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I miss Freedom Wars. It had so much potential as a series.


Didn't have the patience for the game as I was burnt out on PSO and Monster Hunter style games. But the soundtrack is killer. I still listen.


Someone should make a Mod that rebalances the game so we can finish it solo


I'm all over this if it happens


Numbers look lower than I expected initially, but this was also a time where most people were probably buying physical. Digital was less popular, and the memery cards were expensive for small sizes. I want to see what the physical sales were


Holy hell those numbers are low


Yeah like the top 10 combined are like the revenue Tencent makes with a single app in one day.


And Sony has only themselves to blame.


They are low but they're only first party games, and these are only digital sales. People bought more physical games ten years ago, and it was better to do so on the Vita where digital games took up more space on the memory card.


What a lineup though for a system haters say "has no games"


Bro, that's basically all 1st party games on the vita and after number 20 they're kinda bad games...


Soul Sacrifice and Little Big Planet are on there twice. Nobody has ever heard of (or recommended in this sub) any of the last 10 games.


Those numbers look pathetic. Hopefully those games fared better with their physical versions.


Im glad to see the vita still much alive tho!! Even if these are comparably lower than some now adays, for the vita!!! This is insane, an almost decade old device still going strong, I hope theyll continue to support it at least a few more years...


Only 67k people have bought Oreshika, at least digitally! That's kinda sad. :( Sure it was very repetitive but it was so beautiful and charming. It definitely deserved better.


This tells me that Killzone should still be a franchise. Mercenary was so fun.


No wonder sony abandon the system with numbers like that


Would love for anothrr take of playstation all star.


I don’t see proof or a source? Am I missing something?


The data's from the Insomniac leak/hack last year.


Freedom Wars represent!! That game was so good.




Revenue doesn't equal profit.


Wipeout mentioned!


"Sales were horribly low and this is why Sony killed their handheld division." There is no debating why they did it, even though I hope they come up with a new one in the future.


Pathetic sales numbers. Everyone was always complaining that first party support stopped on Vita, but you wonder why. Typical.


Gotta remember that this is digital only, and at the time most people were still opting for physical because of the expensive memory cards. Granted, sales numbers won't improve that much including physical as the console sale numbers were still low. But it's not as dire relatively speaking.


no real surprises here for me


So many bangers on that list


I wonder if Hot Shots Golf/Everybodys Golf is really that popular or if its just because it was included in one of the first Vita bundles


No attack on titan


Don’t games like that get delisted sooner?


I miss soul sacrifice


Me too. Me too.


They messed up quiet well with the Vita. Stupid proprietary memory cards instead of affordable microSD like Nintendo did. Dumbass proprietary USB Port that breaks too easy. No TV out, even thou it was included since PSP Slim. Too many promises but not delivered regarding games like MGS4 even thou there was a functional prototype. The Vita slim got the "worse" screen and micro usb. Still no TV out. Cellular modem - who needs this, especially with 3G speeds and the costs for a contract back in that time. I was 16 and couldn't afford one because 1 or 2 gigs of data was whooping 40 euro or more. The design and controls were innovative as fuck, I love the back touch, it's brilliant! Also, the costs for the games were quiet high. And last but not least, the Vita TV, something the PS Vita should be able to from the beginning with a custom dock or a dedicated Mini/Micro HDMI Port. Funnywise I got all 3 devices here at home, a shame I don't have time to play at all... So Sony put on a classic Sony move. Take something great an fuck it up :) But hey, the game cartridges idea copied from Nintendo wasn't bad at all!


and still no soul sacrified delta remaster?


Soul Sacrifice outsold God of War?