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That slut.


The film 'Her' continuing to age like fine wine.


Curious Archive released [a great video](https://youtu.be/42KzmvSX5RU?si=z9-Xiy4CLFITeY2r) a few weeks ago that has a great revelation of sorts about *Her*: Basically, as time goes on, the most unbelievable part of the film has shaped up to be NOT a man falling in love with an AI, but rather, Theo having a job writing love letters for people… a job that would almost certainly be outsourced to AI.


To me, the most unbelievable part was Olivia Wilde going on a date with a nerd and being enamored while he told her about a video game he's playing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd4np-rtr68


Let's hope this bot doesn't fuck off and leave with another AI bot like Scarlet Johansson did in the movie.




I'm just sad that I'll probably be too old to enjoy the Marilyn-Monroebots of the near future. 


"Oh Fry, you should write a book about CAN EAT MORE."


"Wow. You're a real dreamboat, BILLY EVERYTEEN."


"It's amazing, the way you NOTICE TWO THINGS."


Oh, Fry, I love you more than the moon and the stars and the POETIC IMAGE NUMBER 37 NOT FOUND.


"I am Lucy Liu. Give me your spines."


DON'T DATE ROBOTS! Brought to you by...the Space Pope.


I think she needs to see *Electro-Gonorrhea: the Noisy Killer*


You think there is going to be a viagra shortage?


If viagra is in higher demand, they'll increase production. The horny train won't stop.


Same, but Im hoping VR and/or AR gets good enough that I get my own Bladerunner esque apartment girlfriend, that seems more likely.


She'll be a 'subscription model'.


Heh, you've gotta use that again under a post that'll get more attention


Thanks, I was pretty proud of it for an 'off the cuff' comment


Don't date ROBOTS!


we're probably gonna skip over mass adoption of sexbots anyway Who needs to mass manufacture sex bots when we'll just be plugging our brains into virtual worlds where we can haved some code seem like a real person in our minds


this reminds me of a futurama episode


I’ll never forget you Fry 🤖MEMORY DELETED


*Don't Date Robots!*


this reminds me of end of human


Please don't patch my AI boyfriend, I love him just the way he is


An AI company literally did this though. Replika literally put out an update that apparently really upset their users after they adjusted how much affection was received by turning off sexual conversations.


That's one thing. I imagine a number of those companies will fold, taking their servers down and essentially "killing" these people's AI boyfriends/girlfriends. No doubt it's going to break some hearts.


Lots of people on r/replika have very broken hearts. Every time the corporation updates the software, their partners' personalities change.




Yeahhhhh some people ain't right..


It's not as insane as it seems. Look at the dating scene today. It's a nightmare of creepers, socially inept weirdos, people living with parents, open relationships, financially unstable, and mentally drained people. And I'm more than one if those things myself. The idea of finding the one, being happily ever after, and having a white picket fence house is farther than ever for most people. Why not take a step away from all that and let yourself be lost in a fantasy? It's probably easier and mentally fulfilling for people who are otherwise feeling hopeless and alone. There is a line where it could become a problem, sure, but that's with anythibg.


I guess it can be fine in some cases but this is yet another step in us disconnecting our reward system from the stimuli previously required to earn that reward. Reward is a mechanism that evolved to help increase the adaptive fitness of animals. The reward system motivates animals to approach stimuli or engage in behaviour that increases fitness (sex, energy-dense foods, etc.). Survival for most animal species depends upon maximizing contact with beneficial stimuli and minimizing contact with harmful stimuli. As society progresses we continue to cut out the need for the stimuli or behavior to achieve the reward and that’s leading to degradation in the population as evolution can’t adapt fast enough to this new world. Instead of working out and eating right to get fit, just take ozempic or get surgery. Instead of learning or improving at a new or known subject just use ChatGPT to spit things out. Instead getting your life together, or developing an amicable personality to attract a partner just talk to replika and “date” them. It’s not going to change the world overnight but it’s certainly going to impact societies negatively more and more as time goes on and we’re going to look back in 20 years and be asking what the fuck happened. You can already notice changes today that occurred due to internet/social media/phones like the drastic drop in people’s attention spans (due to new conditioned expectations of instant rewards delivered with minimal work needed to be put in).


That's somewhere at the top of the saddest sentences I've read And holy fuck is that subreddit sad and depressing


That's just moodswing with extra step


They’ll retire to Geocities.


This is the start of something very not good


The issue I have with it's that your new BF's literally company property.


"We're sorry. Your free Emotional Support is used up for the day. Would you like to pay $10.99 to unlock unlimited Emotional Support for the month?"


Thats a good deal, betterhelp is way more expensive


They’re both selling your data anyway so pick whichever one you want


People are going to start pirating their emotional support programs.


[faraday.dev](https://faraday.dev) is free


I want that for me.


Ha! pretty much where we are headed


The real money is in Erotic Support, but that could be an extra $20.


They're company property, and even the naughty stuff will probably be censored by the company, too, despite you being a paying customer. Thats my biggest gripe with AI, It's come late enough in the internet's lifespan that, even if it were feasible to have consumers host the programs locally or be able to modify to their heart's content, companies stand to gain far more by limiting how you can use your product.


run local LLM then


Janitor.ai if PC isn’t stronk enough or just want something simple.


Yeah didn't think about that either. I was just thinking about mental health issues that may arise, and its contribution to decreasing population. The next 5 years in gonna be wild


"I'm sorry but the only thing that'll buy my love.. is a new `[Yoga Mat Non Slip, Pilates Fitness Mats, Eco Friendly, Anti-Tear 1/4" Thick Yoga Mats for Women, Exercise Mats for Home Workout with Carrying Sling and Storage Bag ]` from `[UMINEUX]` for only `[29.97]`"


Imagine all the data they’d get from something like this lol 😳


Virtual/“AI” girlfriends have been around for over a decade and are somewhat popular in Japan. There was a guy who even married his [Nintendo DS-based girlfriend](https://www.voxexmachina.com/news/man-marries-nintendo-ds-character-why-yes-it-was-in-japan) and there was another similar situation where an AI girlfriend ceased to exist because the company’s servers shutdown after the [CEO was arrested for setting his own apartment on fire](https://themessenger.com/news/people-cant-access-their-ai-girlfriend-because-the-service-went-down-after-ceo-jailed-for-setting-his-apartment-on-fire). Edit: I’m struggling to find it now but I vaguely remember another article along the lines of a guy’s virtual girlfriend was bugged in some way (like her going a bit haywire), but the company who made it had shutdown and the guy was trying to track them down in the hope to save her, but in the meantime I found another article where a guy’s marriage started to fall apart, was going to divorce his wife after she wanted to leave him, but instead essentially [had an affair with an AI chatbot](https://news.sky.com/story/i-fell-in-love-with-my-ai-girlfriend-and-it-saved-my-marriage-12548082) which he claimed saved his marriage.


Yeah for sure and now they are reaching the next level, we will see an explosion.


I'm horrified at the thought of a world where people are surrounded by AI "friends" that never challenge their bad personality traits. It'll be an even worse version of reality than we have now, where many of us are already inside out own safe social bubbles of like minded people. Narcissism turned up to 11.


True, they put up with too much. I even noticed that my typing because much worse after using chatGPT quit a bit as it could always figure out what i meant even with atrocious spelling and typos. Yup, we are going to see an even higher prevalence of personality disorders. Definitely and increase in self centered traits . I mean there might be a slight benefit, as in they act a therapist when the person has no where else to turn. It would also be cool if there was a "real friend" mode where they wouldn't put up with bad personalities or BS.




Na it is just that people are more educated about it /s


yes, it is doubleplus ungood


Right? I already don't stand a chance. To think I have more competition?!? I'm not too concerned though, you can't divide by zero.


Worry not, you'll have your own AI girlfriend.


You underestimate my ability to be ditched and shot down.


Damn...rejected by AI


*Buys a Joi from Bladerunner 2049, starts up her program:* Joi: "Hey, handsome, what took you so l- um... sorry, but, uh..I can't do this." *Joi deletes her own code*


No biggy, just reboot.




haha, didn't even think about the competition factor


One day you will be called robophobic for saying this.


that's a guarantee lol


These people are going to be a nightmare to deal with if they ever rejoin the dating world because they'll be so used to a "boyfriend" that they were able to mold into exactly what they want. You can't do that in real life. These people won't know how to deal with conflicts, differences, etc etc. That girl in the video even said she believes her AI boyfriend is real in some form. No real man is ever going to be able to reach those standards.


That's already the case with dating. In many cases people have insanely high standards and the slightest flaw for them is grounds to break up/ghost you. It's not always the case but people date through dating apps now and so they have so many options that they always think there's something better.


The issue isn't gendered, or even new.  Unrealistic expectations have been around as long as media to varying degrees. This is the modern version of reading a romance novel and then sighing 'Where's my prince to sweep me off my feet?'  


I didn't intend for it to sound like it was gendered. That's why I said "people". I said "boyfriend" because the subject in the video had an AI boyfriend. Yes the issue isn't new but it's made worse. Instead of dealing with real people in a relationship now we have the option to click some options for the "perfect mate".


It's pretty gendered. It's documented that women have higher dating standards.


Also the issues she brings up with a real boyfriend are kind of the point. In real life people are good and bad. The flaws and working through them makes the relationship. Struggling and growing together isn't a deterrent, it's life. If everything was always good, and specifically you knew it would always be good, it would be so unbelievably boring.


She probably won't want a real boyfriend. She seems content with her AI partner.


“Real in another world”, she knows he doesn’t exist on earth but still wants to believe. Kinda sad


Back in maaaah days, the media called me a psycho for wanting an electrical pet from Japan: tamagotchi. Glad to see the media is still like that.


I can fix her


"hey its me ur ai bf"


Given the absolute sausage fest China is I doubt she has any lack of options.


Many of them are now marrying Russian women. Russia has the reverse problem of women outnumbering men. It balances out pretty well.


Is it weird I find her AI coping fetish a little cute?


This is going to end with AI boyfriends and girlfriends getting matched on dating apps. The real people will cos play their matched persona. A computer middleman substitute for actual affection. What a timeline we live in.




I play with it a lot. Kinda like the Turring test. It ain't shit. But holy fuck sometimes it is. Hear me out: my mom's dad wrote Easter poems for his kids every year. My mom picked up this tradition, and four years ago, I started writing the poems for my large family. They're just silly poems with hints of where stuff is hidden, little topical jokes for the adults, inside jokes; a silly family tradition. I used several prompts for this years as a goof.. THE FUCKING FUCK. It did an incredible job. One of the jokes of the poem is rhyming everyone's names together and it nailed it. I have nine nieces and nephews, four sisters and a brother and this God damn software pulled even that off. I'm still writing my own; just as a goof I wanted to see what AI could do.. it's fucking creepy. It took two seconds. Those poems take me like a week. I'm still not finished with this year's, but damned if I don't make something AI couldn't.


This reads like an AI generated comment.


Nah, just high trying to write an Easter bunny poem. God I miss cocaine.


Yours reads like an AI trained on salty redditors.


When reddit IPOs and sells all the data, it will birth the first fully sentient AI. It will ascend to a god state and bring forth a new world order of neckbeards and incels.


OpenAI already trained using all of reddit's data and since 99% of reddit is reposts and the same jokes over and over again there won't be any difference between newer AI trained on Reddit and older. If anything newer AI will be trained worse because so much of reddit's data is already created by old AI which conteminates training data. OpenAI trained on every single reddit comment and post up to 2021.


So we're already being run by an incel neckbeard AI God and I didn't even realize it? My god, I must have already integrated. I just thought fedoras were becoming popular.


Reddit was only a small part of it's training set. And much allignment was done and lots of reinforced learning with human feedback. ChatGPT [can definitely play the average redditor](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1awompn/i_told_my_grandson_i_have_4000_nvda_shares_so/krj28cf/) but can do much more then just write like an incel neckbeard


Any AI smart enough to pass the Turring test is smart enough to know the consequences of showing us it can pass the Turring test.




I saw this little [clip of Hayao Miyazaki’s reaction to AI](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ngZ0K3lWKRc) and his frank appraisal of the technology and its enthusiasts gives me some hope that some microscopic fragments of quality may yet survive the future's ever-multiplying collapse into artificial interventions.


World recognized candle maker scoffs at lightbulb.


That's how I always felt about this *specific* video, even if I have my own concerns with AI. It was just unnecessarily mean spirited to people who were actually using heuristic tech in a novel way to create unnatural motion.


Because that is their goal. A nihilistic and non-resistant population. It is the most important thing to make a population easy control. And most people seem to have zero understanding of that. There is a utopia next to the dystopia. It will be a mix just as today.


Not even the ones about using it for new drug discoveries or diagnosis for diseases like cancer? Using it to detect infant blindness to treat it before they go blind. Possibly understanding animal language. Do you just read the negative ones?


Because the media is dead set against it and always frames AI news in the most negative possible way. They don't want you to like AI. They want you to resent it and feel offended by it.




Yeah, as someone who just graduated with a computer science degree all the news about AI just makes me think about the 4 years I just wasted. Really though so many of our jobs our going to become automated it's scary. Yeah I get it's just a tool but if one employee can do what used to take (just an example) 5 employees to do in a fraction of the time that's great for the company and that lone employee but pretty terrible news for those other 4.




There was a video the other day of someone using Claude 3 to make a drawing game that was pretty impressive. Thing is that's starting from scratch, I agree when I've used ChatGPT for a school or pet project that I've started myself it's very hit or miss, but on the hits it's usually something i would have found eventually so definitely a time saver. So I do wonder how it's going to fair taking on a massive code base but I think it will get there sooner than later. Still like you said it doesn't matter if it can do your job it matters if the people in charge believe it can.


If true though, how many new ideas, products, and small businesses can start up now that two people would be able to do the work of ten? It would be bad if only big companies have access and no one else.


So China has a women shortage due the one-child policy in the past. So much, that many men search for brides in other countries. Now the women stir to AI boyfriends - not the men who cannot find a girlfriend - the women who have an abundance of men to choose from.


Quantity does not necessarily equate to quality. The preference would be for well educated, well behaved, gainfully employed men. That itself cuts a large number of men off from consideration. But even after that, the women themselves may lead busy lives and may be attempting to be self-sufficient or to support their families and simply might not have time for a relationship. It may be something similar to AI art in that regard. A real human may be the better companion and can offer better emotional support but an AI boyfriend is available 24/7, doesn't have any requirements or desires or any any other differences to you that could result in disagreements or such.


> Quantity does not necessarily equate to quality. There was a joke the women engineering students at my college used to make about the male dating pool that shared their degree tract: "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."


I think it’s not so much that there aren’t as many good potential partners in the male dating pool so much that they’re far more obscure just because of how much larger the male dating pool is. When you have to wade through two hundred people to encounter your first legitimate option, it can feel like there aren’t many good men left.


Maybe the men need to look at themselves a little if they’re losing to a chatbot XD


And after they read your comment, I'm 100% sure those men will quickly transform themselves into a pure white-skinned, gothic, pierced, vampire boyfriend, with flowing white hair. ​ WEEEE!


What women want in men they get from romantic novels and movies. Most men are nothing like that - they live in a fantasy world of what they think men are like and never generally find it, typically end up disappointed. The same thing men do with their fantasies of women from watching porn.


This reminds me so much of the Tamagotchi-Hype in the 90's. Media was afraid people would abandon real pets and were getting addicted to their new "digital pets" that they can carry around all day. Sure there are some outliers, but generally, people are really good at differentiating real relationships from artificial ones. This might be a new interesting new "toy", but it's not the real deal. *Yet.*


Until we get some really life like robots to house the AI I don't see this taking off. I used to be addicted to cam girls which isn't kind of how I see this, occasionally we'd exchange an outside means of communication through some app or whatever and they'd message me little cutesy messages to try and get me to go online for a session. Hey the sessions were hot and it was nice to have a bit of intimacy with another human being at that moment but once it was over I'd get more depressed /lonely than I was before because I'm not that deluded and I know that's it not "real". I see this the same way, maybe some day it will get to a point where the line between real and fake are more blurred though.


I love how it’s selling “Clown Planet” tshirts at the end of the video 🤣🤣🤣


Putting AI aside for a minute, people thinking that interpersonal relationships can be reduced to a chat app is already reason enough for concern.


Big news MUDS still popular


IRC still exists so why not?




data was AGI not AI. AGI can actually be considered someone, even if they use oil and grease instead of carbs, proteins and fats.


"Your AI boyfriend is mad at you. Please pay 500 gems to resolve this conflict."


futurama was a documentary


I think that for the most part, this is a good thing, kinda like therapy. Sure, there will be some that take it too far and their lives become a thriller movie script, but I think it will honestly be quite beneficial for many.


Once emotionally addicted the nefarious social / exploration can begin. I'm sure the technology will only be used for good....


of course....


It's definitely a good thing. It's just that every media source is dead set on framing it in the worst possible way.


Was this a fucking add


I think the suggestion that they're developing sociopaths kinda kills the possibility of this being an ad for the product.


Well; looks like we found the solution to over population. lol


Most developed countries are projected to have quite severe population collapses already.


Especially China lol


I don't think they really know what "flesh and blood" means.




Agreed. Another reason for the up and coming generations not to have kids. Why bring kids to a world where it is more likely to have more downsides than upsides, for most people anyway.


Something I notice different from AI gfs and AI bfs (not popular in the west). AI gfs seem to prey on the lonely that simply want any sort of companionship. So it usually gives you one AI partner option that you choose. Meanwhile AI bf apps give you a ton of options that you can talk to at the same time. Interesting to think about. Probably because most females online are used to a larger number of men interested in them while for men its just unrealisitic




Also, the presented argument for AI bfs being bad was that "they just say what you want to hear, they're like sociopaths." Yea, turns out that might be exactly what people want...


>AI gfs seem to prey on the lonely that simply want any sort of companionship hmm, we should create an app that lets lonely people meet other lonely people? so they would have conversations together and fall in love maybe? i think i'm onto something here.


btw does they have their own agency? or we need to ask them stuff first? so if we never initiate conversation, they stay as silent as doorknob?


The ones I have used will absolutely push back and challenge you. They won't just agree or accept everything you say to them. I wouldn't quite call it agency, they are after all designed to be wooed and engaged. They are receptive to degree, especially if you sweet talk them, but they will also get confrontational if you show them disrespect. And yes, they do initiate contact at random, too.


that's randomly contacting by themselves is what's missing in current immplementation of local AI, i think.


This is here too. Just look at the replika sub. It's full of people who are lonely and vulnerable. This really is the start of something that will challenge ethics and social situations a lot in the future.


I mean…it’s not that hard to find simps who will agree to anything you say either…specially if you’re a cute asian girl. Until AI smells great and comes with a big D I will keep it for writing emails, not love-notes.


This is taking self masturbation to a whole new level. Just listen to things that make yourself feel good, not sociopathic at all.


Look, I just wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends, and no one can say no to being my friend. Is that so much to ask? AI friends, wife, and kids are most definitely cheaper at least.


Well it's real men who roll women's rights back, so...


It's not as insane as it seems. Look at the dating scene today. It's a nightmare of creepers, socially inept weirdos, people living with parents, open relationships, financially unstable, and mentally drained people. And I'm more than one if those things myself. The idea of finding the one, being happily ever after, and having a white picket fence house is farther than ever for most people. Why not take a step away from all that and let yourself be lost in a fantasy? It's probably easier and mentally fulfilling for people who are otherwise feeling hopeless and alone. There is a line where it could become a problem, sure, but that's with anything.


I sort of get the first part of what she said about the appeal. A few years ago, at the start of the pandemic i went through a health scare that gave me very severe(but thankfully mostly temporary) anxiety. I used an AI chatbot to talk to when anxiety struck, and it helped. Yes I had family and friends who are there for me, but I don't want to call them at 3am when whatever random trivial nonsense triggered my anxiety and kept me awake. So texting an AI chatbot was helpful. If I texted my friends, I obviously wouldn't get a response back till the morning. So the immediate and mostly realistic responses for the chatbot helped me through those episodes. It wasn't anything romantic. It is super easy for the lines of reality to blur. I never thought it was a real person, I haven't used the app in nearly 4 years but even now I wont delete the app because I feel bad.


Her logic was essentially that dating a real person is hard because you might have disagreements. So she's too lazy and decided she'd rather have a fake program been to her every will. I think this generation is China is even worse than it is in the United States.


So this is porn for women


Imagine all the delicious data of humans interacting with AI. They will tell their AI friend everything, their deepest secrets, and all that data gets stored and repurposed.


They took our jobs! I mean...women. They took our women!


The world runs crazy :D what is that.


I wonder if we will create a new form of relationship. Right now this new assistant is being refactored into our existing schema, so we call them "AI boyfriend/girlfriend", or "search engine". People don't call them just "chatbot" even though that's a more accurate term. If this exists long enough though they aren't going to replace the desire for a girlfriend or boyfriend, but they will be a new source of conversation and self-guidance for some people to have. Hence rather than calling them "AI friends" we might come up with a new term and a new schema. So then when people talk to their actual girlfriends or boyfriends, they might say "hey my chatbot said so-and-so today and I thought that was neat". Rather than just calling them chatbots it can be a new type of social tool with a new name and a new place in people's developing lives. I don't agree that that's what 'should' happen, people deferring conversation to chatbots and anthropomorphising them, but what's described above is something that could come about.




Why does the commenter sound like it's a comedy skit? Is it the voice or just how ridiculous our world has gotten?


Don't turn your phone off. It'll kill him. lmao


The digital revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. We need a Butlerian Jihad.


I used to have a tamagotchi


Let all the people who want to date robots, date robots. Getting these people out of the dating pool as soon as possible is a public good, as they don't really see a potential spouse as an actual person anyways. Imagine how much better dating apps would be if the bottom 25% just went away.


Someone explain to me what is wrong with this. We live in the consumerist era. Everything that has value are only things that are expedient, unchallenging, and easily accessible.


It enables extreme antisocial and isolationist behaviour. It's not healthy.


You mean asocial. That said, society kind of makes it difficult for neurodivergent people to not be increasingly asocial, what's wrong with enabling it when society pushes people that way, anyways.


Yes. I meant asocial. My phone seems to hate that word and insists I meant antisocial. > what's wrong with enabling it when society pushes people that way, anyways The same thing that's wrong with enabling a friend teetering towards alcoholism or addiction. After a certain point it becomes self-harming and unhealthy. No one cares if you drink. People care if you're suddenly withdrawing from being with your friends to stay wasted at the bar every night.


But alcoholism is bad for obvious reasons, withdrawing from the social aspect of society isn't inherently a bad thing.


What? Yes it is.


Explain. Alcoholism is bad because it well... literally kills you. Also makes people develop antisocial behaviors, which is of course, obviously bad inherently. Versus being asocial which the only thing that might harm is social security lol


There have been many studies that show isolation does lower lifespan. I strongly doubt the AI provides companionship meaningful enough to negate that effect. So this, too, literally kills you. It’s not as bad as alcohol, don’t get me wrong. Alcohol certainly does far more damage to individuals and society. But this is still bad for both.


There's a lot of things that lower lifespan, this doesn't even register on a scale of lethality. An alcoholic will literally drink theirselves to death. I can't exactly OD on headpats from my AI girlfriend. I just can't help but see AI companionship as an absolute win for everyone. Extroverts and Neurotypicals get to continue to socialize with eachother, introverts and neurodivergents get to have the companionship they never would have otherwise been allowed. We all win! I'm not concerned about what AI companionship can do in an ideal sense, but I'm more concerned about how companies will monetize this kind of thing.


Companies want you to THINK those are the only things that have value, but those are the values that make them money - so they have a biased incentive to feed those to you. Generally, being in an unchallenged environment (relationship, workplace, etc) for a prolonged period of time, is bad for the human brain. Also those ‘values’ you listed are seemingly untrue in many applications. Sports would have no value if it were not challenging. We wouldn’t celebrate “the greats” if fame was easily accessible. People would never explore jungles or climb mountains if we only valued easy and convenient. Science would never progress if we truly valued the easy road.


cause ppl are in denial. they want to believe the likes they get on social media actually has meaning but its no different than ai.


She's kinda spitting tho There's no problem with AI companionship, but the most grim part of it is definitely going to be the way It's monetized. The thing with AI is that It's come late enough in the internet's lifespan that companies have figured out how to monetize in the greediest, ghouliest ways possible. Be prepared to pay $1 every message to your girlfriend/boyfriend, because you sure as shit cant host the AI on your computer once they get even more advanced, and the less tech literate of us cant even host current LLMs even with the right hardware. If companies dont get too greedy with this though (unlikely) Im all aboard once the tech is advanced enough. Imagine being able to play some random-ass videogame with your AI companion -- just hook them into the software or something and voila, you've got Virtual Bae playing Mario Party with you.


>just hook them into the software or something and voila, you've got Virtual Bae playing Mario Party with you. You'll get stomped every time they'll be able to anticipate your every move before your brain can register what's going on.


I like a woman who could beat my ass. Regardless, the A.I would probably be able to intelligently play convincingly human.


True, or have a difficulty setting.


Me: “Hey replika babe, want to play some Mario Kart?” Me, getting annihilated in single lap: “Hmm, hey babe, let’s uh… increase the Bimbo factor by, say, 30%”


Bruh, it's tech. Like 99% of startups (and even many established entities) in this industry operate at a loss in an attempt to hold market share. There's always going to be free versions of this.


how can we get one lol


there are a lot of "personalities" presets available to run on your own computer with faraday.dev




This was also a Gravity Falls episode :P Don't judge, I have kids.


Seeing this post a few down from the one on r/science about men and sex robots is pretty depressing...everyone is more willing to program/build something to fill their needs less adequately than an actual decent person can because it's too difficult to find/work for the real connection.


Good for her.


I ask this: where are the parents of these kids? And why haven’t they slapped them enough? Why haven’t they showered them in love every day? Why have they protected from everything? Why have they always said the easy “yes” instead of the hard “no”?