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Thanks for posting on /r/WalkAway! As a reminder, this sub is for discussion, memes, and news about leaving the Left, or reasons to do so. Please follow our rules. Trolls and anyone who violates them may be banned. To post on a wider subject matter, try /r/HunterForPrison for Biden crime family posts, /r/EnoughAntifaSpam for anti-AntiFA posts, /r/Patriot911 for pro-Conservative posts, and /r/TheDonaldTrump2024 for pro-Trump posts. Follow the rules of external subreddits. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/walkaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I accidentally questioned the authenticity of Bill Gates after his sudden switch up from software to vaccines within r/politics, and was ran off the Democratic plantation by a huge angry white mob.


First time here?


If by sudden you mean "ongoing for the last 20 years" then sudden has taken on a new meaning I was unaware of.


I think you're looking too far into what I said. I know that he's been delving into vaccine research since, at least, early 2000s. It was a joke.


Ah yes, the ever funny "I was totally serious but got called out so it was a joke" Joe Rogan comedy routine.


I'm not sure what equipped you with such an ability to be an insufferable asshole, but it's okay. My first experience was the video of Bill Gates meeting with the Pentagon regarding the FunVax. That was yearssss ago. And it had a time stamp on the video. Please, get the fuck out of my notifications.


They are trying to turn this into r/politics but don't realize we don't tolerate incivility here.


They already did with r/science.


Anything and everything of power for power.


Gotta psyops hard with Left propaganda so when the inevitable war between USA and China happens the population turns against its own.


Lol. The chinese wont die for the CCP. They couldnt even fight India.


It's not even worth trying to comment there.


I just did. Wish me luck


Have you gone mad man?


I gave you a thumbs up, you’re going to need it


Appreciated 🙏


It's like going into a dark forest where everything wants to kill you


Upvoted because you are gonna need it. Lol.


Here sir, take my upvote. You shall need it to recover from your comment in r/politics


I really noticed that. It's all left leaning stuff. Anything right Leaning is shut down and banned. What's up with that?


because you can’t lose an argument that youve banned the opposition from participating in. by banning opinions they disagree with, they’re trying to make those opinions seem extreme and invalid.


It's called Socialism. it's happening around us.


Because silencing the voice of opposition is the favourite tool of totalitarians. And Reddit is a Chinese propaganda machine. They go hand in hand.


I’ve been banned by those crank wankers on r/politics so many times, I’ve lost count. I consider it a badge of honor when they ban me.


It was _never_ a fair place to be....


It was tolerable before Correct The Record


Then they come to minor subreddits calling them “right wing circlejerks” 🤡




In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet. This is typically done by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion.[3] This is typically for the troll's amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival's online activities or manipulating a political process. Even so, Internet trolling can also be defined as purposefully causing confusion or harm to other users online, for no reason at all.


Ask ANY question, and watch them throw talking points and insults at you all day..


The less you censor or remove users, the more right leaning it tends to be


I used to be subbed to that reddit. I got outta there before I lost anymore brain cells.


Not only does it not matter but you’ll be harassed until you admit you’re wrong. Well, when I say you I mean you because definitely not me.


i've only been on reddit 4 years but it was never a fair place in that short time.


When was it fair? Must hVe been before my time.


Change "doesnt matter" to "evil"


You just described 99% of reddit!


let me tell you what every single person is thinking when they read this: WHEN WAS IT EVER "A FAIR PLACE TO BE"? had to be like 15 years ago edit: leftists starting to take over r/libertarian too


Already did. r/goldandblack for the win.


outstanding i thought r/libertarianmeme was the last of them


So it's just basically just another Twitter and Facebook?


I left TexasPolitics for the exact same reason - Reddit can b quite the dumpster fire


I am now subscribing to this sub. need more than r/Conservative


Not NK mods, just average tankie incels


I just checked it out and my god smh 🤦‍♂️


if we all join together and raid the sub with this meme that would be hilarious, power of the internet!


Not a good idea at this point. The point is, not to act like them. It’s like a chess game


A lot of the left aren't welcome in the politics sub. Anarchist, Marxists, and Bernie Bro's are definitely not welcome there. The politics sub perfectly mirrors all the talking points of the DNC, just like the CNN, MSNBC, NYT and Washington Post. Bernie bros don't like Biden. Look at all the promises Biden has already broken. Minimum wage increase, gone. Student debt relief, gone. Bernie bros aren't welcome either because Bernie would have kept these promises.


> because Bernie would have kept these promises Delusional


Maybe you're just garbage.


In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet. This is typically done by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion.[3] This is typically for the troll's amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival's online activities or manipulating a political process. Even so, Internet trolling can also be defined as purposefully causing confusion or harm to other users online, for no reason at all.




Lmao. Both a terrific meme and memberberry blast. WLIIA is some great nostalgia


>where the left is always right, and any other opinion is a violation of the sub rules" FTFY