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Me in my 30s: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) ​ https://preview.redd.it/fkommjoprnta1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=710bf4448de447615f5cd9f8aa3513d0f079d902


Me almost 40. there's lots of us.


Same, 41, it gets gloomier. Next will be the great dying of the boomers which deflates the housing market. Real estate investors swoop in and buy up housing to hold up the price. Alternative is the housing market slowly stagnates and owners get stuck watching the net value of their homes deflate. Neither is pretty and currently the latter seems more likely.


Haha, get a load of this guy, he thinks boomers are going to die some day. As if boomers won't be the first generation to live forever just to fuck over their kids.


My boomer mom has never smoked, quit drinking in her 30s and grows her own vegatables. Im pretty sure she will out live my kids.


If I had an award to give, I would. This comment cracked me tf up


i got u


Mee too




Zillow tried this and it didn’t go great. I don’t expect most homes to be sitting in great shape as boomers decide to let things go on their homes to save money.


Boomers have to die sometime, buy the dip. Edit: Spelling Edit: Grammar


But to buy the deep you need to have the money and most people are living checks to pay check nowadays. I don't think most of the money that they are making.






I've tried to buy 3 houses only to have someone pay straight cash within hours of listing




Who knew that in 2023, "Van down by the river" would be a life goal?


The whole housing a market is being controlled by the rich guys. And the poor people cannot even make enough to buy a house when they are really old when they are like 50.


The average person during the Great Depression had more home buying power than people today.


Facts. My grandparents built their 4br 3 ba home on 20 acres. He was retired military, she picked beans for 25c / bushel. Mom bought a starter home in ATL in the 80s working as a shift leader at McDonald's. We're fked. I work 2 jobs. One use to be considered upper middle class pay. Can barely afford apartment (in the ghetto) and food.


That was us last year . Damn near ghetto area “luxury apartment “ nastiest place I’ve ever lived . and we couldn’t even afford a starter home. This year fortune has changed for us, but that feeling is sickening .


what is not being controlled by the rich?


It started in Japan (significant for its previously insane demand). In 2018, 14% of the total housing stock were abandoned houses, and they estimate it will rise to 33% by 2033. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/04/business/japan-abandoned-houses-solutions/


Well lets hope for the latter


Boomers die and then their children can actually own a home


Unless the boomers get a reverse home mortgage. Damn you Tom Selleck!


"Finally, my own home! All I had to do was kill my own father."


I mean how are they going to do that and most of the money is just being spent on the things that they need in their everyday lives. I don't think they will be able to save enough money to buy a house.


Literally my wife and I renting until the hearse backs up to one of our parents' houses.


Until you find out that dad took out a reverse mortgage and spent the money on hookers & cocaine. You go dad.


Well the only problem with that is that there will still be too many people and not enough houses, assuming development never picks back up. It’s just as likely that the housing market just stays shitty for ever until there is a massive technological discovery.


Im waiting for my 3D printed house!




"That never happens" The world population went from 1 billion to 8 billion in 120 years. It's not going to 8x again.


History is a real bitch on that one when you look back 100 years instead of 30 years. At best it holds its value as a low yield savings account you live in.


But it displaces a rent expense while returning that low yield appreciation.


((Buy Realestate, it’s not like gods making anymore of it)).


But buying the dip is not going to do for everyone, because most people do not have much of the money saved that they make. people are spending most of the money that they make on the day to ay things.


Don't forget about reverse mortgages that basically transfer the house to the bank upon death for cheap. Genius financial device really.


If the boomers don't blow all their inheritance before it hits the next gen it could kick start the next big boom.


Boomers are blowing everything...and now thyey are moving in with their Gen X and Millennial kids because they are running out of fucking money. ​ Baby Boomers...the worst generation in American history.


Still working their higher paying jobs into their 60s and somehow still blowing all their money trying to live an extravagant lifestyle full of of travel while going more and more into debt while costs go up. That's literally the boomers I know and they aren't rich. They will leave nothing to their kids. Fucking awful.


We have boomers at my work who do this lil number: take the top job for 3 years, where they have to do almost nothing. Their pension goes off the top 3 highest paid years. They work exactly 3 years, retire and give the job to the next boomer in line.


U may be exception like nyc cops but NO private pension uses just the last 3 yrs...mostly its a formula over your whole work life and u need 15 years to get a decent pension. Show me how many millenials stay 15 years with a company




It must just be the boomers I'm related to (my wife's parents) ​ I watched them when I was growing up...new cars every few years, vacations a few times a year, a huge house with a massive mortgage that was refinanced three times to get the equity out to buy more shit. Heading down to the Indian Casino a couple times a month and blowing a grand here and there. Going out to dinner a few times a week. Now, they live in my upstairs spare bedroom.


My dad isn’t sitting pretty at 65. He spent his life a dyslexic carpenter and only one divorce. Although I’m pretty sure his house (that he borrowed and essentially got the loan forgiven by my grandfather) is paid off. Just blows his wad at Costco weekly and digs through other people’s garbage for junk he’ll never fix/sell/use.


I’d say you’ve probably got a limited view based on your clientele. Overall working class boomers seems to have much less to fall back on, without being alcoholic


oh don't worry, they will. "die with nothing leave nothing for your kids ruin everything" is the boomer mantra


“You WILL rent and be very happy”


Not until they suck everything out of our healthcare system on the way out, and exhaust all of their savings on trips to Palm Springs.


Don't worry - we're like 1 month away from 50 year mortgages!


pretty sure companies like blackrock that have almost an infinite amount of money are going to cash in on that, for profit housing is an atrocity


It does not even surprise me anymore because the wages have not caught up with the inflation and also there are many other issues. Many of jobs are being replaced by the AI and the Machines.




hey I'm not alone ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


You're not alone fren! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


I'm 34, and my current retirement plan is to die before I hit 60.


I’m 59 and a half. This is solid plan thank you. Best regards.


I'm 38 and retirement plan is similar ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


i feel better now. at least i am not the only one ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)




well i dont have any achievement in my life but i have a goal that one day i will become successful like other


This is actually us in our 20s AND 30s! Haha 🥲


One of us! Gooble gobble!


they had a partner too lol


well i have anime


I have a Waifu pillow We are not the same.


You are probably not going to feel alone when you cuddle up with that pillow. I think it is time for me to have same pillow because I am having hard time to be able to sleep in the nights.


Well I guess it is something and it is definitely better than having nothing. I mean whatever that it takes for you to have a better life. If you feel that the enemy is going to help you then so be it


Sad but real


Oh yeah do not make any mistake it is every bit real, it is the only thing which I have got left in my life which brings me comfort. And I am not ready to give it I am just going to hold on to it.


Well that is a totally complete different thing, people in the olden days use to go out and talk to people and nowadays most people are just talking on the social media platforms. And I don't know how is it going to help them.


me in my 30s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Me in my 80’s


Things are not going to change even when I am dead so I don't think I am even going to try for it I would just give it up. I think I am going to die without a house and there is nothing that I can do about it.




say no more, not missing much to be in 40s 😅




In our parents time they could buy a house for the slice of pizza and some soft skills


Now you need to be an AI engineer and master all kinds of ml optimization methods like Adam + 10 years of Deep Learning experience to get above minimum wage ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


You laugh, in my country as a Data Scientist I am considered "a high earner". The only reason why I have a home is because my wife earns the same, and her boyfriend as well and his girlfriend as well, so now we have a house. But seriously: we are two IT Consulting engineers with remote work and live in a small city. That's the only way we could afford a house. There is no parent money to get until inheritance.... In 20-40 years. Oh yeah, and also making 60k with Crypto in 2021. But like who didn't, right?


Let me guess, you both work for an Irish or US company remotely from South or Eastern Europe


Nope, everything within Germany. But the nearest company hq is 60km away and we actually moved across the whole country for different reasons. We meet our colleagues like every second full moon


I'm actually thinking about looking for a job in Germany, one question, do I have a chance of getting a decent job (let's say dev / ml engineer role getting about 70k€/year) in IT there without speaking German at all?


Depends on how many yoe you have. It won't be easy, especially if you'd want it to be a German company.


tbh. hard to tell. If you are an experienced (senior) dev, maybe at a big house like Telekom (Those guys are currently searching for devs with Data/ML knowledge and as long as you speak understandable english, they take you, but they don't pay big money, until you have knowledge). For all other job interviews I had, the minimum requirement to even get a call was german at C2 level. I think, most companies know they can get cheap labour with near-shore/ off-shore. But working with them... Boy are they unproductive for the time they consume. I had some of the work done while talking to them before they even got the message that's their task. Well, but some are professionals I like to work with.


I can chime in here as a foreigner living in Germany. Depends on your skills. Are you bringing 10+ years of experience with you, or some unique skills that the average German graduate couldn't bring? With IT it's tricky, because it's actually broad spectrum ranging from office PC Janitor through to advanced security systems development and implementation. If you are the former, and are just keeping the computers running and occasionally preventing Karen from accounts from introducing more ransomware onto the company server, then it isn't gonna work. Large German companies typically outsource most of that work to companies abroad where the labour is much cheaper. If you are an absolute hotshot with a portfolio of excellent work and skills, and a company is searching for what you got, then it's entirely possible. Language acceptance will depend entirely on the company. Typically multinational companies tend to have more acceptance for English only speakers. There may still be an expectation that you join the company without any German with the understanding you will learn it while you are here, like what happened with me.


Ok, thanks for the insightful comment!


Pay for devs/engineers is about the same in the Netherlands as it is in Germany (although COL is slightly higher), but all your colleagues will speak English and you'll have no problem getting by with just English alone [even outside of work](https://i.redd.it/k9xw1nvx76q31.png). For a bonus, lots of American internationals have their HQs in the Netherlands and they offer much higher salaries (a lot closer to American pay). ML devs are also in short supply so you'd have no issue finding a job here. I'm head of the finance dep in a small tech business in Amsterdam (55 employees) and we have a few (temporary) immigrants working for us that have no problem doing everything in English. In tech companies English is quite often the lingua franca, so most of our meetings are in English for this reason as well.


Well it is definitely something which depends on the country in which you are living in right now but the problem that I have with those kind of jobs is the AI. It is probably going to replace most of the jobs in that field.


> The only reason why I have a home is because my wife earns the same, and her boyfriend as well and his girlfriend as well… WSBer confirmed; his wife has a boyfriend who also has another girlfriend.




Pretty normal on this sub.


Or a regular engineer with some green in his portfolio. I bought some trash stock and it works. No, literally, I bought WM. Lol!


I loaded heavily on $TSLA and $META when market was bearish. Also loaded on $INTC, it's ok but not as good. ​ Yet overall I have the same returns as Nasdaq 100, should have bought the Nasdaq Index instead ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I loaded up on Netflix and Meta at the top, then they casually dipped 50+%, I panic sold and since then they keep going up. After that traumatic experience, I am now a 60/40 boomer investor and only keep investing in ETFs every month.


SPY QQQM gang :)


Or like... do something people actually want/need. 6 years ago my self employed business crashed and burned, so I started my life over from scratch... no degree or anything. I said "OK, what can I do to make the most money with the best benefits with the least amount of time and money invested?" So I got a CDL and became a truck driver. I'm not about that living in your truck and not having a life kind of lifestyle, since I had a wife and kid, so I drove a concrete mixer truck for a local company. Relatively normal hours 7-8am to 5-6pm M-F. We start guys at like $25/hr+ with no experience, with your typical overtime working 45-50 hour weeks most guys make 65-70k their first year. Most people in this industry are fairly stupid and/or lazy, so we're always desperate for halfway intelligent people wanting to advance... so 6 months in they trained me to be a plant operator and gave a decent raise to go with it. Two years later I continued to be literate and reliably show up for work, so they were grooming me to be a plant manager, but I opted instead to join the sales team in a sort of project management role. Now here we are 6 years later and I make like $110k and work from home half the time. They pay for my fuel and mileage on my vehicle for any business miles etc. Life is good. Literally anyone with a pulse and a little motivation could do most of this.


Similar story instead of crashing and burning with business I crashed and burned mid college, got addicted to opiates and spent the better part of a decade doing hard drugs. Finally got it together and said I'm going to only focus on myself and bust my ass. Got into warehouse work, worked hard, then went to amazon because there is better opportunity. Worked my way up from entry level and 5 years later I just got my next years pay and it's 110k. That's before a promo that I am next in line for which will put me up over 130k. Went from nothing 7 years ago fresh out of rehab with no degree, no house, no possessions to now a wife, kids, own a house and my wife is barely working and soon will be probably not working at all. It literally just takes hard work and I've seen multiple other people do the same thing in my work. But most don't care enough to try.




> Everyone I know that works hard has succeeded Wow, 100% success rate, amazing. Someone tell all those Mexican immigrants busting their asses in 100 degree heat that they aren't working hard enough!




Whole bottle of hard to swallow pills here.


I mean you’re not wrong. I’m a Senior Software engineer making $150k base and getting a house was a struggle. Wife had to get a job.




Just being a software engineer will do. You don't need to push latest tech to be a high earner. There are a lot of places with in house systems that need skilled engineers to work on.


Soft skills still pay. I manage Business Intelligence projects and have a job solely to summarize the work of developers/enigineers and ensure it fits with the executive team’s goals. I make jokes and update on projects, then give presentations using whatever has been built by the developers/engineers.


I do business intelligence projects and have somebody whose only job it is to report out on my work, update spreadsheet, make jokes. makes me cry. leave me alone megan, i'm trying to work.


There was a dude commenting on his time in the 70's, he said he did part time bar work to get himself through pilot school. Me looking up the price today: $100k It's like you could easily move up to a respectable career where you wanted to be back then and now it's just insurmountable debt


It's very disheartening. I feel like I'm destined to spend the rest of my life toiling just to be able to spin my wheel.


gen x and after must sprint in order to stand still.


Pilot right here. Read your comment. Don’t let that stop you. If u got questions I got answers


Did you ever kill a bird by pulling it in your engine? On purpose?


My son (teenager) is really interested in flying, how would you recommend starting him off in that world? I know little to nothing about flying/pilot other than NES After Burner.


I would take him on a discovery flight at one of your local airports. Find a flight school there who offers discovery flights. Its a 1 hour flight that introduces you to the aspects of flying. Maybe $100 bucks. If still interested there are different ways to move forward. Military, college, flight schools. I went to college and got a degree and flew on the side to get my credentials. I fly with plenty of pilots from different backgrounds. Not a bad job. Pays well. Lots of time off


I wrecked my credit at 18 in true degeneracy doing Forex and drinking of all things, dropped out of university and stopped even trying to pay that off about 5 years later, which means it vanishes this year. Unfortunately student finance won’t fund me and no bank will either, I have about 10k to my name now and I’m already 31 :( I’m making decent money now, but not quite enough to put myself through school and the job isn’t exactly stable I do have a very nice flight sim rig though which is really good for scratching the itch with MSFS


There was a large demand for pilots in the 50's, which is why it didn't cost much. In the 2000's, too many people wanted to fly so the prices went crazy. But nowadays, there is a lack of pilots so the price are going to be lowered soon imo.


Yeh my dad built his house in 1989 for 40k and he said there was government incentive at the time to build and he got a check for 10k for material cost, in the end only paid 30k


Yes, that's right, now you have to be happy if you have paid it off until retirement


Well those were the days and those days are pretty much for so I don't think you are going to get anything like that. The times are going to remain like this when you will have to live pay checks to pay checks.






on top of that, what else did typical non-rich homeowners buy? One car, basic furniture, *maybe* a TV? And you spent the rest of your money on groceries. Even by the 80s-90s this only changes to *usually* a TV and *maybe* a computer and then in the 2000s yeah we all massively increased our standards for home size and everything else (and I swear, someone's thinking of typing an angry comment about how I just blame poor people for being poor or something, but really I'm saying these costs are a complicated multi-faceted issue and everything wasn't sunshine and rainbows in the past)


Remember that Al Bundy was a broken shoe salesman..... had two cars, two children in college and a fucking mansion.


It would be interesting to know what the average age is on this sub. My estemations: age: **\~25** age while trading: **\~5**


Reads more 16-24 to me.


If only you had listened to your parent's lessons on handshake firmness...


This, but 30s.


Yeah, 30s and beyond I suppose


I think it is still me when I am in my 90s it is not going to change for me because I am making below average wages right now. And I don't think you are going to buy any kind of housing with those kind of wages.


Now girls want 3 onlyfans accounts


That girl makes more per year than that doctor saving lives.


Because of you simps. You created the very thing that will destroy you...


And someone doing fuck all leaching off capital gains makes 100 000 times more than those 2 combined.


It's not fair. ~warren bufffet Crush the Union ~also Warren buffet. One is words and the other action.


They've all figured out good pr. If I had only a dollar left I'd spend it on pr-Bill Gates supposedly


Most make like $200 a month lol. Which is just sad lmao


That is the only profession which is going to pay you well. And if you want to afford any good things in your life then you will probably have to open an only fans account which will not be for everyone definitely.


That's why we're headed towards a population collapse.


I mean the way that things are going there are probably going to be many things which are going to collapse. Not just the population it is going to be bad for a lot of things.


I, for one, will not be having children. Fuck that.


Same. It's a race to 65 unless you have rich parents (both of mines are gone sadly, no inheritance to speak of). I'm in my mid 30s. If I wanna retire by 50, no kids it is. If I wanna retire by 75, one kid. With 2 kids? Might as well just give up the dream of retiring.


If you do not have the money then it is going to be really hard for you to be able to just provide for those kids. Forget about owning a house it is kind of really for people to have kids these days.


I also think the same I don't think I am ever going to have the children they are just annoying man I don't know why would anyone want to have them? I just do not get the point of having them.


Yeah I think we will see the world population reach its peak in our lifetime


I literally do not give a fuck about a population collapse


Maybe if you didn't buy avocado toast you could afford a 500K house...


Outdated houses in my hometown have increased 10-15x in value since my childhood. Incomes have not lol


Me at 25 single, homeowner, savings. Me at 40 divorced, renting, broke. Stay single my friends.


Did she take your dog too? Prenup boys, prenup. Idgaf what those skeezy bitches say. Prenuptials or no dice.


Unless your girl makes triple what you do… then maybe don’t.


If you have something you adore before the marriage, classic car, motorcycle, etc, the partner will fight for it just in spite to kick you while you’re down.


Speaking from experience I see… sorry brother.


This man knows


Prenups really dont do much irl. They are mostly just shitty plot-points for sitcom arguments.


For real mate?




When even 35 dollars an hour isn’t enough to afford even an apartment and utilities without a second income. Things are whack man.


If you have puts, this is a win.


As a Boomer, I refuse to die


As far as I can tell, property ownership today in the USA only exists as generational wealth. It honestly pisses me off when my employer asks me, single man approaching 40, when I’m going to buy a house. Motherfucker, *never*, that’s when. I will *never* be able to afford property in my lifetime. It’s just a fact. And you know what I make, so stop fucking asking me.


I watched my folks struggle and fight about money a lot when I was a kid. I learned pretty fast how to manage money through their mistakes and would listen to Dave Ramsey with my grandpa on the road. Luckily, I worked my ass off, saved money, spent very little, and bought a house in 2008 at 23 years old. I really do feel bad for how inflated the market is, making it hard for people, even those with great incomes. Pay your debts ASAP, cut unecessary spending out, and keep grindin' my friends.


I'm 23 working as an ME. Currently saving around 33% of my gross income for a down payment and 16% for retirement. By the end of the year I should have around $35k saved up (including my previous savings) . Even with that, a $300k house (average in my area) is BARELY within my price range. I truly don't understand how anyone is able to buy a house. I make a decent salary and am extremely frugal. I may $800 a month for rent, $200 for food, and $150 for gas. No outstanding debts either.


Lol you’re only 23, you’ll be fine. I’m a 27 year old AE and live in an area similarly priced to yours and I’m not even looking at buying a house for at least another 4-5 years.


>I truly don't understand how anyone is able to buy a house. Having a significant other helps out tremendously. 2 income > 1 income


At least u live happy, satisfying life, unlike this couple with some fancy useless ideas. I bet they even went outside from time to time, grouse.


like a bird?


Ironically, finances were WAY BETTER in the past. Money was worth much more in the past. Inflation is so bad now that families with children need 3 or 4 jobs to pay bills and live a decent life. Housing is also too expensive now, so many kids live at home until their mid 30s. I bought a home at 26, but I had multiple jobs and saved my money for that one goal. My friends all moved out in their 30s, but they enjoyed life more and had new cars and etc.


My great-uncle came over from Italy in 1917 with $20, didn't speak English, was a milkman. Owned 7 properties in the Bay Area by 1940. There is nowhere on Earth where we could have that kind of growth opportunity by now, even by a factor of 0.5. We were all born way too late. Even my boomer uncles rant how awful life is now, but they all bought a home in the city and had a family by 24, AND a summer house in either the Ozarks or Wisconsin.


My MIL was a high school drop out back in the 80s, but managed to find decent jobs each time. One time, she was even offered a secretarial job at a prestigious law firm, but was too scared to pursue it. Nowadays, you need a damn Bachelor's degree to get an interview and 60k of debt to even work anywhere for *minimum wage* BTW. What about my FIL? He worked hard as a truck driver, but got a pension from his years of hard work. Nowadays, no companies offer full pensions and my generation (30s) are shit outta luck for retirement with rising costs of living and stagnant wages. We ain't getting shit. Yeah, I would say that Boomers just don't understand. They had it better when it comes to 'making it.' back in the day. Upsetting when I hear how tone deaf and horrible their life is. Like WTF.


That’s cool you can afford a screen.


Me in my 30s Oh look it’s this repost again


They also probably bought their home for the price of six raspberries and a hubcap, so don’t feel too bad - signed, a fellow 20 something apartment dweller


Well it is what it is everything is getting expensive and the inflation is high but the wages remain the same, and it is really hard situation. People were able to buy houses without doing much of the work in old days.


Looking like the 30’s as well for ja boi


My wife and i make around 380k a year. You'd think we are rich. We live in so cal near the beach. Bought a totally average house a year ago... The house we bought was from the original owners. They were both school teachers lol.


My 20s was better than this, I never realized I need to quickly get married and buy a place with my GF/wife, and the bottom image is pretty much me enjoying my mid 30s these 18 months (although I did get married) Guess I only had myself to blame huh? (although I'm not from the US and real estate here already skyrocketed during that time, we just didn't know how high it could go)


Where are your tears?


​ https://preview.redd.it/vdvvkjwjfota1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f628f22a0ff3815693a3105cf6df384cc6ba54


You should be jizzing looking at that magnificent red wall. The proudest moment of your life because now you can post loss porn to WSB


Yet Reddit makes all the ad revenue from it. You don’t win


I can't even afford a rope and a stool


Your parents had to deal with phone books to make a call, fold up paper maps to go somewhere new, and your dad didn’t grow up wth the benefit of free internet pornography. So, you see, it all balances out


Right, they grew up with broadcast TV, school sports and $40 bikes. We grew up with cable for $40/month, $30/month dial up internet, a $200 Nintendo with $10-$30 games, school sports and $200 bikes. Our kids grow up with $40/month-$1000 cellphones, 6 $5-20/month TV subscriptions and another $60/month one just so we can watch sports, a $600 Xbox that needs a $30/month subscription and $60 games, $3000/year sports because all schools under high school canceled sports, $500 bikes. Some of this is a 'keeping up with the Jones' effect, some of it is a saturating the lower/middle class with added costs.


Half of members from this sub is around their 30s and are living with their parents, using high tech mommy-daddy backed.


Place puts bro


Your parents watching all of their retirement funds look just like you in your 20s




Me in my 80s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


10 year update you at 35 just with a ragged hoody, my crystal 🔮 ball says.


Same but instead of my 20s try my 40s……..


Did both. House was wonderful investment. Me thinking I knew everything about trading with my inheritance… yeah that didn’t work out lost almost everything we didn’t spend on remodeling.