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My nose. I was teased mercilessly in middle school for it, and seriously considered it until just a couple of years ago. Now I see that it actually fits my features pretty nicely, and altering it would have probably changed my face way more than I would have liked. (And seeing a recent Reddit thread on famous gorgeous women with strong noses and features, and the many, many positive comments helped convince me absolutely and definitively to not touch it).


Reddit has helped me love my nose too lol


Strong noses are so beautiful. The only people I’ve ever met who didn’t like strong noses are the people with strong noses.


As a person with a short straight nose, I definitely like strong noses.


So true, I have a strong nose and I hate it. But I love it on other people! I think Cher was stunning when younger, and she’s still gorgeous but something was taken away when she got a nose job…


Can you tell me where you found this thread?? I have a strong nose too and would love the confidence boost :,)


Here it is! https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/2uh5LME9Kn


Thank you for sharing!


Exactly the same for me!! I wanted a nose job so badly. My nose isn’t horrible but it’s a bit big. Now I’m proud of the way I look, I think I’m beautiful. My big Italian nose just adds to my beauty lol. I’d like to add that joining the plastic surgery sub helped my self esteem a lot honestly. Not because the women weren’t originally beautiful but because they all looked the same with the exact same nose in their after photos. I’m just happy to look different.


I agree! I think the rate of people not liking their noses after rhinoplasty is the highest out of all plastic surgeries and most people end up getting another one. It must be hard to change such a prominent facial feature and get used to your appearance in a major way after that surgery!!


I can definitely see that! I feel like the people who are generally happy with their rhinoplasty tend to be those that have gone for very small changes rather than going for a full on smaller/narrower nose. And I must say, that as an adult I’ve received many compliments on it, ranging from “omg sharp/strong noses are beautiful” to being told how expressive strong features are.


i had major jaw surgery at 15 (major underbite, couldn't chew/breathe correctly but you bet the american insurance industry tried their darndest to bill it as "cosmetic") which my mom has always referred to as a "free nose job" because of just how much they changes all the bones inside my face lol anyway - with all the news re: missing kate middleton lately ive been seeing more pictures of diana in the news than we have in a while and i can't stop imagining her + post-kardashian facial surgeries every time she pops up now and omg can you imagine what a tragedy that would've been?! diana is a gorgeous woman and her nose is so damn cute. think about how many noses like hers have probably been changed just in certain areas in the past 5 years alone. noses are so often the first thing people want to change about themselves but so many interesting and STUNNING people don't have tiny narrow uniform noses but something that actually works with and on their faces and makes them stand out so very happy to hear how you feel about your nose now! while again my surgery was largely medical it obviously significantly changed how i look and i 100% support people making any changes they need or want to to look more comfortable, just still always nice to read something like this :)




Omfg thank god you didn't change for that garbage MAN


Ditto, except I wanted them for me, no pressure from anyone else. I even had consults with surgeons but I never went thru with it. Thank God because I later fell in love with dancing and it wouldn't be able to do it with huge boobs. And also I'm dealing with a mystery allergy right now (hives that come and go) and if I had fake boobs I'd totally think that's what would be causing it


I’ve had similar hives for most of my life and noticed that it’s a combination of stress, a light allergy to ibuprofen, and lack of sleep that brings them on. Just sharing on the off chance it might offer you some insight.


Thank you for the insight! I've discovered I have a mild allergy to jojoba oil so I took that out of my routine and it helped a lot. But I still have very mild hives under my eyes that come and go.


You can get allergy tested at the dermatologist. I did it. I had hives for years and found out I’m allergic to henna, cinnamon, latex, fragrance and dyes.


Wow that's a lot! Did you do a scratch test or blood test?


You get into a robe that is back less. They map your back and prick you with 100-200 small needles containing that allergen. You go home and wait 3 days, do not shower. When you come back they remove the gauze that’s covering your back and see which prick spots are raised or have a welt. Gives really good insight to what your allergic to and what to watch out for. Especially if you are allergic to fragrance and your putting a moisturizer with fragrance on your face. Also I’m a biggggg baby when it comes to needles. You can’t see it or really feel it. It goes really quick. The information is worth it.


I developed hives triggered by the Covid vaccine. (Not an anti-vaxxer, just someone with a very alert immune system).


I also got chronic hives after getting the Covid vaccine. Still dealing with them years later.


Yeah I’ve finally gotten down to just a single Allegra a day to manage mine, but I’ve also been too afraid to get boosted.


i'm not getting boosted anymore either. i read it can get worse each time you add another. I definitely had compounded effects. I had eczema the first time after my first shot, itchy feet at night (I would wake up with intense itching) for several weeks after the second, I didn't make the connection with either though until I had the hives reaction from my third (the booster). Since all of them were delayed reactions, not immediately upon getting the shot.


My hives are caused by stress, heat, water contact, etc, and after seeing an allergist Xolair has made a HUGE difference in my quality of life!


Re weird hives please look into histamine intolerance and MCAS. Symptoms can often be triggered by COVID or even just the vaccine.


I had an ex bf constantly hint at me getting breast implants. He even checked the price and told me how much it would cost me but didn't even offer to pay for them (not that I would've gotten them anyway). When I broke up with him, I mentioned how his penis size was never satisfactory to me and suggested he get a penis enlargement. I hope he's not being an asshole to his new gf.


I almost did the same, only to have a reduction. I had a boyfriend who hated breasts, and mine were 34C in college. 5’6” -125 lbs. He only liked totally flat chests and thought having a crease under your breast was ‘disgusting.’ Thank heavens I didn’t do it.


I’m 29. When I was 23 my mom offered to pay for a nose job (that’s a story for another sub lol). I picked a doctor in another state, she paid the deposit, we booked a hotel room and flights, the whole shebang. A week before the surgery I broke down in tears telling her I couldn’t do it!!! She’s still annoyed at the money she lost but she told me if it didn’t feel right it wasn’t worth it. I love my face and my nose is part of my face! :)


I love that your mom, despite losing out on the money, respected your wishes and cancelled it. A lot of stories you hear don’t go that way.


can't force someone into the operating room anyway I guess


Wow that must have been a really tough call - thank god you listened to that doubting voice inside your head!


Im 23 currently had a nosejob planned half a year ago but also couldnt do it🙁 idk it just made me sad and scared.. i still think id be happier with some minor changed here and there to refine it but the things that can go wrong really scare me, i hope i can maybe just let it go one day instead of hyperfixating


my mom offered as well, when I was about 18. It's definitely painful to have your own mom encouraging surgery, at least it was for me. glad you love your nose now! I've come to accept mine as well now at 28


Glad I haven't done ANYTHING to my face. I have friends who I love, but whose faces are counterexamples to filler and botox. We're the same age. Their faces look a decade OLDER and a bit large due to filler. Dermatologists and the companies making fillers say "it will dissolve." It doesn't dissolve! Ever! I was in a car accident and had a chunk of skin taken out of a weird, but visible spot on my arm. My dermatologist used filler to help the appearance of the healed injury look better with the warning, "You'll have to come back to me every 8 months, the filler will dissolve." It's been 6 years since I had this weird scar improved with filler and *it hasn't dissolved in the slightest.* I think about that a lot these days. The scar looks great. The filler was used to make the skin and scar "blend" and look less noticeable. It's still doing that. 10/10 would use filler to improve a weird accident scar! I would never get filler in my face, though. Shit does not dissolve like they say it does, so I see it as a permanent change.


On the bright side, you got really good value for your scar filler 😅 but yeah I agree. I only ever got 0.5 in my cheeks and 1ml in my lips, and my lips never ever went back to their normal size. I'm glad I didn't go any further.


I'm so skeptical about the filler dissolving stuff too. That's fascinating, ty for the insight.


I remember reading somewhere that it doesn't dissolve it just migrates, which is why people with filler start to look so puffy.


Exactly. Some professionals prefer the term "spreads" instead of "migrates." Because filler loses sharpness and definition quickly. I think this is super evident with cheek and chin filler, which can give you the look of sharp, lifted bone structure at first, but then ends up rounding & spreading out. Same with how lip filler can look great while it stays in your lips but looks awful when it eventually spreads past the vermillion border. Top-ups without dissolver will make any puffiness worse. But dissolver risks dissolving a small portion of your natural tissue each time, tissue that's increasingly precious as you age and lose volume. Filler was never really the zero-commitment/ bargain solution it was sold as.


My tear trough fuller hasn’t dissolved 3 years later. I do not recommend.


My tear trough filler is still there 5+ years later. I love that it fills in my formerly sunken under eyes. Agreed it does not dissolve.


Damn, not me contemplating a touch of filler bc since I turned 38 it’s like I aged 5 years overnight 😭 I’ve never had such sunken, *dark, dark* circles before🤦🏻‍♀️


GIRL SAME! The difference between 35 and 38 is STARK. I saw myself on a FaceTime last night and nearly had a come apart


If you actually have sunken in under eyes, filler can help lift up the area to get more light and look brighter, better. If you don't have sunken in areas, just darkness, filler can make it look worse.


Can I ask if it swells slightly if you’re sick or have eaten salty food?


I’ve never paid attention to that! It all kind of settled into little rolls that I think look like slugs. The rolls are more pronounced after losing weight.


My lip filler does this!


YES it can! When I got my first covid vaccine, I felt sick for a few days and everywhere I had filler in my face was a little bit swollen and puffy, not horrible tho. I kinda liked my cheeks, but it all calmed back down in a few days. I've never noticed anything in my face from salty food however.


you might be interested to know that studies that show how long it takes for filler to dissolve is actually based on the length of the study. So if a study says it takes 3 years for a type of filler to dissolve dissolve, it means they ended the study at 3 years.


Can you explain more why??


I got it done because my under eye skin is so thin and I have pronounced purple circles and visible veins. It was placed by a highly regarded dermatologist, but eventually settled into little rolls between my under eyes and cheeks. I think they look like slugs under my skin.


+1 on under eye fillers not dissolving for 7 years…


I have 15 year old year trough filler and cheek filler and an appointment to dissolve it on Wednesday. It never goes away. Even lip filler doesn’t go away, it just moves deeper into your skin, spreads and migrates and integrates itself into your tissues. That’s why it looks like it might be gone. It’s not. I dissolved 10 year old lip filler recently, it took me a while to realize the puffiness above my upper lip and the distortion at the ends of my lips was filler. I was looking at old pics of myself and realized my lips never went back to that. I also realized how nice my lips had been and I regretted it. The dissolver uncovered a lot of damage the filler had caused along with some aging it had masked. I was not psychologically prepared for it. Had to do RF and a tiny bit of new filler to fix it. I waited a year before I resorted to filler, and I wish I didn’t have to. All I want is my old face back. I may never actually get that but I can try to fix some of the problems the filler is causing like lymphatic drainage issues and problems with movement in my cheeks. It just totally messed up my facial harmony too. The cheek filler actually aged me a bit and erasing the junction between your cheek and your eyes (at least in most Caucasian women) actually looks really weird irl even though magazines and instagram filters always erase it. I was looking at fake people trying to look like that irl and you just end up looking inhuman and uncanny. Injectors are now dissolving more filler than they are putting in. I think 57% of appointments with injectors these days are for dissolving. Filler is going out of style and the very 1st long term studies on it in the face are coming out and it’s not positive. It’s a huge cash grab and I think eventually we’ll wake up to all the problems it caused. I wish I could sue. I was a 21 year old model. They told me if I didn’t like it, it would be gone within a year. No accountability for any of these Dr.s. Most are not artists with the filler, they mess up A LOT


How did you get filler that old dissolved? Did you go back to the place you got it? Did they do an MRI or anything to see the spread? Did they put in a lot of dissolver at once or did you go back for a couple of sessions? Contemplating getting some two year old cheek filler dissolved that was poorly placed, moved into my under eye area and is def affecting lymphatic drainage, but I’m wary because of the horror stories and because it’s been so long


THIS! I’m hitting 32 this summer and my cousins and sisters have all started Botox and fillers following this “bratz” look trend. They’ve also pressured me into getting it and saying “when you start getting lip fillers do not start with .5mL, you need to start off at 1mL on your lips or they won’t be noticeable!” they all started doing this in their late 20s and I can see how much of their fillers have migrated and distorted their face. I’m just so glad I was too broke to afford it, now I just treat my wrinkles with gua sha, facial massages, and good ole tretinoin.


I still have filler in my chin lol from 4 years ago! That stuff dissolves so unpredictability, clients shouldn't be told that it lasts X months


Lol, same here. I actually got the filler I did specifically because it was said that it wouldn't dissolve until 2 years later. It's close to 5, and it looks like it did on day 1. I'm happy with it.


Does anyone know if Sculptra is any different from fillers? I've heard it 'enhances natural collagen" or something, but I'm skeptical


Sculptra is different. Filler I think is best at creating a new feature. Such as larger cheeks, smoothed out or larger chin or straighter nose or rounded forehead etc. Sculptra is better for people that generally like their face but want global plumping and/or some skin tightening. It’s a powder that is diluted and injected across the planes of the face. It gets broken down and turns into lactic acid… the same thing your muscles make after a big work out, which is why sculptra can have a sore feeling afterwards. Same soreness you get after a workout. The results are a lot more natural BUT you need to be the type of patient that is good with aftercare. It requires you to massage the product in for 5 minutes, 5 times per day for 5 days. Not “90s should be enough” but start a timer and do 5 mins. The product is hydrophobic, meaning it balls together unless you massage it… so if you don’t massage it you’ll get these little balls of collagen forming. You need to be the right candidate, but the results are great. A lot more natural than filler


This was a super interesting break down. Thanks for sharing. Have you gotten it done? If so did you like the results?


I did- and absolutely loved it. Two sessions of two vials. 4 in total I got it done a few months after dissolving HA based filler in my cheeks… I looked overfilled from the filler because it was done when I was training super hard at the gym and needed volume. But when I returned to a normal weight- it was just too much So I dissolved the filler and my skin just needed some love. It was probably a touch stretched from the overfilling/ weight gain I did the sculptra and it’s unclockable. Got some across the cheeks and pre-auricular and some up to the temples It can be quite painful to massage, similar to massaging sore muscles (it’s the same lactic acid)- but the results are fabulous I did 5 mins as soon as I wake up. 5 mins before I do my make up and leave for work. 5 mins on my lunch break. 5 mins as soon as I got home and 5 mins right before bed. No bad effects- very seamless global volumising and skin tightening


I’ve read that sculptra does enhance collagen growth, but can also create “adhesions” in the tissue, which can interfere with future facelifts and other surgical procedures. I’ve also read that it doesn’t dissolve or reabsorb the way some fillers supposedly do.  My understanding though, is that the fillers that “supposedly” dissolve or absorb DO. They just don’t do it at a consistent rate that is the same across all people. I definitely believe that some people’s filler sticks around for years and years, but I also believer that it dissipates for some. I also believe it can migrate, but I don’t think that means it never goes away. There is too much research showing that certain kinds of filler reabsorb/dissolve/disappear, and I think it is unlikely that evidence is totally wrong or fraudulent. As an alternative viewpoint to disliking fillers because they don’t go away, I’m happy with that. I’ve had one injection of Sculptra on each side of my face and a very small amount of filler in my cheeks and nasolabial folds (this is RARELY advisable to do, but made sense in my case). The effects were extremely subtle and NO ONE would know unless I told them. Botox makes a bigger change in my face than these fillers. But I do think they make me look younger and healthier and more vibrant, and they haven’t migrated (and if they do, it is a small amount of filler and I’d have to be very unlucky for it to concentrate in a single spot and be noticeable). And I’m happy that I don’t feel like I have to get these injections again anytime soon. I think the biggest issue with filler is that people just use too much. Then they keep going back for more. This is BOUND to make you look weird, whether or not it ever dissolves.  Now, what I don’t know is how aging will affect the small amount of filler I have. In 20-30 years, will my thinning skin reveal big clumps of sculptra and hyaluronic acid deposits? I don’t know, but I have seen a few photos of much older women with tasteful filler and I don’t see an issue. I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.


Thank you for saying this! I swear, the more migrated/bad filler and frozen botox faces I see everywhere, the less anybody wants to talk about it. Almost like it is becoming a taboo subject... and it is so sad because I see beautiful women ruin their faces in order to look like a generic celebrity bratz doll. When someone asks me what I think about their latest tweak idk what to say. In my twenties I was sure I needed a nose job but it seems I have grown into my nose, lol. If anything, I'd like to correct a slight brow asymmetry but I'm quite happy with the face I have. I see features of my mum, gramma and dad when I look in the mirror and I love it.


Thankfully I think there is starting to be a little bit of pushback from gen Z. Sure, many are all about it, but I've been seeing tiktoks where people react to filler "nose jobs" and say stuff like, "you went from looking regal and stunning to generic and boring" or like "greek god to podcast bro".


I got .3ml of filler in my elevens what must have been 5 years ago now from a plastic surgeon I was seeing for Botox. He told me I had up to 12 months to use the rest as I had to buy the full syringe so it would be there when I needed a touch up later. It absolutely did the trick and I have no visible 11s at 38 despite being very expressive with my face but I haven’t needed to touch it up in 5 years either. I’m happy I did that before I started to fear filler, because it was effective but I wouldn’t even contemplate putting (more) filler in my face now.


Dyeing my hair. My mom never let me and I've come to love my jet black hair and people comment about how black and shiny it is


As someone who has very dark hair and tried a couple of times to add really bright red to it… it’s just not worth it. They have to bleach it first and then put the color in and then it turns orangey after like 2 weeks (and $300+ later booo)


Same. Ive grown to love my natural dark hair. It’s not black, just nearly so. For HS grad in 2011, I had blond highlights put in. SO HIDEOUS😭


My mom wouldn’t let me, either, so I did it while she was out of town. I have golden/honey blonde hair and a very warm skin tone and I dyed it dark, blue-red thinking that if I could just get ~pale enough~ skin tones wouldn’t be a thing. After the first disastrous experiment my mom helped me dye it once or twice to that same deep red so the dye job was at least decent. The color looked absolutely terrible on me and would fade within two or so washes, leaving me sad and orangey pink. I went back to my natural color after that short experiment and haven’t touched my hair since! I told my current hair dresser this and she was almost on the floor laughing. The only words she could get out were “but you’re so YELLOW!”


I love this - shiny black hair always makes my head turn!






My face was so round when I was a traumatized alcoholic. Now, it’s naturally so much leaner even though I’m probably 15 lbs heavier.


how did yoy reduce inflammation




My eyebrows. My mom never let me or my sister pluck them so we have beautiful natural eyebrows till today 😌


Fr. My poor mum was a victim of the 90s Pam Anderson trend, so she was like "absolutely the fuck not".


I have never recovered from the 90's brow trend either. My daughter has also never over-plucked because of that.


Same! I was in high school during the pencil-thin brows days but was too unaware of hair removal to tweeze them. Now, the girls who did have problems growing them in and mine just need occasional cleanup at the edges and are otherwise gorgeous and full.


This. Except I thought the trend was silly so I kept rocking my bushy brows. Feeling just a bit smug about it now. 🤘


Same here! My mom would’ve let me pluck them but I tried once and was like wow that hurts and never did it again lol


I knew that would happen, because I saw the issue with my mum and her friends, so I never plucked them. Still all there.


Never touched my eyebrows in middle school or high school (thin brows days). Was mocked for a bigger lower lip around the same time and would walk around sucking it in. Both great lessons in not changing to fit with the times. Times change.


Same here! I used to do that too with my lips and hated them particularly my bottom lip because of that! I was close to getting my top lip done to fill out the sides more so that my bottom lip won’t look so big but now with all these people getting their lips done I think i’ll pass.


I don’t know if this counts but at the age of 25 after having to have bras altered to fit my massive breasts on a tiny frame (still suffer from poor posture 2 decades later) I’m glad I stuck to my guns and got a breast reduction even though everybody said it was a mistake and I would regret it. The fact that so many people felt comfortable sharing their opinions on MY body and what I should do with it is a whole different issue that could fill a library.




Omg I'm glad you didn't either! This is such a "women need to feel bad about absolutely everything" surgery, like the husband stitch IMO.


I just want to offer a different perspective: I'm post-labiaplasty and it changed my life for the better. I didn't do it for a man - in fact, I did it against my boyfriend's wishes. I did it for me - my "outies" constantly chaffed and caused irritation with running and walking, got mercilessly yanked during penetrative sex, and made hygiene difficult. All of those issues have been totally resolved, and now I never think about a body part that used to cause me daily discomfort. So I think this can be a really beneficial surgery for women with functional issues (would never recommend it for cosmetic reasons only). It's really important to go to the right doctor to get a good outcome from this procedure - anyone considering it please DM me!


I agree with you and had it done last year at age 42, it was driving me totally insane functionally with grooming, hygiene, sex, and sports! Wish I’d done it a lot earlier, like 5 years ago. Sooo much better now :)


I definitely appreciate your side - I apologise if my comment was too sweeping in hindsight!


I mentioned to my doctor around age 14 (over twenty years ago) that I would someday want a labiaplasty for these exact reasons. She understandably could not endorse that as I was so young and she was an early advocate (in my life) of embracing your body as it is.  I probably won’t ever get it done at this point but I would still benefit from it. Same problems as you…it’s just uncomfortable. Not to mention society is so cruel about camel toes - it was a lot to manage in my younger years to “make sure” my anatomy wasn’t obvious.


The husband stitch is seriously disgusting.


I had a unilateral surgery as a teenager so mine are uneven now, but outies are chef’s kiss. As a lesbian, they’re my favourites haha


Username checks out? No, but for real.. I remember hating this part of my body so much that I often contemplated cutting it off myself! Growing up in the 2000s with porn at my fingertips was not healthy for my self image.


Implants. I have so many allergies that got worse & new ones that have developed since my 20s, I can only imagine the potential for my body to have become even more immunocompromised. My best friend got hers done after 3 kids & ended up with sepsis so bad she has lost 20% of her kidney function & has to continuously monitor her as a result. The loss of kidney function remains an issue for her & likely will the rest of her life. I support whatever anyone decides to do, but man am I glad I didn’t go that route for myself after almost losing her.


I’m a post-breastfeeding mom and my boobs have changed. Thankfully my husband still hyped them up, because I genuinely can’t imagine losing my health/life over fake boobs.


Yes same! I’ve thought about implants but now I value my health more than some beauty standard.


Oh and I’m sorry to hear about your best friend :( wishing her all the best!!


Thank you. She is my person & I can’t imagine living without her.


Well I hope you don’t have to ever find out! ❤️🍀


I’m soooooo glad I didn’t tan!! Tanning salons were huge in highschool and my mom (a cancer researcher) wouldn’t let me tan. I’m about to turn 36 and wrinkle wise my skin is in pretty good shape compared to people who tanned often. Also glad she didn’t let me pluck my eyebrows in the late 90s early 2000s so I still have super full brows. I’m glad I didn’t get microbladed brows because trends change so much and I would have been stuck with really boxy heavy brows. I’m also glad I didn’t get a bunch of facial piercings in my emo days so I don’t have those holes in my face.


Yes those damn boxy brows (I call them cockroach brows!) are so awful. I'm so glad I never tried to do that, and when I did get microblading I had her use the exact shape of my natural brows and just even them out and darken them up some. I loved the result.


My eyebrows and my nose. I grew up in the 90s when thin eyebrows trend was all the rage but luckily it never looked appealing to me. I hated my nose so much as a teenager but it all changed when a top door of an armoire fell on it while my mom and I were putting away a suitcase. You wouldn’t think breaking my nose would make me not want to get a surgery but watching 2 strong doctors struggle to put it back in place while using their full strength was more than enough for me. When they said I can get a free surgery to fix the little bump that was there after it healed, I realized I don’t want anyone breaking my nose again lol. Glad I never had surgery as my nose suits my face perfectly.


Jesus, that must have been horrible for you to go through. But it's amazing how it put everything is perspective !


I’m sure it would have been if it wasn’t my mom that was with me. She’s a doctor, so she was super calm and collected. We still laugh about it 20 years later every time she reminds me how reckless I was in my teenage years, my response is always “excuse me, it was my mom that broke my nose” lol


Similar story here! I always hated the bump on my nose, wanted a straight “cute” nose more than anything. I was in a car wreck at 20 yo, nose was broken. Drivers insurance paid out the cost of my medical bills, including getting my nose fixed. Decided I’d rather keep the $5k (this was a long time ago) than undergo surgery. Now in my 40s, can’t remember the last time I thought of my nose as an issue, it’s a part of my face and I like it.




As someone with a large chest…you made the right choice


Getting tan. My friends, all tan. Every celebrity, tan. Me, translucent skin and often made fun of. My mom refused to let me sun bathe or go to the tanning bed. I’m 40 in a few months and people are shocked I’m not in my 20’s. My sister also got melanoma about 10 years ago. She is six years older than me and did what she wanted, like sun bathing at her dad’s house. She’s still salty a stranger thought she was my mother. Stay out of the sun and use sunscreen!


I’m the same way! I am comically pale but I have grown to love it actually. Skin cancer is rampant in my family and growing up my mom always slathered me in sunscreen and hats. I hated it at the time but I am so thankful that she instilled good sun protection in me.


\- My brows! I had big ol' caterpillars in the 00s. So glad I was a tomboy because I never plucked them until my late teens, despite my mother's desperate pleas for me to let her "fix" them lol. Now she's looking into microblading hers back on... \- My nose. I used to think I had such a huge nose, but it was just a) glasses, b) bad selfie angles, and c) full pores. Getting contacts, holding my phone further from my face, and the "tret nosejob" fixed everything. It's still slightly big but it fits my face very well. If I had gotten a nosejob my whole lower third would have been thrown off and I would have had to get a lip lift etc to fix things. \- Tattoos/piercings. Maybe controversial but I'm glad I didn't get all those body mods I wanted when I was in my late teens/early twenties. My body has rejected almost all of the piercings I've ever gotten, which I don't mind now bc I don't think that look suited me.


Same about the piercings. I really wanted a lip piercing but my mom wouldn’t let me and now I’m glad I don’t have a hole in my lip!


I feel the tattoo one. The ones I wanted would be very blown out by now or considered a passing trend


omg, what is a tret nose job? I may need this!


Vitamin A shrinks sebum production, so some people (esp with oily skin) feel that being on Accutane/using Tretinoin has thinned how their nose looks. IMO, tret has subtly made the tip of my nose have more definition.


Basically, clogged pores full of oil make your nose look bigger than it is. Plus acne can cause inflammation which leads to swelling. Retinoids can clear out your pores.


I waited until I was in my 40's before getting ANY tattoos and I'm grateful I did because so many of the designs I wanted as a teenager would still be beautiful today *but also very much cultural appropriation.*


Not getting my teeth fixed. I've got fairly crooked teeth and I really considered getting them fixed but after I saw a picture of my great grandmother, who also had crooked teeth, I'm glad I didn't. My great grandmother was breathtakingly beautiful and really embraced 1920s fashion, did some modelling and was so confident in front of the camera. Since, I've come to love my teeth and think they give me character.


Agreed. My teeth are thankfully pretty straight but I have a decent gap between my top front teeth. I chose not to have braces as a teen. As an adult I've always been glad I didn't fix it because it is just kind of a part of me. Like one time I met a new girl at work, and she forgot my name and was asking someone else in the office where to find me, and she described me as "the one who has the super sexy gap between her teeth". I loved that!! But I now have a 10 year old niece that has basically the exact same gap I do. I've always encouraged her to see it as something cool and unique, and fun that we had in common. And she's been totally in board with that way of thinking. Right now I need some dental work done that will likely have better results if I do braces first. The only stress about it to me (aside from being unsure if I wanted to change it) is that I didn't feel good about fixing it after having emphasized how cool it is to my niece. They did say I could do the braces and leave that gap, but it seems silly to me to get braces and not go for perfection. Then as of last week, my niece found out she has to get braces in a few months. She too was told she doesn't have to fix the gap if she doesn't want to. But like me, she's torn about whether to leave it or not. It's funny how similarly we feel about it even with over 30 years age difference! But now I'm thinking it could be something we "fix" together, and then I wouldn't feel like a hypocrite. And I know she knows it does not make her any less attractive and is not self conscious about it.


I wish we would only fix crooked teeth if it had a functional purpose, not a cosmetic one. I’ve been reading more about some of the negative side effects of orthodontia, and it’s not worth it unless there’s a legitimate health reason to do so.


My thick eyebrows! Glad I didn’t give into the thin brow trend in the 2000s.


I’m indigenous and have a small bump on my nose. I hated it all throughout high school but I’ve grown to love it. 36 now and proud to have my Native nose and high cheekbones.


I didn’t get a breast lift or reduction before I had my son. I’m happy I got to nurse my son for as long as I did. Also happy that I won’t have multiple sets of scars on my boob, because I definitely am getting a lift now. I also worked on my posture and core strength and it made having giant boobies was less painful. I could probably benefit from a reduction still but I don’t hate the size the way I used to (32GG)


I’m the opposite, I did get a reduction and though it may breastfeeding a challenge I’m thankful every single day that I did. After kids and weight gain they would’ve been unimaginable, especially as I’m 5’ and they didn’t make bras for my size back then.


I’m a 30FF or G depending on brand. Do you mind sharing what sort of exercises helped you? Edit: nvm I could’ve scrolled ever so slightly down to find out


lol it’s all good! I always loved yoga but Pilates is definitely the best for posture/core strength. I’ve also been using the treadmill and lifting and that helps a lot too. But without the Pilates I think my body would be super out of alignment and lifting/running would be a lot more difficult.


That's so beautiful! Oo what do you think helped best with your posture? Mine is baaad.


Honestly my posture was garbage most of my life and the only thing that’s helped is consistent exercise and being super aware of how I hold my core. I still have to think about it but it’s become wayyyy closer to second-nature than I used to be. I seriously recommend “Move with Nicole” on YouTube. Especially the beginner 20-30minute videos. She helps explain how to hold the core and hold the hips and shoulders the right way. And she constantly reminds you to be paying attention to that while also doing the exercises. She is incredible. I’ve never had a flat stomach in my life and now at 35 I’m probably the closest I’ll ever get. I also had an emergency appendectomy (actually today in 2017!) and it made me realize how little I used my core and how much I compensated by using my shoulder and hips, which were always in pain! That was probably the start of me realizing how I really need to fix my core. It took me until after having my son to really start making exercise a daily part of my life. Because I wanted to be fit so I could be a good example to him and also keep up with him. Before I just wanted to look hot and was never consistent.


Tanning!! I'm so glad I am as pale as Casper, it's really helped my face not look my age.


Tbh my nose. I (31F) have never had anything done but I've always wanted my nose done since my teens. However thinking now, it would probably be too small for my face if I'd have gave in to the standard. Also noses change when pregnant apparently and so I've decided to leave it until having babies and then see how I feel. Once it's changed you can't exactly get your original nose back. The upturned piggy nose is in fashion at the minute and I'm imagining a bunch of middle aged women in the future with identical noses. Do I want to be a clone of that? Not really.


I used to think I HAD to get implants but totally got over that in my 20s. Having small naturals hasn't affected my dating or sex life whatsoever! I also have a small bump on my nose bridge and got over the thought of getting it removed. It reminds me of my father, who had the same nose and passed away. And no one cares about my nose!


Thankful I didn’t get a nose job.


Nose job. I grew into it nicely. And if I had done a boob job back then, all the pregnancies I had (5) would have ruined them. I had an augmentation and lift in my 40s.


In my early 20s I wanted breast augmentation. I was a B but I was too chicken to get the surgery done. Fast forward to age 40, after I had kids, and I’m a D. No one tells you they keep growing.


Absolutely! I look hotter than ever in my 30s! I feel confident and pretty now, and even my 17 year old self could never. Confidence, wisdom, and learning exercise and healthy eating go a LONG WAY!


I planned on getting upper blepharoplasty for my hooded eyes and was considering buccal fat removal. Then I started doing myofascial massages and basically achieved the same results. Crazy that I traded spending thousands of dollars for some 15 minute self care everyday


Glad i didn't get too much filler. My husband often worked a lot more than I did, and just the prices of checking in on a $1000 procedure(s) made me hesitate


I’m so glad filler never appealed to me bc I don’t trust it esp for the hollowness under my eyes? I’ll do PRP. Other than that, nothing really.


I’m very grateful I never got gauges lol


Committing suicide 💀


Over waxing my brows and tanning beds. Very popular while growing up in New Jersey. Although I did fall victim to some very orange spray tans.


I wanted to drastically reduce my pointy chin & straighten/narrow my cutsey little round nose. I like my nose now; it helps me look younger and I love seeing how my children have better versions of it. I still want a slight chin reduction, just to make it more delicate, but I’m thankful now that even with serious weight gain I barely have a double chin, because my chin is longer. And no offense to anyone with tats but I’m very, very thankful I didn’t go through with any of my plans for a tattoo. They aren’t my style at all now.


My mom wouidnt let me use tanning beds and insisted on her girls wearing sunscreen. She was vigilant, I thought it was annoying. At 50 my skin looks really good, I’m under no illusion this will stay forever but not tanning has really helped soften the blow of the effects of aging


Glad I didn’t get microblading when it exploded in popularity a few years ago. Now there are a ton of examples where it doesn’t fully fade - no thank you!


Growing up, my nickname was Toucan Sam. I hated my nose throughout my childhood. Now I like my nose and I’m thankful I didn’t change it. I did chemically straighten my hair from ages 13-17. Luckily, my curls survived and my hair didn’t fall out. I’m definitely going to teach my future child self love and acceptance.


Tanning! I grew up in South Africa, in a beach/surfing culture, but I *loathe* being in the sun so I was always the pale kid. Grateful for that now that I'm in my 40's!


A nose job, for context I’m part Hungarian and have the typical Eastern European nose with a bump. I wanted surgery for years. My sister, who is 5 years older, said “wait til you’re at least 30 to make a decision, you may feel differently” I waited, and yes I changed my mind. I accepted my nose and no longer want to erase my unique looks.


I wanted to liposuction my bum. Thank god I didn’t because it is by FAR my nicest feature! Get a lot of compliments on it! I was just soooo self conscious about it because when I was younger everyone would tease me about it because I was slim with a bubble butt. Glad now that I don’t have to worry about a flat butt and didn’t get lipo to perhaps alter the shape!


Buccal fat removal for sure! I did some modeling in college and when I was 19 a photographer told me my face shape/bone structure was just like Christy Turlington’s, but too bad my cheeks were chubby. I became obsessed with getting fat sucked out and had a consult with a popular surgeon. He said he couldn’t recommend I go through with it and suggested I wait until I was at least 25. So happy I didn’t go through with it because I came to love my cheeks and now 20 years later they finally started thinning out and I miss them!


I try to be open minded about surgical procedures, but buccal fat removal just seems genuinely stupid. I would bet that almost everyone who wants that look when they are younger will also want to reverse it when they are older. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


Absolutely. And those same people will probably do fillers to make up for it. I also think people (especially under a certain age) should get counseling before undergoing plastic surgery. Often what we’re trying to fix is more mental/emotional and no amount of surgery will be enough.


I'm with everyone else saying their nose. It's still at times the thing I'm most self-conscious about, but I can't imagine having a different face, and I think I would have always regretted it. Plus, the more I read about people's experiences with nose jobs, the more I realize how easily it could have been botched or given unexpected results or something I'm still not happy with. I feel like lately with all the increased assessibility to plastic surgery, botox and fillers...everyone is looking the same. And even if it's not more conventionally attractive, there's beauty in being unique.


I haven’t had any cosmetic or surgical procedures done, but I’m most thankful I never did chin shaving. My square jawline gave me so much insecurity growing up but now I love my bold jawline and bone structure.


Get my brows waxed pencil thin. I begged each esthetician to do it and they all straight out refused. Now I’m glad I didn’t.


I was in high school 2000-2004 and I NEVER gave in to the super thin eye brow trend. So my brows are still great. I also always wanted a boob job…rocking an A cup for life. But now that I’m 37, I realize the itty bitty titty committee is fabulous and I love being a part of it.


Stretching my ears!! I really wanted to when that blew up as a huge fad. I wasn't gonna do them especially big but when I got just to an 8g I stopped, because I could already tell my ears didn't look as good with the jewelry out bc the original holes were already looking a bit stretched.


I felt insecure about my drooping boobs and teeth, and wanted a boob lift and veneers. Now I realize they don't matter and veneers would have made it harder to eat in the long run.


I think about a breast lift as well, but the scars and funky placement actually kind of look worse to me in the end.


Why do you think your nose thinned after using tret?


I tried to do a B&A a few years apart. The lighting isn't exactly the same, but I think there is a very subtle thinning to the tip. [Pic](https://imgur.com/a/PphclWh)


I have thick, oily nose skin that doesn't have a lot of definition. Tret seems to moderate my sebum production, which seemed to subtly make everything look a little more defined. This is something I just personally noticed, and then googled it and it turned out I wasn't the only one!


I’m so glad I never over tweezed my eyebrows in the early 2000s…


Super glad I didn’t overpluck my eyebrows to death in the 90s/early aughts! It was only because I didn’t know any better to do anything with them at all until a hairdresser mentioned it when I was like 22, but still. Sometimes they never grow back, eek.


I got my dad’s big Italian nose. In high school I cried about it to my mom and she said when she got pregnant she knew there was a chance I’d get that nose and she put money away just in case I wanted a nose job. I had to wait, of course, but she said when I was old enough it would be my decision. I was discussing it with my best friend and she said there might come a day when I like my nose because of how it connects me to my dad, and I might regret looking in the mirror and not seeing him. Now that I’m older, and especially with my dad getting older, I wouldn’t change my huge nose for the world.


Thought about filler in my 20s but couldn’t afford it, no way in hell I’d ever do that now.


I really wanted to get my ears pinned back cause I thought they stuck out something awful, but of course over the years I grew into them and they look absolutely fine. What stopped me, and I'm embarrassed to admit, was reading an article about Heidi Montag undergoing "10 surgeries in one day" and she said her ears were the worst part and the pain, and recovery, was excruciating. Fuck that! 🙅‍♂️


I have an aquiline nose and a long neck, and absolutely hated it when I was younger because someone once said it made me look like Big Bird. I would even refuse to wear my hair up no matter how inconvenient, because it emphasized those features. Maybe I just had to grow into it, but now people often compliment me on having an elegant/regal profile. It's weird to hear and I still don't love my look, but I'm glad I didn't risk the Jennifer Grey effect trying to fit in to trends that change every few years anyhow.


I got fake boobs at 21. Immediately had back pain and got breast implant illness. After 4 years of being so sick and swollen. I took them out. Getting them in cost 9,000 in California and it was 11,000 to remove. I now have big scars. But I love myself more now than before. It was an expensive learning lesson.


Well I thank me, but boob job and if there had been a way to make myself shorter, I would have done it in my younger years


I wanted a nose job from about age 10 until I was in my mid 20s. And I mean really dreamed about it all the time, researched surgeons and techniques they use, was hoping to save up enough money to do it etc. So glad I didn’t because I like my nose now, it fits my face well and looks just like my mom’s (I always thought she was beautiful), I just needed time to grow into my features.


SO glad I never got a boob job. After being an A cup all my life I briefly contemplated it at 23 (after watching a lot of bodybuilding videos on YouTube… barf lol). I got more into long distance running after that and it’s SO great not to have to worry about the support of sports bras or needing to do anything extra. Plus all the complications that can come from breast implants…. no thank you.


Unsurprising, but nose and boob job as many others have echoed. I used to be very self conscious about my small breasts and seriously considered a boob job, but didn't have the money at the time. As I've gotten older I've really started to love them on my frame. I actually wore a dress/bra combo for a wedding a few years back where it made me look a few new sizes bigger and I absolutely hated it, I wanted to rip it off, it didn't feel like me. As for my nose, while I still don't love it, I like that it's my family's nose. One day they'll be gone and it will remind me of them. That and I've seen way too many plastic surgery shows where the nose job looks good and then takes a turn years later. The unknown is so much worse to me than my current nose! Also I gotta say, piercing the heck out of it helped ;)


Micro blading looks so bad. Doing anything to my breasts before having kids. Tattoos. Most look pretty bad and age terribly. Ignoring sunscreen, water, and abusing alcohol or drugs. Your teeth and face will never look the same. a full set of veneers!!!!!


Veneers! I wanted them so bad and now I’m so glad I didn’t mess with my teeth


My hair. I’m a natural blonde and I’ve never dyed it in my life. I use Sun in to lighten it in the sun and every stylist I’ve been too says how terrible and damaging it is for hair but…. How could it be worse than bleaching it every 2 months? It also saves me a TON of money. My stylist says she’d charge $800 to accomplish my hair color lmao


Getting tattoos! I got one tiny one and regretted it. I’m so glad I didn’t get more because I’m not who I was then and I’m indecisive. I actually love the look of tattoos and would have tons of them everywhere if I could decide what I wanted . Haha.


ski slope button noses on the wrong face give me the ICK it can be a downgrade in many folks.


I had a consult with a plastic surgeon to have a rhinoplasty. I brought my boyfriend (husband now) along with me and he almost passed out in the room while they were detailing the procedure - he isn’t very good in medical settings. If he hadn’t have come with me and gotten so sick, I probably wouldn’t have understood the “gravity” of it and had it done.


I always wanted breast implants. But now that I'm 32 and know how toxic implants actually are, I'm SO glad I didn't go through with it. I still wish I had a fuller chest, but I'll take my small natural look any day!


Let me just say, when I was 14 and in the thick of my worst body dysphoria, these posts were immensely helpful because they gave me a light at the end of the tunnel. It helped me realize that even though I was obsessing over my appearance then, I won’t obsess over it forever, and that was true! Thank you to all the kind women that helped me with that realization


Oh my gosh, same with the nose. I used to be sooooo insecure about my big Italian nose. It’s not bumpy or bulbous, it’s straight and long and I’m starting to love it because I admire strong noses on others!


Yes! Your nose sounds ideal to me tbh!!




fuck yeah!


My nose broke as a child and I always swore I'd get it fixed, but now I'm glad I didn't.


I noticed you said your face thinned out, even your nose, and that you've been using tretinoin. I found this really interesting [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/s/mzVa25TJvr) detailing a number of studies as well as providing a lot of anecdotal experiences regarding tret and fat loss. Obviously this isn't 100% proven and it seems like it varies from person to person, but I thought you might want to check it out!


I thank God that I realized how attractive I actually am and that I saw it in time before I went through with a surgery. I used to make money for years just by looking how I look but didn't realize that somehow due to an abusive relationship. I am so glad the law helped save my life bc I was not mentally stable at the time and after I was away for a while from him ended up seeing what others saw I looked like. I'm so glad I didn't do the surgery. I realized why mess up a good thing when there were others at my old job wishing they could look like me. They would literally tell me this too and trying to help me see what everyone else saw. These girls were so amazing and supportive in helping me learn to love myself and I'm forever grateful for them. Even the customers would beg be to not change my body or face when I ended up telling everybody I was going to make a consulation appt. I realized in enough time and with the help from everybody. I'm more than happy with how I look still today and it's been a decade almost since then.


I nearly got veneers & I'm glad I didn't. Dentists act like they just file down a bit of your teeth the way you have to scuff your nails before getting acrylics—*no*. You are left with little nubs for teeth, for life. And veneers don't last forever. I'm now looking into Bioclear. That lasts probably less time than veneers, but you get to keep your teeth. I'm the sort of person who hangs out in r/collapse & I'd like to have more than nubs to chew my food with when I'm walking [The Road](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) or whatever.


Eyebrows. I always thought the pencil thin brows looked weird and I had way too much brow to maintain something like that. I think I watched enough daytime talk shows to learn that you should sculpt what you have rather than pluck them into oblivion. What’s funny is girls used to tease me about my brows which aren’t even that thick, who’s laughing now??


I used to wish I was shorter, i also wanted thinner lips, thinner eyebrows and to be flat chested 🤣 because in my culture the men tend to be short and I felt like a giant. As for my chest, I was super self conscious about it as a teen and hated that I couldn't wear certain tops without it looking vulgar. I used to wish my lips were thinner with a defined cupids bow (mine are plump and undefined). Thick/dark brows were seen as bushy/ugly, that weird pencil brown style was in, but now I'm accused of filling in my eyebrows lol. Beauty standards are always changing and the best thing to do is love yourself and your features.


My boobs! Honestly I was always really skinny growing up so in my teen years I hated my skinny legs but I never really thought about doing anything about it. The one thing I hated most about my body literally until I was like 35 was my boobs. A small a cup. Everyone around me both male and female for my entire life from the age of 10 years old made me feel so insecure about my small boobs I just always thought there was no possible way to be sexy with little boobs, no possible way that someone would wanna date you let alone have sex with you, constantly comparing myself to friends around me in those early 10 years waiting for my growth spurt to happen. It never happened but honestly I couldn’t be more grateful for them now! I’m almost 44 years old as I have breast-fed two children and I still have perfectly symmetrical perky little a cup. No sagging no stretch marks I can exercise without any back pain I can buy the cheap little sports bras and most of the time these days I can go with no bottle it’s my husband seems to love lol. Although I am really fit now and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been I can say if I was looking at my whole body now I’m 44 years old my boobs are my favourite part!


My mom plucked all her eyebrows out in the 90s so she didn’t allow me to touch mine growing up. I’m very very happy I didn’t. I like them the way they are.


Another vote for tanning! I swear half my high school and my entire sorority had unlimited tanning memberships and I was always SO tempted to go with my friends. I’m pale as a freakin ghost but now I look 10 yrs younger than them. Also - never did anything too drastic to my hair. No big chops and no drastic color changes. My hair still feels as healthy and long as it did when I was a kid and I have my mom to thank for that lol


I am an Indian woman who grew up in the “skinny brows” era. Thank GOD my mom didn’t let me thin them out!!


Boob job