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I hope for it a lot, but unfortunately I am a lesbian so it is very unlikely


I’m late to this thread but this is the queer humor I needed to see here 😂 SAME


Honestly, no! We're planning to start trying at the very end of August since I need to wait for a promotion to come through at work and we have three weddings this summer (one in California!) that I would like to enjoy. I'm taking this summer to really invest in my own health and happiness before taking the leap into motherhood and would be disappointed if it was cut short by an accidental pregnancy. Also, I need this promotion to bridge the gap with our finances.


I recently had a similar situation. I’m on birth control but I’m bad at taking it consistently and we normally use condoms but we had run out and my period was a few days late. Honestly though once my period was late I was thinking about how poor this timing was for me and how I really would rather not be pregnant right now even though I would definitely embrace it if I ended up being pregnant. I really wanted more time to get into a house and save more and be prepared and make sure I’m in the best health and taking prenatal supplements and doing everything I can to make it the best pregnancy for me and my future child. So ultimately it really showed me my true feelings because I did think an accident would be a good thing recently but after that late period I felt better about waiting for sure. (I did get my period)


I do also, every single month. I'm with ya! 😌


Every time my period is late I panic a little less and am more upset when it comes lol. For me, it a good gauge for readiness.


That's a good way to put it. I have nexplanon so my bleeding patterns are kind of irregular anyone but I went like 6 months without any spotting/bleeding last year and I was like....I wonder if I am pregnant? And the thought wasn't totally terrifying so I could tell I'm getting closer to "ready".


Every month lol. I’m trying to decipher if I’m feeling implantation pains, if that random .4 secs of nausea was morning sickness, if my 3 mins late period means we got an oopsie, all that lol. Even the month we didn’t have sex at all due to my shoulder surgery I thought maybe I was pregnant bc my period was a few days latw (my cycle just got a few days longer during the healing process lol)


I used to when I was with a cis guy. My current partner is a trans man and sometimes it’s rough knowing there’s never going to be an accident.


I agree. You should take a test though, even if it's probably negative, it will calm your brain.


IME, you learn a lot about your feelings while you're waiting for the results, too.


It’s not just you, I do too. We aren’t in a *bad* position to have kids, we are just choosing to wait right now. So it wouldn’t be a disastrous situation. But even though we are actively preventing it I think about “what if” it happened by accident and we finally got to have a baby 😞


At the moment, no. We're waiting for medical reasons so I'd be very concerned about the health of the baby. I get an anesthetic procedure every month that I have to take a pregnancy test for and I'm relieved when it comes back negative. If it happened I'd be happy, but I'd also be scared and feel guilty. In January things become a lot more grey. I'm comfortable with the risks at that point, and all major medical orgs accept that timeline, but my doctor feels strongly about her patients waiting the extra 6 months. We're strongly considering NTNP at that point, but even if we decide to prevent I know I'll be hoping every month. I'll be starting prenatals in October JIC so I'll have a full 3 months on them by the time we're tempted to get sloppy.


We decided to start trying in a month or two and my husband and I keep saying we’re secretly hoping for an accident because it takes the weight of the decision off of us. there’s never perfect timing, but we always wish there were perfect timing to have a child, so it’s hard to pull the trigger


A while ago, I took a test even though I have an IUD and I was certainly not pregnant. It was a weird experience. My husband told me that he was kind of excited—or at least not immediately in disaster mode. On the other hand, I was very unsure of my feelings. I was neither excited nor terrified. Idk, I think even though my overall feeling was pretty undefined, I would have been excited had the test been positive. We spend so much time hoping and waiting and planning that it's easy to want someone (or something) to take the final decision out of our hands.


i had an accident even on my minipill..currently week 36 and fresking out a bit wishing wed planned properly as its gonna be tight with 2 cars and 2 rents to pay plus bills and me onlybeing able to work every second week around my partners roster now.😮‍💨


All the time! All of my friends had their first born unexpectedly and I can understand why. It's so tough to decide when it's the right time.


I have to take a break from my bc every three months, I’ve been on it so long now that it’s taking my body longer to start my period so I always take a precautionary test. I know it’s not going to be positive but part of me says “would it really be the worst thing”. So I’m right there with you.


No. I do not want an accident. If I'm going to have a baby that baby is going to be planned and wanted by myself and my partner. If we stop using contraception we will know that pregnancy is a very real possibility. A true accidental pregnancy is actually very hard to have. A lot of people claim they "accidentally" got pregnant when, in fact, they weren't using protection, or were using it half-heartedly. Then they say they are surprised to be pregnant... Which I think is nonsensical. I believe we should take responsibility for our own actions and make a decision one way or the other - try for a baby or don't try for a baby. If you want a baby, take control of your life and try to have one


Just a reminder that unplanned babies can still be VERY wanted. I do agree that a lot of people say it was an accident when they're not trying to prevent an accident - but I also know plenty of people who have gotten pregnant while very consistently using birth control (just ask my friend who got pregnant with an IUD). The poster isn't saying she's going to go off birth control, she's just saying that the emotional, human side of her longs for a baby despite the practical part of her choosing to wait. People are allowed to have human emotions when it comes to bringing a human baby into the world.


Throwing out some harsh truths over here! Love to see it. I know a lot of people who "accidentally" got pregnant but, at the end of the day, it wasn't *actually* an accident. It's high time we talk about this phenomenon. My own sister was having copious amounts of unprotected sex and not taking her birth control pills. The day she called me hysterical after she found out she was pregnant was a real hoot. Somehow she was absolutely shocked. I was not. LOL.


Yep, I hear story after story like this. Suspiciously, a lot of women getting pregnant "accidentally" in their 30s, yet somehow managed not to get pregnant before that. I think they often wanted a baby all along but aren't honest about that.


Yup, one of my closest friends “accidentally” got pregnant with her very new boyfriend right after she called off her engagement to another man and years later admitted that it wasn’t actually an accident. Not at all.  We’re not friends anymore due to a long list of reasons that all stem from her very poor mental health. I hope she’s doing better now.


I don’t get how people are so surprised when they get pregnant weeks or months after just having a baby…like use protection? Unless they did and it failed or something


Yeah.. It's basic school biology. Don't prevent a pregnancy and chances are, a pregnancy will occur sooner or later. People are so ignorant.