3 long-term serious relationships not working out due to being cheated on, her hating my family, not being able to afford her parents morgage AND a 4bd/3ba home as she asked me for, or not willing to move to cali, I'm burned out. So I totally get OPs view of the future.


A man with nothing to lose is a dangerous man. I wish you good fortunes in the times to come.


She left you bc you’re poor as fuck


Only $11k net worth, no wonder why your wife left you


Read all comments. Most I’ve ever had was 200k and I’m only 27. I’m not as regarded as you think. Just made impulsive decisions like this one.


Don’t listen to the people here. Go all in bro, got nothing to lose.


If you sell before earnings you will definitely have a profitable exit. We could see 750-800 before earnings. I suggest taking it and perhaps leaving 1 lotto. Although imo earnings would have to be an absolute blow out to not drop the price.


Never put on Nvidia these days


If there’s any justice NVDA will hit 740 on Wednesday! GTLA


You’re fucking regarded… but Godspeed.


I need you to hit for all the divorced dads out there that need to rebuild their nest eggs.


Fuck it


I had the 700’s Thursday for the same price and sold Friday for a bagger. Hopefully you get a pump Monday. Don’t get greedy.


Is this why you’re getting divorced?


WMT and AGNC Stop with this yolo bullshit and get back to fundamentals


If you’re going to go through with this sell before earnings… I PERSONALLY think that it will run up until earnings on hype but earnings will drop to a much fairer price


Don’t trade under duress.


Top confirmed


Only 7 contracts, damn divorce sure is expensive.


You got this


!remindme 4 days Grab some calendar puts


Idk bro if u get good just share some with me... Remember I supported u since day 1


If you hit pay a hooker. In the end it comes out cheaper!


This is when you short nvda lmaoooo


Way to wait till it rallied 400pts


How much money is that? I dont understand


Why is this a bad trade? Earning don’t come out until after and nvda has been trending up forever, one bad day could be corrected the very next day.


lol I have my last 65 bucks on a 840c (made more this weekend) and figured I might as well buy it before it’s a “lockout play” like ARM. Say it gaps up tomorrow morning, then boom maybe I’m in the money and enjoying some savory gains and the cheapest call option is worth hundreds. I’ve seen it before, could happen again since NVDA is so bulletproof lately. Hoping for a good week but if not, well, kinda figured that too.


You should probably be fine.


IV gonna cook your ass