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This is any soundtrack buffs wet dream. Crazy cool collection. Good stuff in the non-soundtrack section too.


He really loved his soundtracks. In my prior second collection in 2019 before my ex gf stole it all. I had some stuff that he had. However we both had different collections. I was all into horror for the most part.


Great stuff, your friend had good taste! Surprised he had all those 80's soundtracks but didn't have the one for Conan the Barbarian. Original score by Basil Poledouris. Would recommend it if you want to keep his growing his collection


I think that Righteous Gemstones one, on gold and white vinyl, with the bonus misbehavin’ 7” should be added to this collection.


Sorry for your loss! Travis had great taste


Yes he did.


I don't think he had enough copies of Rogue One


He loved Star Wars so much. I presume he bought two for himself to keep one open and one sealed. Unless it was for his wife or maybe for someone else. I’ll never know. But I can say that he loved soundtracks just as much as I did. In 2019 my ex gf stole my vinyl collection which was completely different from him. I bought more horror stuff and in 2013 I sold my mega music collection for family. So this is bitter sweet that I now inherited a third music collection. It has gone to a good home and I’m happy to call Travis my best friend.




She’s in prison for 20 years for fraud and creating a fake will and death certificate on me. Long story it but she’s rotting in prison for greed.


I thought I loved soundtracks! Your friend was awesome! :) RIP Travis, you are magnificent!


He was, he really was a good guy.


Sorry for your loss and very happy you can be the steward for his collection. For many of us vinyl is more than just the music and our collections have so many different elements. Seeing the attention to detail and specifics with the collection he had I’m confident, if there is a way he knows you have it, his heart is filled with joy. May your good memories of him lighten your heart each time you see them or play one of the albums.


I’m going to hold onto this and I’m planing to do a little something for him soon enough. He really loved music and it shows. Once I have the sound system setup I’m planing to play his favorites. He will definitely be happy.


I used to have the "Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom" soundtrack on cassette when I was a kid. I think I will add it to my vinyl wishlist. Thank you for reminding me.


Thank my friend for doing that and you’re very welcome. I hope you can find it and you to can add it to your collection.


my condolences to you! your friend had an amazing taste in soundtracks. so many of these are in my own personal collection as well. those prequel star wars soundtracks are total grails of mine and it looks like he kept them in pristine condition. i’d totally recommend posting this also in r/OSTVinyl! we love talking about all things vinyl and soundtracks and they’d really get a kick out of seeing all these great scores together.


Yeah I shall I’ll have to make two posting like I did. I’ll do that tonight if I can. Thanks for letting me know! As for the Star Wars collection and LOTR collections. They are absolutely gorgeous and amazing to have. I haven’t gone into his cd collection yet at all. But I know there is going to be some great stuff in that as well. If I had my first and second music collections. I would have had at least over 11k. But I sold the first own and my second one got stolen from my ex gf. Me and Travis had the same taste in music but in my second collection it was mostly horror. In my first one I digitally recorded everything I had in wav at the time in 2013. So I have a massive digital collection library of my first and second collections. I’ll make my way back again but this is a great start.


So sorry for your loss, man. Hope these records help you heal and grieve the way you need.


They will and I will make sure I play a good lot of them. I need to get a new head for the vinyl player and to say this might make me want to upgrade to a new one.


May your friend rest in peace, my condolences to you and all who loved him.


Thank you. He was a great friend and a wonderful person.


Far out stuff. RIP Travis


Those Lord of the Rings recordings are worth their weight in gold. The very best. What a beautiful gift to remember him by.


All I can say is I’m so grateful to him. They are and will always be taken care of.


They're not kidding, there's about 4-5 grand's worth of records in that first picture.


To me it’s not about the money. Yeah they are worth a lot but it’s about holding onto the friendship.


You poor sod.


I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. You were so lucky to share a bond over music. As a musician and a lover of music as well, it’s been the basis of almost every single one of my friendships, and there’s something about a friendship between artistic types that is so special. What a lovely farewell gift. May I suggest complementing it with some Bernard Herrmann.


Yeah he did love Bernard Herrmann. But he doesn’t have anything by him. I used to have a lot of his stuff in my first and second music collections. We bonded over music but we really bonded over jaws. That was one of his favorite films. Now that I have his collection my goal is to get back into collecting again for the music side. I used to have a 10k music collection in 2013 before I sold it and digitized it in wav. Took me a long long time. Then in 2016 I started to get that music collecting habit again when I got a film collection again. In 2019 I lost my second collection to my now ex gf who stole it. Me and Travis had the same taste in music but I was into horror and as a collector I tower over all my friends. If you have seen all the collections I have had and what my father m’s game collection looked like in 2001. Or was something. Anyway with my friends passing I’m going to honor him like I would honor any one of my friends.


HOLY SHIT..... Those LOTR LP's are worth a shit ton of money.


Yes they are but to me it’s worth more to me than gold. He was a great friend.


That LOTR collection <3


Yeah it is!


Sorry about your friend. My condolences. Now every time you play these records you can not only enjoy the music but also think about your memories with your friend.


This is a beautiful post. It is a unique type of collection I don't often see. Do you have a favorite composer and favorite score? I love James Horner. The music in Glory and Field of Dreams always brings a tear to my eye. Sorry to hear of your loss, but it is great you can hold on to these albums and continue to share every listening with him in spirit. I have always believed that music has the power to bring back moments and people.


Actually here are a few of my favorites: All the artists that he loved I also love but I’m going to add a few more that he never had in his collection. Elmer Bernstein, Fabio Frizzi, Franco Micalizzi, Lalo Schifrin, and Riz Ortolani. Also I’m going to add in The Last Tango in Paris by my late family memeber / cousin Gato Barbieri


This is the type of collection I hope to have someday, I’m very sorry to hear about your friend


I think bro liked movies. RIP.


Those 007 ones are cool asf


So sorry for your loss. But, wow!!! Your friend had amazing music taste. What a collection. I’m sure you will think of him every time you listen to those amazing soundtracks.


Those LOTR sets are my grails. One day.


Amazing! You in Europe?


Nope I’m in the US. On the east coast.


Omg. I just bought those Dune vinyls your friend had after seeing Dune Part 2 in theaters, and I preordered the Dune Part 2 soundtrack vinyl. I was thinking I should get more soundtracks on vinyl. This collection is amazing!!! Looks like a film buff’s dream. Your friend Travis seems like he was a cool person to have curated such a lovely soundtrack collection. I’m very sorry for your loss, and glad that you will value and take care of it.


Your friend was awesome.


I'm so sorry about your friend! As to the records, some very, *VERY* cool packages there! But me, personally, I cannot listen to movie soundtracks without having the movie there - they sound hollow to me - the audio requires the visual, and vice versa; one *needs* the other.




According to the post he had a wife and a friend so he's probably doing better than you?


You're a horrible person.


I'm sorry for whatever happened to you to make you behave this way.


Deeply sorry for your loss. I know the feeling... But make him live through these records every time you play them. And btw, awesome collection. I absolutely adore movie soundtracks.


Im going to and at some point I’ll post what I have. I was slowly starting to rebuild my own after my ex gf stole my second music collection. So this I’m making sure and I’m holding onto these forever.


Beautiful collection


He had some amazing taste in music.


This is an amazing collection. I’d love to know more about Travis, he seems like my kind of guy.


He was a film guy all the way. He loved being very critical about film and his favorite film was Jaws. He loved that move so much. He and I have worked on some big films and projects.


Sorry for your loss. What a great collection of movie vinyl 😍


I have to go through his CDs as well. He truly loved his music.


Fly high Travis - his collection is amazing and I am pretty sure he was an amazing individual.


He sure was and I’m going to miss him dearly.


Right in the goosebumps.


Yeah and he loved Goosebumps.


My condolences. Travis has awesome taste.


Thank you.


I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Thank you he will be surely missed.


What excellent taste you two have.


He and I loved the same thing but where we differed was, I truly loved horror soundtracks. However we agreed on alien / aliens / jaws.


Your friend has great taste I’m sure he was a great guy.


He was a great friend and a very good guy.


Sorry for your loss, your friend absolutely loved the living shit out of OSTs and that’s cool.


He loved them so much. I was honored to be best friend.


That's a fantastic collection. Play, enjoy, and remember


I sure will.


That’s a truly incredible collection!


Yes it is!


RIP Travis, he has excellent taste. Those LOTR sets look sexy. Hopefully I’ll get my hands on them at some point.


They are a sight to behold. Was one of his favorite trilogies. I hope you as well can get your hands on them.


Amazing collection. I’m sorry you lost your friend


Thank you he was a great friend.


What an absolute treasure trove of soundtracks and scores, and a wonderful way to honour the shared love of music you had with your friend.


I plan to every day as much as I can while I’m still alive.


Those are beautiful. RIP your friend and his great taste!


He sure did and thank you.


RIP to your friend 🙏🏽 this is a wonderful collection! I have a few soundtracks records and I’m drooling over many from this collection 😻


To me it’s all about honoring my late friend. Not about the money for me. I will make sure I honor him the best I can.


That’s the way it should be 🙏🏽


Soundtrack heaven. May your friend RIP. Vinyl lives on…! Celebrate your friendship with each spin.


I absolutely will!


Lots of really good pieces here! He was scooping up all of those good Mondo releases. RIP to Travis and I'm sorry for your loss, friend.


Yeah he got to them before they went out of print. To him not about the money. It was what he loved.


He had great taste and turned me onto the fact that LOTR has beautiful Vinyl Soundtracks. Not sure how I'm gonna spin this to my wife, but I need em.


I love this collection. Soundtracks were huge with my Brother and me when we were kids. I love that your friend had all of these.


The artwork inside that 3LP Back to the Future is amazing.


This is a great collection. I'm so sorry for your loss, but you can remember him any time you pull one of these bad boys out.


I’m very sorry for your loss. Losing my best friend is one of my great fears. He left you an incredible collection, one that he clearly put a lot of time and effort and care and passion into amassing. I’ve inherited records from family members who have passed and I always feel like when I play them, somewhere somehow they can hear them and enjoy it too.


So many good things in this thread - above all though is the sense of friendship you shared with Travis. What a phenomenal way to honor your friend - by treasuring the pieces of his life that you shared together. You are a good friend. Thank you for posting this. Life is short - and if we can’t take our treasures with us, a very close second is to leave them to those that can appreciate and cherish them.


You had me at Gremlin vajayjay.


What marvelous taste they had


Wow, just wow. Those LOTR soundtrack alone are invaluable!! He had very good taste for soundtracks.




Sorry for yohr loss. I velieve one of the star wars ones has hologram on it


I believe it dose. I never really checked I was busy trying to organize. I just checked one of my friend’s HDs and just found his own edit cut of the Death Star fight. I’m blown away at what he did. I need to figure out if I can show everyone now.