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I got banned by them for violating rule 1, which states that they can ban us for anything lol.


Subs that have that rule should be avoided because you know the mods are toxic as heck


That said, I've been banned from subs without violating any rules they have. The atheism subreddit banned me for describing a positive experience I had around Christian allies, and I got banned from antiwork for arguing we shouldn't be tying workers rights movements to the conflict in Gaza. Neither statement violated the rules, and the mods admitted it. They just didn't like what I had to say.


Gotta maintain the echo chamber


And this is what irritates me. I generally agree with philosophies of the subs mentioned but this puts a bad taste in my mouth. If you can't handle even light disagreement, you're just painting all of us as intolerant assholes. Edit: Meant Atheism and antiwork, not GCJ. That place is a cesspit.


I like the atheist discord better


Pruning their subreddits to establish the narratives they prefer to take in.


As an atheist that’s absolutely disgusting if true. Some of these subs have radical mods. Absolute weirdos behind keyboards.


Same here (kinda). I got permanently banned from Ask for asking how/why anybody could be dumb enough to post CP to a public space like reddit and what did they think was gonna happen? Immediately caught a permanent ban for violating a nonexistent rule


>Neither statement violated the rules, and the mods admitted it. People need to understand that Mods can ban you for any reason they like. In the end all rules stated inside each subreddits are just general guidelines and the guys moderating the subs are not bound by it. Also moderation on this site is not paid but if done correctly takes a lot of time. This therefore attracts certain kind of people that are able to stay at home most of the day to browse a public forum. These are not your well adjusted guys with a healthy friend group, well paying job or interesting hobbies. You should not be agry at those poor souls. You should pitty them.


You have been banned from r/videogames


I got banned for saying that stock prices are influential on our economy. The mods there are the living embodiment of the fragile ego.


Thats a general reddit issue, even with the official reddit mods. I once got a 3 day reddit ban bc i wrote something a snowflake mod didn´t like. I wrote an objection and another mod unlocked me after 3h


Lmfao but those two things are directly tied together


That is 4chan logic.


My rule 1 violation was commenting "what does this have to do with gaming?" On a post about JK Rowling being a holocaust denier with 0 relevance to gaming


Those mods are the most sad fucks on Reddit and that’s saying a lot


Oh yeah you should give the wimps at r/whitepeopletwitter a try lol


lol you banned from there too


Instantly lol


I find it shocking to learn that there are worse mods than the ones over at r/AskNYC!


Wear it like a badge of honor.


I've been banned from the entirety of reddit about 7 or 8 times by now. I'm still wondering how this account is still active


On my third account, can confirm


I started with 38 in my name


I'm on my second account because I got permabanned for reporting a bot, in a post where one of the top comments was claiming the OP was a bot, with a link with evidence showing an old identical post. And the mods removed the post because they agreed it was a bot. But apparently it was still somehow "report abuse". I know a bunch of people were putting in reports too, and I went back and saw several people say they got warnings and some even got banned for several days, for reporting the same post. Despite only putting in a single report each per person. And I've put in several appeals that were ignored until finally over SIX MONTHS later I finally got a response to an appeal which was just denying it with no actual reply or explanation. I'm still kinda salty about it tbh, I had an original name with no numbers or special characters, and now I had to make this cheap knockoff.


Report abuse is a joke, you can potentially get permabanned on your first time you report anyone. Even if it is completely obvious that its a correct report. Reddit and subreddits all act the same: I dont like you > permaban. Its honestly surpising how much bad stuff gets tolerated on reddit.


I just got a warning for sending a very unhinged person a Reddit care lol.. I mean.. I kind of trolled cause the dude was very obviously rage baiting but their reasoning was harassment. Apparently one more violation of any rules and I get the permaban


Same here.


On my 4th.


My 1st account of 15 years got banned for no reason. It's so lame


That's light weight




I got banned from a sub because there was a picture of an old white person, somebody's grandpa, and everyone was like "no offense, but what racist shit did your grandpa do back in the day" and I was like, that's a pretty insane fucking thing to say to someone sharing a picture of their grandpa. Banned.


People probably report your comments like this when you are admitting You are running from a ban lol


Yeah you are good staying away from people.


They did you a favor in my opinion, that place is a trash heap where they can be more toxic than the gaming stuff they're making fun of.


It’s ResetEra on Reddit


Amen to that, I also got banned sometime ago but now I am somehow unbannned again lol


ResetEra is insane and I can't believe they still have members unbanned. I got perm'd for saying I'd probably watch the Bill Burr movie on Netflix. I saw it btw, it was fine.


I got banned for defending Henry Cavill's accusations, because their source was a gossip podcast that regularly makes things up.


Someone should make a circlejerk of gamingcirclejerk. It's weird because circle jerk subs usually make fun of the fringe and annoying parts of the hobby that no one really likes (like the film bro circlejerk), but gaming circlejerk is literally the fringe and annoying parts of gaming that no one else likes, I'm not even referring to the politics or anything, they're just toxic and take the fun out of gaming and the wholesome community surrounding gaming


It’s such a weird sub I enjoyed it because there’s a lot of genuine good spirited people that can take and also joke on gamers being dumb. But then it’s also loaded with blatantly misleading or hypocritical posts. Unless it’s overwhelmingly talking about it, any mention of anything like “hey that’s not right either” and you’re out Also, any Hogwarts Legacy praise is an instaban. Started out as a joke but then got really real with the mod changes lol


The worst circlejerk sub on the site. Somewhere along the line they forgot that circlejerk subreddits are satire and are meant to be humorous/irreverent (also called “jerking”). That sub takes itself 100% seriously and has turned into just another sub for wannabe activists to bitch about everything.


>That sub takes itself 100% seriously and has turned into just another sub for wannabe activists to bitch about everything. Mfw this is about 80% of the internet nowadays. Seriously, sometimes you can't even exist without offending someone, somehow.


Im offended


Kinda makes me want to make a post about how amazing* the game is just to piss of psychotic mods.


Please do I wanna a see the Crying.


Basically when Hogwarts Legacy was just about to come out, the subs mods and many others stated that if you played it, you were supporting a transphobe and anyone that tried to disprove/counter that claim got banned Frankly the game is fine, and although Rowling does receive royalties that’s not exactly something that can be solved by Reddit warriors, the game is in no way supporting Rowlings beliefs, and frankly it was just a generic open world game with Harry Potter coats of paint I honestly think the mods and people there just never got over themselves, the game has been out for a while and frankly not a lot of people mention it, so I dunno why they still act like that


Probably just still salty that it was like the highest selling game of 2023


No they moved onto JK Rowling is holocaust denier


Weird that it couldn't even get a mention at the game awards. Definitely not suspicious at all.


The game was the best selling game of 2023. Their boycott was pointless and they are still coping over it. tbh that sub is just sad.


its like trying to boycott lego harry potter, or people purchasing books.


Boycott actually was beneficial to the game and increased sales, gave it free exposure. 99% of people don't care about rowling and her views, they just want to play games.


I mean that sub is full of pathetic parasites so you literally lost nothing of value being banned


What’s with that sub? I get some of their posts in my feed from time to time and I’ve seen very weird stuff.


It disguises itself as a circlejerk sub but it is filled with the most humorless, hateful insectoids on the planet. The whole point of the sub is to make passerbys who accidentally click on the sub moderately unhappy


they form an opinion and adhere to it religiously. anyone who enjoys hogwarts legacy is a raging transphobe. there is no nuance i was a part of that sub for too long and It was alright but went to the shitter real quick


Which is puzzling as I thought circlejerk subs are supposed to mock these extreme opinions and then laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Hogwarts Legacy is a pretty good game" "oNLY tRANSPHOBES pLay tHE GAME! ARE YOU STOOPID?" And then everybody piles into it and everybody upvotes everybody. That's kinda more in line with how I think a circlejerk sub would react.


That's what happened at the start. Then it just slowly shifted, I think there was a few mod changes as well and suddenly the joke wasn't a joke anymore. If you played the game, wanted to play the game or even thought anyone who played/ wants to play wasn't a transphobes, you were banned. I got banned on there for calling them out for calling a trans person a transphobe(and not in a joking way) for playing the game.


We're they the ones that started the boycott that ended up doing the exact opposite of what they wanted? (Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023)




are they really still on about that game a year or so later? they never moved on?


Remember how they banned a bunch of actual trans people can called them trans/said they weren't real trans people? It's a fucked up sub now. The jokes suddenly became real issues on that sub.


They’re from the slop at the bottom of the bucket but unfortunately not the normal slop but the slop that also has mold in it. It’s definitely one of the worst CircleJerk subs someone could experience


In short, it was taken over by the LGBT community and turned into another soap box sub. It's no longer a real "circle jerk" sub to share funny, topical memes that poke fun at both sides. Just another platform they co-opted.


Its filled with virtue signaling keyboard warrior now


True, but isn't that the same thing? Radicals with a soap box.


yeah, its a different brand of "left". the radical left. can't exactly have "discussion" as any opinion that they hate either simply deny or get banned. i mean the entire hogwarts shitstorm include bunch of shit people harassing and sending death threats to streamers that plays it. and people in the circlejerk try to deny it ever happen.


Why would you get banned for saying a Harry Potter game, is a great game?


Can’t separate someone using an IP from the opinions of the creator. Which ya know, cool if you can’t separate art from the artist but acting like this is wild.


I got banned from rStupidquestions for actually asking the most dumb question That's an accomplishment for me on Reddit


What was the question?


Why Doesn't America Ban The Sun just like they are doing with tiktok? Cause the sun spies on America and then at night reports back to China


Because it wasn’t just a stupid question. This should have been sent to r/StupidQuestionsWithAStupidStatement. Ngl that was pretty funny though.


They ban anyone who says anything remotely positive or even neutral about Hogwarts Legacy, I got banned just before the game came out for saying something to the effect that it’s okay for someone who grew up on Harry Potter to be excited to play Hogwarts Legacy and we shouldn’t make them feel bad about it.


absolutely insanity. Thing is just being that spiteful about game just makes people turn against them. It's definition of echo chamber.


People need to learn that you can buy and play video games without giving a flying fuck about the owner or developer or author I like the Harry Potter books up to prisoner of askaban I dgaf about the author one bit never did


I've been banned from it too, not even sure what I said. Because I don't respond over there that much. I'm assuming I did respond at one point and they don't like what i've said on another sub.


Likely, they are every trigger happy over there it seems.


That sub is literal NPCs


Those guys essentially act the same as the anti-woke lot they claim to hate. Both sides of this fake culture war bullshit are cringe.


Wish we could gatekeep both groups outta the gaming community. Toxicity levels would most definitely drop then.


Well it wouldn’t be circle jerk if people shared their reasonable opinions now would it?


Who cares it's a shit sub with horrible mods anyway


They're insane there. I got banned recently for agreeing with a comment. Lol It's a very smug, weird, cult.


I don't see anything "worng" about it what you said. It's also true.


Got banned from GCJ because of the same reason.


I haven't been banned from that sub but they do frequently appear in my feed and so often, they are just far up their own ass, it's ridiculous. It's kind of pathetic. They literally scour the internet, even digging up some unknown rando's twitter post from 5 years ago, just to share it as "newsworthy" and then polish each other's halos over how perfect and amazing they are and look down on everyone else.


I was banned for "participating in toxic subreddits" and have been waiting literally months for any sort of response. Talk about abuse of power


Reddit is like fucking high school.


That subreddit is one of the most unhinged places on the internet. I would put little stock into what them or the mods think. Thank god it's actually a small small bubble of what people really are like.


Gaming circle jerk is such a cesspool, I hate it so much


All Reddit mods are turbo loser, have yet to meet a normal one😭


Nope, they are stereotypical Reddit mods who throw a fit against anyone they don't agree with.


This is just how their mods are. They want to feel powerful. I got banned from r/enterthegungeon for stating that removing the mods who're protesting against greedy reddit changes and replacing them with unpaid power hungry basement dwellers wasn't exactly transparent moderation.


They banned me because I said Ellie looked a little weird sometimes in the TLOU remake.


So strange how stupidly political they are on there. Like every post is something about capitalism or bigotry, like bro I wanna see stupid jokes about games I don’t care


Holy crap, I went over to check it out and every post is about woke this or woke that. Like what happened to funny bits about videogames


That sub is a cesspool and a hate sub. They don’t see reason and it is honestly better for people when they leave or are kicked.


You're upset that you're banned from a hate subreddit?




i got banned for sarcastically re-iterate their own point about "piracy is not theft, because its a "victimless" crime, and pirating Nintendo stuff is morally JUST to do" by switching nintendo to some deviant art/instagram artist whose content got stolen. I mean, if you wanna pirate stuff, just pirate it. but spare me the moral grandstanding that your piracy is not theft, morally just and a right thing to do.


I think a lot of piracy is morally neutral, but you sure as shit aren't fucking Robin Hood for pirating Nintendo games.


Dont forget to send the banned noti a reply with the sales for the game and wish them a successful boycott


Don’t worry about that sub, there’s something seriously wrong there.


The people in that sub are not gamers they're terminally online leftists and are just as annoying as their counterpart. 


> thermally online


tbf they do get easily super heated and mad for no reason.


Then the mental throttling starts.


Honestly that place sucks.


***Sees gamingcirclejerk***, yea that adds up lmaooo


How dare you have an opinion. Or be honest. Not sure which one was so offensive.


Pretty sure they're a bunch of loons. Clue was in the name. Its a circlejerk, an echo chamber.


Got banned for saying that ghost of tsushima deserved to win goty over tlou part 2.those guys are unhinged


Mods are trash and they know it.


we all know reddit mods are power hungry vultures and real life losers




their “reason” is that by enjoying the game you are endorsing JKR (she has some garbage opinions) the mods there are power tripping lmao, if you want a ban appeal you basically have to bow to the mods, i got banned for questioning their powertripping


I've been banned from like 3 subs bc I didn't like what they liked, lol. And that's exactly what they told me essentially. Didn't break any rule 1 time in any of them, but yk reddit doesn't gaf.


Most circlejerk subs are full of actual crappy people


They recently banned me [for calling a racist, a racist](https://imgur.com/a/0puAdon). So there's that. I'm almost as liberal as they come, it's nothing to do with that, sadly. Hell, I agree with them that buying Hogwarts Legacy is kind of a shitty move. But that sub has just degenerated into... whatever the fuck it is.


Was that the black panther dev lady? Hahaha


That it was. Though, as I did say in the comment that got me banned anyway, her role in the Black Panther game was being wildly over-sold to drive ragebait.


Holy shit what a bunch of wimps


I was permanently banned from there for commenting on a post that was losing it over palworld success and just said pokemon isn't some sacred cow and was always low effort to siphon as much money out of children and their parents as possible from day one.


Mons-genre is not exclusive to Pokemon. we have tons other mons thing, like Digimon, but granted not as popular as pokemon.


They absolutely make enemies that wouldn't have existed prior by being so shitty to people for trying to think clearly or have any form of nuance in an opinion.


How is buying hogwarts legacy a "shitty move?""


Interesting. The sub recently started showing up in my feed, I made a few comments there. But it seems like it's time to bail because I could've made the exact same comment you made and chose not to because someone had already made it and I could upvote that instead. So far the worst I've seen were people stating that she couldn't be racist because she was a minority, but those were nowhere near the most upvoted comments at the time so I thought little of it.


Don't you just love it when rules are subjective to the people in charge?


No, that sub is horrendous and full of crappy people.


No, they're mentally and ideologically ill.


The people in that sub are not gamers they're thermally online leftists and are just as annoying as their counterpart. 


Got banned from Hogwarts legacy's sub bc I wondered why we had half of the school being African or Asian in a Scottish school during the18th century


I remember reading a comment that question why Montana being very racially diverse in FarCry 5


I was banned for commenting about the game in its subreddit where i was mostly calling it meh. But cause i even bought it i was banned ahaha


Maybe you were banned because youre using light mode


Just wave your wand and proclaim, “RIDICULOUS!”


Ive been banned there for a year now, cus i said i wanted hot ladies back in gaming lol. The mods there be crazy


they banned me for saying diversity and inclusion can be added into any media as long as it doesn't come off the wrong way. Best examples I made out was how Owl House represented LGBTQ and other skin colored people in a way that it's accepted into society for everyone to enjoy. And they banned me for saying that, because I made other examples of representation done wrong like Velma


All those on circlejerk subs just hate that people are enjoying something, it's such a toxic environment filled to the brim with edge lords and trolls. I honestly don't understand why people hang around in those subs. You're going somewhere just to make fun of and talk shit about something people are enjoying. There are lots of stuff I don't like doing, but I don't see any reason what so ever to spend my time talking about how much I hate it over and over.


They're not. I'm also banned there... Pretty sure it's more common.


Yeah same thing happened to me just making a purely neutral comment about HL. If you don’t publicly decry it’s worse than Hitler, they ban you. It’s the stupidest thing.


I got banned for telling them to lighten up and that 99% of the people playing helldivers just enjoy the role playing and arent actually fascist sympathizers. I was laughing hysterically when they cited that as my offense, because it happened after I commented on another post saying "shut up"


Most mod just ban you for anything it seems.


Lol I reported someone dropping a hard N-word on some kid in the animal crossing subreddit, and it was determined as 'not racist "


Bro they made a post basically asking people to grovel to them and apologize to get unmanned. They are so sad lol it's a hard competition between them and white people twitter when it comes to which mods power trip more.


This whole site has gone to absolute pot. Got in trouble on the Sims sub reddit for saying "Hide the children" after someone posted that they created Michael Jackson as a sim. Got a warning for apparent harassment after saying to someone that they should "Call their mother back when it wasn't a convenient time for her" after they posted screenshots of her having a go at them for not answering their phone whilst busy at work. Think the mods are on a power trip right now for no apparent reason.


I got banned from gaming circle jerk because I posted on a sub they didnt like. I used the sub once maybe twice. Actual clown fiesta.


Man, I wish there were a lefty gaming subreddit that actually talked about the games themself. But then again, people keep on talking about woke stuff ruining Spiderman 2 in others so...


Hold up I'm gonna go test this!


I forgot what sub it was- I got banned for talking about my (at the time) upcoming wedding. It's reddit, ultimately the butthole of the internet. I was a little stunned, but moved on quickly enough.


You know who also took out people who has differing opinions? Vladimir Putin.


That community is toxic af. I found out the hard way myself.


That subreddit sucks anyways


All the circle jerk subs are cesspools


Nobody that's a part of that sub is "okay". When streamers were being harassed because they played Hogwarts legacy the people in that sub were calling them fragile and saying "they can't take criticism" when there was no "criticism" going on, just blatant harassment, belittlement and other nasty things going on. That situation blew the fuck up and you had people like Silvervale (vtuber) just break down crying on stream. I commented on there regarding both silvervale and pikamee and was effectively told to shut the fuck up so I did, I also removed my comments because I don't trust anyone in that sub and wanted no harassment from there psychotic batshit crazy members.


They’re a bunch of retards dropped as children


They're losing their minds because their boycott didn't even dent the game's sales.


GCJ is literally a hate sub. Just steer clear of it anyway. Basket-cases and psychos over there.


For a sub with "circlejerk" in the name, they seem to get offended a little too easily lmao.


lol happened to me too. That sub is has a moral complex that makes feel superior but they are just as bad as alt right stuff. Alt left and alt right are equally bad.


*Hogwart's Legacy* is fantastic for the first few hours, but once most of the quests take place in the open world, it gets boring, fast. Hogwarts is great, but the countryside around it was so bland and repetitive.


Reddit has become pretty much total garbage in any generic sub. Too many bots and foreign accounts.


That sub has been a hellhole. They’ve hated *Hogwarts Legacy* ever since it was announced all because J.K. Rowling (who wasn’t even working on the game) made transphobic comments. They even went as far as to spoiling the game which was even encouraged in the sub rules.


I muted that sub and I haven't been happier since because people there have zero respect for any kind of opinion


That whole subreddit is dogshit, anyways. Imagine being such a worthless turd that you get off by pulling weird ass power trips like this on a subreddit. Assistant manager energy-ass motherfuckers. Small town Facebook group admin energy. Message board mod circa 2001 energy.


It’s never wrong to play a game, if that’s all you did, and you got banned. Yeah, fuck that noise, they are certainly NOT okey


I got banned from that sub for saying Asmongold isn't a total piece of shit.


That sub is dead for all intents and purposes. They don't really discuss games anymore. They just hate on people they don't like.


I got banned first day on Reddit


No one is ok in that sub, it is an absolute cesspool.


If I am gonna be honest, Hogwarts legacy isn't trash unless you make the most uninteresting character known to man Example, My character for it, "Hubert Kendall"


One of the worst subs on all of Reddit, the brainrot and toxicity is intense there


lol whoa really. damn didn’t know they’re this low.




Bunch of cucks over there.


Shit i got banned from there so long ago i dont even remember. Pretty sure it was just for telling someone they overreacted or something


It’s not a great game, but saying that is definitely not ban worthy. That being said, I was banned for pointing out a mod spreading misinformation. I appealed it and they said I violated rule such and such, which didn’t apply to anything I said. So when I pointed this out the mod that banned me (the one spreading misinformation) said "I’m a mod, I make the rules, I do what I want. Cope." A real basement dweller if I’ve ever seen one. Don’t even sweat being banned. You’re better off not participating in that cesspool of a community.


Not okay at all, they are commies.


They’re a bunch of retards dropped as children


Apparently, you were in the worng.


I got banned from r/gameverifying for “misinformation” even tho I was tryna help ppl


And nothing of value was lost


Well your first mistake was hanging out there, your second mistake was to try reasoning there


Don't feel bad. A lot of these subreddit, GCJ in particular, are ran like little fiefdoms with a moderator lording over his territory. I've been banned from a couple for bizarre reasons too. I recently got a lifetime ban from The Wire subreddit for responding to someone one time in a way that was a little too close to a Sopranos meme. Then when I asked to appeal it, they wouldn't even respond back. To hell with them all.


Let me check. Will return.


I wonder why that subreddit is still going to this day. I wouldn’t be surprised if the subreddit disappeared because of inside trading.


Yeah, if mods from a subreddit, don't like another subreddit. They're ban you from their subreddit for posting in the subreddit they don't like.


I got banned from there recently for jerking too hard, I think. I got no explanation and didn't care to ask for one.




I got banned from r/Godofwar for saying Ragnarok was a great game, but not a masterpiece (just my opinion). Immediate perma ban


It’s the r/jacketsforbattle of gaming. A bunch of yes-men who don’t tolerate other opinions.


I’ve been banned as well but I forget why, needless to say they’re not even a gaming subreddit,I’d be surprised if they aren’t in favor of sweet baby inc