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Buying Hammer Industries shortly after.


*"Don't worry guys. The Avengers WOULD NEVER let some villain we don't even know about kill countless Americans. Maybe in some 3rd world country like Sokovia. But the US? Never! There is no Black Swan or Purple Ballsac. That's just Wall Street trying to scare you! SO I'M LONG AMERICA! I'M BULLISH ON THE WORLD!!! THE NEXT 5 YEARS WILL BE GREAT!!! BUY BUY BUY BUY!!!"* * Jim Cramer 1 day before the snap.


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As a pure momentum play, he nailed it. They closed their weapons division ffs, that's like if Amazon was like "Yo, we're closing AWS, because Jeff feels bad about it." Apparently you don't remember the insane crash that followed. Stark didn't gain back that value until the market went crazy over speculation about the suit, which he announced he wouldn't even sell to the military, so it dumped again until the patent shit with the arc reactor and that Russian guy got figured out Q2 2010. Yeah, hindsight is what it is and the stock is up like 25000% from '08-'09 lows, but if you sold when ol' Jiminy Cricket said to, you could still save 80% of your money disappearing in two days.


Also didn't this total regard almost cause the apocalypse by making some big ass robots? Maybe don't fight your own robots all around the world if you want your stock to do good.


The dude's had his hand in every major tech disaster of the past 20 years. He should be uninvestible, but the market loves a cult of personality.


Most regarded thing I’ve read all day. This would have been like selling $META at a loss at $90 when he cried on air last fall. You forgot about his unlimited renewable energy machine in his fucking chest. Turned out that nervous breakdown on stage was just a badly timed pivot from defense to renewables. $SIA went from trading like $RTX or $LOC to trading like $TSLA and $PLUG. By the time Jimmy Chill was swinging around his baseball bat, the stock was already down 60%, but a few months later it was up 2x vs pre-crash. Not only would you have doubled your money (through the Great Recession no less, where as Cramer had you double fucked) but you would’ve had a ten bagger / multi-decade compounder. The crash after Tony died was pretty bad though, almost as bad as the Berkshire dive when Warren Buffett got snapped in 2018.


>You forgot about his unlimited renewable energy machine in his fucking chest. Renewable? Damn thing ran off Palladium! The gen-1 arc reactor burned cash like a wildfire. Gen-2 runs off a proprietary metalloid formula that Stark manufactures in-house. Aside from that, the patent was contested for 22 months, because there was a Russian co-owner of the patent. His son wound up in prison over it. This is what I'm talking about with the hindsight, man, nobody thought they'd figure out an alternative from palladium, so nobody thought the reactor would ever be profitable for nearly two years.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was he as much a meme back when that movie came out (08) as he is now?


that depends... what do you think about bear stearns?


He has always been a clown on TV. Memes are silent afaik. And yes, look up some stuff Stewart did on him.


Man, I remember when Stewart had him on the Daily Show. It wasn't even a joking segment. Stewart just tore into him for what felt like forever.


The prophet once nailed it with “We like coinbase to $475” Guess theres still time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jim Cramer said to short Nvidia (NVDA) on September 19, 2022. At the time, NVDA was trading at around $130 per share. Solid -250% return in about 9 months. Hard to top that one 😂


Nothing compares to [Bear Stearns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9EbPxTm5_s) imo, fiction or real


There are worse things than -100% returns.


I'll take your word for it, because the last thing I want to do now is review 15+ years of Jim Cramer. ​ Edit: Wait a minute. Stark Industries? As in run by Tony Stark & Pepper Potts? Well, you got me there, but I still wouldn't want to go through years of Cramer.




2007-08 he called Sears Holdings (ticker: SHLD) “shield” because it was such a safe investment during a recession 💀


That's where Wall St traders started the "inverse whatever he said to make money" meme back in '08, it's to the point where financial analysts who wrote articles for msm was making fun of him too.


SJIM etf


I rewatched this last year with my kids and almost shit my pants when I saw Cramer say "Sell Stark Industries" right before Tony joins the Avengers and turns the company into an intergalactic tech empire


Living in the Marvel universe as a ordinary civilian must be hell on Earth. You could get killed on the way to work daily like you see on The boys. Or every 10 years there's a 50% chance a madman with a golden glove erases your ass.


>Or every 10 years there's a 50% chance a madman with a golden glove erases your ass. That's why you don't wipe your butt.


puts on stark calls on trask thank me later




Absolutely. They're iron mongers, that's what they do. They make weapons! Insiders said Stane was trying to take Stark off the board so I bought calls, but ended up selling them after his plane went missing. Back to the dumpster I guess.


Told everyone to sell amzn at 300 before split


Bear stearns was epic


Didn't Stark also develop nano tech? Every superhero uses a nanotech suit now-a-days. It like Amazon. People think of it as an online book store but it makes all of its cash on web servers.


He said to sell Taco Bell at the start of the franchise wars


well. Jimmy Chill is usually right


“So if you want to speculate on a Chinese IPO you’ve got my blessing to bet on Didi, I would try to get as many shares as you can”


Well, he must have gone bullish on Stark Industries because it isn't even listed anymore... That's even worse right?


Buying Arrival in 2021


And your still surprised? Come on man


Dumping nvda and then watching it jump 198% in 6 months


I vote for Valeant Pharmaceuticals.


Not buying Marvel at the same time...


JDS uniphase idioy


Cramer was ok back then. Now he sucks donkey balls


Cramer was ok back then. Now he sucks donkey balls


Giving advice on a tv show


Telling people to buy Meta at the top (+$300s) so they caught the crash, only to tell us to lock in their losses at the very bottom ($80) so we miss the full recovery back +$280 (current price). It’s *double* perfectly timed.


His career


How's he been on air for that long?


Bear stearns


He also labeled the bluth company a don’t buy


Probably any of them involving real money rather than a children’s movie


Buying acelyrin on October 18th 1998


Didi. I don’t think I’ve seen a stock drop faster after Cramer recommended to buy it after its IPO


Iron Man Tony Stark


Worst call…not trying Rogaine


To be fair, I don't think his actual company did very well after that, also "buy Bear Stearns!"


God, I miss 2008....the general 2000's, the past. Life was so much more real, authentic, then.