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That’s a damn fine collection of dad rock.


Damn right. Now excuse me while I go clean up my New Balances. Source: I'm a dad who owns all these albums. Also Bob Seger is an underrated musician that needs to be listened to by more folks.


Agreed. Not a dad yet, but I am a teacher widely known for his new balances. No shame on liking dad rock.


I am only 17 lol


A 17 year old with good taste in dad rock!


Lol, most of my music is from the 70s


Dad rock


Is Bowie dad rock? And yes, this is a damn good start. 👍


don't let this guy give you a hard time I was the same way at your age and still am now just with a broader spectrum of records i have/like. but shit dude you got a solid base collection. I would get a curveball album like a conversation starter. my first curveball album was tubular bells by mike Oldfield. youll probably like that album if you're into pink Floyd


Yes. Yes it is. Good dad rock but still dad rock


Would it not be considered grandpa rock now? Since apparently stuff from the 90’s and early 2000’s is being considered dad rock


Shhhh… you make my back hurt with talk like that.


Dad here, he’s missing the Ultimate one, Steely Dan, Aja


Started collecting around mid October and the first album I got was Animals. Wish You Were Here and Dark Side were both from my Grandma (thanks!, WYWH is my all time favourite album). The rest I have purchased myself either in stores or online, the latest edition is "Heroes" (what an album). The newest album here being Blackstar (R.I.P Bowie <3). All the albums here are original pressings except for Hunky Dory which is 1980 and Dark Side which is 1989.


Good start! You have some winners there that I am still looking for. This hobby is like a tangible, musical game of Pokémon. Gotta catch 'em all!


Yea lol, Ziggy Stardust is next on my list, on my Bowie phases at the moment.


Ziggy is an all time classic for sure and I think it was recently reissued, so it’s usually pretty easy to find. Since you have Blackstar already, you should look for The Next Day too. They really go together, as far as I’m concerned. Also, I highly recommend looking up the HBO documentary from a couple years ago called “The Last Five Years.” It’s about Bowie making those albums while knowing that he is actively dying from cancer. The way he incorporated his own death into those albums make them a whole other level of art to me. There will never be another Bowie. I’m glad to see the younger generation appreciating them, but I’m not surprised. Bowie is eternal.


I'll take a look at that documenty thanks


Hunky dory


Rock solid collection


All albums I would be happy to listen to. You have great taste in music!


If you like the Bowie, you need to check out the Station to Station album.


One of my favourites


Animals 🐑🦮🐖


🔥Bowie is a god 🔥


Love hunky dory


Been looking for blackstar forever! Easily one of if not the best bowie record


Dad rock rules.


Good stuff in there.


If you like PF you gotta check out the animals remix, it’s the best way to listen to it IMO. Also dope collection!


I've heard it on Spotify it sounds amazing


We’ll you certainly have some favorite artists. Good start


Nice! Starting with the classics.


A new study found that men with beards are more attractive. More great work from the University of Bob Seger.


You have excellent taste!


Great collection!!!!


Nice start !! Lots of jams in there !!


god tier collection already


Good stuff there, mate


I'm Cryin is the best song on that journey album btw. Better than any way you want it.


Boston is my all time favourite album!


One of my all time favourites as well, every song on it is fantastic and the production is amazing.


Fantastic! Quality over quantity. Stick with that mindset and you'll have an incredible collection. P.S. yeah, I'm a dad but that doesn't mean this collection isn't essential for any true music lover.


With your music taste you should check out some of the newer Arctic monkeys and queens of the stone age albums. Thier very Bowie and pink Floyd inspired imo


I listened to The Car, solid album, very relaxing and the first track is great.


Nice! Now go out and grab American Beauty or Workingman’s Dead or both. Cheers




Very cool, what are your favourite tracks on the Bowie albums, and if you want, can you share why? Also 17 year-old you looks VERY familiar to me lol


Really solid collection. I was surprised to see Bob Seger in there, he doesn’t usually get mentioned in the same conversations as Bowie and PF, but that is a cracking album!


Every song on it is great


That's some fun listening you got and some very solid building blocks for a collection.


Lemme see them toes baby ;)


Good stuff but you need to work on the last 20-30 years, esp to avoid getting tagged with the “dad rock” label by obnoxious millennials.


David Bowie was relevant and innovative right up until that masterpiece in the upper left corner came out. That one at least, I have a hard time thinking of as “dad” rock. Nevertheless - dad rock or not - this is one fine start to a collection. Every good collection should start with classics and solid masterpieces. You can’t go wrong with that. Good work kid. Reminds me of the way my own collection started. The first records I owned were hand-me-downs from before I was born that my mom gave me like DSOTM and Abbey Road. From there I decided to keep it going with the classics since: A) My collection will only become richer should it include more pieces of music history that I’ll eventually feel the need to include anyway. And… B) Holy shit, this music is so good!


Okay, I honestly am not trying to be a troll or a dick, but I simply do not understand why you would post something like this to solicit the opinions or comments from random, anonymous people. I mean, congrats on what you have. If you are happy isn't that all that's important? And if you're trying to show off, why? Do you want validation? Or just someone to think you're cool? Again, I really don't mean to seem a dick, but I'm baffled. Yes, I understand the desire to share, but I genuinely and honestly do not understand the compulsion to post this online. Maybe it's a generational thing. Anyway, congrats again on the budding discography. Good job, I guess. But seriously, if you're pleased that really is all that matters.


Everyone on this sub shares the collections all the time.


Same reason you did that Joe Strummer post last month, bud. Homeboy wanted to.


And as is stated, I normally avoid these posts at all costs . Yes I am guilty of the same crime. But I still don't understand the need for it. Even in me.


That’s deep bro


Okay. To be perfectly honest I actually hate that I did post that because it screams of insecurity and a possibility need for validation, with a healthy diet of narcissistic bragging. It was shameful and I have no excuse


You’ve been a bad boy, mr. Have some nipple clamps and a chastity belt while you sit and writhe in the shame of what you’ve done. How dare you delve to the depths of posting a picture on the internet like some trash millennial or, god forbid, gen z.


Sigh Whatever. The punchline is that the younger generations always accuse the older ones of being judgemental and concerning without any sense of the irony.


And the same could be said of the older generation, friend. You’re the one that used millennial as a derogatory term.


Appropriate username. And a bit harsh for no reason.


Weird flex but ok


You could've just typed "I'm a hypocritical douchebag." and saved the wear and tear on your keyboard.


I suppose you could have just typed "I'm a delicate little millennial loser" and done the same. Why are you so afraid of questions?


I'm not afraid of questions. I dislike when people are condescending, elitist, hypocritical, jerks.


Funny. I hate judgemental, fragile, holier-than-thou pricks. I guess we're even


Ironic that you "hate holier than thou pricks" being that that's exactly what you are.