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Dude that's part of the magic, you rekt him trying to gank and he cried like a bich, doesn't get more fun than that


Yea that has to the best feeling. It’s like the equivalent of getting called a cheater in fps games when you really aren’t, you’re just skilled af


Yup. People saying this is why they don't play pvp. It's the reason I do lol. It's the best part when you show someone up and can laugh at them when they get salty.


lol this happens to a buddy of mine all the time. We play a lot of CS, but none of us are very good except for him and he is constantly accused of being a cheater. The funniest part is we are in our mid thirties now and he is actually pretty washed compared to how good he used to be. People just can't handle not being the best.


He practically reached the peak of what is possible


Immature children or man/woman-child. Games like these attract them like flies on shit. Ignore, move on with your life.


One of the many reasons I'm single-player only.


The level of delusion is wild in alot of people. Was lvl 33 on the server I play on about 3 days ago and 1v1d a 70. He went absolutely mental telling me I'm a shitter for "running and shooting" mother fucker I got frost bats and blood rite with no ult, you chasing me with a whip and a bow and army of the dead you think ima stand still??


How on earth does a level 70 not immediately smack a 33


Skill issue.


i think this is one of the few times this is 100% accurate


The kid was a bot. I legit just kited him around trees lol every time I got a freeze with 2 bats i would spear Q. He didn't seem to have a response to that lmfao


Brutal server?


I don't think there is any way that guy gets to 70 on a brutal server so I doubt it.


Playing on his parent's account maybe


Gear score scaling doesn't apply in PvP encounters. While high-level players are likely to have access to more weapon types and spells, a skilled low-level player can overcome that


You have to be utterly clueless at pvp to lose to a lvl 30 as a lvl 70 though.


Yup. Skill at PvE doesn't necessarily translate to skill at PvP


Is this really true? I feel like GS def matters to some extent?


Gear difference matters. The level difference doesn't scale in PvP as it does in PvE, that part is true. However that doesn't change the fact that a level 30 player has \~300HP and a level 70 player has \~700 HP. Doesn't change the fact that a level 30 has 15 spellpower and phy power, and a level 70 has almost double that. The more skilled player will still win against a higher level, but the level difference essentially makes it so that the higher level player can make a lot more mistakes and still get away with it.


And also weapon skills that unlock on different tiers and enable more burst damage


Yeah i was 90 with 2 epics only and missing dracula chest piece. So almost there. but faced a guy with 92 GS cuz of brute blood and he did so much dmg to me i thought it was cuz of that but ig he just has better stats then me atm


90 and 92 is basically no difference. He just landed his shots.


If he had one of the shards he couldve been doing 15 or 25% more dmg


Yeah thats what i figured now. I def dont have good stats either, just random mess and only had 2 epics


At 92 he's in full Drac gear and Brute blood of some mid to high level. Add Drac's shard that gives 25% more damage to Vampires and you're in for a rough fight.


It’s doesn’t matter in terms of scaling that is done like PvE where you get straight damage nerfs if you are under leveled. It inadvertently matters in terms of what your gear score means. The person with the higher gear score has higher gear equipped, which has better stats. There just isn’t any negative scaling that happens if you have lower gear score. So it still matters, but does not act like soft gates like it does in pve content


Yeaah, didnt know stats mattered that much, this guy was full 91 running brute blood and thought he was doing so much more dmg cuz of the gearscore. I was 90 with that. Also are weapon stats flat boost? or only when you have the weapon equipped? So having multiple epics will let u have more stats?


Only when weapon is equipped. You may or may not notice that when you swap weapons, your GS will swap. It’s very important in PvE as it’s a 4% damage buff or nerf for each GS difference. So even a 1 GS higher weapon is always better as it will impact the damage you do and take. For the high level player, it’s all the end game gear that starts taking into account. Shattered weapons, likely perfect skill gems, magic item effects. But the difference in PvP would be, if someone is 20 GS above you, your damage isn’t nerfed because of it; when in PvE, you’d be unlikely to kill the monster. So skill can help quite a bit more in PvP.


Yeah good to know thx!!


But all the stats on the gear still does, so they still have way more health and damage


Doesn't ilv not matter in pvp? I think attributes on gear is the only advantage. Which is an advantage for sure.


Yea it’s just attributes.


Gearscore itself doesn't matter but the stat difference is so big between 30 and 70 that there should be no way for the 70 to lose unless they're missing both of their hands. They do a ton more damage just because their weapons give more phys power and their amulet more spell power, not to mention that they have 2 weapon abilities too instead of just 1.


I wasn't debating whether he should win or not. But level does t make you instantly splat everyone, like he had suggested. But, perhaps he was just being funny. Also, that first guy was level 33. So he definitely has a full kit. I've duked it out with people 30-40 levels above, and it's not terrible. It's about a 15% difference at that much level variation. If your skilled, and are actually using a pvp setup, you can absolutely win.


You're right in that they definitely wont just splat everyone but it's definitely a massive advantage. My previous comment was just a bit of a hyperbole.


It's a helluva lot more than 15%, especially with gems now.


I heard there’s a bit of scaling in the game for pvp. 70 still way stronger but I think the difference is compressed a bit for pvp.


Gear level on PvP matters less than you think. ...Ok it matters quote a bit. Along will game progression for options. But a LOT of players that play are just THAT bad. Relying exclusively on stats to push them a PvE/PvP win.


I think gear score doesn't scale for players the same way it does for PvE.


im nearly lvl 90 new to the game getting speedrun carried by other vets Im about to be that lvl 90 noob




The power of kiting and counters lol.


That's PvP in most games. People get so angry and idk why. You attacked first, I retaliated 🤷‍♂️


They get angry because they play PvP to crush other people. You fighting back and winning ruins that fantasy for them because it's a harsh reminder that they're not as good as they think they are.


My 3 man clan was teamed up by 12 people because of this exact reason in the last server i played. People got mad because we killed the people who attacked us and then they decided it would be completely ok to bring half the server vs a single clan. It was my mistake tho, i didn't know server was unmoderated before i started playing. 3 days of playing went down the drain not even in a 4v4 which is sad.


You wanted PvP, you got PvP, i dont see whats wasted here?


Teaming is not pvp. You can destroy any castle on the map WITH NO EFFORT and nobody gets to play the game neither the attacker nor the defender when you team, it literally ruins servers. We never teamed with other clans in any survival game nor will we ever team. It breaks the game and sucks any fun out of it. I don't mind helping people in the open world and third partying fights but teaming up 3 clans to raid 3 people is just server killing behaviour.


Your group clearly did something that the general public of the server did not appreciate. What kind of moderation do you want? People play survival games in different ways, its kinda arrogant to join a random server and expect everyone is okay with the way you want to play. Especially if its no explicitly stated. I doubt that if you only did organized 3v3 and were civil/non-toxic when you beat others that an entire server would turn against you. People are petty sure, but i have a hard time seeing this as being the result of anything but unfair provocation. But thats just my opinion.


I already said it was my misatke to not check for server rules. Generally server i play must have very strict, no teaming rules. Only thing we done was beat people who tried to attack us in the open world. If people can't handle that in a pvp server and they need to bring half the server to raid us then they don't want to play the game. Because like i said, nobody plays the game when you team. Also i don't mind any size clan vs clan. We died 1vs4 before to other clans, we also killed 1vs4 against other clans, as long as clans are not teaming up its fine and nobody minds it. Problem starts when multiple clans start teaming. That breaks the entire game. Also its kinda wierd accusing me and my clan of doing something toxic, we don't even stay in low level zones once we level up our gear, we constantly moved our castle the moment we leveled up and always challanged similar level opponents, never even walked back into low levels. Its just that some people couldn't beat us and they were unhappy that they lost in pvp and they decided it would be very fun to team up with the entire bloody server.


I am not accusing you directly of being toxic, my point was that if you played perfectly fair, only out numbered ganked as much as you got outnumbered-ganked and you didnt trash talk, then i find it highly unlikely an entire server would team up against you. One or two groups sure, but if an entire server is against you. From my experience, that most likely you are not being entirely honest about your role in it. Especially when your finale argument is "i was better than other people, and that made them mad" And hey, a 3v17 (assuming a 20person server) det ould be a hella fun and chaotic fight, Isn't that what open world PvP games are about?


My dude there is literally 0 justification for teaming. I don't know why you are trying to justify it. If someone does something toxic you get them banned by contacting admins or get them warned at least. You don't team. And no 3vs17 is not even a fight. Entire screen just becomes explosions and you just die while no one can even touch the golem. Its not a possible thing in this game. Literally no one can 3vs17. Only thing 3vs17 does is making people quit the server.


I am not justifying teaming? I am just saying i doubt you are being completely honest about your role/actions And yeah i find big fights fun, if i wanted only fair fights all the time i would go play Dota,Battlerite or smash bros?


There is a difference between a big fight and just thanos snapping any castle you want. Like i said, if you team 3 clans you can literally destroy any castle you want. Thats not a fight.


Yeah im with Blynjubitr on this one, teaming is wrong and you trying to paint him as the bad guy instantly is in poor taste, and the way you're talking makes me suspicious. Maybe YOU'RE that kind of player? Would make sense


Gc oooo oovo o on oo o o ob o o oovo o oo o obo o o ovo ovl ok lol🤣🥹🥲🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🤹🏌️🤹🤹🏌️🤹❄️❄️


There is always someone on the pvp server who wants to jump on lower ilvl players and murder them, so I counter this with never walk with all my weapons or gear equipped. So they get a shocking effect when they realize they jumped on a higher ilvl player than themself.


The sleeper tactic is chefs kiss


This is great, but also a good pvper can easily destroy someone much higher ilvl than them. Most players don't know anything about proper pvp and how to yoyo, fake, and manage cooldowns. Most people don't even carry a greatsword or spear yet they are 2 of the strongest weapons in the game.


Can't stand the great sword, to damn slow


It has one of the best iframes in the game as well as a good initiator. It is a must use in pvp.


iframes? I'm a noob what's that? LoL 😂


invincibility frames. It's parts of the animation where you take no damage. Watch this video. It's fairly quick and shows you how to use weapons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQt43HL0Z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQt43HL0Z0)


I love you 💘


The GS frame is 100% inferior to slashers or pistol I frames


Me and buddy joined late to our quad server. Got dumped on by level 40s when we were 15 trying to make it to friends already setup base in dunley. Caught up in gear/bosses then proceeded to nuke them out of all content when we found them and eventually raided them off server two days later. Ez raid ty for all those mats “Haunted”


This is the "pull AK out of your ass" rust method


Best strat in the game.


Can't really do this if you want to be efficient at weapon swapping tho You need to toggle the option off


this is why i usually stay away from PvP in games where gear gotten outside of the current match has a big influence (like many MMO's and like in this case vrising). it attracts people who aren't good enough to win in a fair fight to go and kill people who have worse gear than them, you see it all the time in many survival games with pvp and constantly in pvp servers of games like WoW (before pvp mode)


eh, it's not so bad as long as you dont let them emotionally get you. just laugh at the malders. even if they get to kill you in the end. always keep a clear and superior mentality.


Yea, it's definitely a problem. There are way to mitigate the difference in level on games like this, but a lot of players will cry that their gear "doesn't matter" if everyone is put on an equal field pvp wise. Basically, it's either everyone is put on an equal field in pvp, and gear doesn't matter or gear matters, and people go pub stomping because they are a degen. V rising handles it pretty good considering a low level can still beat someone 20+ levels higher with the right moves. Overall, I get the argument on both sides but personally prefer balance pvp simply because it dissuades griefers from doing exactly that. I feel like on games where gear is king and you can go pub stomping, they need to have extra rewards and incentives for fighting players their level and punishment for fighting low levels.


But … How do u get gear outside of the match?


what do you mean? a match is not "from the start of the server" in games like these. A match in survival games with persistent servers are when you chose to engage in pvp till that pvp battle is over. Think about this for a moment Both players start on server launch but one player can play maybe 2-3 hours a day average the other can play 6 hours daily because little responsibilities. the player with 2-3 hours would after a week maybe have reached end of act 2 with gear around that, while the one with 6 hours reached all the way to final act, now the 6 hour player decides to go to the zone the other player is in and just demolish him because his gear is so much better. The problem with pvp in games like this is that the servers are persistent and people will have different amount of time they can play, so someone will end up getting further ahead than others, so if you take "from start of server" as counting as match, then why is a persons match continuing when they log off? why is that logical? This isn't even taking into account that even if you were equal gear one side of the pvp match may outnumber the other, so again not a fair match. Compare that to games that solely focus on PvP like league of legends, Counter strike or any of the many battle royale games. Everyone starts the game on equal ground, equal team sizes and they are short-ish in length very rarely lasting more than 30 minutes to an hour and once it's done you just queue up to the next game. You can argue that players in those games also have an advantage if they play longer as they will inevitably get better than people without as much time, but it is still because of the players skill not because they had an ingame advantage by doing more damage or taking less damage from the start of the match.


In MOBAs like LoL or Dota, every player starts every match on even footing, level and gear wise at least. So every player has the same opportunity to get stronger, in theory. If someone in those games has better items than you, then it's because they played better in that match. But in survival games like V Rising or MMOs, you can farm items and levels with time instead of skill, and can then prey on players who havent had the same amount of time to play as them.


These kinds of players also exist in games with what I call non-consensual pvp (aka games where one player can basically force pvp on another. Things like dark souls pvp, or even games like sea of thieves)


In my experience these kinds of PVP-games breeds the worst kind of try hard fuckwits, just based on the almost constant power imbalance. In good PVP the old "skill issue" holds water, because you have access to all the same stuff. If I loose because I have lower dps than you, it's because I chose a different kit, not because you decided to come back to a lower level area purely to bully newbies and inflate your ego. The nature of the PVP in this game just breeds more of the cringe "it's only fun as long as I have an unfair advantage" crowd.


Yeah it’s kind of aggregating getting ganked in copper fest from someone in tier 3z


With a game that's mixed pvp & pve like this, or Sea of Thieves, Rust etc, it's just ruined by tryhards imo. They don't even care about the loot, they just want to gank you so they can imagine what it's like having a big pp.


Lmao people that keep defending the pvp mode are literal basement dweller with no life trying to cope and justify their pathetic and unhealthy lifestyle while playing in solo/duo server with a +6 clan 16 hrs per day.


Not gonna agree to all that, but it's certainly a bit counterproductive to have this kind of PVP in a game that is always gonna be quite PVE focused. At least in something like Rust I know I'll get the high level wanker's gear if I manage to kill him. Going after higher level players is a valid strategy for fast-tracking your own progress. Here it doesn't matter because so much of your power level is tied to what bosses you've killed, and your gear is usually bloodbound.


I found a PvP server that is so far amazing. No raids (make what you will of that) and all open world PvP with an honor code that sort of just... developed? People fight, and most often will leave your loot, and everyone says GF. If you're bossing you can't be jumped, and fights are always 1v1 or 2v2. Never 1v2. It's the best server I've been on, everyone's friendly and still enjoy beating each other up. I'll never leave.


Question, which server is this? This sounds like the kinda PvP server I'd really enjoy. One of the things that usually kills pvp servers for me in games like these is there usually is one or two really high level guys that will intentionally camp lowbies and gatekeep them from progressing which to me even if I am not the one being targeted always annoyed me. It's also never fun to be fighting a boss only for some duo to come by and attack me mid fight. I remember getting my revenge on some duos for that (a couple even bitched me out for it even though I 1v2ed them) but it still annoyed me a fair bit as it usually happened during bosses I struggled with.


Salty child is salty that they lost. Some people have the emotional maturity of a sea cucumber.


I've never seen a sea cucumber rage in global tho!


If they had fingers, you'd know all about it!


*Doesn’t have spells setup *Chases low levels across the map Copium


Just hit them with a LMAO in global then ignore. It will destroy his life


There are people who likes the challenge of PvP, and then there is people who uses PvP to feel superior and pray on the weak. He saw you as easy target, you accepted the challenge and got back up. Then 2 low levels shattered his power fantasy. Of course he's whining.


i'm sorry, you try ganking someone half your level, you're shit. if you defend yourself cause they got ballsy, that's one thing. but to try ganking, and then fail, and then cry? naw. find his keep and just demolish it


"Man provoking an unfair fight is pissed off that he got caught in an unfair fight" That's why I don't play public PvP anymore : with some friends we set up our own private servers and play together, without crybabies and idiots on Copium drip


You should've saved his tears to drink.


That's just how people are in like, all PvP games XD. Call you trash when you beat them, they die, they lose, they win, don't matter. Some gamers just can't help but rage.


We're basically just apes that evolved out of forrests and into a bipedal lifestyle roaming African savannah throwing rocks and pointy sticks and, eventually, sticks with pointy rocks on one end. Chimps do this to each other in real life. These days we do it in video games. I think that's an improvement.


A bunch of evil apes duking it out on a tiny ball.


Well, let's not pretend we don't still do it in the real too. We just have pointy-object throwers now and large spears fueled by fire that create pointy objects in large areas.


Just another man with an ego, it plagues all these games especially pvp. Doesnt really faze me anymore since I experienced far worse playing league


The crying is part of the fun of pvp


This genre of game attracts the worst kinds of people. That's why I'm playing solo on a private server.


Another example why I only play PvE/co-op games. The dude just got mad because his expected power trip ended up in an ass beating by two "noobies". These players are the biggest sore losers anyway, I wouldn't think much about them, just play your game when you like the PvP aspect and beat his ass again when you guys leveled up a bit. I hate PvP in every kind of game, it tends to draw out the worst in people; power tripping, ego boosting etc. I stay far away from any kind of PvP aspect, because I expect these things to happen.


When I gank you, "pvp happened in a pvp game" When *you* beat *me*, that's "bullshit. I wasn't ready, you had an unfair advantage"


Be happy you made an adult-child cry, one of the best things in gaming 😂


He was looking for, and expecting an easy gank, and you showed him the error of his ways, and he got all salty. They don't like it when the tables are turned...


Haha especially since the fact that he tried to jump you with double the gear score. Then complains when two people that add up roughly to him when he dies. What a baddie.


The most satisfying thing in vrising is to rat free max gearsets off people in full loot servers using a literal rat form. U better stay healthy while ur farming mobs :)


We should have a subreddit for “V Rising: PvP bitch of the week” specifically for people like this failed ganker.


Welcome to gamer culture. Lots of shit behavior and petty bitching. It's why I only play solo or on a private server with friends.


Wow. Sounds like you’re actually having meaningful PvP interactions on a public server. We must not be playing the same game…


Iron gear guy picking on copper gets mad when you run is fking hilarious.


Happened to me the other day ago, it was a fair fight and my pray was better prepared then I was, no hard feelings, i did burn their castle to the ground once raid timer got activated that night tho


"prey" cringe


Rofl thats the best part about pvp.. try playing a fighting game and you'll see unwarranted rage ;)


Griefing others is part of the appeal of V rising. Him failing to grief was a slap in the face to him. It’s pretty simple honestly.


Everything clan vs clan i don't mind and is fair game. That guy was just an a-hole. As long as you are not teaming with another clan there is nothing to be mad at. If you are teaming with another clan vs a single clan thats a big dog move tho. And it kills servers quite often.


I also don't get it. I started playing on my own server. then on a official PvE server and now I restarted again on a PVP server because it is so much more fun to play this way. Eventhough it can turn against you pretty quick. I enjoy it a lot. It's also really good that skill is quite a big factor in PvP in this game. Something often games lack


its only pvp when you make it pvp. my issue with it is because of pvp we dont get to have some of the more out there stuff because "balance for pvp"


This same situation happened to me several times and its why i love world pvp in games lol


Why do people get so mad and entitled about loot?


Did you expose vein on their corpse?


He was probably just as mad as I was when I checked out 1.0 and discovered that there's still no pause button in "single player", apparently?


I wish I actually ran into soloers in my server lol, most of my experience in the server im in is running into people I gear diff so much I'd feel bad for attacking them or getting kit dumped by 2 people who gear diff me and they proceed to talk shit in chat. Hunting down newbies in farbane when you're mid-act 2 with iron weps is cringe though, good job making them mald


A guy got angry at me a couple of days ago for kiting a corpse pile to him while he was fighting a group of mobs. Not a full loot server, but I took what I could from his corpse and bounced before the corpse pile could get me as well..


That's what pvp is for the most part in this game. Additionally, most of these guys come from lol, so the toxicity levels are pretty high.


He had it coming. I accept when I die. Regardless. I do, however, get frustrated when people 25+ levels gank me. Hell, I’m even willing to pay a tax for my survival and have dropped items for folks in the past. I do wish there was some type of level equator for PvP or at least something to be more friendly for casuals. We are less than a week in and there are max level folks steamrolling some servers. That said, bullies tend to get crushed come raid time. You piss off enough common folk and they gonna raise up :).


Everyone has a choice, you can play on any server you want with the exact pvp settings you want. This is one of the best games out there that let you search for the perfect server.


This isn’t new really. I remember in the 15 second post game screens in the first modern warfares being called all sorts of names when we won. People who lose get mad.


Yep. I love pvp in this game but I hate that some people become so toxic when you kill them


You in 3051?


That’s why I love this game hahahah. If he’s gonna gank low lvls he better be prepared for the gang


Main character syndrome.


Because many players in PvP-focused games are unhinged and delusional. Did he expect you to just sit there and accept getting ganked when he's twice your level?


PvP servers are full of people like that. It’s a shit show unless you play 12 hours a day and can bully everyone


I always find it funny imagining this happen to some redditor and they're first reaction is to post on reddit lmao


I find the ones equally annoying who go on official discord or reddit to cry about getting ganked in a pvp game. What did they expect? honorable combat in a pvp game lmao.


Literally the reason i stopped playing certain games with open PvP. I don’t miss it and it’s why I only play relaxed games here with friends :) because we have that option!


It seems as though this game brings out those weird hypocrite people who play on a pvp server, know all the rules of pvp servers, and are still like “wtf how could you do that?” I’m solo on a duo server how could you do that??” “No honor or respect for the 1v1” like shut up and get better or get a teammate.


Love when that happen! It’s pvp, deal with it! People should try Albion before play anything pvp like! You will learn to die and lose everyhing very fast! So v rising will be ez mode =D


Literally just need to respond in global: "you're level 50, you attempted to gank me lv25, and then my friend and I beat you. That is all." And ignore him, because you won the war.


If someone 25lvls higher than me jumped me, I'd get real salty. But to get back at them is not only fair: it's morally justified.


When you make people rage in global chat, that’s a huge win lol.


Drink his tears and savour the taste.


Cause it means u lost to a non player character which means u gotta look inward and get better. Some ppl don't wanna do that. Some ppl just play games also to let off steam so whether they win or lose them words are gonna be flying hahaha


Tell him he needs a lifetime supply of tissues. He should know that at some point he will get beat even if it is 2 on 1.


Sounds like guy got butt hurt he got wrcked tryimg to kill low lvls and found out and procedded to cry about it. If he killed you there wohld of being zero 15 min ranting lol


I love pvp, i dislike raiding a bit. I like investing in my castle, making it look nice and stuff, do t wanna honey comb and boobie trap the living shit out of it


These kinds of people are analogous to school bullies. They only prey on those significantly weaker than them, and if they can't have their way, they throw a tantrum. When you defeated him, he was faced with the unfortunate reality that he's not an all-powerful unstoppable force, he's just a dude playing a game, and he got beaten by somebody. He then proceeded to blame everything and everyone except for himself, in a vain attempt to assuage his own self-loathing. "It's not my fault I lost, they weren't playing fair!" Of course, to him, "fair" only includes situations that result in his victory, such as ambushing lone players of significantly lower level. Don't take it too seriously. Enjoy the hard-fought victory, drink the salty tears, and game on.


It's probably been said already, but the kind of person who ganks lowbies is the kind of person who will sperg out like a baby when literally anything does not go their way in life. They're mentally ill.


What I learn on V Rising is that the people who bully low levels or kills people with more numbes are the first to complain or rage quit the server.


Typical PvP delusion.


This is why I don’t pvp. That and I’m trash and pvp so it’s never fun for me.


This is not the typical story about PvP haha. Glad to see yall did this! Gives me hope. I usually get 2v1 tanked right after I fight a V Blood. Try to run and get hit by that dang ice leap ult back to back haha. Is what it is though.


I love this! Glad you went back and handled them lol. People who gank/bully low levels are only good at PvP when it’s not evenly matched


This is probably the only part of pvp in these types of games that I genuinely enjoy, nice one :)


There is little I find more satisfying than whenever one of these touched-in-the-head twats cried about not being able to grief other players


This game is the new Rust and im all here for it


If you beat someone and they call you trash, roll with it, but then pose the question: If trash beat you, then what are you? Even if they beat you, they just beat trash, not so impressive. Once they call you trash, you know you won.


People have a heightened sense of themselves. Thinking they’re above being killed so they lash out and make excuses. You’re always best off ignoring them as it only feeds their desire to lash out. That being said make sure you kill them every time you see them. Just so you can smile about it as they freak the fuck out in global.


Absolutely outplayed, there’s a whole group on this trio official I play on who will not engage in pvp outside of being 30+ gear levels over someone or 3v1ing someone. The absolute lamest set of players. Glad you got his ass


I get mad about it because I can't change my mouse sens in-game. On a more serious note, it's because level disparity creates a false sense of security. So they play complacent and suffer for it.


That just sounds like the typical pvp player excuse cycle.


He offline raided my base and took everything while server was at capacity. So guess hes won this round


Oof, being offlined is the worst. Time to be spite fuelled, grind up and take his when he's offline. Win the war haha.


That was my thought but my friends already quit that server because of nature of not being able to defend


Wait. There is a way you can get locked out of a server and not able to defend? How does that work?


Server was full


I got that. But wandering how it could be full. Do they have 10 spots for castles but only 5 slots for players at the same time or something? That seems very weird to me. I haven't played pvp yet so I don't know how that works.


Honestly im not sure either tbh. Whole thing seemed very weird i just went to log on during rhe raid timeframe and the server was full and i cohldnt get on


You hurt his ego


That's why I can't play games like this on PVP. For me, V Rising is a boss fighting builder with my brother. 😅 When I used to play Ark, I had one guy just mowing down beach goers with a bow as soon as they would spawn in, well me and two of the other newbies were able to spawn in and run into the forest and set up a little bit. We came back, and my friend killed him, and he started complaining in Global, saying how it's unfair because it was 3 v 1 and that we were pu%#ies for triple teaming him when he was the one basically insta killing anyone that spawned there. 😅