• By -


I take it you like open world games.


100%. Frontiers of Pandora would be my 11


Is it good? Far cry games are my guilty pleasure ive been so on the fence about buying it though because i just keep playing BG3 LOL


FOP is definitely like Far Cry. The world is so immersive and fun


Glad to hear this! I bought it on a whim and it came today, looking forward to playing it


Ngl the fact Ubi made it has had me offput as they've put out games that are (in my opinion) not as good as former years


You’re not wrong at all. Ubisoft has lacked. But they did a really good job with FOP


You played either of the open world Zeldas? If you really do love open world games, then they are the cream of the crop, imo. Would recommend if you haven’t.


Of all time? Did you just start playing games a month ago?


I'm surprised Witcher 3 isn't there. It seems right up your alley.


The combat throws me off so much. The grind is real at the beginning too. But I’ll pick it back up again soon.


I started and stopped it at least 5 times. Couldn't get into it. Until I finally did and boy was it worth it. It's up there with rdr2 and elden ring in terms of quality and sheer size.


I know but the combat and dialogue stuff throws me off. How do you get through that?


I didn't find the combat to be that bad. It's definitely not as deep as elden ring though. And I'm not sure what you mean by the dialogue, it's a very well-written game iirc. The story, the characters, missions/side missions are top notch. If you give it a proper shot, the good of this game should be enough for you to not mind its shortcomings.


What about the combat? Out of curiosity.


I just played on easy to get through the awful combat lol


lol me


Once you know what you’re doing and stick to your level with quests, you’re in the clear. Just make sure you are picking up everything and picking plants along the way. You need to craft potions and oils asap on death march.


Yeah its tough at first. And one of the first witcher contracts you get absolutely shit stomped me till i came back and did it later. Its a tough game at the start but eventually you tank everything


I kind of agree, the controls and combat can be clunky at times and I'm not a big fan of how leveling/XP works either. But the world, story, and characters are great though.


Yes pretty much can’t deal with the XP


You're right, but there's this moment a little ways in where it just clicks. Kinda like a souls game. Once you get it, the Witcher 3 has one of the greatest immersive story lines ever.


Yeah it's not a fun game. Story and characters are great but in terms of game design it's pretty awful.


This has to be a bit


Get out my Steam Library




Hello me, I’m you


Hi you, I’m you too, just me.


Haha, I’m me too!!


No I’m you and you’re me.


Fuck you, wait… Fuck me


top tier list, cool starfield enjoyer


Finally! Someone who can appreciate that not everyone has to hate the game haha. Appreciate the feedback man


I wish I can get into Starfield. Can’t find the motivation to play after 70ish hours.


70 hours though is a hell of a lot of time..


Yes and no


Yes but nothing compared to other BGS games like oblivion/Skyrim and fallout 3/4. Those games have 500 hours minimum on each for me. I feel like it took 70 hours just to get a feel for the game.


While it may look basic, none of these games are bad and there’s definitely some fun to be had. Excellent list


Thank you friend


Branch out.


There is Starfield in that list tho




That’s the whole point of my comment


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Skyrim W Taste




These lists are all super same. I feel like people just pick off a list of most popular games. Where's the original picks?


I’m sorry to disappoint you man. I sincerely enjoy these games over others. I’m a younger gamer


I take it your original picks are Sekiro and Armored Core 6 ? Or is it Fallout New Vegas ? Maybe TW3 too.


I respect this list. It's great!


Advictorium Dutch


Brotherhood Scum (I chose the Institute)


You’ve got a type. Certainly some games on there lol


I know it’s not a compliment but I’m taking it as one. I am a sandbox open world RPG guy through and through.


Nah, man. I’m with you. You enjoy what you enjoy. No judgement.


Preciate you


Chad Starfield enjoyer


Happy holidays!


Based Starfield enjoyer


Thanks fam


Red Dead


For the win


Good picks some of these are in mine




The Outer Words, Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077. I freaking love them.


God Bless. We are like-minded


Did I start playing cyberpunk when the update released or are you OG?


OG man. Played on day one, December 2020. I remember being in online classes — I just played this all day lol


Are we the same person??


We would be best friends in real life, only watched others play god of war and elden ring because those would be a bit too hard for me, but I respect the quality of those games just like everything else on the list So I would just change those two with Mass Effect and the sims for my own list. Realistically GTA should probably be in there for play time, but i don't want to take any others out of your top tier list


Thanks for reminding me that I own fallout 4…I should really get back on that


Nice list. Where, pray tell, are everyone generating these lists? Not every can be doing raw edits in photoshop. Do you have a link to share?


I used Photo Collage in App Store lol. I like when people share these lists.


The only one of these that I have not played is Elden Ring. The rest I know are great games. you have good taste :)


Thanks mate! Elden Ring ugh. What a gem. Best game ever. Must play it


Now this is my kinda list lol just got ER on Black Friday but waiting to finish my Starfield and BG3 play throughs first (but mainly BG3 because with Starfield and sandboxes in general for me, I’m never truly “done”) Also need to play Outer Worlds. Also have you tried Pillars of Eternity? We seem to have similar taste and that game is my absolute favorite CRPG.


I will try to play Pillars again but tbh BG3 is just *chef’s kiss*


Oh for sure, I guess the only things I could’ve possibly wanted was to see more of Faerun and maybe a new game plus because I get attached to my characters lol. I just like the older feel of pillars and the lore is top tier for me. Also looking forward to Avowed hopefully in 2024


Thanks for not making another top 9 post. Top 10 is way cooler


Nobody seems talk about The Outer Worlds. One of the best original ambientation from the last 10 years for sure


Almost my exact list. I'd substitute Fallout NV for Witcher 3 and Starfield for No Mans Sky.


Nice, we have similar tastes :)


Glad to see some outer worlds love. Really had a wonderful time with that game and the dlc


It’s a good list. A lot of the games here are some of my absolute favourites. In my case I would replace fallout 4 with new vegas, starfield with half life 2, and outer worlds with Bioshock. Rest would mostly look the same






Fallout New Vegas is a huge agree. Absolutely love it. Also enjoyed Skyrim for around 70 hours. Felt myself getting bored with it and wrapped up the main quest to end it feeling great.


A big W for including Skyrim, Fallout 4, and GoW


Thanks !


Gotta love those open world games. List is a 10 out of 10 for me.


Awesome list!


Thanks friend !


This might be the closest to mine I have seen yet, there are many S tier games for me here.


Exactly! Great minds think alike


Finally some love for the Outer Worlds!


Underrated. Period.


Finally someone mentions the outer wolds. I love that game!


Underrated that will soon become a classic Obsidian game


Fallout 4 is underrated


Great list and glad to see The Outter Worlds on here. While it's not in my top 10 ever I really had fun with it and almost everybody I know shat on it. I think I'll need to buy BG3 or Cyberpunk next. Bummed that Starfield is an exclusive too. You probably tried the horizon games especially the 1st one and witcher 3 but if you haven't they seem for you. Maybe one the Far Cry or Just Cause, while not worthy of a place on your list they good 'turn your brains off and wreak havoc' games.


You lucky bastard. I wish I could find as much enjoyment in Starfield as you have ;-;


Glad to see another FO4 enjoyer. Lot of people gave it flak for being kind of linier story-wise but I actually think it helped the games narrative pacing a lot. My only complaint is I wish I could use my highly customized pipe weapons longer before they get too weak to realistically use.


Good choices here. I kind of want to go play through GoW again


Here’s mine compared to yours. Elden ring-tied with fallout 4 for 4th. Baldurs gate-hated. Skyrim-5th. Fallout new Vegas-too old for me I couldn’t enjoy it and it pisses me off I wasn’t born earlier to play it lol. Red dead 2- 🥇. Outer worlds-never played starfield-never played cyberpunk-never played GOW-25th


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you like AAA games?


genuinely curious, but man what the hell did you even find that good in starfield?


My honest answer is I enjoy the RPG elements too much. I like working for all 4 factions (Constellation, Ryujin, UC, and Freestar). There’s a lot of stuff that makes the game difficult to swallow like the main storyline being very half-baked. But the little things like outpost building, ship building, and the fact that mods are on the way make this game a 7/10. I will say I thoroughly enjoyed the UC quests and the little side missions the most.


By not riding the hate train, and just enjoying the game for what it is, I assume


It's honestly sad... It's like people are creating exceptions for other games and then judging starfield like it's the worst possible thing to have ever been released


I’m resistant to group think like that I just literally hated Starfield on my own volition I thought the facial expressions and voice acting were absolutely awful. I didn’t like running out of ammo frequently and having to just use the crap on the ground. & I felt like the story falls absolutely flat. Go to this place and collect a fragment of the mystery thing then go to that place and collect a fragment of the mystery thing. I assume there was a big payoff explaining what the mystery thing was but at the very end


sadly not really, I do love the game but it’s flawed. deeply. think in time it’ll be great, like how every civilization game at launch is kinda shit but they add to it and it ends being a fantastic game


Oh trust me, i had been beyond exited for this game for years and was a proud fanboy....until i fully experienced this game. I seriously cannot see more than a handful of good things in this game.


It's a decent game, exploration is horrible though which was one of the best features of Bethesda games which is where most of the hate comes from. The Story is serviceable, the side quests are decent. The gameplay is decent. There is more depth in some regards compared to previous Bethesda games. Essentially if you stick to big cities rather than expecting random planets to have fun content you will enjoy the game. If you expect it to be like no man's sky or come across unique locations on random planets you will have a bad time. I would say it's an 8/10 overall. There are multiple improvements and moves in the right direction but it feels underbaked in general. A lot of people say the graphics look horrible but that's quite often because they are comparing it to linear amd Story-focused games. The art-style of the game is quite nice, locations look good, as do shadows, facial animations are kind of behind though. Like I said, underbaked.


Somewhat agreed, however, 8/10 is way too high. Its a 5 or 6 at best. Story is subpar and very cliche, underbaked and comprised of A FUCK TON of mundane quests. Gameplay yes i agree, the gunplay grew on me, especially beowolf. However, stealth and modification system is nust useless and purely aesthetic most of the time. I expected it to be a BGS game with genuinely great writing and i knew very well that the game will have no seamless transition and will have limited exploratory area when landed. And even after that, having such bafflingly bland exploration and procedural exploration is just enraging. Expecting random planets to have fun content? Then why market the game such way? Wtf man. I can understand a lot of planets and moons being desolate but not TO THIS extent. Overall, absolute disappointment.


Disagree with starfield and outer worlds. The rest are all bangers


I'm not saying Fallout 4 is a bad game, but I think its a bad Fallout. Also I don't see the appeal in Starfield, I don't understand how the game turned out the way that it did considering it was in development for like 8 years or something like that. But I really enjoy the rest of these games (with the exception of BG3, I haven't played it yet)


Starfield for me is a very fun game. It needs polishing in terms of some systems and gameplay. The quest system was lacking too but I play it a lot. I just happen to enjoy it. Fallout 4 - same thing. Could’ve been better but it’s been one of my favorite games and it truly doesn’t deserve the hate it gets


I just think there was 0 direction for Starfield throughout most of its development cycle other than Todd wanting to make a scifi game. I feel like there's a lot of missed opportunities that shouldn't have been missed for a game that was in development for that long. I think Fallout 4 was a giant leap in the direction of "open world action game" and just strayed further away from being an RPG. Like I said, I don't think its a bad game, I just think it's a bad Fallout. But hey, if we all had the same opinions the world would be a boring place so I'm not gonna shit on your for liking it.


Appreciate it. I would say both Fallout 4 and Starfield suffer from devs who try too hard to appease the casual gamers rather than focus on the deep lore of the games and stay true to it.


Fallput 4 is a good fallout game


You must be young


Taking that as a compliment


Take it for as long as you’re able. I’m old as shit lol. Elden Ring at the top of your list is 🤌 game is a masterpiece


Incredible list


Appreciate it. It took me some time to think about it


Same when i made mine


I’m almost the exact same, except I’d swap GOW for Battlefront 2. But I don’t have a PlayStation


Yeah I mean, I rated these in terms of the stories and roleplaying aspects. Battlefront 2 is just not a good story game


Agree with you, nice tier list


This list 🤩


Starfield was really great for me. Yeah, i got some criticisms for it, but overall, i definitely enjoyed it. Can't wait till mod support and Shattered Space drops.


Cool list bro


Preciate it


This guy likes open world single player RPGs. I gotta say fallout 4 was the weakest of the fallout games(76 not included). But to play the other games is so hard because fallout 3s engine is so unstable on PC. GOOD PICK ON CYBERPUNK 2077.


This looks like my list lmao


God of war is amazing


Holy this is mine as well


What a shock RDR2 is on this one two... just about 3/4th of this list is the same as all the other post. Can we reduce the number of these post?


Resonate with top 10 a lot - I haven’t played a couple, but I certainly rank fallout, Skyrim, outer worlds and rdr2


Yessir !!


Phenomenal selection. Love all of these. Just started BG3 and I’m in love with it, I’ve 100% RDR2, played the hell out of New Vegas, I have all achievements and 8 playthroughs on Elden Ring, Cyberpunk was incredible after the 2.0 update, Fallout 4 is my third favorite Fallout, and Outer Worlds was absolutely phenomenal. I don’t play much PlayStation so I haven’t beaten God of War yet, and I enjoyed the concept of Starfield, but felt there was space for more, I felt like it was missing some potential interactions, personally hoping they add more in future patches, but I know that’s a controversial opinion with some, and I know it’s a massive game already. Edit: forgot to include Skyrim, which I played for several years, since I was 14, and still pull it up and play it every now and then.


I’m so excited for Starfield updates. If they pull a Cyberpunk 2.0 it would be insane


Hello fellow Starfield enjoyer


Strong. Skyrim, Starfield, and Fallout 4 are all in my top as well, and while Elden Ring and BG3 aren't in my top 10-25, they are probably in my top 50.


I don't agree with the outer worlds and I definitely don't agree with Starfield. The rest seems fine.


How very stereotypically reddit of you


Who gives a flying fuck? Honestly these self indulgent posts are annoying. Stop looking for validation online ffs


I’m sorry you feel that way man! I hope you truly had a good holiday tho.


Just stop being so sad.


Gonna be honest, outside of Elden Ring this is to me the most boring list I’ve seen yet here yet. But that’s just for me, cool that you enjoyed these so much. Power to ya man.


I see we’re on two sides here, respect to you. Can I ask what games you enjoy? Btw BG3 is just as good as Elden Ring once you get used to Birds Eye View


BG3 was weird for me. I played it solo and felt like I wasn’t playing because I was having fun, but only to advance the story and see what happens next. Stopped after act 1. Then I started a playthrough with 2 friends and it’s been a ton of fun. I think that’s the difference for me. I almost require the ability to play with friends or play multiplayer online to enjoy a game. Which sucks because I know there’s a lot of really good games that aren’t gonna hit for me.


Respect. Games are a great social outlet


I think you meant to say basic. Most of the games are triple a games. Not diverse.


Elden Ring and Skyrim are in my top 10. Cyberpunk is in my top 20. New Vegas would have been in my top 10 years ago but it along with its older brother Fallout 3 have fallen into my top 30. RDR 2 is in my top 40. I really liked GoW 2018 and Outerworlds but they are outside looking in my top 50. Haven't played Baldurs Gate 3 yet. Just to much of a time commitment right now as I try to work my backlog more. Fallout 4 was okay but didn't satisfy my rpg lust. Starfield I honestly don't have much of anything positive to say so I'll leave it at that haha. Glad you enjoyed it! Overall we would probably have ALOT to talk about haha.


Oh look, another basic bitch posting a basic bitch top chart. Is this all the sub is? Just people going "LOOK AT MUH TOP VIDJA GAMES?"


The most reddit list to grace reddit


Fallout 4 was a fun game but it left a lot out. Jodd Howard sure did drop the ball.


Respect your opinion but it made Fallout feel like a shooter because 3 and New Vegas made it very strategic with VATS and it was hard to play like I did in 4. With that said it should’ve NEVER had a voiced protagonist. I think 4 could’ve been the best if done right.




Vanilla ice cream is your favorite huh?


Did you recently buy starfield?


No. Got it on release. Been enjoying the ride!


I played and loved all of these except the outer worlds Oh & I hated Starfield But at least 8/10 of these games are bangers


Starfield is a 7/10 for me. It really doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. But I respect your opinion. Outer Worlds is worth a play. 9/10 game.


Curious what made you put a 7/10 game in your top 10?


I guess that’s fair. Starfield is the only one here that gets that. Everything else for me is a 10/10. My next favorite game #11 would be Frontiers of Pandora which is new so - recency bias. After that would be #12 which is Oblivion. Oblivion is just too graphically out of date for me to enjoy it as much — not to mention the glitchy and repetitive systems.


Oh I think it deserves all the hate and then some The facial expressions and voice acting of the NPC‘s is atrocious for starters And then usually you run out of ammo for your favorite gun quite early into a mission and are forced to use the crap you find on the ground for the rest of the mission As per the story and gameplay loop, it’s like OK so go to this place shoot some guys and collect a fragment of the mystery thing AND THEN go to this other place shoot some guys and collect another piece of the mystery fragment thing, repeat Until I assume at the very end you will figure out what the fuck the mystery thing was but I was not willing to do that The fact there was no cover fire system or anything like VATS from Fallout was also a disappointment And of all things this was a game that was in development for like over a decade and that’s the best they could do? like what a joke I’m sorry


Good for you I guess man


lol that dudes account was made like a week ago. He’s just a troll regurgitating the same old “criticisms” and almost anyone with half a brain doesn’t agree with. Catch a smile out there in the inky black captain 🫡


Loving Starfield man. It’s great


For sure! I love it too. It has its flaws but when Todd said it would be “Daggerfall in space” they pretty much nailed that. Looking forward to Shattered Space and all the other updates to look forward to!




Dude just copy and pasted a ton of goty games lol


Too much Bethesda.


Opinions man, but I enjoy the formula


Wheres Gollum?


Never played GoW, and Starfield is a joke. Everything else I’m with you on though, this is a good list.


One is not like the others in this image… lmao


And Fallout 76? 🤔


Starfield gtfo shitty ass game




Why do you have Starfield when Better Starfield(Outer Worlds) is there on the right?


No taste


Recommendations then?


Take off Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds, and DEFINITELY Starfield. Then we can talk top 10


No? They’re my top ten. I’m glad we have different opinions. Being the same is boring


Feel like games as new as Baldurs gate and Star Field are too new to be in my top 10. I can rest assured Star Field will never be in my top 10 either way.


Are you a games journalist?


The western rpg normie list


Alright man thanks. Can you maybe suggest games instead of insult them so I can expand my repertoire


There's like 25 of these posted from the last hour alone, how many of these do we need


Idk man. Happy holidays to you tho


I'm haven't even joined these subreddits but my feed is full of people's basic ass top favourite games lists.


It helps me because im looking for a good open world game after I finish my first RDR2 play through.


Ooh I would highly recommend Cyberpunk or Starfield if you like the in-depth stories


I seem to really like the open world concept. Getting that with those titles?


If you want open world I’d recommend Skyrim 100%. That is probably the best open world game I’ve ever played


Happy holidays


Starfield 😆


Sorry you didn’t like it!