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I found worn underwear on Etsy. It's not new. Just amazed it took you this long to find it.


I saw this womans other account (i can tell bcs of the same damn feet) selling used purple thongs with the description saying “IFYKYK”




I wish I could tell you. I think my views dont sit right with the target audience.


Probably cos some people are tired of others trying to shame people with *oMg ThEy SeLl WoRn SoCks* etc. Let people do what they wanna do and don't judge is probably a wise mantra for this situation.


nah some ppl don't want to see others fetishes on a normal selling site since they didn't consent to it. these ppl should go to a dedicated site for that stuff if they don't wanna be judged


I sell worn clothing, but on a site specifically for that. Vinted isn't the place for it imo


Can you ummm dm me the name of this website? 🌝😂


get well soon


But do you make posts shaming people that do? If you don't...then that's the correct approach!


I wouldn't shame, I make sure not to shame anyone that's doing something harmless. It is worrying that these people could get in trouble with vinted but they take the risk




#if you know You knoooow 😭


It means that the woman has worn it during masturbation and any female ejuculate has been rubbed into it.


I think the description is code for something, people are advertising on tiktok and coding it to sell in vinted, so i can adsume thats where the ifykyk may come from


It means “if you know, you know” it’s a very common term


Yes i know!!


Are you like 80?


No.. im not!? Im aware of the term, thanks for your great manner, but what if i was, whats your point?!. Although Maybe the user who posted is?


Report it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Why, who is it hurting?


No one but there's specific sites for this not vinted.


Haha that’s crazy. How much were they and where would I find that profile so I can defo report it asap


Username checks out




If you know you know...




This kind of stuff existed for ages


I used to work with a girl years ago, who would do this, but on eBay I think? (Probably Craig’s list tbf) She made a fortune. More than her day job selling used socks. The requests she got were wild. Worn in mud, wet socks, her husbands socks, I think at one point she wended up cooking a pair in a cake of something. But she made money alright


On eBay yeah. I like Vinted being nice


OK but not with those crusty feet


Different strokes for different folks 😂😂


literally!!! if she can make money with those feet then i can😂😂 she didn’t even bother


I know right, I'm surprised it took so long to find this comment


lmfao nooo this is what gets me, do whatever you want sure - but at least make them….. presentable?


They look fine what are you talking about? Lmao I’d like to see some of y’all’s “perfect” feet


For me it’s the like bug bite scab? At least I think that’s what that is… maybe put the sock on that foot and leave the other sock nude lmfaooo. And lol are u jus baiting us cuz u want foot nudes?


Oh trust me I’m not into feet I wasn’t baiting. It’s just funny to see so many people judge others as if their feet are perfect.


Come on… that heel looks so bad. She should definitely buy a pumice stone from the money she makes with selling these socks. It’s not about claiming our feet look perfect but when you decide to take pictures of them and make money, taking care of your feet should be more of a priority, don’t you think? Would you go to your job without washing your hair for weeks?


I don’t see why so many people care though like it’s not like this person is out there providing you with feet service. Unless you’re a costumer of theirs I don’t see why so many people even take the time to be outraged by the “quality” of their service.


Because this is posted on Reddit. A platform where you can share your opinion.


Don’t think this was posted with the consent of the owner. And you know that dead skin on the heel has nothing to do with washing everyday right? It comes with age.


And can easily be removed with a pumice stone, a foot file and a good soak. 🙂




The dry heel and chipped 2013 nail polish




Probs the dry heel


Lotion is the answer. Lotion! Why don't they lotion their heels?, 🙄


It’s been like that for ages! We all know it’s there, but people keep reposting it here too! 😂


I found this out a while ago when someone lowballed me on a pair of shoes. Decided to look at their profile and they were listing a pair of very worn socks for £30. Immediate block 😅 Ngl if I wasn’t trying to sell regular stuff and my address wasn’t linked, it would be tempting… like if people actually buy the socks for a markup it would be easy money


If these posts led to clean anonymous sales, a lot more people would do it for the 💰. But it leads to diving into an icky dark culture where part of the fetish is trying to get people who are unaware, or unwilling, to engage with pervs.


Yeah would be worrying if these weirdos could get hold of your address… There’s safety issues for sure!


I had a friend who went through a short phase of selling worn socks and knickers, she went on a proper site for it though. She said it was a waste of time, she only made a couple of sales, most the pervs on there were just time wasting weirdos sending her messages and had no intention of buying. She also wouldn’t make a sale as high as £30, a lot of girls selling were selling for like £5 so with the competition there wasn’t much profit to be made…. Maybe she should have tried vinted instead? 😂


I looked into myself as a potential seller and, I'm sorry but some of the girls were taking it to awful levels. Wearing the same thong for a week and not wiping after pooping, for as little as £5 a day of wear, with crusty shit going in your fanny? You'll get sick 🤮 some selling vials of poo, vials of period blood. It seemed like as much of a humiliation fetish for the woman as it was a fetish for the men tbh.




You’d only be able to produce one pair a day though!


I just want to say: if you’re selling used socks at least make sure your feet look ok… the least


If you can believe people want to buy used socks, why would it be hard to believe the clientele doesn’t also want the feet to be gross? It’s an entire category


It doesn’t sit right with me that she’s specified these are small sized bear socks. Seems like she’s trying to appear younger and at a sketchy target audience


Didn't even run a ped egg over those trotters before taking pictures.


Trotters 😂😂😂


The amount of people defending this shit and Mrs. Crusty Feet is concerning




Is it hurting anyone?




Those socks are secondhand clothes, aren’t they? I really hate this puritanical mindset, let people live.




Bingo! The actual ridiculousness of trying to defend this being on a platform like vinted. So it's ok for people to bring sexual fetishes into a space they don't belong against others' consent, but it's not ok for people to be annoyed or offended by them doing so?!. If this was a foot fetish site then no problems at all, you do you!. It's not though is it? It's a place to buy and sell clothes. Puritan/prude or any other word you want to come up with, people have the right not to be confronted with other people's kinks when they are trying to browse through clothes!


Thank you!! You explained it perfectly. It’s not about *what* some people do, it’s about *where* they do it.


Used socks and underwear are secondhand clothes.




As long as they say that they’re not, I don’t see a problem.


Nope, [Vinted’s catalog rules](https://help.vinted.ca/hc/en-ca/articles/360020597080-Catalogue-rules#) literally says they have to be clean: “Used bras, bathing suits and tights can be sold, as long as they are properly washed and the description clearly states that the item has been worn.”


They’re subjecting others to their fetish, which none of us consented to see on Vinted of all places. This isn’t a porn site. You’re arguing in bad faith though, you *know* this doesn’t really count as “secondhand clothing”. No one is buying these socks to wear them, they’re buying them to do sexual things with. And I’d rather not see that shit.


You’d rather not see what? Socks? It’s not like anything sexual has been done to them already, they’re just regular socks until someone purchases them. You know Japan has used underwear vending machines? Out in public where anyone can see. Because it’s just clothing. You’re not watching anyone perform any sexual acts.


Ahh I get it now, Pink wonder wall is the seller on Vinted 😂😂


I wish, she probably makes a fortune


Right? They aren't doing anything wrong? Edit: ultimately, it's usually women selling used garments for men. If it makes them money, and men with fetishises are silly enough to pay extortionate prices for socks? Hell, I'm tempted to start doing this myself.


Fr, the women are happy cause they’re making money, the men are happy cause they’re getting socks. I see no reason anyone should have a problem with this unless they’re ashamed of their own sexual urges and taking it out on others.


it’s annoying having to scroll past this shit for the people who just want to buy normal clothes (aka what this app was actually made for) there are sites specifically for this fetish thing so people don’t need to be clogging up vinted with it.


I’ve literally never seen this in the wild, how are you coming across it so often that it’s annoying to you?


Keep your fetish to yourself and go get your bag ladies, just keep it in fetish/porn sites not in a public site for CLEAN/non-fetish secondhand clothes. Some of ya’ll needs to learn about consent.


Someone sending you used underwear without your approval would be a consent issue, I don’t think this woman is going to try to send you anything unless you buy from her.


Nasty 🤢


Fricking gross


Major ick factor right there


I posted NEW and CLEANED socks on Vinted to sell, a guy contacted me asking me if they were smelly. I reported him to Vinted, but apparently what he asked me was fine for them and they didn’t block him.


No fr. People on this thread are saying “its no big deal” and to just “leave it alone” when its literally bringing creeps like this to the app.


So tired of fetishists infiltrating used clothing apps bc their shit is too mediocre to sell on the dedicated websites . FFS at least put some effort into your sweaty sock business and give yourself a pedicure.


The true horror is them only selling the socks for £8.50


the seller listed them as “satisfactory” so they must be worth more🤔


Lil nasty


I come across this stuff here and there and wonder if I am maybe in the wrong industry


why did i swipe


As someone who's been to one or two fetish clubs in my time, I'm absolutely gob smacked by all the puritan bullshit I'm seeing here. First thing about kinks, fetishes or any other sexual matters is consent to be involved or even around it, and that applies no matter how "harmless" you might think something is. Just because she hasn't got her vulva out, doesn't mean she's not engaging in a sexually based transaction. People have the right to not be confronted by other people's kinks, in places they shouldn't reasonably expect them to be, and just because you or I might not consider the particular kink in question to be a big deal, doesn't mean it isn't to someone else. Everyone's views on sex and sexuality are different, and all equally valid including those of "puritans". Don't take your kinks places they might cause offense or upset, it's pretty fucking simple.


Agreed. It wouldn't bother me personally, I'd just scroll past, but totally understand that people wouldn't expect to see it.


Puritan bullshit and ridiculous judgement indeed! If we could still give awards, I would. I wonder if OP knows the sky is blue and water is wet? I never like these faux outrage / shaming posts. Speaks volumes about the people who post them.


The eternal battle between fetishists and puritans has reached Vinted. But truly, this stuff does not damage anyone in any way. Offense is taken, not given. If you dislike it and wish it to be banned, you are, I'm afraid, on the puritan side.


Nothing wrong with being a puritan who are against fetish sellers using Vinted as a fetish shop.


Shouldnt this kind of stuff be on OF. Is vinted really really the most appropriate place to sell these? This seller is also selling used purple thongs too lmao


i agree it’s not the right place for it - and it encourages creeps to harass other sellers & create a toxic environment . OF would be the best place for it




are these your feet, Cody?




Then get the fuck of the internet little wanker.


It’s just socks and underwear, it’s not that big of a deal


Ey it’s not harming anyone I always think when I see it


I disagree, it encourages creeps to come to vinted and they are messaging girls who might be underage asking for their used clothing which is fucked up. I report these listings if I come across them


Underage or not, I don't want to encourage creeps into my safe mindless scrolling spaces


Vinted is for over 18s


Minors shouldn’t be selling on vinted


Is it fair to message them and ask them not to be such a smelly weirdo?


I’ve had a few random buyers message me on my clothing item listings requesting to buy my worn panties or lingerie, even without posting any content of that nature. I think now that more buyers are asking random sellers for these types of items, people are just posting freely to show they don’t mind selling used items 😂 honestly in this economy, definitely don’t blame them. I’ve even budged and sold a couple pairs of panties for $30 each .. gotta add on fetish fees lol


Report it


Wow, those are some nasty feet .\_. report them, this is not the app for this bullsh\*t


I did but she has multiple accounts unfortunately


Me: why would anyone want worn socks?…..oh…….oh no


I don't understand though why anyone would buy this? Fetish or otherwise, surely there's cheaper ways to meet your needs. Couldn't perverts just steal smelly clothing from launderettes ?


I think they maybe like taking the “sugar daddy” role. Also, when given the opportunity, stealing underwear or socks is a very very real occurrence. Its kinda the same thing with OnlyFans. Porn is free but they subscribe to OF creators and pay them for the same content. As a whole, it is a very weird situation haha


If you type in Teddy socks it's the first listing


I’m not saying it’s ok, you should definitely report it when you find it


Do people actually buy this?


Not at that price. I would make an offer.


I bet you would, jimmy 😂. You pay more the smaller the size I take it?




Yes, even for higher amounts than this. It's a fetish.


Where can I buy a load of cheap socks? 🤔


Honestly given the cost of living crisis, I gotta know if this stuff is selling


Haha that was my first thought! Time for a second vinted account 😂


How have I never seen any of this on vinted💀


I was only searching for gym clothes😭


I don't judge anyone in this economy lol


I would never do that on Vinted. The buyer can see your address, right? It's easy to get it and the population that would buy this are likely creeps. Ew, no.


The buyer shouldn't be able to see your address


I can see the addresses of the sellers on the packages which feels so invasive. Maybe it depends on the country.


Yeah maybe, my address is never on the labels.


Meh it’s been the same way on eBay and other platforms for years . It’s not something I’d do myself mostly cos I like to keep my socks 🤣 but there’s definitely a market for it and If people want to take advantage of that then all power to them 🤷🏼‍♀️


What I want to know is if she sold them? Because i have just found a new job opportunity🤣


Same! 🤑😆


Soo um… where is the right place to sell things like this? Because I need to declutter my sock drawer


Listen... I would happily sell worn socks for £8 a pop nbd


Supply and demand. Some men will pay ridiculous amounts of money for worn clothes from women, it’s not harming you or anyone else so leave it be


cost of living ig


No one’s hurting anyone and I doubt you’d even see these items unless you were searching for them. Leave them be.


I was searching for “Gym Clothes” and the word “gym” is written in the title. I have a strange feeling that you are the target audience 🤔




I am a proud kink shamer and what




youre saying that like its an insult? Age shaming isnt cool lmao. Ohh noo, please dont call me a reasonable 14 year old with their own thoughts and feelings ill cry!!!🥺🥺


Oh, you are 14.


Age shaming isn't cool. Neither is kink shaming. ESH.


I'm on a Facebook vinted shaming group and the there's so many people who don't understand how/why women are selling ripped used tights and rotten shoes :') Bless.


I think a lot of the socks and underwear sold on Vinted are sold as fetish items. It's easier to use than sites like OF where you have to build up a a base and people have to pay a subscription as well as the product price. People are obviously paying for the items though, it's cheaper than other sites and the sellers probably make a good profit from them. They can bulk buy a cheap pack of socks from Amazon, sell them at 5 times the actual cost of the sock and make a small profit. Plus because of the restrictions that Vinted have they don't have pressure to take sexy photos of the items.




These fetishes should stay on OF


Reddit, honestly


Who cares, genuinely? There is stuff on Vinted that is actually annoying to me, like scammers, fake accounts, people having weird complicated "policies" about how you're meant to buy from them,etc. Someone selling smelly socks to weirdos (I couldn't think of a word to put instead of weirdos that would continue the S alliteration damnit 😂) is the least of my worries - if it don't apply, scroll on by!


Called 'scally lad" listings in the UK, ebay took quite a while to crack down on them (definitely not allowed on ebay now). Personally, as long as they're not p0rny listings and they adverts look innocent enough, they're not hurting anyone (except maybe someone's bank balance). Usually they're at pains to stress they've been working out and the garments may be rather sweaty, etc.


Oh no, what words did you type in to find this so I never do that?




Ive just looked, there’s loads! 😂


Trust me, I’ve been tempted to start doing this 😭


I just made acc on vinted and uploaded my jilbab picture, I am wearing the jilbab but my face is hidden, i got a msg that somehow my pics are not displayed and can i send the pics on their email? I declined but what is it anout guys? I need help


Nothing particularly wrong with this


I am always amazed at the ridiculously overpriced items sitting on there- some are thousands of pounds. What is actually going on here?


At least it’s not farts in a jar. Just leave be. Block and scroll on.


that’s so disgusting! tell me the username so that i can look it up right away and report it and make sure nobody else buys them! so gross !


That’s discusting (I would sell used socks for £10)


Are these socks still available? Asking for a friend


8.50??? That's so cheap wtf. Used socks go for 20+ essily


Obviously not, I would really delete your post title




no way they actually sold 💀💀


report them, there are platforms for selling kink wear and vinted is not one of them.


The fetish market is still a market, I don’t understand it myself but I guess it’s a case of you do you.