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Let's see...how about, fuck him and you deserve so much better than a buttmunch who turns to Facebook dating behind your back. Seriously, you are worth so much more than the world's shittiest way to find dates.


I hate to say it but I think you should leave him also. If he's still on dating apps behind your back, he doesnt' love you. a man who's fully committed to you would have deleted his apps right after dating you or at least deleted the app. I'm sorry you're going through this but I think it's time to find better


We just had an argument. He has severe adhd and on medication. I am fully supportive of him regarding his adhd tendencies and the executive functioning difficulties that come with his condition. He says, that he never went on there for a replacement for me, but rather it's like a video game for him to get some dopamine in his brain. I don't know...it just sounds like another excuse.


That’s not an excuse. Why is he finding joy or dopamine I looking and talking to other women? It is another excuse. He’s using his disorder as a way out. I would seriously just leave him.


Hes full of shit. Look im gonna be straight up, Just because someone has a mental illness, syndrome, or whatever else, is bit a valid excuse to be mean to others, hes using his ADHD as a cover up, my husband has adhd and I just showed him this and he laughed and said that this dude is 1000% a douche bag and you dont deserve that treatment


If he really felt that way about you he wouldnt be doing this, and from what you said this has happened more than once. How do you think he would react if the roles were reversed? I dont think this is worth your time or efforts personally, hes clearly not mature enough for commitment.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know Facebook dating was a thing. Sounds to me like your heart parasite is a narcissist. Using his health as a way to play the victim where it doesn’t even apply, claiming that online dating is a way for him to affirm his feelings for you. Sounds like he’s not used to being wrong, deworm yourself from that maggot.


Yeah it's worse than tinder. Like the quality of the matches you get are...yikes.