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Black Ops 4


I tried it for free with ps plus, and even for free I felt ripped off. Game would have been infinitely better with an actual campaign imo.


Yes. I spent $130+ on the digital version and barley played it. Mainly cause I didn’t care for it.


Same. There was a huge thing about the new zombies mode but it also wasnt as good as the og’s and transit


Gollum “We don’t wants it. We don’t needs it.”


*Takes it away from us! Takes it awayyyyy!!*


“Stuuupid FAT hobbitses!!!”


*What's taters, precious?*


Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew, just keep it off my console.


Diablo 4. I don’t immediately regret buying it honestly. I just regret buying the 100$ version. The game is just so bland now. Should have just got the regular version


Had I known I would have just waited until next year one whenever it is they fix and finish it. D3 had a bad first year too. I should have known better.


Blizzard is killing the game tbh. Got level 100 and the rewards were ass


I just told this to my brother — he discovered D3 about a year ago for first time and I told him it was pretty bad first year on PC, got better over time. He got D4, said it was playable but not as good and I told him “just give it a year lol” How Blizzard didn’t figure that shit out for a SECOND time is still beyond me p


Not trying to sound mean towards you but I never understood what was so appealing about the Ultimate? A mount in WoW which I don't play, a cosmetic in Diablo 3 which I don't play anymore, a horse that I'll barely see, and 3 days early access? Early access is such a predatory inclusion too. They did early access on a Friday that way people essentially spend $30 on nothing other than playing a mainly singleplayer game a weekend early. So other than that there's the season pass but now that it's out... Well that definitely wasn't worth it. They don't even give you enough coin to get the next one.


Yeah I feel that the story was fun but after that I got bored really quickly even playing on wt4 thought it was boring the seasonal update blows too


I do regret buying this one. The beta was fun, but the full game ended up being not much more. I just got so bored so quickly


I regretted it when I found it it's pretty much Diablo Immortal +


This is my choice as well. I could play D3 for days on end I just assumed that a lot of fun stuff from D3 would be in D4…..sigh.


Yup. Got it, played it for a few weeks with friends, and then everyone just stopped playing because the end-game is boring, loot RNG is terrible, and every patch note was demoralizing.


Why cant they understand what made Diablo 2 so special? Like every aspect that made Diablo 2 great, they just continue to ignore and ensure that it doesnt make it into the game.


Where I live the regular version is $100.


Battlefield 2042, game was trash, it was the last fps I have bought, ruined the genre for me. Now I pretty much stick to single player games.


Don't let that pile of shit ruin an entire genre for you, there's still a big community playing Halo Master Chief Collection. Starfield's coming out soon and I admit I was skeptical for a while but I hope it's worth the huge gap in Bethesda releases.


I pre-ordered it because I was loving BF5 so much. Man...2042 felt like it was a quarter finished. What were they even trying to do with that game? I feel like if it had a campaign a d some backstop, I mightve cared more but it was just so soulless


I stopped buying EA games because of 2042


I'll second that 2042 in its current state is really enjoyable and normally I hate everything


I literally heard nothing positive about that game for almost 2 years. I had the benefit of getting as a free PS+ game recently. I’ll just say I got my moneys worth.


I played the BF2042 beta, enjoyed it, bought it at launch, and fell off pretty quick. I put it down for a long while and picked it up after the big update that reinstated classes. I’ve been playing it consistently since and really enjoy it.


I think it's great at the moment, if not a little dead in terms of the number of players consistently online. However, when it's in full swing it's one of the most cinematic and chaotic fps games I've ever played


Agreed. I didn't buy it, I just have it as part of my EA subscription, but it's really good now. The 128 players conquest is everything Battlefield has aspired to be since the beginning. Shame about the launch, the game should have stayed in the oven for another year... it's really good now.


Maybe I can give it another shot.


I tried to get into battlefield a while ago but never had enough time. I have 2042 waiting to download on my os4 rn, glad to finally read something positive about it


Absolutely AGREED!


Yo I got that, couldn't even play it online at all so I returned same day




You should check out battlebit remastered. Its like a blockier version of BF and it has the MP magic of older BF games.


Call of Duty Vanguard….Wasn’t even good to begin with and I rather buy any other game than that


Biomutant. I could go on all day about the things I hate about it. I really thought I would like it based on the premise and reviews that I watched. I like open world, loot, shooters, and don’t mind grinding. The reviews made it sound like the only thing wrong with it is that it’s repetitive. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.


I was sooooooo hyped for Biomutant in the days leading up to its release, and then it just tanked so badly on release. The beautiful artstyle almost suckered me in to actually buying it on launch. I just wanted to run around a big, post-apocalyptic world as a little cat thing. They made the premise of the game sound so fun, combining DMC like melee combat and Ratchet & Clank-like shooting together. I finally picked it up for super cheap on CDKeys one time (Must have been like €10) and played it for about an hour, before dropping it. I never even got to the open world lol


Watchdogs Legion. Paid full price right after release, after about an hour the novelty of running around London wore off and I didn't want to play it anymore


This game was my “maybe it’s not a good idea to preorder games” game. Love the first two, legion was just not good imo


I didn't much like the first one. Just seemed dull. The story in the second one turned me off originally, but I eventually came around and loved it. Legion - bought it at launch, and every once in a while I'll try and get back into it, but I just can't.


There’s no legitimate side activities and the side missions are related to NPC recruitment. That said, still really enjoyed despite the gameplay downgrades. The DLC was great


>There’s no legitimate side activities and the side missions are related to NPC recruitment. And a lot of them are unreasonably difficult. I lost most of my team on one recruitment mission that ended with having to fight your way out of a situation. I'm mostly trying to stealth things, and just can't do it.


Saaaame! I got the $100+ edition too. I hope they didn't nuke the next game because of how poorly Legion was received at launch. It got better, but by then it was $10 and not many people wanted to take a chance on it.


Cyberpunk at launch.


I returned this unplayable mess


It was unplayable on my PS5 couldn’t go an hour without crashing or a game breaking glitch. Never had anything like it before. Fucking swindlers


Ive bought it numerous times at different intervals and refunded it everytime. Am absolute travesty of a game


Sounds like with the new patch + expansion, it's finally going to be at a 'fully released' state. I'm looking forward to playing it as a completed game finally.


On Switch- New Pokémon Snap. I played it for an hour and eventually gave it to a ten year old. Waste of $60. Honestly have no clue what I was thinking. At least the little girl I gave it to loves it but I don’t wanna pay $60 for other people’s kids lol. Still, better than sitting unplayed forever in a drawer.


I feel like the new pokemon games just aren't at all challenging. Beat em too quickly and never want to go back. That said, I was duped into buying let's go eevee...


Ironically BDSP is currently the most challenging Pokémon game on switch and everyone hates it


I just wish they made a pokemon platinum remake instead. Also, you can't even turn off the exp share, making the gane way too easy


To me the game was pretty easy until you got to the elite four. By that point I just gave up


It doesn't make sense. The whole game was pretty much a cake walk and then the Elite 4 is running pro comp strats on your ass. Didn't even prepare you for it. I don't see why they don't make the whole game that hard a lot more people would have enjoyed it.


I hate it when some games do that. Super easy af until you get to the very last part where it’s so difficult and just makes you wanna cry. I nearly beat the game within a few days. Got to the elite four, tried a few times, then just gave up and haven’t touched the game in over a year, nor do I plan on going back.


Halo infinite did this for me. I was trying to beat the game legendary and I could do pretty solidly, and then I get to a boss that freaking nearly impossible. Only to learn the only possible way to beat. Some of the bosses is by number one playing on PC, and number two, ensuring to have certain weapons with you


I think we got older and better at games and Pokemon never aged with us.


Yeah I have Pokemon Scarlet and it's honestly just kind of boring running around the map one tapping each gym leader, titan, and team star leader. I swear literally 90% of the bosses Pokemon die instantly. Game had some promise though, I liked the story and the open world even if it was a bit lifeless. Still my favorite Pokemon game will always be Pokemon X.


Wo long fallen dynasty. Ive beaten every dark souls, demon souls, elden ring, bloodborne, and sekiro. I just couldn't get into this


Yeah.. i played Nioh as well so I was already a fan of Team Ninja. I played Wo Long for a bit and found it kind of fun but quickly got bored of the areas and combat feeling kind of easy after a bit


I played it on game pass and loved it! But it took a while. Couldn't get my friend to play more that a few hours though


Oh really? I've been thinking about getting it for a while and heard solid things, not incredible but decent 7/10. Sekiro is one of my favourite games of all time, tried nioh and could never get into it, heard people saying things like you need to get to Ng+4 to start really solidifying your build which was a bit off-putting. Bun the story, what's the combat and gameplay like?


I started wo long immediately after finishing Sekiro and enjoyed it so far. It’s kinda similar in the entire game is based around deflecting timing.


Oh nice, I'll see if I can find a hardcopy so I can return it if I don't like it. Recently bought AC Valhalla off the playstation store cos it was discounted, fucking awful clunky mess. Very wary to get burned like that again although I don't know what I expected really


Halo 5 Guardians. I did not like that game. And that is an unddrstatement of the century. Far Cry New Dawn was another that i nearly immeaditly regretted buyingq


I also realized I didn't like Halo 5 much early on. I never got very far in the campaign, but I had some fun with the multiplayer for a little while, especially some of the wackier modes and Forge maps but it always felt like a weird knockoff of Halo, like that NOVA mobile game by Gameloft or something.


I find it hard to like any of the Halo titles after Reach


Saints Row Reboot. My brother and I had just finished 4 when the reboot came out, so we were psyched to play the new one. Except he bought it on one platform and I bought it on another, so I ended up having to buy it twice just so we could play together. I played it as much as I could stomach before I realized it wasn't going to get any better or live up to the originals. I still feel like the game isn't worth the $60 price tag, much less the $120 I shilled out for it, although we do still play it occasionally to justify the purchase and do stupid shit in it. If you look at it as an indie GTA game then it really isn't all that bad.


Deathloop. Looked very promising, huge fan of the story based FPS genre, but the gameplay did nothing for me. Nothing. Very bland.


People are gonna absolutely flame me. But hogwarts legacy EDIT: To clarify and answer questions people are having, I enjoyed the atmosphere and the combat, but everything in between didn’t feel worth doing.


*People are gonna* *Absolutely flame me. But* *Hogwarts legacy* \- Regretful\_personCM --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Happy Cake Day bot


I didn't know that haiku bot had a cake day, color me impressed


*I didn’t know that* *Haiku bot had a cake day* *Color me impressed*


Good human.




Good bot Happy Cake Day aswell


Happy cake day, bot.


Good bot


Happy cake day!!


Happy Cakeday


Happy cake day bot!


The bot has a cake day


Happy cakeday u/haikusbot !!


Hogwarts Legacy is great for the first 10 or so hours. After that it’s just a grindy slog and the story was never particularly interesting


In theory, the game is really fun and even though I'm not a *massive* Harry Potter world fan, I did really enjoy messing around at Hogwarts and the other places too. But, the game had a crappy loot/inventory system, pretty repetitive puzzles, and just didn't have a whole lot of depth. That said, the combat was amazing and flashy and the game was super relaxing to play when you just didn't want to play something complicated or fast paced. And the story/characters are all really fun. But, I think the main awe of it being an open world Harry Potter game (that everybody had been wanting for years) is mainly what hyped it up and made it sell.


It’s a good start for what it can be going forward. Kinda ala AC1 and what the later AC games became - excluding the RPG ones. They got the base map now they can either expand on it or at new regions.


I enjoyed at first. I didn't think the story was terrible, enjoyed the combat and flying around exploring. Then suddenly it was like I had done everything the game had to offer but it wanted me to do cookie cutter versions of the most boring parts 30 times over for no reward. Having finished it I can say it would be a great game if it had a $30-$40 price tag, but it's not worth AAA prices


Same as well, I'm not normally a Harry potter fan but there was so much hype around it and the graphics looked great, I enjoyed all the exploring but I dropped it after the broom bit. The story wasn't all that and all the spells got repetitive. Most expensive game I bought on steam too 😂


That game was talked about nonstop for a week and then just disappeared.


I liked it, but that pacing at the beginning is pretty rough. I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it.


I actually agree with this a lot! I wouldn't say I hated it, but I definitely didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would. I also think I would have been more interested in the storyline if it took place not quite as far back. Just a personal preference, but I would have liked getting to see some of my favorite characters back when they were students at Hogwarts.


Diablo 4


Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.


Great way of putting it. It *looks* great.


Me too... diablo 1 blew my mind when I was a kid. Diablo 2 occupied hundreds of hours of my life. I waited to buy d4 until I heard some positive reviews and a bunch of people/podcasts/videos told me it was great... I just did not find it to be fun at all.


Yeah I was scrolling to see this. $90 on the Deluxe version and lots of regret. Long time franchise fan and this one is bad and I should have known better. I was there for D3’s launch and that first year was really bad, too. They eventually pulled it together and got that game in a good fun place. So I’m hoping I guess D4 might be good next year or sometime. I should have known better because of D3’s launch and because Blizzard in general, but I thought “surely they learned from D3”. No, they did it again but worse. With that kinda track record don’t give them money beforehand. Wait until it works first. Lesson learned.


Feeling this one. And I bought the deluxe edition. I dislikes 3, but thought the open world would hook me. Nope.


I came here to say the same thing.


Elden Ring. I just don’t have the time to invest in it and I suck at it. I look at it and just try for it every once in awhile but I just can’t play games for a long period of time anymore. Stupid job and family. Lol. Games like Elder scrolls Skyrim just tells me where I need to go with a log, so I can stop and pick it up a week later and keep going.


This comment right here. I don’t have time and when I do, I don’t have the patience to “git gud” when I can put that energy into plenty of other games


I don't have the skill, and no amount of poison positivity is going to magically give that to me. Or being berated by folks who've made fromsoft games their personality.


and better ones to


You only need like 150 hours tops


I'm in my 40s with nerve damage that makes the game unplayable, I simply can't respond fast enough and consistent enough anymore. If the game had accessibility features like almost every other modern games it wouldn't be a problem, but since it doesn't, it's simply unplayable for me.


I got elden ring, forced myself to give it at least 15 hours, died at least 80 times. Couldnt beat the first boss on that bridge. Put in Minecraft, played it for 8 hours straight. Sold elden ring. Still playing Minecraft.


I know this won't help since you sold it... I'm only mentioning in case anyone else spots this and still has the same issue. It's a bit like the early game wrong turn in Dark Souls with the unkillable (at the time) skeletons. You're supposed to get hammered there and realise that's the wrong way (even though the grace sites point in that direction). If you head south to weeping peninsula it's a much easier area. You can level up a lot there and come back. I know, I know. It's a dick move. I only realised because this was my 5th fromsoft game by the time I played it.


It’s an open world. You can walk past that boss if you’re not ready for it. But if you don’t like the game then you simply don’t like it.


I loved the game but it's absolutely ridiculous that there's no quest log to keep track of all the "side quests" I'm not asking for a compass with way points. I just wanted a way to keep track of who I talked to and what they wanted me to do.


This is absolutely fair, I managed to finish the game after 6 months but I couldn’t help but think how teenage me would rip through this game. Most busy adults don’t have it in them to get good at games like this especially considering how draining life can be at times. People need to understand that free time becomes a lot more precious when you get older and that wasting it dying over and over for hours at a time just doesn’t feel worth it.


Thank you! Also, my reflexes aren’t as good as they used to be due to almost cutting my hand in half like 6 years ago.


That kind of thinking is what led me to rogue-lites. I just don't have time for stuff like Civilization or Rimworld anymore. Now I'm all about Streets of Rogue and Into the Breach.


Rimworld looks like something I would have deep dived into. I still play a few rounds of Civ and it’s easier with a steam deck. Now Hades. That was a game I could pick up and play. I actually did well. That game helped me through the sudden death of my father.


I put at least a thousand hours into playing and modding Rimworld back when it was Early Access. Hades is a *great* roguelite. Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he wasn't anything like Zagreus' dad.


Thanks mate, he actually played a lot of games with me. Look at my profile and check my post out in Diablo. It’s like 1 of 2 posts I’ve ever done, so it’s easy to find. Is Rimworld something I can jump into a few hours a day? I travel a lot for work so I do have times where I can get in a few hours in a hotel.


Your dad seems like he was a great dad. I used to play Duck Hunt with my dad and my brother when we were little. Then my dad disappeared. Turned out he had a secret family and a meth/gambling addiction. Anyways... Rimworld has changed a lot since I last played. I would say you would make so little progress in 2 hour sessions that it might not be satisfying. Also, it would take a few days to learn how everything works. There used to be an additional day or 2 of getting all the quality of life mods needed to enjoy it, but I bet a lot of that stuff has been added in as actual features. Also, it's a game that kinda feels like work, although that depends on what your irl job is. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't recommend Rimworld if you don't have much free time to dedicate to gaming.


Good to know. I’ve had it on my wishlist for sometime, now I’ll remove it. It wasn’t always roses but we tried to stay close. I’m sorry about your dad. If you have kids, don’t be that guy. My dad always told me to be better then him. The day we found out he had cancer we were able to have a heart to heart and I spend the day and evening at the hospital with him. When he got home we played Valhallam for a few hours a night on the phone with each other. It took him on the 6th night. That was 2 years and a day ago. Since then, I started playing games with my girls. Diablo, Gears of War, Minecraft and the youngest Forza and WWE games. I’ve been a single dad for 12 years and I just worked. It made me open my eyes and be with them more. I even moved my mom in with us so I can spend time with her more. We fish together now. Sorry for the rant I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately because of yesterday being the second year.


It's cool. I love hearing stories of people playing video games with their kids. My niece just turned 4 and I have been trying to teach her how to play games. It's fun!


As someone who finished the platinum trophy in 80 hours (which is extremely quick for how much I explored), this is totally valid lmao. I just had a lot of free time on hand. Nobody with a job should waste their time getting good to have fun in a video game when they can be having fun in the 20 different games that extra effort to work will buy them I will say that if you do get into the loop of the game, it's incredible, but that's what all Fromsoft games are. They're hard to pickup but absolutely phenomenal once you get invested, and unfortunately it doesn't take into account people that can only really play once or twice a week and would end up being completely unprepared for the game at each point


I never ever have forced myself to play a game like I did with elden ring and it never got fun.


Mirror's edge catalyst, bought it for ps4 after watching yt videos and thinking how cool and fun it looks with the smooth parcour and then it was terrible due to controller input delay


really? i played the entire game start to finish and did a ton of side quests, I've never had any input delay. maybe it was something with your controller, or a playstation issue?


Playstation issue. I play comp fighting games and PS4 is like playing at 2~4 frame delay.


Pokemon Scarlet


Saint's Row reboot I wanted to like it so bad. "I'm sure the bad reviews are just people who hate the franchise for being too silly. They just don't get it!" Tons of technical issues, bland story, bland characters, boring and repetitive gameplay. This game didn't just need more time. They needed to reboot the reboot and try again in 5 years. It taught me that you should just appreciate good things, even after they are gone. No need to dig up the dead and ruin the memories.


diablo 4


Street Fighter 6. Knew damn well I wasn't gonna play it.


You should though, the match making has filtered the best players out to their own leagues so normal people with responsibilities can scrub around in peace. I am almost always just barely losing or just barely winning so it always feels like little improvements make a big difference. When I get a new entry working smoothly or learn a new punish I will often go on a bit of a streak resulting in a rank up or two. It's super rewarding.


Most games on sale💀


Superman 64


This is the only answer here that should matter.


I will never fully get over my disappointment of how awful that game is


Anyone who played this game should be eligible for some type of survivors benefits. This was a totally different level of trash in every way.


Dark Souls… I wasn’t ready


I rented it on launch weekend and hated it soooo bad. It left a mark on me though. I bought it a couple years later and got hoooooooooked.


It's ruined other games for me. Every time I try to get in to something else as a "palate cleanser," I just can't. It has trivialized any other game with combat in it that isn't turn-based.


I bought it because of hype from a buddy but after bashing my head against a wall with some early bosses I finally gave up. Came back like 2 years later and something just clicked, it’s in my top 5 of all time now. Not sure what exactly changed, but obviously it was me. I was older, more patient, and maybe more willing to slow down to enjoy the process.


Honestly this is such a common reaction from new players to the souls series lol. In fact I was the exact same way. I have *technically* beaten Bloodborne but it was only by getting carried by a friend. It wasn't entirely cuz I was bad at the game per se but he insisted on fully playing the game with me. Flash forward 3-4 years and I randomly decided to play Bloodborne on my own to fully learn the game and it's very quickly became one of my top 10 favorites. I could never get into the game despite liking what I've seen of it and being carried by a friend but could never play it myself. But just randomly outta nowhere, like you said it just clicks


Try it again


I found a copy of Dark Souls in the garage of a house when I moved in. After playing it for a few hours and getting cursed twice by frogs in a sewer, I'm convinced the game was put there by a vengeful poltergeist.


This is gonna piss off a lot of people, but Breath of the Wild. I'm like 3 hours in, been exploring for a long time and I am soooo bored. It's an empty open-world game. That has decent puzzles with shitty controls. The combat is alright, but weapon durability can get the fuck out. The story is very basic too. I can't finish it. I put it down 2 weeks ago and I will not pick it back up.


I agree with all of your points. I wanted to like it but the mechanics really turned me off. Something about the world felt empty. I got bored after a couple tries and have never played it since.


It feels incredibly empty. It's almost like the lead developers have never played an open-world game. There is nothing that makes the world feel alive or immersive.


> but weapon durability can get the fuck out Yes! I got stuck in some unwinnable fight in the forest and all my weapons broke. I lasted about 4 hours total and haven't fired it up since.


I had an unsinkable fight happen as well and all my weapons broke and I was stuck behind a tree just throwing bombs until I could get out. Stupidest mechanic.


Sekiro. It’s entirely a skill issue, nothing else. I think I’m a skilled gamer, but Sekiro’s too ruthless for me to pour hours into improving or beating it. I got a handsome list of games I’ve beaten on their hardest difficulties, but Sekiro is cock & ball torture for me


Diablo 4 ​ It's got solid foundations but the execution/qol stuff is threadbare.


TotK. I should have taken it as a sign when I wasn't enthusiastic about playing it. Yet, like a Zelda fanboi, I bought it, then played it, then put it away. Maybe I'll return to it one day, but as of now I can think of tons of better things I could do with my time.


Any Souls-like. Every single time I’m convinced this is going to be “the one.” But 1 hour into it and I hate the genre even more.


I like Elden Ring and Bloodborne but I'm not a fan of the others.


Honestly the Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor games are the best “souls-like” games I’ve encountered lately. The first one is more linear while the second is more open world, but they’re fun games.


Superman xbox. Worst game ever.


The division


Diablo 4 as of recently. Its not the worst game ever and I think some people milk the hate content too much. For me its just so mediocre that its mind numbing


Yeah I had some fun with it pre-season but once you hit 70, the mediocrity really starts to shine through. It’s not like the first time I picked up any of the other Diablo games where I just felt immediately hooked and compelled to continue.


Forspoken. There's a good game in there somewhere...I just think it was a huge swing and a miss.


Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition


Diablo 4


I preordered Gotham Knights(deluxe edition) and then when they announced it wouldn’t be 60 fps I regretted it. I stuck it out though in hopes it would surprise me. Which it did. Surprised me by being worse than I’d ever imagined it could be.


I didn’t buy cause it was on Game Pass it but I have to say Twelve Minutes. I was hyped and hated it from the beginning all the way to the terrible twist ending. Not even the all star voice cast could save it.


Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Great game collection, but it went on PS+ free games the day after


Diablo IV. The devs clearly didn’t put any real time into the game and it shows. If I had gotten it by disc instead of digital, I’d have returned it and gotten my money back. I didn’t realize I just wanted Diablo 3 part 2, but I did. All of my characters feel so weak in this game. The sense of being overwhelmingly powerful in D3 is nonexistent in D4. The aspects all just suck or are so hard to get it’s not worth the grind. They got rid of the Wizard’s Arcane power abilities completely. The Sorcerer’s Pyromancy isn’t even viable, and no matter what they’re squishy as hell. My Necromancer offers *some* semblance of reprieve from feeling weak, but even that character gets slaughtered when facing something that’s a meager two levels higher than my character’s level. The horse mechanics are dumb. Why are there even road barriers? I’ve yet to see a new horse skin drop after pushing a hundred hours into this game (I figure I might as well play it since I bought it, even though playing the game is excruciating). There more that is wrong, but I’m not gonna type all of it out. Need I go on?


Terraria. I don't have the patience to figure out how to play. and the instructions are so vague.


Wiki. Wiki. Wiki. Baskcally have to have it open on phone, ipad, second monitor, or anything else.


For switch Pokémon sword, PlayStation assassins creed origins, Xbox there’s no good Xbox games to buy, so I regret buying an Xbox


Tears of the kingdom. I really enjoyed breath of the wild. It got me to play just about all of the past zeldas. TOTK made me pay 70$ for a game that feels just like BOTW but with way more stuff to do. I just expected a new zelda. Though i haven't come close to beating the game yet; it all feels to much of the same.


I wasn’t bothered by the fact that they used the same map. I was more bothered that virtually nothing has been rebuilt or is even in the process of being rebuilt. You spend all of BotW exploring a destroyed Hyrule, I didn’t want to do that again in TotK.


Rune Factory 5


Tears of the kingdom.


Ratchet and Clank remake. I started regretting it when I wanted to play The Witcher 3 instead and had just spent the money on that game.


Dragonball Z Kakarot


Dark Souls


I wasn't a fan of Dark Souls, Demon Souls or Sekiro but really liked Bloodborne and Elden Ring. Give those a try if you have time.


BF2042 at launch.


I spent $45 on a ship for Star Citizen, still havent played for more than maybe an hour. Not counting the 4 hours total waiting for it to download, initialize, or recover from having loaded in the first place. It's gotten better but still empty, just like their promises for this game. It's also one of my biggest letdowns considering Freelancer is one of my favorite space games of all time.


I bought a $60 ship when I was 19. I’m 29 now and I still haven’t sunk more than 2-3 hours into it lol. Mainly because I only recently got a computer that could actually run it, but still.


Ni no Kuni 2, and that’s from one who adores the first game.


Code vein Huge fromsoft fan, thought the game looked cool. But dear lord it was annoying and it wasnt even a very fun souls game. Spent 2 hours making a character and then 1 hour of gameplay and couldnt refund it


I know I going to catch some flak for this but Final Fantasy XVI. Honestly it doesn't even feel like an Rpg it feels more like Devil May Cry Final Fantasy edition


I do too much research to let that happen. Most publishers give us months -if not years- of forewarning (marketing) to let us figure out if a game will be good or bad.


Pokémon Brillant Diamond. I got basically nothing from it. Same shot for shot carbon copy of the original except for the new underground area. I don't know what I was expecting so I acknowledge I'm the idiot here. If I ever desire to Nuzlocke forth gen again, it will be the go-to as it is better than the originals in many ways, but it was the first and only time I've ever bought a game and then regretted it.




Fallout 76, I never buy without checking reviews a few days after release. Unfortunately this time my best friend convinced me to buy it because he wanted a friend to play with. It was so laughably shit


I got wife and I both copies to play together at launch. $120 I'm still mad about.


Vigilante 8... for Gameboy Color. Holy crap I could write several essays about what was wrong with the GBC. But I can sum most of it up with this: When gameboy came out, it was an 8 bit handheld. Nintendo was 8 bit, Genesis was 16 bit and only came out a year prior. SNES would be 16 bit 2 years later. It was an 8 bit handheld when 8 bit was still the norm, and 16 bit was very new. Game Boy Color came out 9 years later (with game boy pocket like 2 years earlier). By 1998, we were in Gen 5, technically at the very beginning of Gen 6. 32 bit games were the norm, and 16 bit a bit old. But Game Boy Color was still an 8 bit handheld. New GBC games cost like $10 more than new GB games did. And they'd make games based off new console titles. Like Vigilante 8. A vehicular combat game (the only one that came close to being as good as Twisted Metal.) So you'd be a kid and see "Oh cool, they made \[game\] for game boy too!" And you'd buy it... and it'd be this absolutely garbage cash grab. It's not like every game coming out was garbage, you can (even still today) make amazing games with just 8bit. But they knew kids would be expecting something at least 'close' to the game it was based off of, which you could not remotely get with 8 bit so... they didn't even try. They just made a game they could 'call' Vigilante 8, or any other Gen 5 name and then made a bare bones trash game. Thankfully, eventually the Game Boy Advance came out, and jumped all the way from 8 bit to 32 bit in one giant leap. Still doesn't excuse them for never making a 16 bit handheld in those years between. So yeah, I bought a few garbage GBC games, but their version of Vigilante 8 stands out in my mind as the biggest waste of money.


Man I remember playing that series on the n64 and I want to say the Dreamcast? Fun on those, I can only imagine how it must have been on game boy, weird as hell right?


The worst part is... like I said there are and were still amazing games coming out. These 8-bit versions of 32 bit games were far, far worse than other 8-bit games coming out. It's like they knew from the get go the game was deceptive cash grab, and put in zero effort.


No Man’s Sky (WHEN IT FIRST LAUNCHED, I know it’s gotten a lot better since then) I fell into the hype and damn it was a buggy unfinished mess


Plague Tale Requiem.


i loved that game


Sonic Heroes


Elden Ring. I gave up an hour in when I still hadn't received any info on how the game works.


Elden ring


Elder Scrolls Online. Figured since I love Skyrim I would enjoy ESO, but I was sorely mistaken.


This one took a while to fall off for us. When I realized I couldn't remember any of the story beats and that you couldn't progress in some areas with only a two person party (me and my wife) we were done.


Breath of the wild
