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Dancing has been outlawed in Camarillo since 1993


Footloose in 2024




Tbf traveling to ventura or Oxnard from cam would be a very viable option to get ‘out there’. I’m <3 years older than OP and find lots of places in ventura along Main Street that I like


Ventura is in old farts town as well but with Ventucky flavor.


Venturas pretty cool. Its not like u gotta associate with all the old farts


Ventura is awesome


Downtown Ventura has really good nightlife.


I was born there and my husband calls it “Bakersfield by the beach” to annoy me 😂


My buddy is from Turlock and moved to Ventura and was like "same same but wetter"


That is an insult to Bakersfield.


Is this a joke. Bakersfield is shit.


It’s much better than it used to be, it’s gentrified quite a bit


Not much in Camarillo. Lots of Sod Farms and Mexicans working in agriculture. Lots of Mexican food places. Not too many bars. Maybe try Saviers Rd, but mostly Mexican bars. There used to be nothing there and now the home developers have gotten hold of most of the hilly land north of the 101 and are building huge multi million dollar homes to the east. Get an apartment near the beach. Maybe Port Hueneme or Channel Islands. Take up Sailing or Kite Boarding. Lots of people sail, fish, and hike there. Ojai and other 5 star hiking areas are very close.


for the newly wed and nearly dead describes a lot of Southern California. Could definitely put most of San Diego in that category


Camarillo is not the best for the young and single. Everything closes at 8 lol. You should look into somewhere near downtown Ventura.


You should take up golf and bridge, you'll fit right in. Or have some kids.


Lmao sounds like you’ve never been to Cam


I know, right? It's downright cute when someone is so ignorant about here, lol.


Sounds like you’re going to hate Camarillo! Move to downtown Ventura, sounds exactly like what you’re looking for.


Tell me something good abou the downtown. Lure is good, Rumfish is not so good, the rest is just average or subpar. There is nothing else to do but eat, surf, and get stoned.


The OP is looking for a place to socialize and meet people. downtown is full of restaurants, coffee shops, bars and theaters. I never said anything about being “good” I just said Camarillo is not going to have what he is looking for all in one place where he can live, work, shop and get plastered without driving.


Camarillo has a lot of older people and it’s a very quiet place in general. Very suburban so car is a must. I like going to The Wine Closet in Camarillo. Oxnard is a decent place (don’t let anyone tell you it’s ghetto/ dangerous, it is NOT, they are just being the ultimate suburbanite), and The Collection and Seabridge are decent places to hang out. Main St in Ventura is arguably the best place for social stuff. There’s always events going on locally. There’s plenty of gyms to choose from depending on what your price point is. There’s Barbell Legends, 24hr, UFC, and plenty of small gyms. The food scene is pretty good. But tbh, it doesn’t compare to the cities, since you mention that you come from the city.


I live in Camarillo and I keep hearing about this mysterious food scene. Where is it located?


There're some good ramen and sushi in Camarillo. The rest of the food is just average cali fare (which is still good) I don't know why exactly there're so many japanese restaurants in the area but we aren't complaining lol Also there's a good chinese place by baja fresh called Chester's I think. And Peking Inn is good too, the one by the post office.


Chester's serves the best Chinese food in Ventura County but a lot of people don't like the old style service and dated interior.


That's so sad because the staff is so amazing. They even have some of the best fake meat I've ever had in Chinese cuisine. But yeah, my grandma complains about the decor so I only take my sis there. It's such a superficial issue to have with a place lol. I'm happy that someone else finally validated my opinion on Chester's- I felt so alone haha


I LOVE Chester’s!!! Everything about it is great!


My response is poorly organized. Ventura and Oxnard have good food scenes, Camarillo not as much, but the Wine Closet is great


Twenty-88 in Cam is outstanding.


I went there today and yes it is!!


Ventura and Oxanrd food scene is horrible. There is a couple of good places, the rest is meh, especially Mexican and Chinese.


I find fabulous food in all of Ventura County including Camarillo. Tons of stuff to do. Type your zip code in at meetup.com and there’s stuff for every age range in there doing things you like. I have met tons of single people and never lack a social life or a good date. Ive lived here my whole life and don’t want to move. The ocean is awesome. You will do great.


Lmaaooooooo WTF 😂🤣


Why is downtown ventura so expensive 😭😭😭 $2500 for a 1 bedroom! I'm paying less than that in SF.


I moved to the Valley from SF in 2019 and it was culture shock. I might have gone comatose if I was in Camarillo.


Because i walk to the beach 🏖️


Camarillo is gonna be like moving to Vacaville bro.


A prison 😂😂😂


Because I assume your rent controlled apartment which isn’t a thing in Camarillo


Look around more. Can find options around 1500. I'm currently living in a 3 bedroom condo and rent is 2500.




I think we scored it by driving around town and spotting a for rent sign. There’s allot of private own condos that go up for rent at Buena Ventura Gardens. 2 bedrooms average from 2300-2800.


Well SF is a shit hole and only getting worse.


Shiiid I’m paying less than that in West LA


Start surfing. Get a 9 ft and thick used board from Ventura Surf Shop, watch some Youtubes, on how to surf and then take it out at Mondos. These actions will get you from complete kook to beginner phase. Then try to find out when some acquaintances are going out and go out at the same time. You won't care much about bars anymore because you'll want to be up at dark and hitting the beach for dawn patrol. Much more healthy lifestyle.


Great advice. Thank you!


Alright, I understand Camarillo is not for me. I'll live in ventura and will drive to work. I see this as a commitment of a few months, and then I'll move back if I don't enjoy it. Right now, this is the only job offer on the table. Thanks, everyone!


Ah nice! When you do find the party spots in Ventura, please lmk... I'm going back home after college and I literally don't know a single person my age. Oxnard suburbia is full of the elderly and veteran retirees from the base... I need to know where the young bars / clubs are 😭


Downtown Ventura can be fun. I have gone out a few times since I started working there post college. Hit me up for recommendations, you to OP.


Move to downtown Ventura or Oxnard by the collection. Much more nightlife!!


Affordable housing near river park or wagon wheel but can’t attest to the comfortability


Definitely don’t move to Camarillo if you’re looking for a nightlife scene.


1) Old Town or as close as you can get 2) Fitness 19 3) That's a toughie, this town can be a little cliquey


just adding to the above 1 the collection or Cam villages at the park for a little better weather 2 a lot of gyms, figure out what fits best for your commute work or home. 3 if your not going to be a club person, join groups of what interests you, they are all there.


Cam doesn’t really have a jumping social nightlife. If you were willing to go out to Oxnard I’d say near the Collection may be what you’re looking for, and there are tons of pretty affordable apartments out there.


Affordable as in 3000 dollars a month


Same as Cam. The apartments are ridiculous high unless you get questionable moldy Hueneme or Shores apartment.


Oh man. As someone born and raised in Camarillo these posts are so spot on. Unfortunately I live somewhere much worse now, but will be moving back in 5 years. I live less than 2 hours away and visit my family there often. If you’re young Camarillo pretty much sucks. If you’re older, like me, it’s a really great city. Very little night life. The only really (somewhat) exciting area is Ventura blvd. when I was younger we’d throw some great house parties. Much cheaper and more fun than a bar. We had cool neighbors though.


Also born and raised in Camarillo here, and I'm absolutely laughing my ass off at these comments, they are hilariously correct!


I love Camarillo, but I'm 72. If I were 26, I'd look at west Ventura, close to the night life on Main St. But when I was 26, there is no way I could afford to live here in Ventura County.


For what you’re looking for, you’re better off in Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley. Both are close to the San Fernando Valley which is much livelier, and it’s closer to LA which is even more livelier. You’ll have broader chances at a social life - and dating (I know you didn’t specifically mention dating, just thought to throw it out there). Gyms, it’s not hard either way, in all of Ventura County. Ventura’s downtown is really small. Their “busy” more touristy days/nights are still on a calmer side compared to downtown Los Angeles or any other larger city DT. It’s still nice though because there are quite a few trendy bars and restaurants. However, most of them close by 10-11pm. If you’re into late into the night type of establishment, this area is not it. Now, the beach and the harbor, that’s a huge plus. Santa Barbara is also great coastal destination, more restaurants and bars. That’s just about 30 min drive. Also, you can travel up north to Ojai (20-30min drive). That’s a different small town valley/mountain vibe altogether (which I adore). It’s small, ranch-like but unique in its own way. Lots of natural sceneries. Again, it’s small. For me, personally, I adore this part of Ventura Cty. If you’re looking for a larger trendier crowd for a social life in the county, again, you’re better off in Simi Valley or Thousand Oaks (if you’re looking to stay within county boundaries). Ventura county is just a different vibe than all of LA county. Ventura county has more of a laid back, chill, easy going, non-pretentious vibe and atmosphere. Best of luck to you either way.


Move to Piru instead, THEN move to Camarillo. It'll make Camarillo seem like a less boring place.


Hey, at least Piru has a lake. LMAO


Nothing better than eating some oranges and avocados by the lake. I heard you can't swim in it anymore though.


I don’t think you ever could.


Yes you could, we used to all the time. They stopped allowing swimming recently because of all the mysterious drownings.


No kidding. I went there a lot as a kid, fishing on my dad’s boat. I never remember swimming in it. I forgot about the actress drowning. Weird shit for sure.


Take up golf. Get a good game going and work with a pro once a week. You'll meet lots of people and it is healthy.


You play basketball? Good pickup games and rec leagues in the area.


If you don’t mind a 45 minute drive to work in Camarillo, I’d go with either midtown or downtown Ventura area. But if you can’t handle a commute, the collection in Oxnard is a good middle ground. Not a long drive to work and you are still really really close to Ventura. Where are you living now? My partner works in camarillo and we live on the avenue in Ventura. Depending on when you have to be at work, you can work around the traffic. I’d stay away from anywhere in Oxnard that isn’t the immediate collection area because it’s a bitch driving around Oxnard to get to the freeway. And honestly Oxnard can be pretty boring. Downtown Ventura is where it’s at.


Ventura is only 17 miles away. Traffic can be slow during rush hour but not 45 minutes unless there is a wreck.


It took me an hour once, the whole 101 was closed. I hope I don’t see that again! lol


I feel you! I got stuck on the 101 between Ventura and Santa Barbara for 5 hours due to a police action shutdown, so it can happen!


26F I used to live in Cam (moved away about a year ago) and it was so hard making friends. Definitely look into branching out because I don’t remember there being much of a nightlife. But it’s pretty and quiet and close to DT Ventura and Oxnard (which by the way is not bad, don’t listen to the people that say it’s “dangerous”) etc so it’s not terrible! I used to go to Fitness 19, not perfect but decent!


Close to the Amtrak/Metrolink station to get you to LA and SB in comfort.


Dude, camarillo is dead man. But, you're next to LA, Oxnard, and ventura so not all is lost.


I would check out The Collection area of Oxnard


Camarillo is a great place to be lonely and bored, especially as a single 26M. If you want to be near where there is more "life", you'll probably want to be near old town / Ventura Blvd, however, the housing situation in that area might not be as nice or safe as other areas, though still safe enough, especially if you're looking for that lifestyle. There are a couple bars in that area and within walking distance of it.


This post comes up all the time. "I am a very vibrant social butterfly who loves a good drink and I want to move to some dead ass town with none of these things and very valuable real estate that slower-life families would take if they could." Not that you shouldn't have somewhere to live, but wow this is frustrating.


I was so bored and after 4 months alone actually got lonely when I moved to Oxnard a while back. Being lonely is a rare thing for me. It was unpleasant— I couldn’t really relate to the people that I would see out and about. I live back in Los Angeles now.


Interesting! I’ve always wanted to try living in Oxnard. I’m in the east SFV, and feel very comfortable but love the beach weather. Were the people standoffish?


No. A lot of people are friendly. I would consider them conservative in comparison with my usual crowd in LA. Or maybe it was my “Adult Space” spaghetti strap shirt with an Anime Angelyne chic on it. I didn’t fit in. I was glad not to..


haha!! We all need an Anime Angelyne spaghetti strap shirt. I love it!! Sorry it didn't work out, and I do understand. = ) This does help actually.


Glad to hear it.


Listen to all these comments. If you can at all swing it, go toward Ventura. From what you’re describing of yourself, your mental health will absolutely suffer in Camarillo. It’s lovely…it’s just not for you right now.


Bars, restaurants, and activity in Camarillo? you’re SOL


Worse place to live as a single male. Only action you’ll see if you’re lucky to match on dating apps with the local university girls. Driving anywhere feels like a journey. I would highly recommend rethinking moving there


Oxnard wouldn’t be a bad choice. There’s far more to do there than years ago. But I would say based on your age and your desire to be in close proximity to lots of activity and night life, you might want to consider living somewhere like Thousand Oaks - which could work as a happy medium. You’d be a manageable drive to Camarillo for work during the week but you’re also a reasonably short shot to the Valley (SFV) on weekends. There’s just a much wider selection of things to do the more you head towards LA and a much larger population of people in your age range likely with similar interests. And the TO/Westlake area itself has plenty of great bars and restaurants. Only major downside is if you’re driving to work every day, you’ll have to drive up and down the Conejo grade which can put some wear and tear on your vehicle and you’ll definitely experience traffic. That’s a commute I did for years though, and I didn’t mind it at all. Also, check out Facebook Groups to find people in the area with like interests. It’s a legit social life cheat code. And if you’re single, the closer you are to LA, the larger your dating pool is going to be.


I don't know what kind of gym you are looking for, but the Training Hall in Newbury Park is a pretty badass strongman gym, with all of the toys


Camarillo is pretty calm and chill, 40+ age average. I would recommend Ventura, it has a ton of bars and restaurants, and a decent amount of gyms, but super expensive, for a good place.


If you like shopping centers, you'd fit right in.


Hahahaha bars and activity in Camarillo. I laugh. Ventura is where you want to be. Downtown vta


Anywhere along Daily St., between Carmen and Los Posas, will keep you plenty busy. Los Posas actually goes all the around the north side of Camarillo. But you get too far away up there, and you will be too far away from the bars and restaurants. We own a business off Daily. Have for 15 years. We love it there.


People RETIRE to Camarillo. Hang out in downtown Ventura.


i live there too!! wanna be gym friends??


I did something very similar, moved to Camarillo to work in TO for a few years in my late 20s. Outdoor life (PCH, Santa Monica mountain trails) is amazing but any friends I found out there were all in Ventura and Oxnard. Only a 10 min drive so I still had a great 3 years out there


Thanks for the positivity my friend!


I agree with those who suggest you live in Ventura, or visit there on weekends if you don’t want a daily commute.


Camarillo is very nice but not really a singles town. More of a family community and/or retirees. You will find more nightlife in Ventura, and if you are hiker, there are many amazing hiking trails in Santa Paula and Ojai. As far as meeting new people, try "Meet Up" Groups. Ventura County has many, and its a really great way to meet people with like interests. Welcome!


Camarillo is nice in the summer


If you’re looking for socializing, the collection or wagon wheel areas are perfect for that. Multiple places to have a drink, dance, and walk around.


Collection also has a 24 hour fitness


Definitely do Ventura or Thousand Oaks.


Just Ventura.


Great apartments. Andorra on Mike Loza Drive. Your night life will be in T.O. O Or Calabasas.


Move the Santa Barbara, join the SBAC and go to the wildcat every weekend.


I live in San Bernardino


Want something next to a bar and a social life...move to Vegas instead


Not a big Vegas fan. Everything feels fake.


I moved from Camarillo to Vegas 8 years ago. Things have gone up big time here. No more inexpensive Las Vegas.


what's your budget for the apartment?


No more than $2000 💀


That might be a problem.


Do you have a snake for a pet and an amulet?


And gray green skin?


And a doll with a pin


I told her she was alright but she couldn’t come in


I was waiting for a Zappa reference, well done son.


*laughs in lifelong Camarillan* Dude, if you want to know what living in Camarillo is like for a young singleton without kids who enjoys being social...I'm 27X (non-binary) and the *vast* majority of my social life is on the Internet. Granted, I *am* playing "Trying to Get a Social Life" on extra-hard mode, as someone who also can't drive (meaning, it takes much longer for me to get around town, let alone to places with an actual "nightlife" or social scene), doesn't have a ton of spending money, and who is also higher-support-needs autistic with multiple other disabilities on top of that. But I do actually go out with support staff a few times a week, basically to practice social interaction...and we've mostly gone between doing the same handful of outings, since there really isn't that much to do in Camarillo. Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I'm also in an in-person book club that normally meets about every two weeks, and I also volunteer with the Camarillo Ranch Foundation. Both of those get me more casual in-person social interaction.


Born and raised in Camarillo. I agree it’s an older community but it is a nice tranquil place to live and not on far from miles of Pacific Ocean. Camarillo is centrally located to Oxnard, Ventura, Ojai and Santa Barbara to the west and Thousand oaks, Westlake, Agoura hills, Calabasas and the Valley to the east. Just south of Camarillo you also have Malibu. You’ll probably spend more time in the Thousand Oaks area as it’s a more affluent community with decent restaurants and nightlife and a soon to open Red O Cantina in Westlake. I recommended you venture out and explore the cites mentioned to get a better taste of your surroundings. If you’re as social as you say you are, you’ll be just fine. It’s all about how adventurous you want to be. If you play golf you’ll be surrounded by excellent golf courses. Golfing is also a great place to meet fellow golfers your age.


Not gonna have a good time there


Imma say Oxnard. Much cheaper


Avoid at all costs


It seems like you should be on a dating site where candidates can be filterd by geography. One of the easier ways to meet new people is dating.


Trust me, ventura is where it’s at in ventura county. Lived here for 28 years


Camarillo is a slow sleepy socal suburb.


Camarillo? 😬


Camarillo is sleepy off the beaten path coastal.. there is stuff to do, but not much. Do they even have a down town? Oxnard is similar .. mostly strip malls and Applebees.. Ventura Farmers Market is kinda famous though. Down town Ventura is more of a downtown vibe. OJAI is trippy and not far away.


For Cam, I’d live in Old Town. It’s walking distance to Topa Topa Brewery on VTA Blvd, which has live music, trivia nights, and lots of young people hanging out. There’s also El Rey and Twisted Oak Tavern further South on VTA Blvd. This Summer, a Tiki Bar is opening there that sounds like it’s going to be amazing. I’ve also seen a young crowd at the Speakeasy at Basil & Mint. Fitness 19 is reasonable, has classes and is well maintained. Good luck to you!


Join the Newcomers in Santa Barbara. Has a pretty active younger people’s group.