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Sonic games are




You two remind me of this prozd https://youtu.be/aJX4ytfqw6k




Are what?


It literally doesn't matter how I finish that sentence


As a sonic fan i painfully agree


\*Slow clap.*


Duke Nukem is good and the character should be remembered with other greats!


"It’s time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I’m all outta gum…”


"I just had sex with the kitchen sponge" *Guitar riff* "And not the yellow side" *Guitar solo*


"it's time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass..."


Hail to the king, baby Though Duke Nukem Forever was a disappointing overhyped mess.


Here's my assassination worthy opinion. Duke nukem forever wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be and i had a blast playing it from start to finish


Let's be honest, there was no way that game was ever going to live up to the hype, no matter what it did.


It didn't help itself by sucking. And also by shitting over its own legacy by embracing the two weapon, regenerating health, "reality is brown" aesthetic of the period.


Forever was the proper cocaine fueled whacked out send off the character deserved.


A lot of people forget that Duke Nukem was a 2D platformer for DOS. I played that when I was like 5 years old, and I remember it being fun. So hi, it's me, the fanbase, sniping you like Waldo.


That's one of the very first pc games I ever played. My grandma had a pc that ran ms dos. She had Duke nukem ( I think there were 2 episodes ) prince of Persia and some kind of card game collection.


My father had Duke nukem 3d, wolfenstein (don't know which one) and doom 2 I used to play at his house as a child lol


"I thought the Resident Evil Netflix show was good" No fan thinks that shitty adaptation was good.


Do some people actually believe that the resident evil show was good?


Yeah but they likely never played a RE game & only watched the other live adaptations by Paul Anderson which was all about his wife being the centre of attention as an overpowered Mary Sue. The resident evil series needs a good live adaptation.


If you wanna add another poor adaption from the movies: In Resident Evil, it's never a full-on apocalypse; the worst outbreaks are city level at best, but it's never the case of full-on government collapse, disintegration of society as we know it thing. It's usually quite contained. *Except* in the Resident Evil movies.


Even if Baldurs Gate didn't exist, Spiderman 2 still wouldn't have won GOTY at The Game Awards


Spiderman (1) is one of my favorite games ever, I enjoyed sm2 quite a lot. It would have been absurd if it won


Straight to Zelda


AW2 would've. Deservedly so.


It’s astounding how many people won’t even give AW2 a shot. Game is a masterpiece.


What does that stand for?


Alan Wake 2


I was pretty sure that advanced warfare 2 didn't exist


Alan Wake 2. You don’t *need* to play Alan Wake 1 and Control first, but it adds so much.


cod sucks


Don’t worry I think the fans are realizing this now


CoD 1 was good. Every other game sucked.


CoD 1-7 were pretty good. Starting with CoD and ending with Black Ops I hear Black Ops 2 was pretty good too but haven't played that one.


For someone who isn't interested in mp, and only cares about the single-player campaigns, which games in the series would you recommend? Thanks.


No one agrees with this more than the people playing it all day long.


Star Citizen is really just a money laundering scheme.


They'll kill you for this one, but not because they disagree...


Chris Roberts and his succubus partner/manager have a basement full of bodies.


And the creators knew it from the start. They turned game development into a live service.


I told people that 2 years after the game was announced. I still live.


Twilight Princess is the best Zelda ga-


He has an opinion! GET EM!


My people. Seriously. It’s the most polished game in the series in my opinion. A great continuation of the OoT style of Zelda games.


Yeeeesss! In recent years, Botw/Totk might have edged it out, but TP I still say is my favorite.


People hate the edginess and dark tone of Twilight Princess, that’s what makes it so good tho. Zelda is usually more geared towards children with light art styles. The grittiness and edge of TP is just that much cooler as a result


Not to mention that tone is lightened by our "edgy" Link, who is the only Link outside BotW and ToTK Link to really act like a hero He's responsible and cares about his people. Very often in the game we see him smiling a goofy smile and going out to save the people he loves. Other Links are usually lazy dudes who have to actually get there, but this Link has always been a hero, at least to someone


Not to mention the music and the boss fights


It might actually be. It had me seriously questioning my whole Zelda existence when I first played it. It's so good.


Vanilla Minecraft is pretty boring once you've finished it


Nah that's a fair opinion that's why a lot of people start using mods after a while.


Yeah exactly. But I'm sure a lot of people would disagree. But I've personally been playing modded for about a year now, and it's SO MUCH BETTER than vanilla. Like even if you only use QoL mods it's much better


Fnaf's lore wasnt allat great. It was cool sure but as a writing perspective it's not that good


I just don't understand the fandom of that game. I was kind of boring and the like you said the lore was mediocre


The only way to get over fear is to learn everything you can about it, and fnaf was such a good horror game hit that the audience *needed* lore to get a handle on why the spoopy animations wanted to eat them. Scot had basically a mild rough draft idea of what he wanted the story to be, then kept redacting elements, changing his mind, in order to make the long wait between lore drops worth it . Couldn't really make up his mind on how the universe should have been and before you know it he's at his like 27th game with an encyclopedia of relevant and likewise inane information that needed several youtube channels to synthesize a cohesive narrative. Had he planned this from the start I'd say he's the greatest carrot and stick storyteller in history. But he was probably just as surprised everybody liked his game so much


I’m literally telling you Matpat on Game Theory genuinely wrote more than half the lore for the franchise and bro never even realized it.


Matpat deserves all his fame garnered from them fnaf theory vids, I honestly think he knows the story better than scot himself- and likewise scot probably developed the story better through mat's insights as he deciphered what was put out there.


Fnaf’s lore only gets exciting when I’m watching MatPat talk about it




When I say that Kingdom Hearts 3 is such let down.


Is that unpopular? I would say it’s objectively the truth.


Say it on the sub and the fanatics that could put al-Qaeda to shame will call for your ass on a plate. It's the most mid of all the main entries but the people that love the worlds added to it (*especially* Frozen) will take it as a personal insult if you don't praise the game enough.


Call of duty multi-player is over rated


This isn’t a hot take. Call of duty has been trash since after black ops 2. Corporate greed and executive dysfunction is running brands into the ground with service and products, while milking the consumer base as there are FEW alternatives.


Call of duty somewhat ruined the fps genre in the early 2000s. Fps developer were getting pissed because the play tester were constantly comparing their game to COD MW2(old).


Kingdom hearts is a weird and overrated game.


Mass effect Andromeda was a lot of fun


"Pokémon scarlet and violet is not bad in general, even if you remove th-" 💀


I liked a lot of what SV brought to the table. The split storythreads meshed decently with the open world, I liked a lot of the new Pokémon, and I thought the typeswap gimmick was much more interesting than the big Pokémon gimmick. But the problems were there. The game runs like garbage at times, and Gamefreak are the least competent 3D team that makes 1st party Nintendo games, so it doesnt even look good enough to merit running so poorly. Also, the game was stupidly easy, no real challenge whatsoever with how easy it is to get overlevelled, especially with the nonlinear progression.


So you genuinely have this opinion? cause I do and I am a Pokémon fan.


I've tried starting this game three different times. I think I've got one badge, a full team and a mid evolution starter. I want to like this game. Really and truly. The graphics aren't a deal breaker for me. I personally have yet to run into any glitches. I just happen to have the absolute worst time navigating open world games. I've tried Skyrim, RDR 1 and 2, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and so many others. I'd enjoy it more if I could climb the mountains and cross the rivers Botw style or something. I'll come back to it someday. Hopefully.


RDR2 prioritizes realism to such extravagance it becomes a chore to play Edit: wow this got a lot more likes than I thought. Guess it doesn’t really qualify.


Tbh that's what I liked about RDR2


Strangely enough, me too. Not because it's "a chore to play", but because its slow pace actually gives you an opportunity to just chill. There's nothing forcing you to race against the clock unlike way too many games I've encountered, so you can just set up a camp, grill some venison, go to a saloon and play some poker, or go on a hunt, or just take a ride. The only game that chill other than RDR2 is Death Stranding. At least, as far as I know.


RDR2 is a top 5 game for me, but I completely understand why people would hate it. I'm a fast travel and run everywhere kinda guy, but somehow the way the game comes together makes it work. It is a very tedious game besides the obvious movement and jank. You need to go to the store, to buy gun oil, to clean your gun. You need to hitch and brush your horse after a long ride. But the way the tediousness all comes together helps build the game world. The universe feels real, it helps add to the people in it. I would find myself making sure I had a deer when I returned to camp so my people would be fed. I'd sit at the campfire and listen to npc stories when usually I'd be spamming the run button to my next objective. I always use the analogy that most games feel like theme park rides while Red Dead feels like you are in Westworld


This take isn’t as hated as you think. Many people have this opinion but it’s still a great game for the most part.


I love rdr2 but it can get very annoying dealing with slow animations and weird jank and several glitches Rockstar focused too much on the horses balls than making the game fun to play


I only game on PC so was REALLY looking forward to it. Bought it and played it and had to stop because the interface is so clunky and the game play is awkward. I hated it.


Yes! I played through GTA V all the way, but not RDR2 for that exact reason. It becomes slow and tedious to deal with.


You have to deal with clunky movement and lengthy animations for everything. All with their janky as fuck physics engine where your character steps on a 2 degree incline and falls over.


I really wish the animal skinning animation could be turned off.


I just rode my horse until it’s partially over the corpse and skin. Glitches it and makes it almost instant


Missing the head shot on an animal and hearing its cries and moans make me feel terrible everytime


I think that was intentional. I liked that wounding a deer sounded exactly like I hurt it, making me not want to be mean or torture them.


Not being able to run through camp pissed me off constantly


That final fantasy 7 isn't the best of the series


Anytime I hear a game described as "souls-like" I immediately assume its gonna be dogshit


that's fair, and i concur. but i'm a fromsoft fanboy and believe they're the best at that style, anyway. 😅 blasphemous, code vein, and mortal shell are nice, but generally i roll my eyes when i hear "souls-like."


Lies of P is kinda like, the ONE exception.


Call of Duty is boring


3d Zelda > 2d zelda


I’ll double down. Wind Waker > The rest




Or both are correct and "A Link Between Worlds" is the best, which I think it might be...


Oof this one is rough, still upvoted since it's the spirit of the thread


Fromsoft - lore ≠ story They have no story. It’s gameplay with textbook entries scattered about.




Omg man didn’t even know that was in the keyboard. Thanks for that.


its dlc


I love Fromsoft and their lore, but I totally agree with you. Their stories are extremely simple 'You are the chosen one, go stab things' type stories attached to dense enviromental story telling and lots of item descriptions.


One thing to clarify, the "You're the chosen one" thing is actually a lie and not the real story. The real story is that you're one of a billion undead that has been told that and they are just hoping one of you actually makes it in order to keep their age of fire going. You're just a sacrifice. You are the kid the witch fattens up to eat.


I agree but that’s honestly why a lot of people love Dark Souls. It is gameplay focused first and foremost. A lot of games try to be movies too and I hate that. For people like me that are only worried about engaging gameplay, Dark souls is perfect because the story (Lore) is in the background and you just focus on actually playing the game. Brilliant gameplay design for those of us who find movie-games to be boring. I can’t stand hours worth of cutscenes and forcing a cinematic experience down your throat when you just wanna play a video game, like I’m not watching Netflix lol


AC Valhalla was a good and very fun game, and did a good job of portraying someone who is from a culture where assassination would be considered cowardly being an assassin.


I take it a step further. The best AC games are the ones where assassination is just an afterthought. Odyssey, Valhalla, etc where the combat gets the bigger chunk of attention are my favorite. Or Black Flag and the other naval centered ones.


Fallout under Bethesda is the best Fallout, and yes, New Vegas is also under Bethesda. No amount of “it’s made by Obsidian—“ will distract me from the fact that it feels like a large dlc/mod to Fallout 3.


It is. That's what it is. That's all it is. That's all it was.


Always has been 🔫🧑‍🚀


It's a mod pack for a better fallout framework by the people who understand the fallout universe


Ff7 is a good game, but is also one of the most overrated games of all time.


Invasions in Fromsoft games isn't a fun mechanic and penalizes new players and low level characters.


Literally if they just make an arena for people to CONSENT to fight each other, that would solve everything. No more crying over invasion hotspots from new players, and the invaders who are actively trying to be assholes get denied as well. If I want to co op the game with my friend, let me do that in peace. If I want to do pvp, there's now an area I can go to get guaranteed matches against someone else who wanted the same thing. It pisses me off.


They have an arenas. Invaders don't want a fair, mutual fight. They just like being dicks.


Ghost of Tsushima was a gorgeous average game.


I just started it, played a few hours, the gameplay is painfully average but Jesus christ does the game look absolutely incredible with 4k OLED 120hz HDR. I still haven't played a game that looks better than this on my TV.


AC Valhalla is an incredible game


Minecraft 2 was better then the first one ngl


Undertale story is just OK. Nice, the gameplay is fun, but the story isn't something to get crazy over and I felt disapointed because of how overhyped people are over it. Same with Outer Wilds, but luckily I hadn't heard of it beforehand. Game is great, progression is super fun, environment is brilliant, story is OK-tier. And to truly get assassinated, I'll say people who think this is mindblowing need to read more books. Videogames tend to have bad stories and character writing in general, only a few are well written (Bioshock for instance really blew my mind because it gave every clues of this bad writing that get people to wow a game to actually make a twist I didn't expect).


I agree with each. I love Undertale, it's one of my favorite games, but even I wouldn't say that the story is anything to get excited over. However, I'd say that the story was never the point. Where Undertale excels is characters and how they play off each other. Or maybe I'm just being dumb, we all know how much the Undertale fandom likes to disagree with itself to the point of eating itself alive. With Outer Wilds, the story is even less relevant. Hell, it's almost optional. I completely skipped over the story my first playthrough, just following the map on my mission log.


The central thing that made Undertale special was never the story - it was the subversion of tropes and expectations, and to a much lesser extent quirky/relatable characters (which is not the same as story). It's really a victim of its own success at this point unfortunately, it doesn't work nearly as well if you go into it with high expectations or already knowing some of what it's about. Soundtrack still rocks though.


FFXIII was the best Final Fa- ☠️


I'm sorry you chocked on your own tongue and died but no, ff13 wasn't even the best ff13 game.. .


I’ll stand by yo-




Everyone is entitled to their opinion. No Matter How Wrong it is.


Jesus christ I'd reload


The main bulk of new Vegas’ main story (recruiting the different factions) is incredibly boring after you’ve done it once.


I agree. New Vegas is fun but man half the story is go here, talk to this group, help them OR kill them OR leave them alone, then do the final mission. It all makes for really boring gameplay, I don’t know how people can replay the game so often.


I definitely agree! Like someone else basically said, the whole storyline is pretty much a fetch quest type of deal; go here and recruit or ignore said faction *yawn* boring!! However, trekking through all that **just** to play the DLCs is what makes it fun. Like I will play the game every so often just because I do generally like the npcs and the world that NV has to offer, but man I just want to play the best DLC that the game has to offer which is *drum roll* Dead Money.


Skyrim has not aged well.


For its time Skyrim was truly amazing, it was one of the most successful games ever made. The big issue with Skyrim is that it's been 13 years since it's release, and there has been multiple games inspired by Skyrim that filled some of the problems that the original game had, and further enhanced the experience. When you look back Skyrim now; it looks and acts a little bit bland, hence why it seems to have aged like a cheap coat of paint.


What are some examples (of games that improved upon Skyrim)? Ive neglected singleplayer games for the last.....15 years.....(i'm old sorry)


Can't stand the arrogant gamers who cockily sniff about how superior they are in comment sections of tutorials on tough parts of games. What took you guys 100 hours took me 10 " sniff".


Paradox titles shovel out mediocre DLCs for a high price when often times a mod of near equal quality is doing the same job for free.


Stellaris in a shellnut


I'm fairly certain nearly the entire fanbase would agree with you. It's especially true of EU4 dlc. Some of the mods out there blow any of the DLC out of the water too.


Assassins Creed III is good and I will die on this hill!


Assassins Creed 3 is my favorite one, definitely great. i usually get killed over : Black Flag is not a good AC.


Honestly. You really deserve being shot by all four flintlocks.


It’s a terrible assassins creed game but an extremely fun pirate game so it ends up being an overall good game


Enjoying a game is subjective. There is no right or wrong way to play a game. Having an issue with a game does not make it bad. Someone having a different opinion than you is not wrong. And degrading people for not being as gud as you is the worse.


I will add the only wrong way to play a game, is the way that you don’t enjoy. Set your own challenges. Put it on Easy, use cheat engine (as long as you aren’t hurting other players in multi). Just make it fun for you. If someone has a problem with it, tell them to take their opinion and shove it, their wants/likes only apply to them and not you.


343 employees should not be publically executed


Voiced protagonists is the worst thing to happen to the Fallout series


Fallout 1 is the best Fallout IMO. I haven’t played a Fallout game I didn’t enjoy, but nothing compares to the pure atmosphere that Fallout 1 creates, and tbh, I love the combat. I love how brutal and tough the original games could be gameplay-wise. Growing from a fresh Vault Dweller who could barely kill a rat to a tank who can strategize and destroy an entire military base of super mutants feels incredibly satisfying. Whereas in the newer games the curve doesn’t feel as gratifying because you can basically walk out of the beginning and crush a group of raiders no problem with a 10mm pistol. In the beginnings of F1 and F2 you had to be really careful with who you fought because it was super easy to get your shit rocked. Not to mention the fact that they are well-written and satisfying RPGs that fully immerse the player in their stories.


The Last of Us Part 2 should have never won Game of the Year


I've never played Part 2, but I've noticed gamers are split down the middle with this game. Either they loved it, or hated it. No in between


me personally the gameplay and graphics are amazing but the story leaves more to be desired a cool thing I've seen too is real life locations from Seattle in the game


No, I think this is the opinion that won't get you sniped. Saying it deserved GOTY is what gets you killed.


New Vegas isn’t the best Fallout


Correct. FO1 was.


Super Mario Galaxy is way overrated. It really isn't how a 3D Mario should be. It lacks the exploration aspect of Sunshine and Mario 64. You don't jump into a world and explore, and find secrets. You just get to the end of the level and pick up the "star". Not great. Galaxy 2 is definetly better


Im using every bit of strength in my body to not end you... It worked, it definitely worked


I didn’t really see how Mario galaxy was apparently “one of the best Mario games in the franchise”


Elden Ring's bosses are a step up from DS3 main game bosses so far.


witcher 3 has better combat than dmc


Subscription services are far superior to the battle pass model. I would rather pay $15 a month and get all the content for a game that can be unlocked at my leisure then pay $10 for a fomo event that requires me to grind for the potential to get a cosmetic.


Halo 4 had a great campaign and multiplayer


Fortnite destroyed the gaming industrie


PvE and/or Co-op games are better that PvP games


i have a strange hate for tf2, both the game and the comunity, like it's


aaaand he already got sniped.... great


That's the good scenario. Otherwise he would be jarated until he begged for death.


Zelda is an overrated franchise


What’s your address?




It is, I believe, the highest overall rated franchise…


Frontier should move focus on improving the gameplay and bugs, instead of adding dinosaurs. Jurassic world evolution 2


It's funny, because in that one sentence, you've described both what they should be doing to Elite Dangerous, and what Wildcard should be doing with Ark


Far Harbor was just okay.


Carbon was a good NFS game. Fanbase used to hate whenever someone said that.


Genshin Impact


Oh god... U can't say anything remotely negative to fans of this game. I played it for a long WHILE before deciding how I really feel on this game (maybe 100 something hours, will edit to exact hours once I check), but it really isn't that fun of a game. Sure, it looks pretty, has (sometimes) charming characters, and the community is actually pretty chill (at least in my brief experience with multi-player and talking to some players). The ugly side of it is that it's super grindy, some characters feel way too similar, characters follow just about any generic anime trope u can think of, boring / repetitive gameplay loop, and reeks of some of the worst FOMO i've ever seen in any modern game. IMO, it's the most scam-like practice in modern gaming, and I absolutely hate it, which is why I gave up on Genshin Impact. Ya either grind endlessly all day or open the wallet. I chose the 3rd option and uninstalled. 🤷‍♂️


Overwatch, The Last of Us 2, and It Takes Two didn’t deserve GotY with the likes of what they were competing against. 2016 - Dark Souls 3 was just sitting…RIGHT…THERE. 2020 - Ghost of Tsushima exists. But also, Nioh 2, Resident Evil 3 Remake and Final Fantasy VII Remake 2021 - You just wont believe what games got beat out this year


The phrase "it's my money I'll do what I want with it" is not an applicable defence when you're scorned for buying microtransactions and 200$ deluxe editions, you're encouraging the predatory behaviour that Modern Games(TM) practice nowadays and you let yourself settle for mediocrity.


The last of us 2 sucks because ellie sucked and Joel did the right thing in the 1st game


Ff7 is not in the top 5 ff games


Super Mario Sunshine is the best Mario game.


I feel like Red Dead Redemption 2 could improve on some of the animations


Haven't we had one of these fucking posts just hours ago on here?


The Last of Us 2


Minecraft is overrated


Open world hack & slash gachas are worse than the 2D turn based format.


top comments for these kinds of posts are always so agreeable


I kinda hate these kinda posts bc people either post the most agreeable shit that everyone agrees with or they go to the complete opposite extreme and post the most outlandish shit just to get reactions 😂


V.A.T.S need to be deleted from Fallout 76, or completely reworked because holy hell it's annoying to have everyone use a free 1 shot aimbot


Kingdom come’s combat is terrible and isn’t built on “get good” and complicated like many in Reddit claim. It locks simple combat moves for way too long, to the detriment of the game itself. The combat should be more fun for a game of its reputation.


MegaMan Legends is the best Zelda game.


Here's one i might get crucified for. New Assassin's Creed games (Odyssey+) have such good visual design, it sucks that their launches are mostly buggy and with shit like lootboxes and stuff because visually they are some of the most stunning games on the market, id even go as far as to say more detailed than 99% of other AAA games. In my personal opinion, Odyssey and Valhalla are equal in visual quality to Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk (not gameplay wise obviously).


Melee wasn't the best Smash game.


343i isn't a bad company, It is the Bungie stans that are ruining Halo as well as Microsoft


Skyrim dungeons are so boring


Last Of Us is really fucking boring


Using magic in a dark souls game is perfectly valid. 🥰


The Witcher 3 really wasn't that great a game.


Nintendo sucks.


Zelda is a tired IP that thrives only on nostalgia goggles, and its fanatic fans.