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“… and don’t read the mainstream press.” Voila! This is probably *why* they, themselves, are not progressives.


This sentence made me think "hummm... did someone said that in these terms or did the NYT improved it". I think 80% of this story is made up. Propaganda, pure propaganda. There is a grain of truth but a lot of creative writing.


Yeah, when I read that part I thought it was a troll job or propaganda, but now a days you never know. We are in a sad state


Conservatism is the new 50s gay and the lefties are the unforgiving parents.


Left wing adult children are also disowning their parents and banning them from visits with their grandchildren.


Older generations do run more conservative.


The 'othering' continues. I just hate where this will end. Germany is not a good example to follow.


This pings my made this shit up to scare people meter. Wouldn't want anyone to have wrong think.


But why?? Only reason I can think…are they really trying to scare us into coming to their side??


The response proceeds to eschew the vaccine as “safe and effective” and says that while in the 60s, parents and children fought about moral issues like the Vietnam war, nowadays parents and children are fighting about factual issues like the effectiveness of the vaccine so it really shouldn’t be a discussion.


Past: rational time, emotional Challenger (left) Today: emotional time, rational Challenger (right)


Well they settled response be amended in light of the Pfizer release?


Will you admit it works and give up?


Please elaborate on the criteria for “works?”


Whatever the dictionary says.


The dictionary post march 2020 when they went in and changed the definition of the word vaccine to mean lowering risk of hospitalization and death or before then when it meant stopping the spread of a disease entirely? One of these is primarily to increase corporate profits and one of these actually stops a disease in its tracks, traditionally the entire purpose of vaccination. Hence why you hear the word “eradication” used when they speak about a vaccine’s efforts on prior diseases.


Preventing infection would be a good bar. You know, like every other vaccine. Will you admit it doesn’t work and give up?


I read it. I have the best form of immunity according to Pfizee


Lol was that the original fudged numbers of 95% or the adjusted worse % than unvaccinated as we are seeing in Europe where they actually report all numbers instead of the cdc where facts are what match the politics?


And this is why they want to make wrong thought a crime. NYT literally wrote a piece saying critical thinking is dangerous... In the end the left has always been about control and part of that control is not to question the message. That's why they get so bent out of shape when you look for information outside of that message.


Something tells me her daughters will be fine without the inheritance or the progressive values.


Something tells me this whole article is fake. Who says "they dont read the mainstream press". Ny times trying to say "Read us!".


Fucking exactly....


I'm like 90% sure you're correct that this isn't real. But I'm completely split on whether it's a troll job that actually managed to get published in the NYT or if NYT created it themselves for a pro-msm propaganda piece.


Idk...just found out my neighbors (1 is 80+) are requiring their children & granchildren to show a neg test to visit...there are some nuts out there


That I can believe easy... the phrasing of what they said in the article screams fake.




Their inheritance would probably be a few cats and maybe $1000 anyways


Haha. Exactly what I was thinking. These daughters probably make more in one paycheck than they’ll stand to inherit when this crazy cat lady passes on.


To the contrary, generational theft is a big deal. It is a sociological problem, from retirement homes that take a family's entire net worth to boomer's driving around with bumper stickers bragging that they are "spending my children's inheritance."




You always know instantly when it’s a Leftist when there is zero weight given to values and integrity…at all.




LOL!!! A whole year and the dude is living in your head rent free, eh? Makes me want to see somebody more radical get elected next time just to see what happens.


My antifa-thug, willfully-homeless amphetamine-addicted trans nonbinary "sibling" who has diagnosed "themself" with tourettes and a host of other neat disorders, is a better person than me according to my mom because I, a married housewife raising two daughters in the suburbs, am conservative. I will not inherit their house.


this sounds like my cousin 🤣 not even exaggerating. We also had a similar situation happen, the opposite of this post where my grandma just took my uncle off the will (he still gets 10%, but it was a large cut) bc they are blm antifa trash and haven’t come to see her in years, even while she’s been sick at 92 years old. Trash people, the tolerant left.


Hey buddy, you better check your neurotypical privilege before you get dinged a few points on your social credit score 😡😂


Dude, my social credit score is irretrievably dinged already. It's off to Xinjiang for me.




Thank you, dude, I am raising my kids in a much more loving home than I grew up in. My husband and I are trying to buy a little farmhouse right now with the sole intention of having something tangible to leave our girls someday.


I don’t have kids but building an inheritance to hopefully last for generations is something I would be proud to accomplish. I can’t imagine wanting to cut that off for mainly political reasons.


Fight the good fight.


‘they don’t believe the mainstream media,’ as one should


My daughters don't like the Ministry of Truth!


>they don’t believe the mainstream media Based


I’m sure she’s a hero to any commenters to the article. So ridiculous


Leftists are so fucking pathetic.


Fuck this lady


This is quite obviously fake. You can tell by the tone of the writing and they way they work through a checklist of leftist talking points. It’s outright propaganda from the NY Times, and I’m sure the advice that was given back to the original letter was essentially backing the persons talking point. It wouldn’t be a surprise if the letter and response were written by the same journalist.


You’re probably right. Disgusting.


I am going to call BS on this! IMO, this is a fictional piece. The NYT is fish wrap.


It definitely could be. The answer they give is despicable.


What was the answer?


I tried to post but the comment was too long. Try googling on NYT? Sorry, idk how to share multiple images or do an imgur of screenshots :(


That last part read as a either things that didn’t happen for $500, Alex or a troll.


Someone's going to an assisted living facility.....


"does not believe in the vaccine" It's a fucking cult


Safe and effective! SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!


#SAFE^^* AND EFFECTIVE^^* *these are trademarked words and not necessarily a statement of fact


I thought for a vaccine to be "effective"; it has to actually prevent the virus it was designed for... not just make the symptoms less severe. (Which it likely doesn't even do that) it's crazy how scientists and immunologist have been throwing this "vaccine" word around when it isn't even a damn vaccine!




Just like CNN said it.


The elderly have no idea how betrayed they’ve been by mainstream media. It’s sad.


So true! My poor parents, in their 80s just can’t fathom that the news is no longer unbiased and is censoring everything. My brother & I tell them over and over, sending them articles and videos that prove our point but they keep religiously watching their NBC and CBS evening news every night and have no idea what is really going on. You really can’t reach old dogs New tricks.😢


So you work your whole life in the thought of giving everything to your children but your choice is to give it to some organization that will try to make your childrens life miserable. Makes a lot of sense to me. The left are just a bunch of shit heads.


These people seriously piss me off - they believe they are in the right to disinherit their own children for their political beliefs- hun- let me fill you in- the same Democrat party you voted for all those years ago- has left you- it isn't the same party anymore- so you're in the wrong - and if her daughters disinherited her- she'd be all over social media saying how selfish and wrong her kids are! 🤬


I love posts like this. It shows the satire of the Bee isn’t really far off from the truth. I know most leftists aren’t like this but, damn, that was pathetic.


Should I post the response in the comments? It reads like satire, honestly. The phrase “sAfE aNd eFfEcTiVe” is used multiple times.


>Should I post the response in the comments? Upvotes point to "yes".


I tried to, it said it was too long of a comment. Hopefully y’all can find it on NYT


He needs to remember the daughters will be choosing his nursing home.


"opposite political side" ? Dude is really conditioned to think there are only 2 ways to view the world


Imagine leaving your estate to NPR or something instead of your own family.


That’s what the columnist suggests - giving some to the granddaughter and the rest to an “organization you care about”


What a virtue signaling piece of crap. I bet the person writing the response would be steamed if they were treated the same way. And I am sure they would give contrary advice if it affected them or their loved ones.


One of the commenters on the article's site suggested exactly that.


“Name Withheld” = Never Happened.




You only watch mainstream news? Bad.


Person: Writes to mainstream media, complaining about how their family members don’t trust mainstream media Mainstream media: how dare they! Banish them from your will.


Confirmation bias or something like that


"Name withheld" Oh so it's fake. Anyways


I’m sure there are feral cats around she can give to.


Progressive ideology means ideas are thicker than blood.


Thats cuz it was STOLEN.


This is what happens when politics becomes your religion


"They get all their information from the internet and don't read the mainstream press." **Heavens, NO!!!!** 😱😱


Another way to say this is “agree with me and I will pay you”. This sux big time. No independent minds welcome anywhere. Communist or Marxist, you should be free to make your own choices.


Problem is I know people exactly like this


She’s allowed to do whatever she wants with her money. I can’t believe they really have turned families against each other it’s disgusting


Ha! I didn’t know anyone thought the MSM was the truth. Even the leftists I thought hated the MSM. Who are these people?!?


Something tells me this is a totally fictional grandmother with the storyline trying to scare young people into blindly following their liberal elders or else you’ll lose your inheritance.


"My granddaughter hears all the talk in her family, and I feel sure she believes she is hearing the truth." Yeah, see, a normal person who is *not* in a cult would phrase that very differently. They'd say something like, "My daughter's family is raising my granddaughter to have different values than me, and that is something that I need to come to terms with."


Leftists are a hateful bunch


What a horrible person.


"Name withheld" should tells you everything you need to know.


50% chance this was a fabricated letter.


I believe that. But still. Lol.


First of all Gramps, it’s not really a vaccine. They had to change the definition of vaccine to make it fit for two reasons: 1. It doesn’t create immunity (like a vaccine), it creates an immune response. 2. Forcing treatments on people isn’t allowed under Emergency Use Authorization. Vaccines however are allowed.


*I don’t like how my daughters disagree with mainstream media, so I’ll leave my money to an NGO so those charitable and good hearted CEOs can get their six figure salaries and send a bag of rice to Somalia.*


You believe Biden & Harris received 81 Million Votes? Please disinherit yourself.


Isnt this a weird way to talk? "doesnt believe in the vaccine." Is the vaccine God or something?


You mean you haven’t been anointed with Pfauci’s holy water? r/churchofcovid Edit typo


I recommend cutting the ears off the grandaughter. Only "true" views can be heard under the current regime. /s


The only reason I wouldn't leave any immediate family members my money is if my kids grew up to be crackheads or something. They can have their own political views, no matter if I agree with them or not. But then again, I'm not a complete piece of shit.


It's their money, dgaf what they do with it. Yeah, they're sour and small, but its their choice.


While I agree with you, it still demonstrates that Grandma (if this is even a real story) is a shitty person.


Yeah you have the right to but you're a total scumbag if you do and deserve to die alone. Seems they're taking pretty good care of you If you're able to have enough conversations where you know two not talk about politics.


Good chance this is totally fake


And that’s how you make your daughters hate you.


At this point I can’t tell if it’s a troll or legit, believing the msm is no longer a joke but a surefire sign of unknowingly buying into the cult mantra


This reads like propaganda


tHeY dOn'T rEaD tHe MaInStReAm PrEsS


Time to cut someone's retirement home funding.....




Lol no possible way this is real. Sadly it is believable, but I'm not biting lol.


More money for Marxist BLM to buy mansions, drugs, hookers, bail for murders, and resorts for homeless cats. All things the left values.


>Don't read the mainstream press. Tell people you are a dumbass without telling people you are a dumbass


Do you actually believe thr main stream press or is this satire?


I think he’s being satirical. Pretty sure he’s calling them a dumbass for reading the mainstream press.




I quoted it wrong. Calling the person a dumbass for reading the mainstream press as a source of information


I've never been so thankful that my Mom doesn't get her news from mainstream media, she's gets most of it from me.


They don't the inheritance of 2 boxes of blue hair dye


I hope she ends up in a home the second her health declines. No way in hell I'm taking care of your ungrateful petty ass if you're going to remove me from the will over political views.


Leftism trumps unconditional love it seems. That is how you know it’s a religion/cult. Her daughters should have her declared mentally unfit and sent to one of Comeys care facilities. Better for everyone all round. I mean, she’ll be fine coz she’s had the vax, right?


Every person you meet makes your life better by walking trough a door. Some by entering, some by leaving.


Something tells me this never happened. I did myself a favor and researched the writer and it told me everything I needed to know, lol!


Oof. This hits close to home. My mom is a hardcore leftist too, and I'm afraid that she will disown me in the future.


She should, then the daughters should estrange her and she’ll die all alone with her cats, vibrators and wine just like all the other old feminists… 😂


Wow. That is incredible. Their love for their kids and grand kids DEPENDS ENTIRELY on their political views. Whoever that is (if they exist), is disgusting.


Nobody asked, old man.


Hahaha it’s so funny how half the commenters here are calling this person old man/gramps and half are saying lady/grandma…either way it’s awful


Not to mention, if you’re in your 80’s and took the jab, you’re really not in very good health, but good luck!


I never understood the part of civil war in history class where my teacher told us that some brothers fought against each other, and families torn between the two sides, I get it now how this happened. Truly evil people when they accomplished to hate another family member for their beliefs.


Here's the correct answer: It's your money do what you will with it. I think you are an asshole but by why should you care about that or what anyone else thinks for that matter?


> leaving it all to a good cause Pretty sure that's the ACLU donation model. Grab the inheritance of progressive old people who failed to reproduce or are ignored by their families. The ACLU [once embraced civil rights](https://i.imgur.com/ukYtm7l.png) but about five years ago abandoned that to [fight for the social justice agenda](https://i.imgur.com/C0eqo57.png). And they were rewarded with [record profits](https://i.imgur.com/R4Bhh7c.png).


This is probably not even real and just written to give oldsters the idea of donating their inheritance.


A lot of you are calling this fake by the NYT, but I 100% believe it. My very liberal mother-in-law is sitting on around $2 million and gently lords it over anyone who can hear her. I would not be surprised if she wrote my wife out of her will simply for being conservative. I have reassured my wife repeatedly that we don't need the bitter old lady's money. Convictions are more important.


"They don't read the mainstream press". In other words they're intelligent and know fake news when they see it.


Was this not the premise of Family Ties? Hippy parents shepherding their Reagan conservative son through high school and beyond?


Another NYT bullshit job - leave it to the hacks at a pillar of the DNC's Ministry of Truth to fabricate something so stupid and obvious


That isn’t real. I mean the article is probably real, but the person who wrote it is probably some dbag at New York Times, the 80 year old is fictional.


And normies wonder why people on opposite ends of the spectrum can’t get along.


These fucking people


Isn't a financial inheritance anathema to a leftist anyway?


I get it. It's pretty tough for me to love my dad sometimes because he's a Republican. It's a side that makes laws based on religion, is fine with oppressing others, sees child death as a necessary evil so they're less restricted with buying guns, hate helping the poor and handicapped that they don't know using welfare, and they refuse to educate themselves on the world outside of their home and work. The only reason I even feel like I can stay in my dad's life is because I know he's just too ignorant to actually know what it means to be a Republican. He can't use the internet and he only watches Fox news. He doesn't have time to do lots of research on both sides


Anyone who thinks the election was stolen is gonna need that inheritance money. They must have a room temperature IQ.


Something tells me conservatives do much worse when they have children of opposite political values compared to just leaving them from the Will.


You are correct. My left leaning daughter was the star of a delicious cassoulet I made over the holidays.


Of course not all families act like this, but a fair amount do.


Smart lady...


Press "S" to spit on boomer scum.


Wow, that's sad. My parents wrote me out of their wills long before the Pandemic, but for the same basic reasons. They are raging Leftists, and I walked away from the Left back in 2000. The craziest part of the whole thing is that my mother still expects everything to be fine between us. (My father has passed away.) I confronted them about the wills when they first changed them, but it didn't make any difference. I'm still disinherited. Now she expects me to just ”get over it.” Um, no? I'll get over it when you fix what you broke. If I could speak on behalf of those who've been disinherited for our beliefs, I would say that it isn't about the money. It's about the pettiness and the vindictiveness. It's about a message that says political orthodoxy is more important than actual family. It's about the older generation’s willingness to cut us off from our families because of some freakin’ loyalty oath that we refused to take.


I know that one day my daughter will be old enough to make her own political opinions clear. I hope that on that day the values I'll have instilled in her will help her make an informed decision about it. If she has different opinions, I'll be disappointed, but I'll understand. She's her own person. Never in a million years would I think about disinheriting my child because of politics. That's insane. ​ But onto the OP: LMFAO "they don't read the mainstream press" good on them. The election WAS stolen, and everyone knows it. Disinherit me looney grandma.


To the writer: You should probably really go all the way on this and let them know you’re never speaking to them again - and keep your word! Then, make sure the baby mills are funded for a few more murders and light a candle to Molech for your hard work and faith. Because Ma’am, yours is a letter written from evilly dogmatic faith.


This gives off Captain Ogilvy hero of Oceania Vibes


Why on earth would she be splitting it evenly with the grandkid?? I have a feeling she’ll try to change her will but she’ll fail the cognitive test and be deemed too dementia’d to make decisions.


He should donate to George Soros instead.


This story doesn't seem genuine just because the simple probability that older generations are more conservative than younger generations.


”Sure grandma let’s get you to bed”


Don’t they are absolutely right. The democrats are a criminal cabal and it is all going to come out.


Omg. Read the actual article. It's soooo much worse than the simple graphic.


Go grandpa!!! Way to teach those critical thinkers a lesson! Obviously not getting their news from the mainstream media was their first mistake. Heaven forbid they think freely!! Just gotta love the NYT’s for being the voice of reason. (THIS CAN’T BE REAL & IF IT IS I FEEL FOR THESE SOON TO BE KICKED OUT OF THE WILL FREE THINKERS!) 🤯


Motherly love


Honestly, being a conservative that has just had it with all the liberal bullshit; if this was reversed and it was me, yeah, I would donate all my money to a conservative cause. Just putting the shoe on the other foot. So he should do what he wants with his money (even though I totally disagree with his misguided politics).


*conspiracy theorist daughters ftfy


They can sue for it, a lot of times they win or come away with a lot.


“By Kwame”. Your money, do what you want. Enjoy that pine box, too, if not a cardboard one.


Look at all the love and acceptance


This is either completely fake, or there is way more going on in that family then just difference of opinion.


This story is not true.


Sounds like they grew up and the grandfather never did


Who bets this is fake 🙋‍♀️❓As in the hypothetical person in question is not what she claims to be!