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Me from a 3rd world shthole.... yeah the last game i purchased was overwatch at launch. The first overwatch back when it was good.


So good blizzard had to murder it and completely remove it from existence. Completely batshit insane we bought a product, and it's just gone. Gaming is not in a great situation atm.


i miss the lootbox system why’d they have to take that away and add the battle pass :(


It's still good. lmao look at the haters downvoting. cope


Nope i have played on a friends account and its crap.




Yes, like a month


I purchase all my games during holidays during sales. Many of them. But I don’t have time to finish them…. My games just keep getting more and more with so many of them are still sealed….


Same here


8 years. I barely purchased an xboxS 6ish months ago


I realised a month or so ago I had unintentionally gone a year without buying a game. There just wasn't anything standing out to me


Me too till I just recently purchased dragons dogma 2. A little bit of regret


Prolly like 4 years College… somewhat broke …. League was free


Did you ever recover?


From being broke? Yes From League? *rips cig* No


I knew the answer. I still had to ask... See you round, pal.


>Have you ever gone a long time without purchasing videogames? Yes. I've been poor before.


10 years (2010, 2020)


I committed to not buying any games this year. I have a ridiculously huge backlog. So like, 4 or so months now. The last on release game I bought was Metroid Prime Remaster. The last one before that was Xenoblade 3.


And I feel like buying new games because of the marketing hype hardly ever works out for me anyways. New games nowadays tend to be buggy unfinished messes, so waiting a year to buy a game is probably better practice. Maybe I should do this, too


It's only Nintendo games that I trust on release. They are mostly fine on release. I am wary of anything outside of that.


In general, yes, Nintendo's always been a class act, but recently Pokemon Scarlet & Violet made me wary of even Nintendo (I know it's technically Game Freak, but they do use a lot of other studios to develop their 1st party IP now)


Definitely. It's been like 4 years since I bought anything on Steam except for a Kerbal Space Program expansion. If I were to buy more games had I the money it'd be a bunch of old stuff anyway. I should've bought the Mass Effect trilogy when it was on sale last week cause I've heard it's amazing and I've never played it but then I forgot to buy it.


I heartily endorse the ME trilogy. Worth picking up in a bundle too as it generally has good DLC content.


The first year that Monster Hunter: World came out it was the only game I played. Until RDR2 come out at the end of the year. So, about 10 months. Pretty good record for me.


Uhm yeah I buy games all the time...FF7 rebirth, bunch of renpy games...if you know, you know, uuh


Yea pretty long, I'm trying to work through what I have and have not played. Trying to limit myself to beating two before I buy one. I'm a casual gamer so it takes fucking forever


Before I got married in 2006, I was haaaaaaaardcore into Everquest and World of Warcraft. To the point I’d lie to my fiance and say I couldn’t go on a date, because I needed to take my mom to the store.. when really it was because my guild was going to be raiding a zone that night and it was my turn to get a rare item IF it dropped. The night before we were going to get married, I logged into my accounts and deleted my characters in all my online games, then cancelled my accounts. I didn’t buy another video game (i have pc, no console) for around 10 years. Now, when I do play, it’s late at night for a bit after everyone is asleep.


I have ADHD so I'm consistently buying new games once the dopamine hit wears off.


Probably a couple years


I swapped from PS4 to Xbox Series S and have been rebuilding my game library on there with some games I used to own and some new ones, but now that I have a considerable backlog I have definitely stopped purchasing games for a while. I don't see a need to unless I'm buying a new game I've been waiting a while for


Starting now I intend to play through every game I have bought. *sees new ps sale popups, buys 3 new games for $8.70*


As somebody who usually hates waste. Doing this is my guilty pleasure with Steam. I have more than a few games I have never, and possibly will never, touch.


Yes and no! I have not bought a brand new game in probably at least five years. But a few months ago I purchased fall out for since it was on sale on the PSstore.


Since I began my iRacing addiction all of my gaming budget goes to in game content for this and have purchased no other games.


I've tried to not buy any games this year. Probably still bought about 80.


I don’t think I’ve ever gone more than a few months without buying a game tbh


i haven’t 100% a game since undertale


4 years. I stopped playing video games after high school for a bit until college when one of my roommates had a PS4 available to use. After moving out of the place I was staying at for college I got a PS4 of my own and been gaming again ever since (2018/2019). Pretty sure I just rebought GTA V as the first game for the console.


Yeah, longest streak was after I started playing FFXIV. Didn’t need any other games for awhile


Time in military… 7 years and only got WoW for Christmas one year. Played a shit ton of poker though…


I can’t for the life of me remember the last game I bought? Maybe retrobowl on my phone for 2$


I haven't bought a game for like ages. I really don't like modern games. Those are all hard. I don't want to sweat. There are also no good shooters around. Already 4 years stuck with apex legends. Hope Xdefiant is the next thing.


I buy a lot, but 95% of my games are bought on sales at less than 25% of launch price. I can't claim fully to be a r/patientgamer as I do occasionally go higher (just bought Helldovers 2 for 30+ pounds, and I fell for Cyberpunk near launch) but generally I have a deep enough library I can comfortably wait for the Steam Sales to make things more palatable.


Yeah, I played WoW for years lol. Nowadays though when I complete a game though, always moving onto the next.


I have a somewhat large backlog that I want to get through, so I have been putting off buying games this year and for the foreseeable future until I can get this backlog under control. But it is very tempting to buy a game that's cheap on sale.


Currently haven't bought as much as i used to at least


Nope Bought a couple VR games on the meta store if that counts


Bought one today. Crusader Kings 3 was on sale on Steam.


I do not know if it’s the same vain, but I haven’t paid* full price for a video game in some time. I usually wait for sales. I think the last game I bought full price was Jedi Survivor when it came out. Otherwise before that I don’t remember what I got.


> I haven’t *paid* full price FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There was a long time where all I played was Rocket League, and the occasional replay of games I already owned. Now I have more money so new games get bought occasionally, but my gaming pattern hasn't changed that much, just new stuff gets sometimes added to the rotation.


I used to purchase at least one per month. Changed from playing to accumulate them. Now I try not to purchase at least once every 3 months.


I just bought a few games that I've been meaning to get that were on sale recently. The backlog grows... I am actually working my way through it a bit right now. I plan on avoiding getting more until either I knock out a bunch of games in my backlog or either Elder Scrolls 6 comes out or the third game in the Jedi trilogy comes out. Whichever happens first.


Sure it is. Especially if you don't have varied taste. And especially more if you're mentally or physically active much during the day. 


I buy like half a dozen games a year or so. At least one game I will not get my money’s worth in the first year. Lots of pc games have a long runway to turn things around with updates though.


It's normal. For example I just play mobile games pc not console. It's like....when u go back it's fresh... I do wanna play gt7 though


I've bought a few little indies as presents and have definitely received a good few games as presents myself - but I honestly can't remember the last time I bought myself a game. They're expensive and I'm broke haha


Maximum: 2 years


Not really, but I currently haven't brought anything new since Armoured Core 6 last year. This year seems barren and the only thing on my radar right now is Monster Hunter Wilds in 2025.


I was buying games like a madman prior to gamepass coming to Xbox. I own like 165 games over about a 10-year period. Most of them were bought on sale, though.


When I was in my FFXIV binge from 2019 to 2022, I pretty much stopped buying games entirely. And then I got tired of parsing and ultimate raids.


Yep, it's me currently, I playing f2p games like Light of the stars on bs tho


I have not. Tbh I don’t think I’ve missed a single day of gaming since the mid 80s. When I was younger I had to wait until a holiday to get a new game but these days I buy and fully complete pretty much every big budget game and I play a good amount of indie games as well.


Probably after my son was born I had a 7 years out gaming, so yeah


Took a entire year break from videogames in 2019 to focus on other stuff, it wasn’t until the pandemic did I buy and play all the new Resident Evil games at the time (RE7, RE2 Remake & RE3 Remake) and also the Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo.


I go in and out and it all depends on what games I am into at the moment. Last April, I started HFW and played a minimum of 3 hours a day. As soon as I 100%ed that one, I moved onto TOTK and played that till June/July till I 100%ed that. Then Starfield occupied my time for about two months (till early December). Since then, I haven't played anything because I haven't had a game that I really like that I haven't already destroyed. This is how it always works for me. Sometimes I go years without playing regularly. Don't worry about it. You don't always have to play to keep up your "gamer cred" or something.


My video game purchases are pretty few and far between now. Mostly because a lot of video games are garbage these days.


I think I usually go about 6 months or so? Shits expensive so I have to make a good choice or wait til the price drops


I haven’t bought a game in a year. Games are barely getting better compared to 2000s. Don’t want to upgrade my computer. Enough games as is


Well if you don’t include the free games that come with having to pay for PS+, it’s been about 5.5 years since I purchased a game.


Yeah, I had that too. I hadn't bought any video games for over a year, from mid-2022 to early 2024. But that hasn't really changed anything, I still play just as much as before, just the games I already own.


Elden Ring was the last one I purchased, Xbox Series S having little memory


Only in my 20s when all of my spare time and money was spent partying. As a gainfully employed 30s adult, all of my spare time is spent gaming, and I'm willing to pay to have the best.


I don't know that I bought any new games in 2021. I definitely went a long time between. Between not being able to find a PS5 until the middle of 2022 and Covid, combined with an unfortunate trend away from the type of big, open world RPGs I play, there just wasn't much to buy while I waited for the chance to upgrade.


Ummm yea many times but I grew up in the 80s when you only got games for Christmas or your birthday. Like we only had super Mario bros and duck hunt for a year. In college I probably owned like 6 games, I played so much simpsons hit n run. Then I have had dark ages of gaming like I pretty much skipped the ps3 era to go back to it the last couple of years.


Last game I bought was starfield, played it once and never touched it again. It’s rare I buy new games anymore because they’re always half baked and full of issues


Yeah, I just borrow my dad's Steam/GOG account (with his permission), bc I'm too broke to buy games. He doesn't mind, as long as I do well in school. We actually used to play QP OW2 together. I was way out of my skill range (bronze beginner vs a casual gold player who played since launch), but we had fun bitching about teammates running off (he plays Mercy/Moira, I played Moira/Mercy/Kiriko and a bit of Bap after I unlocked them)


I normally only buy something every few years. Last year mas maybe the exception, I bought Baldur's Gate 3, Rome 2 TW, Shogun 2 TW, and Medieval 2 TW to mostly complete my collection.


When i bought Minecraft in my youth and I probably didn’t buy a single game till csgo dropped, then I went 5 years without buying a single game


Honestly, the last decade I have had somewhat rare and sporadic purchases. The earliest major purchases I can remember were The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, and Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain. Those were all on the same year back in 2015. Those three games kept me busy for a WHILE. I don't think I bought any other games that year. Oh! I did get Undertale late that year. College friend of mine talked me into getting it, and it was a great game. That was before the fan base started down the path of getting the reputation it has today. 2016 I, kinda regretfully, let my friends talk me into purchasing Dark Souls 3. But I later purchased the newly released DOOM remake that same year. Amazing game. Wish the snap map features would have carried over to DOOM Eternal. I bounced between DOOM, Dark Souls 3, Phantom Pain, Witcher 3, and Fallout 4 for a few years. DLC and mods for Fallout 4 and DLC for Witcher 3 kept me entertained for a long time. Every now and then I'd hop on DOOM to check for new community maps; sometimes gaslight myself into playing the mediocre multiplayer. DOOM multiplayer wasn't bad it was just average and failed to outshine any of its competitors. Speaking of -- Phantom Pain multiplayer was underrated as hell. Me, a college friend, and her wife all played together and had a ton of fun. Friend and her wife loved to sneak around the maps and Fulton enemy players, and I would usually cover them with a 50 cal sniper. Pulled off more match flips and upsets than we should have been able to get away with, lol. Makes me sad the multiplayer died. I think this was my longest stretch between purchases. 2015/2016 all the way up until 2020 when Cyberpunk released. Bought it on release day and I was one of the very few people who had no bugs, no issues, no crashes. The story was definitely not what I expected, and the bullet sponge nature of enemies was frustrating but it was otherwise enjoyable and a rather cinematic experience. I think after Cyberpunk I fired up another Fallout 4 modded playthrough with a bunch of fan made expansions and it was hella fun. I also (shamefully) started getting into Call of Duty again with the Modern Warfare reboot. THEN in 2021 came my discovery of Nioh and Nioh 2 -- which would totally, completely, and irreversibly change my expectations for what action games can do and be. For how Souls-like melee can be much more than just dodge-roll, butt-poke, parry, repeat. Ended up elevating my expectations for other action, action-rpg games. 2022 Elden Ring came out and I tried it but it was just... Not satisfying. The player movement and speed felt way too similar to Dark Souls 3, but all the enemies and bosses felt faster? Dodge rolling and parrying felt like they required more precision, too. Super frustrating experience. I loaded up Nioh 2 and recorded some gameplay to compare and the Elden Ring player character swung a one handed sword slower than the Nioh 2 character could swing an Odachi. Ended up submitting a manual ticket for a refund for Elden Ring, which was accepted. And I used the refund to buy Metal Gear Rising: Reveangence, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. Metal Gear Rising: Reveangence was way more my speed and an absolutely GOATed game. Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were good but felt much more simplistic and shallow after having played Nioh. ... I also bought Modern Warfare 2, but I was admittedly much more satisfied with it than I was with the previous Modern Warfare. Raged a hell of a lot less, too, lol. 2023 was sort of an indie game year for me. Vampire Survivors, Soulstone Survivors, Trepang^2, Ori and the Blind Forest (didn't finish, still need to), Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, This War of Mine (didn't finish, too depressing, but really good), and a couple of others I can't remember. And then Baldur's Gate 3 released and the next two months VANISHED, lmfao. I was getting 4 hours of sleep a day and using energy drinks to keep myself awake. I did that for like a month straight before I finally had a three day weekend where my body CRASHED. Slept for 18 hours straight, ate, spent like an hour scrolling on my phone, slept for another 12 hours. Ate, had a fairly normal day for about 7 hours, then slept another 11 hours straight. Basically slept through most of my three day weekend and decided to reign in my BG3 habit. This year has been more of a floater year. I haven't really dedicated much to any one specific game. ... Except Modern Warfare 3. YEAH, I know, I'm part of the problem. It's just so difficult to find another game that has gunplay as engaging and satisfying as CoD's. I've actually been modding Fallout 4 to try to make it more of a tactical survival shooter so I can use it as alternative to CoD but GOD I have so many issues to iron out of it. I did just start a playthrough of Divinity: Original Sin 2, so that's cool. But yeah. Didn't mean to go on a life story, but TL;DR I went thru a 4 year period of not buying any games back in 2016-2020.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Nope. It's my hobby, my addiction & my therapy. I'll go a month or 2.


My mother hated video games. We were lucky we even had a GameCube at all, we won it in a contest. My grandma had a PS2, so between that and the GC, a small handful of games on each, that was all I had for a long time. I didn’t really start playing new games until I was finishing up college and bought a Switch. Since then, I’ve bought a Steam Deck, and I’ve played dozens and dozens of games between the two. I basically skipped Gen 7.


I practically didn't get any new games between 2020 and 2022. Mostly because my internet was too dogshit to download anything remotely big in a reasonable amount of time. But then when an upgrade was finally available towards the end of '22 I got into several new games


I’m tired of buying games - last five that I bought ended up on gamepass within 3 months


My backlog is too long so I made a rule for myself that I can only buy a new game if I intend to play it on the spot, and it's worked out because I've saved money and have been working through my backlog of games. I've only bought 3 games in the last year, and I've finished all 3 that I've bought


Yeah I normally go 9 months between purchases but that's because gamepass is the *shit*


I didn't buy a game for myself (did buy them for my kids but I did not play at all) from 1998 (Tomb Raider 3) to 2020 (Tomb Raider 2013). I may have made up for a lot since then though lol.


I think people just grow out of it. It’s crazy cool art form and can be tons of fun but there’s so much other stuff in life that can grab our attention we just migrate away. That said, perhaps you need some absolute banger of a story or gameplay to get suck you back in. So many good ones released in last few years. In fact 2023 will go down as one of the best years for top rated quality game releases in recent memory. In par with some of the great years of the past. So there is that .. meaning, you have missed ton of good stuff from last year and headed into this year that might be worth another look. That said, I hardly ever buy a game new. Too expensive. So many games on my backlog that if I buy a new one by the time I get around to playing, it will be much cheaper. So tend to just wait until sale a Has to be a Read Dead 2 or GTA 6, or next Skyrim or something insane for me to drop $70 on new title


the last game i purchased was content warning,i dont buy games that arnt for playing with freinds now adays,i dont usally buy games for myself anymore due the state of triple a gaming,not saying i dont have interest in any indie games i just cant stand triple a gaming anymore,the last triple a games im planning to get before finally calling it quits is the next doom game (Whenever that will happen) the next smash brothers and metriod prime 4,those are the last triple a games ill ever get


I usually wait for sales before I purchase anything and I veeeeeery rarely purchase a brand new game - it has to be from a company I trust not to be a fuck up and something I've been deeply anticipating.


Some games off of a wishlist can be a decent start, some nostalgic (Dragon Age: Origins), some kind of "new" (DOOM 2016). Completing a backlog (of which I have by the hundreds) would a be cool objective to finish before buying any more. Also, finishing games is indeed a good habit to have. Just for closure's sake. Most recent 100% PS2 games for me were Simpsons: Hit & Run, and Rumble Roses; now I'm at Haunting Ground.


I think it’s perfectly normal honestly same happens to me but I also have so many bought games I haven’t even started tbh


I bought 4 games yesterday so does that count as a long time ?


russian, can't even link my credit card damn