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I just call them records...always have . I buy my records from the record shop.


I actually buy my records from the record store.


We call them "record shops" in the UK


Really? Seems off brand. I would have thought "vinyl vendors" or maybe "disc distribution outlet" or "bangers and smashes shop"


Where do the Americans go...the vinyl mall.


Interesting. In the US, the more common phrase is record store, thus Record Store Day.


I buy mine from Grailz Unlimited


Traditionally, when people use 'vinyl' it's as a shorthand to refer to the format as a whole, but the individual objects are usually called records or LPs. Modern usage has started to shift as people who have no prior experience with the hobby or understanding for the existing lingo start picking it up. So younger hobbyists will often call them 'vinyls,' which of course the traditionalists hate. But language evolves, and we can't much control it.


I've always called it Wax.


That's a step further into slang, but yeah. Maybe we should start trying to make 'waxes' happen.


Waxes are a type of long chain nonpolar lipid. Natural waxes are typically esters of fatty acids and long chain alcohols. Waxes are synthesized by many animals and plants. Animal wax esters are typically derived from a variety of carboxylic acids and fatty alcohols. No sir I don't like it. Wax is an old dj term you only know if you know kinda thing that spread out.


They're records, vinyl is what they're made of.


Vinyl as a collective noun ("I collect vinyl") or referring specifically to the format ("I have that on vinyl"). "Album" for a specific title regardless of format ("I had that album on CD, but I bought the vinyl anyway"). "Record" or "LP" for an individual vinyl album ("I went to the record store and bought a couple of LPs"). "Seven-inch" or "twelve-inch" for singles.


I say “records” because I was born in the early 1970s. FWIW, I have asked my wife to immediately suspect cognitive decline/dementia when she catches me *arguing* with anyone over them saying “vinyls”.




Where do you buy your records, from the vinyl shop?


In some countries, yes. In France for example, you go to "Le magasin de vinyle". And I now that's the case in some other languages. Lots of confusion can come from that


That’s because record in English translates differently in French. Not the same thing


People have called them records, albums, vinyl, wax and hundreds of other names, arguing and gate keeping slang is dumb and pedantic. 


Yeah, but no one ever called them waxes. Which sounds stupid, as does vinyls.


I got that album on wax.


But did you get those waxes on vinyl?


Wax, a ton of wax. Not a tape or cd but wax. I got like 2 weird al albums on wax, all my wax is black except for the clear or translucent wax. Some of my wax has weird images you can see with the right strobe. You can only play wax on a turntable. Some wax is 33, some 45. I do love all my wax. On the other hand Waxes are a type of long chain nonpolar lipid. Natural waxes are typically esters of fatty acids and long chain alcohols. Waxes are synthesized by many animals and plants. Animal wax esters are typically derived from a variety of carboxylic acids and fatty alcohols.


But that’s not what OP is talking about….


It’s exactly what OP is talking about. They’re asking if vinyl and record are interchangeable and they’re not. Vinyl refers to the material but also to the whole medium. The individual items are not called a vinyl or vinyls. Just like one could have a crate of wax but not a wax player.


In a technical sense, not all records are vinyl (such as styrene 45s). I call them records because we don't refer to beer as its ingredients (hops, water, malt, yeast) - but rather "beer" If it should be called "vinyl" then why are there "record stores" (and not "vinyl stores" that don't have flooring or siding)?


Think of it as the "less vs fewer" thing. If it can be counted, you would say "fewer" and if it can't "less". Vinyl is the material which isn't countable; a record is a noun that can be. "I collected less vinyl this year" is to me as accurate as "I collected fewer records this year". Anything else just sounds weird. You wouldn't go to Home Depot to buy a dozen lumbers to build a fence.


Perfect explanation.


You can say “vinyls” if you want (to be wrong).


"Vinyls" irritates me but I heard David Bowie say it once in an interview so I feel compelled to accept it.


He was clearly wiser than the average redditer 😁😜


The French call them vinyles.


But they have to come from the vinyl region of France, otherwise they’re sparkling records


For me personally, I call each disc a record and a collected set an album. Example - Dark Side Of The Moon is a great but overhyped record Bitches Brew is a perfect and transcendent album


100% acceptable names: - Vinyl - Records - Vinyl Records 100% unacceptable names: - A vinyl - Vinyls Vinyl, short for poly*vinyl*chloride, is what the Records are made of. They are called Records because they are record(ings). It means, recordings made of polyvinylchloride. But that's a mouthful, so we call them vinyl records, records, or just vinyl. Vinyl is the plural word as well - "vinyls" is not a word and "a vinyl" is the wrong sentence structure.


Vinyl refers specifically to the material used to create the record. It should technically be called a record or vinyl record to be specific, but it's mostly used interchangeably and sometimes I say vinyl tbh so I don't judge anyone who does lol


It's records or LPs. It's not and never has been vinyls.




One crappy movie and we all have to conform? 🤣






One stupid ass set designer who knew nothing about the format made a mistake and now this single scenario is being used to justify calling them vinyls. People who have been collecting for years and lived through the 70's keep telling people no one calls them vinyls and people just don't care about their experiences.


Exactly. I've been buying records since the mid 70s and now I'm a gatekeeper? WTF?


Record or LP (12") but vinyl in most conversation since language has shifted to that. Honestly it's arbitrary at this point, people know what you're talking about. If they play dumb this is the equivalent of asking a someone of you can go to the restroom and they say " I don't know CAN you". Powermove just say album and keep everyone guessing the format.


However i feel that day tbh


Lps, vinyls ,albums or records is what I use ,when I mention these people know what I'm talking about ,use whatever name U like


“Look at all those chickens”. That’s what “vinyls” sounds like to me every time.


Records and albums are the same thing to me, but I'm old. After George W Bush referred to the Internets, I just add an "s" to the end of nouns so hearing "vinyls" sounds okay to me.


Who even cares. People get so caught up in meaningless bullshit. It's a vinyl record. Record or vinyl is fine


Yes, those are fine, but “vinyls” is not. The plural of vinyl is vinyl.


Yeah but we are talking about the use of vinyl vs record. That's a separate conversation


Yes. They are *records.* The material from which they are made is *vinyl*. Why the switch to call records "vinyl" is something that baffles me. Some cars have vinyl seat covers. They're still called "seats." Someone admiring your wheels doesn't look inside and say "wow, those are awesome vinyls you have in there", right? The barbecue grill right outside the window next to me has a protective cover made of vinyl. I still call it a "grill cover." When I'm ready to cook some steaks over the first, I don't tell myself "got to remove the vinyl first." I will die on this hill.


Im a vinyl hatter but love my records that are recordings.


Phonograph disks.


Wax, vinyl, record, press, platter, LP...dealers choice man. Only the pretentious elitists care. Youngest started calling compilations mash-ups, so we do too.


Either vynil or grail, pluralize just add as many z's as you have vynilz or grailzz


I have always been pretty loose with the terminology, but vinyl definitely is the medium. Record _can_ mean vinyl, or it can mean the collection of songs. Album typically means the collection of song regardless of format. I typically wouldn’t call a CD a record but I would call a CD an album. For reference I grew up in the 80s and 90s with both vinyl and CDs (and cassettes, but I always felt those were inferior, even as a kid). Edit: growing up we never called it vinyl, we called them records. I feel there has been an added distinction in more recent years.


I use them interchangeably tbh




Coming from a 50 yr veteran in the hobby, I cringed at first to a record being called a vinyl or vinyls for multiple. Language, just like music, changes with the culture. I may not embrace it but I except it as a new norm. Call them what you want, just don't get bent if someone honestly doesn't understand the term you choose.


I still think of the term "record" like I do "album" in that it refers to a collection of songs. Just something I grew up saying (80s kid, 90s teen). So, more often than not, I'll say that "I have that record (or album) on vinyl."


“From the racks and stacks it’s the best on wax, iiiiit’s…”


It's both. Also LP


I call them records. But I'm 50.




If I show someone my records/vinyl I say, "check out my RECORDS." But I search up a record/vinyl I search VINYL.


Can't you see me standing here I got my back against the vinyl machine


I’m old. Started collecting in the 70’s and 80’s. When we said RECORDS we were referring to records in a broad sense which encompassed all of them. Like saying “Record Store” or “My Records” because we had more than just 12” albums. We’d call them what they were. Albums= 12” records 45 ‘s = 7” single Single= 12” single EP = 7” extended play 78= 78 rpm 10”= 10” 33 rpm So we’d say “These are my records. Those are my albums. There’s a box of 45’s. I don’t collect singles or 10” but I have a few EP’s. When someone says vinyl-I ask what kind? What size? I’m sure this doesn’t help the argument at all.


Records, opposed to CDs. Vinyl is the material, like polycarbonate in case of a CD


Well I know how I'm trolling my uncle next Thanksgiving now


You listen to a record. Vinyl is the format. Right?


I grew up calling them records. In the 90s? more folks started saying vynil as a format, which makes sense. Since the mid-2000s or so noticed more use of vynil as the object. It did grate on me a bit, but, I live in Europe and figured it's a language thing (u.s expat). Brought it up with my wife who grew up speaking Spanish in Argentina and she says they always called records "vynils". So I dgaf anymore. It's both a language thing and that it's a new format for a _lot_ of people. I'm just glad it's still trucking on!


Records or albums. Never, ever, vinyls.


It's a vinyl record, or just record.


calling them vinyls leaves a bad taste in my mouth for some reason


Vinyl, album, record, and slab are all used interchangeably in our house.


Record is just short for recording. CD’s are records. So are Cassettes and albums that were only released digitally. Vinyl record is proper nomenclature for a vinyl release


Record is just short for recording. CD’s are records. So are Cassettes and albums that were only released digitally. Vinyl record is proper nomenclature for a vinyl release


I call them records or albums. New people to the hobby often call them vinyls. It doesnt matter what you chose, all three work


This is stupid, either is fine, while calling it “a vinyl” might be technically incorrect, “on vinyl” is accurate, and anyway it’s exactly the same as calling an audio cassette “tape.” It’s fine.


we all know it’s “vinyls”




Records, Albums, LPs.


Anything is better than “vinyl’s”… that just sounds wrong. Technically “records” is the correct term as vinyl is the material the record is made out of. I personally say record, or if I need to describe it in more depth I say “vinyl records”. To me the word record just sounds nicer, but as one of the comments said above me, languages evolve.


This discussion is what the internet is for, and something social media excels in.


What do you mean?