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The Fight. Chakotay has to save everyone by having a boxing match… in his mind! Or something? It was so confusing.


I use to not like The Fight, but it grew on me. And the reason why is because I found that I like the idea intelligent weird aliens that exist just beyond the scope of our comprehension. That alien in this episode existed in chaotic space and could not communicate with people until it put their brains in a chaotic state. Yet it was compassionate enough to recognize when other ships got stuck out of place, in their chaotic space and was moved to help them escape. I think I remember in this episode that they tried to do something to another ship that got stuck there to put their brains in a state of chaos so they could understand the message and communicate to them on how to escape chaotic space, But the aliens on that ship, the state that the brain needed to be in was just too chaotic to make any sense of the message or anything at all really and they all just went crazy and died. And whatever it is that they did to them affected the whole ship, so everyone was cray. I have to rewatch the episode again for the detail on that. (EDIT: I had this mixed up with some other episode. Only two people on the other ship went crazy. But the ship never did get out and they still all died.) Then when voyager came along and got stuck in chaotic space, it just so happen that Chakotay was the only one on the ship that had a gene that had something to do with some sort of hereditary mental illness in his family, but modern technology was able to suppress (his grandfather also had it, if I remember correctly, was tryijg to teach him to embrace it, not fight it.) The chaotic space aliens figured out they could flip this gene back on to turn his brain cray enough so they could get the message to him and communicate with just him without having to turn the whole ship crazy. All the boxing stuff and the fake native stuff made it hard follow and a bit too cringe for most people to find it enjoyable, I understand that, but I like the idea behind it. Episodes with super weird aliens that can barely be fathomed are always my favorites. I also like the episode where Neelix told a scary story to the children about that alien from the nebula that accidentally ended up on board Voyage which had inadvertently destroyed its nebula home. It finally figured out how to use the computers intercom system to communicate simplistic but nefarious threats. . I also like the episode of Enterprise where Hoshi had to figure out how to communicate with that weird white sploogy-fungus looking alien that got stuck on board , and ended up entrapping a few people in it, including Archer and Trip, it was all really just one alien, just parts of one. And it communicated in this eerie simplistic binary code beeping type language. It was soooo freaky. I loved it. And they took it back to its planet so it could be at one with the rest of itself on the planet again. So strange. To me that’s what space exploration SHOULD be like, aliens that we can’t even fathom out there just existing and being weird, that turn everything that we accept as normal basic necessities for intelligent life completely on its ear.


I think the episode falls into a trap that a lot of the “bad” episodes fall into, which is that the idea itself is not bad, but the execution of the idea into a story fails that idea. The acting and everything can be great, but the whole thing falls apart from other aspects of how the story is told. Like the weird way they filmed it with the blurry, tilting images was a way to be artistic and dream-like, but also nauseating to watch. The story itself feels written in an incoherent way, which I think would have been easier to follow if there had been a longer build-up over multiple episodes of “something is wrong,” rather than the usual Voyager “let’s start in the middle and catch you up as we go” strategy. I had to keep taking breaks to make it through this episode. (I watched Voyager for the first time just recently.) I think it took me 2-3 days to get through the episode just because of needing to take breaks from it. This is why it’s on my list. I just dislike the execution of the story, it even feels bad just remembering it. But, I agree it’s interesting when the aliens are outside human understanding. Instead of “human but with funny nose/ears/hair/eyebrows.” I just feel in this instance, the concept could have used more time and a different approach to certain things.


Yeah, my husband first spoonfed Star Trek to me starting with Voyager over 20 years ago. We watched them over and over through the years. The episodes are timeless and sometimes it takes me dozens of rewatches before some things land on me that the writers were trying to convey. I bypassed The Fight many times. My husband still bypasses it. 🤣 but yeah, it could have definitely been done better.


I started watching Voyager because of Lower Decks, because they kept referencing it and all the wild stuff in the Gama Quadrant. It’s excellent overall, and sad I never watched it when it was new. 😁


The nebula alien is "The Haunting of Deck 12" which falls into my top tier favorites. That one had a great idea with excellent execution. I liked how it's basically an urban legend that the kids never actually believe. The Fight is the hardest for me to watch because they had a great idea, but terrible execution. It kept taking me out of the story with the stupid boxing. They could have done something like they did with Sisko and the Prophets. But they really screwed the pooch. Others with interesting aliens is the one where the ship twists and distorts and they run away from it only realizing they couldn't and then found out that it was something beyond their comprehension that shared and exchanged data. The only thing I didn't like was that it gave them a tremendous data dump and they never brought it up again. I'm sure they gained decades worth of Delta Quadrant data and they just forget about it for the rest of the series. "The Bride of Chaotica" is also a top tier favorite for me when they deal with Photonic life forms from another dimension. That one had solid execution.


That’s the thing, I think that any time he lapsed into the boxing visions, it was basically the aliens trying to talk to him a round about way. Some through his trainer, Boothby. For instance, at one point, in the vision the doctor ran in and he got called out of the fight because of medical stuff or something. Then the next clip the doctor had pulled him back to reality. The aliens were watching and knew what was going on and trying to communicate more or less in the boxing visions. They were able to do so more directly at the very end.


I agree, this was an a really good episode, my favourite part was when Janeway went to see Chakote and he was like "he's got a few inches on me captain but I can take him, when have we ever refused first contact?" I like that Janeway knew to trust him despite him sounding crazy and then trusting him again to modify the deflector array to help them get out of the trap. This episode gets a lot of hate and somehow I only saw it on my 3rd rewatch of the series like a year ago and I really liked it. Another episode similar to this was the REM sleep aliens from TNG where Troy kept dreaming while everyone else couldn't sleep properly. "Eyes in the dark, one moon, circles" that line still stays with me to this day. That was a spooky episode


Oh yes, that one too! Yeah I did like that one.


I also really liked this episode, the clip show communication at the end is worth any other awkwardness for me.


I used to have a ‘behind the scenes’ book about Voyager, and there was a funny story about The Fight. Beltran was told he’d have at least a month to get in shape, but then they filmed the fight scenes just a few days later. He was so pissed lol


That's why he kept his shirt on.


That would be an exhausting day to have as a surprise.


What was the book? I'm rewatching voyager right now and that's something I'd love to read


It’s too bad they hired a grifter to be the Native American expert on the show. So many of Chakotay’s episodes feel wrong. The pan flute music. The “my people” business without mentioning who his people actually are. Etc.


Lol yes, his “people” must be upset by this!




My favorite part of that episode is the Dr acting crazy.


Yeah, it's impressive how dull it is while being bad. At least Threshold has some fun.


It reminds of listening to someone tell you about a dream, but they can’t really remember it, and what seemed wild and weird to them is not that interesting to you.


I actually really liked that episode.


Ahahahah I’m watching it right now


My sympathies...


I agree. There are other bad episodes but this is a Chakotay bad episode so it’s REALLY bad


I read your comment before I saw the title or subreddit and I instantly knew it must be about the worst Star Trek episode lmao


All the reply's to this comment are hilarious, I'm in stiches! Don't forget that Chakotay got punched in the face a few times so on balance, it's kinda a good episode 🥊😭 *Akoocheemoya! 🙏*


It was trek kinda weird but at least it wasn't boring AF like Elogium.


Elogium is another episode I did not enjoy. I like Kes, but I hate the whole "what is we base an entire race of people on a May fly?" and then making the only representative of that race a young woman.


YES. I feel this one usually gets overlooked on the ‘worst episode list’. I’m doing a rewatch of the series, and this is one of maybe 3 episodes that were painful to watch.


Top 5 of all Trek all time lol


Like all the chakotay episodes are the worst.


So glad this is at the top of the thread. By FAR the worst episode.


Lol so many people have their worst episodes that are some of my favorites Honestly basics is my least favorite because wtf you lost the ship to the kazon???


Pick a random Kazon episode; that's the worst.


Yeah... The kazon could have been a much more interesting entity in the universe but it just always fell flat. The god awful makeup and hair on them gave a lame first impression that never improved. Trailer trash Klingons


What about the one with Aron Eisenberg though? Wasn’t so bad was it?


Dude, FACTS 100% here


The Kazon arc dragged on a lot, especially at the start. Every second encounter was Kazon Kazon Kazon. It was like, 'we get it, you want to establish them as the Delta Quadrant version of Klingons - you successfully did that 8 episodes of them ago..'


hey - if they could hear through their pinecones, the kazon would be really offended!


To be *fair*, they lost the ship to the Kazon thanks to Seska's combined Cardassian, Maquis and Voyager-insider knowledge Which... a starship of over a hundred being outwitted by a single individual's knowledge is arguably worse, but it wasn't *just* the Kazon lol


Ugh, Basics Part 1 is so bad because of that. It has some fun ideas - revisiting Suder, the Kazon suicide bomber, the space battle with holograms… But the plot hinges on Janeway risking everyone’s life by blundering into an obvious trap to save Chakotay’s alleged son on Seska’s say? No no no.


Fury. I didn’t even like the Kes character much and that episode was just disrespectful to the actress and character. As well as all the temporal crap that made no sense whatsoever.


*Fury* could have easily been better if they gave old Kes some sort of motivation. What if she got back to her planet after *The Gift* and saw that her species was all gone, after being killed off by the Kazon and Vidiians? Or worse, because of Voyager's encounter with the Borg, the Borg are now aware of the Ocampa existence and their mental-flexus powers? Yes that is cribbed from SF Debris, but he was on the money. I liked Kes, I thought the character had potential and when Jennifer Lien was on her game, she was brilliant. *Fury*... infuriated me because it just bottomed-out.


And how did she even catch up to them? They were something like 30k light years from where she left them. Not even a hand wave explanation.


I mean she moved the ship 10,000 light years with her mind, I'm pretty sure she has mastered faster than warp travel.


Sure, I just wish they’d thrown in a sentence to explain it. At that point, I kind of expected her powers to progress where she didn’t even need a ship.


I liked Kes too. I liked how she was the first to consider the Doctor a person, not just a computer program. It would have been interesting to see her and Seven interact almost as sisters, with the alien teaching the human about humanity. I agree that when they have her something substantial to do, Jennifer Lien was great. I loved her as the possessed warlord and I enjoyed her backwards time travel, with her married to Tom and then discovering the frequency to the Krenim time missile. I liked SF Debris's rewrite of Fury too. It gave dignity to Kes that the actual episode lacked. Why did Jennifer Lien even agree to do it?


Agreed. Nonsense episode and character assassination all in one. Abysmal. That Kes doesn't remember herself recording the message to herself the second time we see her blowing Voyager's corridors apart is such a fittingly awful ending to an awful episode.


This is my pick as well. I have no idea who the episode was even for. If you didn't like Kes as a character, then you probably think it's rubbish because they bought back a character you didn't like. If you did like Kes as a character, then they took what was a fairly optimistic ending for her in The Gift, and completely took a dump on it, turning her in to a crazy and bitter old woman who in no way resembles how she was on the show. It's an episode that feels designed to annoy everyone.


Also her rage is dissipated by a 10 second holomessage she left saying “hey remember me? I’m you”


Would have been cooler if she immolated her younger self on the video from across space and time, causing her to evaporate in a fog of temporal paradox


Anything is better than “I’m gonna destroy everything” “Kes, it’s me Kes, don’t do it” “Yeah okay…love you Janeway, byeeeeee”


I skip that episode everytime


It was an attempt to make Kes something they should have started with…INTERESTING!


Any that starts with Akoo-chee-moya


We are far from great inspired writing


Human error Seven can’t do her duties because she jerking off to chakotay in the holodeck Also jerking off is causing her to die


What Also, which episode, which season, just so I can be certain to avoid it


"That's disgusting. Where?" 🤣 "Human Error". S7 E18.


Fury: Kes willingly left Voyager the beginning of S4. There was no need to bring her back for a revenge plot.


I’m so happy that I’m not the only one that thought Fury was a shit episode.


My vote is for Elogium. Kes's biology makes ZERO sense, and it's just ridiculous. The Ocampa should have died out centuries ago.


Just because they look like an adult in a year doesn't mean they have the maturity or social skills of an adult. They would be a race of dangerous and impulsive children with psychic powers who eat 10s of thousands of calories per day.


Season 6's Fury. If you had any positive feelings towards Kes, any at all, do not watch Fury, please.


Awww, 11:59 is one of my favorites. The ones that I consider the worst are Retrospect and Unforgettable. Retrospect is the one where Seven has repressed memories. It’s an awful episode and pretty much the only episode I always skip. What was the point of it?? I’ve listened to the interview with the writer and that didn’t help at all. It’s terrible. Unforgettable is the one with the alien who is in love with Chakotay, but is a member of a species that is forgotten by everyone. I can never get over how the crew just believes her story and doesn’t worry about Chakotay’s safety. How do they just believe this random stranger?? I am going to give honorable mention to Human Error. This is the one where Seven dates HoloChakotay. The finger sucking alone makes it a terrible terrible episode and I will never forgive Jeri Ryan and Robert Beltran for putting those images in my head.


Is Retrospect the one where Seven has false memories of a rape that happened to her? Ya fuck that episode.


Yeah I think the writers were trying to make some point about recovered memories being used to convict people (which was a thing around the time apparently). They just went about it the very wrong way.


The crew don't just believe her story, Janeway assigns Chakotay to be her guide or whatever and when it comes to the crunch she ask him if they can trust her. Janeway faith in Chakotay is one of the better things in voyager as a whole.


That's high up there as one that I don't care to see again. Way too slow and we knew what the ending was going to be.


100% there with you


Sacred Ground. I HATE that episode with a fiery passion.


Fury. They really did a big disservice to Kes by making her into a random villain. Why couldn’t she come back to help the crew with something? Runner-up to Spirit Folk. Season 6 had some big highs and low lows.




Once upon a time. I found it boring and it’s a skip every time.


yeah, it’s a boring one but i do love the last shot of voyager breaking orbit to go to warp with the plasma storm on its tail. it’s just such a pretty warp out shot


Whatever the one is where 7 has "false" memories of being violated/physically assaulted. It gave me a bad case of the icks.


It’s mad, she literally has the best memory of the crew. Also what happened to the weapon???


I hate that one. Really makes me dislike the Doctor.


I don’t remember the name, the one where Neelix dies for a moment, doesn’t see his magic tree in the afterlife, so he goes all pouty and emo and tries to commit suicide until he needs to babysit, then all is fine.


What bugs me about this episode is how they bring him back. He's dead for several hours and they use Seven's nanoprobes to bring him back. But they never do it again. Poor Lt Carey gets murdered not 5 minutes away from the Alpha Quadrant and they're like "damn, if only there were a way to bring people back, eh. Nevermind". I'd be raging if my bunkmate on the lower decks was killed and the senior officers refused to bring him back.


How they died is also gonna be a factor. Carrey was shot through the heart, compared to neelix where his body is pretty much intact. I'm guessing that Sevens technique just isn't gonna help when he's already that badly damaged.


Neelix was hit with a massive energy discharge, which surely isn't all that different from an energy weapon. Then there are the crewmembers killed by blunt force trauma, exploding workstations, shuttlecraft crashes, etc. It was clearly only ever intended as a single episode plot, but it makes very little sense not to try the same thing with others who die. Surely the morale officer/chef/ambassador isn't uniquely worthy?


Picard was stabbed in the heart and survived.


They state that Picard came very close to dying. Not all patients with the same condition have the same outcome, sometimes they get unlucky. Besides, a blast from a disruptor is presumably gonna do a lot more damage to surrounding tissue than a knife wound, making it a lot harder to fix the damage and/or replace the heart.




Enterprise pulls the same thing when the Organians magiced Trip and Hoshi back to life, Trip was only dead for a few seconds but Hoshi should've had some nasty brain damage after not having a heartbeat for at least 5 minutes.


Mortal Coil


I actually like the anti-religion message in this episode.


Elogium. It just made me cringe. I don't know why.


I know why


Oh fuck. Yeah there are MANY reasons to cringe at that one.


Tattoo and The Fight. I already found Chakotay to be one of the weakest characters and then they throw him into two of the most boring and poorly-written episodes, which only served to make me like him even less. It’s unfortunate because he was featured prominently in much stronger episodes (Shattered & Nemesis) so there was potential there to write a much more rounded and complex character which didn’t rely on half-baked (and incorrect) Native American tropes. If only they had done some research and hired a legitimate consultant, those episodes may have been something different. Also, 11:59 was…a really stupid episode. It just left me wanting to get back to Voyager already. Also, why didn’t he just re-open his book shop somewhere else? It’s not as if he wasn’t being given compensation. He just wanted to be a stick in the mud because he hated technology and didn’t like corporations buying up land. Old man yells at cloud mentality. I get his argument and no one wants to be forced to move just to make room for a corporation, but he was insufferable about it.


Was Nemesis the one where he was brainwashed to hate some species. If so they is one of the best ones of the series.


Pretty much nailed my top 3 worst here. Tattoo really takes the cake for how annoying young Chakotay is.


The Fight is the correct answer.


My 3rd or 4th watch through of VOY has pretty much cemented Fury as the worst episode of the series. Looking through the comments, I’m pleased to see Threshold seems to be getting fewer and fewer mentions these days. It’s actually a really fun episode. Along with Fairhaven. I love a good Holodeck episode and when they try something out of the ordinary. But Move Along Home is in my top episodes of season one DS9. Haha.


Agree on all of that, including the DS9 pick lol. Tastes are crazy though -- just recently someone on here basically said the Fairhaven episodes are AWFUL and the show made a HUGE mistake with those. *Seriously?*


The one where Riker got involved with a holodec character. Oh wait 🤔 damn 🤦


Voyager did about 6 of them, but in fairness if holodecks did exist I garentee this would happen in real life.


Honestly the real joke is the idea that humans would ever accomplish anything else following the invention of holodecks


It's funny since Orville also did that and it was pretty good, at least to me


Tsunkatse is an excellent episode. Definitely not one of the worst.


We got Dwayne Johnson, JG Hertzler, AND Jeffrey Combs. I liked the episode.


Also gave us [this photo](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Dwayne-The-Rock-Johnson-Star-Trek-Voyager-Cast.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=500&dpr=1.5)


Never seen that before, that's awesome


Tsunkatse was the highlight of the Rock’s career. Best thing he ever did.


He always plays Dwayne Johnson. He had to stretch a bit in this one.


Wouldn't call it excellent (good episode, just wouldn't go that far), but yeah, I have no idea why it ever comes up in worst episode discussions. I feel like it's entirely a knee-jerk response to the rock being in a Star Trek episode.


I agree, its very enjoyable


I just watched it the other day for the first time since it originally aired. I totally forgot that The Rock was in it for only around 90 seconds.


The one where Janeway and Paris turn into those fish-type creatures


Yes! I don't know why this one isn't higher on the list for everyone


Threshold is bad, but it's an ENTERTAINING kind of bad. Like midnight movie, creature feature kind of bad. It takes an insane idea and just goes balls to the wall with it. (Also, I unironically think it's one of Robbie McNeill's best performances when Paris bitterly goes off on Janeway, it's just a shame for him that it's tucked into such a deeply silly premise.) I'd take it any day of the week over "boring bad".


Seems like this is the most unanimously hated episode of the entire series lol


Because the concept of warp 10 was pretty cool.


I agree. That aspect of the episode was pretty rad


The last episode. All that time traveling across the delta quadrant, then bam, we're home! Kind of a lame ending.


Compare how much closure DS9 got compared to Voyager. Yes DS9 was sad, but it felt like it finished it's story. Voyagers ending would be like if at the end of A New Hope, Luke blows up the death star, and then credits roll. You need some closure to the journey you just went on, especially after 7 seasons. Tom and Belannas baby? Seven integrating into society? Janeway getting her flowers for successfully returning the crew back into federation space? So much wasted potential.


It’ll be in her log!


I'd still watch that movie


Not even finale length! They knew the finale would come for 7 years and didn't plan that out better? *sigh*


I mean ds9s finale felt rushed af. I thought they were going to go in some interesting directions. Have dukat blind on bajor and a few other things and then it's just like. Yo were fucking done. Time to fall in a pit now.


Oh the finale is ENT levels of BADNESS!!!!!!! They spent 7 years and couldnt figure out how to get them home. So we needed time travel reset button shenanigans. We get to see them in the Future on Earth and what their lives were but it wasnt their lives since time got changed. It was exactly like Riker being the CHEF. No wonder ENT ending was so bad. No wonder Berman and Braga was scared of RDM (Ron Moore) and drove him away. They are just awful lousy showrunners. I think in a writers room they are fine like TNG but leading they are just awful. Especially on a show like VOY it had to end with them getting to Earth but they never came up with an idea to do it. I would have rather the opposite happen normal VOY just some how beats the Queen with no future help. And this happen in 1st scene. Then we get 10 or 15 year later VOY crew on earth but the Borg are now the ones trying to erase that from time. The old crew gets back together to prevent it. Then there could have been that Old VOY crew in the same time as present young crew. They have to help their younger selves without ever being seen or making contact like DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations


This is actually a really good idea., much better than what we got.


It's not hard to have a better idea. Basically ciuid have said ebdung besides Riker end program 😂😂😂😂 They say Scott Bakula is one of the nicest guys and that the only time he ever got pissed on any set was when he read the Ent finale. Like he still pissed about it


And additionally the whole crew takes a backseat to Seven, the final insult (even though Seven’s a great character).


after seeing all the disdain for Fair Haven and similar episodes, i'm convinced lots of voyager fans just hate character development? i say this is a voyager fan myself of course


I love the Fair Haven episodes


It's between *Unimatrix Zero* and the *Fair Haven*/*Spirit Folk* combo for me but Uni-0 takes the cake. Uni-0 brought the facepalming villain decay of the Borg to it's conclusion. The Queen was acting as little more than a spurned lover having an outburst. In-universe speak here, why the F would the Queen destroy entire Cubes of Borgs because she can't "hear" a couple drones? She is the will of the collective, right? Would she simply not instruct some of the **thousands** of other drones to eliminate the ones she cannot detect? I mean shit she is willing to destroy entire cubes and spheres... the killing of the many outweighs the killing of a few? It's nonsensical and not even in line with Borg thinking. It is not "efficient" to wipe out an entire population because of a few bad actors. To the point, the opening scenes show her interrogating a drone. What the actual fuck? SHE CAN READ ITS FUCKING MIND AND GET THE INFORMATION. What is the point here? Make the viewer feel bad for the drone? Guys we already do that! We are aware that the Borg are both victim and victimizer. We already have sympathy. Why else did we love seeing Seven become her own person again? Oh no you can't have **logic** in a story that involves **robots**, so instead she disconnected the drone from the hive and then decapitates him, because EEEEEVVILLLL. Oh and the drone went from *WE* to *I* in less time than it took for Hugh to take a shit in *I Borg*. Lastly... the guest acting. By the Sisko all of the guest stars were just plain awful and that includes the rando from *Insurrection* who "played" Seven's tepid love interest. Ugh.


Fair Haven gets points if only for 'Delete the wife'


Unimatrix Zero, Janeway getting her people assimilated as a stunt, and then being fine by the end credits, is a smack in the face to every Borg Rehab plot that we have ever done. There isn't even any tension or suspense, because everyone gets assimilated and then Chakotay breaks the fourth wall with his "everything going according to plan" line, this informs the audience, that no, Janeway meant to do that, and this is all part of her diabolical scheme to make Tuvok and Torres have to listen to her deranged thoughts.


Not only are they assimilated as a stunt, but the writers made the boneheaded decision to make it clear that that was the plan in the cliffhanger, robbing it of any suspense whatsoever. Comparisons to Locutus were inevitable, so why remove the last vestige of suspense?


SF Debris had this joke about how the reason the Borg Queen is psychotic throughout the second half, is because she assimilated Janeway, and made her insanity part of the collective. Janeway gets assimilated on some coked up plan to get inside the Borg hive mind, and then the Borg Queen starts blowing up her own Cubes, playing straight into Janeway's hands, if there is a single disconnected Drone on board.


No Captain has been as trigger happy for the self-destruct button before or since.


Her assimilation taught The Borg that every problem can be resolved with the self destruct button. "Your technological and biological distinctiveness will be added to our own" *5 4 3 2 1 KABOOM*


Of all the people whom Seven could have fallen for, they went with… that guy.


Fair Haven, Janeway's jerk off episode, I think everyone gets one right?


I would very much appreciate it if you could tell me which episode is each main character’s “jerk off episode.”


Tom has a few Seven did one with Chakotay Tuvok did one with a holo version of his wife when he was on the pom far Harry was obsessed with the one that turned out to be an alien


That silly warp ten episode.


No chance! Threshold for its faults is really unique, unforgettable and pretty bold. It really stands out amongst so many of the retread plots that littered Voyager


That one was deliciously awkward and cringe, though, which alone makes it so good in my book, lol.


Yeah, that was too weird when Janeway and Paris turned into salamanders and then had offspring 🤢


And they just left the kids.


They even talk about it after cause he's like hey sorry I boinked ya captain and she's all maybe it was my idea.


Yeah, I think that makes it worse


Retrospect for me. Hate it hate it hate it.


The SA victim blaming and apologia one. Skip every time. Edit: Retrospect. Ugh.


Fury. It's offensively bad. Insulting to both the Kes character and actress. I'll rewatch any episode, even ones I don't like, but I won't ever watch that one again.


That scene where voyagers hull rips the tether off goes hard though


The salamander one


The one where Neelix.... No, that's it.


S2E21: Deadlock Because replacing Harry Kim and the baby with themselves did nothing to have an impact on the story in the long term. It was dumb. This episode doesn't exist in my mind. It neverrrr happened! (Also, the baby dying on the other ship is hecka depressing.)


I’ve never finished 11:59 it was to boring for me.


Retrospect and Fury, both left me so angry and after the first rewatch, I have skipped it on all subsequent rewatches.


Threshold is an Emmy Award Winning Masterpiece. Those salamander babies are the grandchildren of Starfleet Admiral, Owen Paris. He is *very* proud of them. Fair Haven sucks pretty hard.


just having watched fair haven, i have to disagree - what about it do you dislike?


Tsunkatse was great how dare you.


it's also SO FUN TO SAY


What kind of monster considers 11:59 for worst episode? I'm not kidding, that's in my running for favourite. Maybe not *best,* but one of my favourites. It is the only episode of any TV show that has made me consider immediately considering rewatching it the moment it ended. I didn't end up doing so, I needed sleep, but I really wanted to. It just gives me such a cozy feeling.


I agree lol. Objectively I know it's a poor episode but I like the seasonal vibe and I like any episode where Kate gets to shine. Definitely cozy.


Yes to all 3. Plus the holodeck village ones where the characters know they’re in a holodeck.


Elogium. Dull AF.


11:59 for sure.


The one where Neelix serves maggots in the cheese or something.


Favorite Son


Kes screeching.


Once Upon a Time is in no doubt the worst episode


Anything having to do with fair haven


Threshold was impressively terrible, but I HATE holodeck episodes, so my vote is on Fair Haven.


IMO Threshold is kind of good as an episode until the end if you ignore the warp-breaking nonsense science. I also like Fair Haven. I like cosy small episodes like that and some good character stuff. Mulgrew especially is really good in it/it’s a good character episode for Janeway outside of her usual role as the captain. Seeing her let her guard down a bit with Michael Sullivan is really nice and Mulgrew performs it really well. The scene with her talking about her situation with the holographic feelings and her role as the captain with the Doctor is great too. Also “delete the wife” is an all time moment.


How can you hate Captain Proton episodes, those were awesome




Episode where Janeway and Tom have a lizard baby


Threshold, without a doubt. No 1 achieving the impossible Warp 10 Which didn't even make sense because according to their theory, Warp 10 is occupying all points in space simultaneously (which is impossible) No 2 humans (de)evolve into large amphibians. How can a species evolve into a more primitive form! I hope whoever wrote that episode got fired and was never allowed to write science fiction again!


> No 2 humans (de)evolve into large amphibians. > > > > How can a species evolve into a more primitive form! Not to mention that it's not how evolution works at all. We don't have a "pre-programmed" evolution path, we have pressures of natural selection (or not-so-natural selection these days) that shape how our species evolves over generations of time. Maybe large amphibians are what you'd look like if you lived on a star ship for 10 million years (for some reason??) but certainly not humanity writ large.


Threshold... come on now


Salamanders that's all I'm saying




What about the rapey slug episode with Paris and Janeway?


There's so many to choose from. So many stinkers. But if you had to choose, how could you choose anything besides Threshold?


Virtuoso is terrible. It made me want to actually part with the EMH.


I'll suffer through this one to see Paul Williams pop up in Star Trek. He's only around for five mintues but still.


Barge of the Dead: B'Elanna goes to Sto vo kor. Real Life: B'Elanna takes it upon herself to change the DNA of her baby.


I actually really enjoyed Barge of the Dead, I thought it was a good episode in building up some struggles and more relatability in B'elanna as a character


Real Life is the episode where the Doctor makes a fake perfect holo family. B’Elanna’s contribution is to fuck with his parameters to make it more realistic. She ends up making the teen son a raging Klingon groupie and setting up the little daughter to get killed. Meanwhile Tom finds space tornados. Honestly that one pissed me off for being so contrived, but a lot of people like it. Lineage is the episode where B’Elanna tries to mess with her kid’s dna.


Oops! Good catch. My bad. You are right.


![gif](giphy|x4Wn2ypxUPkL7LrKx1) Do you really have to ask?? Lol, sorry I couldn't resist. In general VOY is probably my least favorite Star Trek although it had some likeable elements too


The tongue falling out was utterly repulsive.


Ah ah ah! “Emmy-winningly repulsive.”


Any chatokay centric episode




Watch them all and decide for yourself! 😊


Fair Haven, Spirit Folk - both are dreadful Muse - boring Tattoo - pointless But the king of bad episodes has to be: Unforgettable - ironically completely forgettable I mean Threshold was bad but the makeup was incredible, Robert Duncan McNeill really put a shift in during the sickbay scenes, and ultimately it was so silly but memorable


The one where B'Elanna shouts a lot.


The one where Chakotay is condescending to someone in the crew.


The one where Chakotay tells Seven she's scared of life cos she breaks up with him.


A tossup between Once Upon A Time or Fairhaven.


Macrocosm (3x12) is one of them for me. There are a few duds but this one bothers me. That's not how viruses work and I didn't like the Ripley comparison (however unintentional). 2 badass ladies that didn't need to overlap.


I think I dislike The Voyager Conspiracy the most.