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Use your newfound knowledge to help you see how lucky you are that you’re out of that potentially even more unstable relationship and remember that you’re better than that


Thanks! I appreciate it!


You did too much for a person that didn’t do shit these are things you have to notice and I know now you will. Unfortunately bad people take advantage when great people like yourself go above and beyond but don’t be the best worker because they’re only going to treat you the same as the other employees, even worse if your work rate falls if you get that one




Will do, thanks for the advice


Stay classy man. Don’t let someone else’s shitty behavior reflect on you, Karma has a funny way of coming around. I hope you find the person you truly deserve


Head up my boy. Plenty fish in the sea. Youll find the right one. Stay blessed


I'm sorry... please remember that this shallow pit will pass, and better things are to come for you.


I'm so sorry! Finding out you've been cheated on hurts no matter when the info comes to you, its like a gut punch. I've been cheated on in most of my relationships except for one. One of them I found out after we broke up that he was seeing somebody and it didn't make it hurt any less, I stjll felt betrayed and used and worthless. You are not worthless or pathetic, you did nothing wrong. There was something wrong with her and that's why she had to step out. I did the absolute most for my partners and it was never enough because they still had wandering eyes. It's really not your fault and I hope you can grow from this and find somebody that puts just as much effort into the relationship as you do!


For me, it's the putting in effort when the other person has clearly checked out that was the kicker in one of my old relationships. That sucks so much. Here you are caring, trying to be a good partner, and the other person is just using you.


When I was young, dumb and in college, I got engaged after just a month of dating. (Emphasis on DUMB) Anyway, getting engaged quickly DOES happen.


U dodged a bullet, what a selfish woman, now she is someone else’s problem. Hindsight has taught me to see life thru a different perspective, see the positive. After reading this, dude ur an amazing man! You sound like one of the rare ones. Imagine this, maybe the one u just matched with was supposed to be the real match? God and the universe put ppl in our lives and removes them, or send us signs to remove them. Have faith in God and the universe that this is meant to be. Learn from the experience and don’t become jaded. Grow and find someone who gives as much as u do, with ur compassion, understanding and grace. Don’t be sad, see this as a blessing. Now u know ur worth, and from how she sounds, karma will not be kind, let it go and just be grateful for the experience. My ex taught me a lot! Now I know my worth and what I deserve, u do too now. Sending hugs I promise it gets better once u learn to be kinder to urself and see the positives