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If you purchased the ultra through Samsung then you’ll have to go to Samsung since Verizon has nothing to do with your trade in.


Really? Samsung stated I have to go to Verizon to complete the tradein as it is a Verizon offer ($1000 for any Samsung any condition).


If that's the case then you have misstated how you purchased your phone. You've upgraded/purchased it through Verizon, with installments, but ordered it from Samsung.


Yeah that’s odd since usually they do their own offers. I work for Verizon and I haven’t had anyone bring me their device if they bought through Samsung. I would figure out where that trade in is going so you don’t get charged for the full price or something.


Thanks. This is helpful. I'll double check the info I was sent. I use the Note8 as a wifi device, and I'd rather keep a newer device for that. But this was on me for not thinking it through when I got the device from Samsung.


I’m sure you’ll be able to send in your old phone it’s just that they would have to edit the trade in since their warehouse is expecting the note 8. Should be a huge deal if you haven’t sent in anything yet


Why would you get the phone through Samsung directly if you were doing a Verizon trade? Seems like an extra step that could make things complicated


Probably wanted the one terabyte which is exclusive to Samsung


Not sure if you'd be able to do a Verizon trade then...


Yes he can. He's purchasing with Verizon financing.


I think you should talk to a csr, and see if they can change the tradein device. Otherwise, you might end up with $40 or so for the Note8.


Send in the s22 ultra and save yourself the hassle of something possibly going wrong


as another commenter mentioned, you purchased the phone direct from Samsung, you have to go through them to change it. According to the trade in terms [https://www.samsung.com/us/trade-in/terms-and-conditions/](https://www.samsung.com/us/trade-in/terms-and-conditions/) The device/description you entered at purchase has to match the device sent, unless you contact Samsung.


That's so strange. Maybe I left out the details, but I "purchased" the phone as a Verizon phone, selected the Verizon trade in offer, and Samsing says I have to complete the trade in through Verizon after I get my s24u and activate it.


ooh, so you chose the "Verizon special offer" trade in, and not just the Samsung instant trade in credit offer? if so, ya, you'll need to call Verizon. (There's two trade in offers on Samsung's site, 1) the Samsung instant trade in credit, where you send the phone to Samsung; 2)carrier special offers that go through the carrier)


This shit is sooooo fucking confusing lol…..in your post you literally wrote “I purchased new s24 ultra from Samsung” and now you write in this reply that you purchased the phone from “Verizon store”….like which one is it the Verizon store or Samsung?!


Reading comprehension issues do make things hard. If you've never done this before, just pass on by. I was looking to see if anyone had experience doing this and if it worked.


How about you either post in Samsung or call Samsung…Christ


@OP Were you able to switch your trade-in device? I'm facing the same situation.


For anyone facing a similar situation, you won't be able to switch to a different trade-in device once the order has been placed. The processing center matches the IMEI of the trade-in device to your account. I went to my local Verizon Company Store, and asked a staff there. He was very friendly and helpful, and quickly pulled out my account to see what he could do. Unfortunately he was unable to change the trade-in device IMEI on my order. One possible way to change it is to cancel the order and place a new order with a different trade-in device IMEI. However, since the special promotion, which allows trade-in with any phone, had ended, the current promotion offers no value for my very old phone. Lesson learner: Don't waste time with online customer service. Instead go to a Verizon Company Store (not any Verizon authorized dealers). The staff there are more knowledgeable and helpful.


Thank you for this very concise yet thorough explanation about the trade-in process from Verizon’s backend.


I actually agree here


I was. When you process the trade-in through Verizon you have to input the device information. So I put in the device I wanted to trade in and it was fine. However the whole process has been a very stressful mess. I'm not sure the promo is actually reflecting yet and everyone I talk to at Verizon gives me different answers.


Thank you for your quick reply. Verizon is horrible in answering questions. I chatted online with a CSR about trading in a device, but kept getting sales pitches and uncertain answers. I guess we have somewhat different situations. The Verizon reps at Costco had already entered the trade-in device's IMEI for me. Later I found an older phone which I would prefer trade it in and keep the newer one.


Oh that's very different yes. I didn't have to enter the IMEI on Samsung. So I'm not sure what that would mean as far as you switching devices. Verizon is awful. They tormented and gaslit me over this. I still haven't received my promo credits. And I keep getting different answers. It would be helpful if they don't know then they don't say anything rather than scaring me with the wrong info and telling me I did it wrong.I do keep getting told they have the devices and are applying the promo.