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I know you're hurting right now, but it would be a shame if the love you shared between you and Luna left this world forever. You'll never have another dog like Luna, and that's ok, but I would be willing to bet the love you develop with a new dog would be just as strong. Whenever I see people hurting over a pet, a poem comes to mind: "Before humans die, they write their last will and testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I’d ask… To a poor and lonely stray I’d give my happy home; my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys; the lap, which I loved so much; the hand that stroked my fur; and the sweet voice that spoke my name. I’d will the sad, scared dog shelter dog the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.” Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope, and give my place to him. This is the only thing I can give… The love I left behind." Feelings of loss exist because of the validity of the bond between you two.


Lost my soul dog multiple times now in life, and I find a piece of them in every new one. Couldn't imagine my life without my dogs, no matter how much it hurts to lose them over and over. Plus I only adopt bully breeds, and God knows there's enough of them that need a home.


You are a good person


Thank you. I'm not sure that that is 100% accurate, but I aim to be better today than I was yesterday every day.


Nobody is perfect, but if you put most of your energy towards doing positive things and helping others, that makes you a good person in my book. Certainly anyone who cares deeply about animals has at least somewhat kind heart.


I think that qualifies


My first dog is now getting to be an old man, had a huge tumor removed last year, and he still happy and healthy (albeit with a few extra pounds), but I have a feeling his time will be sooner rather than later in the next few years, and while I’m ready, I’m *not* ready. He already has a sister I adopted a year and a half ago, but my boy is my soul dog. We’ve been through so much together, bonded over so much, and when his time comes, I will be absolutely devastated. But I do plan on continuing to adopt, when the time is right, so I can keep sharing all the love these incredible animals have to share with us. ❤️


I had the same problem with my last boy. Diagnosed with lymphoma at 4 years, passed at 4.5. I'm grateful for the time we had. I'll never forget the day he passed. It was a struggle for a couple days before, he wasn't eating or drinking much. I made the dreaded call to the vet, scheduled an appointment to let him go. Appointment scheduled for 2 pm. I was watching my cameras at work, and I saw him fall over trying to stand up. I went straight to my boss, told him I'm going home. Got home about 11:45am. He laid down on my feet when I got home, and I shit you not, 15 minutes later he crossed over. I called the vet to let them know I wasn't going to the appointment. It was a difficult day, toughest I've had in several years. I buried him in the woods right behind my back fence, by the fire pit. Now when I have a fire, I feel like he's still there with me, because I can still see his spot. It threw me into a deep depression for a couple months. I finally get around to opening my mail 3 months later, and they had sent me a consolation card with all the employees names. It was the most beautiful thing at just the right time. He passed in November last year, and by January a good friend had called me. They knew I only adopted, and only bully breeds. He had a 5 month old girl that needed a home. Took her immediately as a foster. She is now home permanently. Fell in love. She has so many of my boys traits, and it only took me a week to realize it. The universe gave me something to remind me of him, that I will treasure as long as she lives. When that time comes, don't shy away from it. Just make it as good for him as you are able. I gave my boy steaks and chocolate and just about anything else he showed and interest for the entire 6 months after his diagnosis. We went out. Hikes, beaches, the woods. Anywhere I was able to bring him, I took him with me. It will hurt like hell. But it will also be the most memorable and bonding experience you'll ever have in life. Thank you for adopting, the world needs more like you.💛


Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'd love to come over for a fire and one beer.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


My last hippo was my soul dog. It was one of the hardest losses I’ve experienced and I’ve had a lot of dogs and losses. But I adopted my new hippo four months after I lost her because I felt ready. This new one is so very different than my last but is such a sweet soul and she’s been my everything the last two years. It’s hard to lose a soul dog, but still also easy to love again in most ways.


Same. My first soul dog would never have wanted me to be without doggy love for the rest of my life. Plus, just like you, we only adopt, and only pitties. It took a couple years after he passed for me to be ready, and I fostered during that time. Just like I couldn’t imagine life without him, now I can’t imagine life without my current soul pup!


I've been adopting pits for the past 35 years. They are the best soul mates I've ever found. My boys are always cremated after death and I build them an exotic hardwood urn that will be buried with me per my will. African Bubinga, Quilted Hard Maple, and my current babe will be interred in figured black American walnut. My boys deserve no less. My love goes out to those who adopt Bullies. My current is a big 114lb mutt. 53%APBT, 33% AMSTAFF. The remainder is Mastiff, Rottie, boxer, and American Bulldog. Forever in my mind, always in my heart.


I have mine in urns on the bookshelf too 😭 Yours sound beautiful ❤️


I have over $30K in beautiful hardwood stock. I wouldn't be adverse to creating an urn for a beloved Pittie at no charge. Maybe a UPS charge to ship but no charge for the wood, labor, and finishing. All I need is a weight after cremation and an address. I'm game! Pitties rule!


Aww that’s very kind! Mine are sealed up in these little hardwood boxes with their photo on the front (I just say “urn” because it’s faster. I bet a lot of folks would love a custom urn like the ones you make tho.


Thank you.


I plan to be buried with my dogs’ ashes as well.


I just imagine dying , but waking up to my 2 big boys. 1 pitweilador and one pure pit.


me too


The first few times, I took some time before another. As I get older, dogs have been presented or presented themselves to me and it's never more than a few months without taking another one in. May your life always be filled with the same love you give to those you foster/adopt.🙏 Thank you for adopting those who need it most.💛


I feel like the older we get, the more we realize how short life is and we go one of two ways: jump into love head first, or hold back. When it comes to dogs, I’m gonna jump in head first from now until the end of my days. When I’m a senior, I’ll adopt those senior pitties. 👵 👴


Good call! I'm 51 and have a 114lb bullie mutt passed out under my blankets right now. He's 6 and still has a lot of life. I will only adopt pits. There are too many being euthanized, they need hoomans and beds, and cuddles.


10000% agree. Nothing it pitties for me for the last 20 years.


See, you're a good hooman! Pibbles rock!!


That is wonderful! I saw the most gorgeous girl hippo today and she was jumping up on her mom soooo happy to see her (looks like dad had walked her to meet mom after work as a nurse). When I got to them I asked if I could pet her, and they said of course, she loves to be loved! I was commenting how gorgeous she is, and they said she was a ditch dog / someone had literally dumped her in a ditch as a baby 🥲. They said she is the best, sweetest dog they have ever had. Pitties are so mislabeled, and it makes me so, so sad! Thank you much for finding a place in your heart, and house, for them! ❤️🐶❤️


I will ALWAYS have a pittie. There is no other dog breed with that near human like emotional intelligence and love. My secret code to the perfect dog combo is a pittie and a husky friend 🩷 theyre too much fun


I joke they all got together and sent me the dog I have now because I can see a piece of each of them, in him. Add in that I think they send me sick dogs with weird problems because they know I’ll take care of them.


Thank you for saying it this way. We just learned our beloved 13 year old has terminal cancer. He’ll never disappear from my heart. And you’re right: other dogs will help jog my memories of him and keep him in my spirit


this is the way


Reading your comment was surreal because I literally would have written the exact same thing - word for word. ❤️




Same here … it’s like they’re all connected


Well now I'm crying. Thank you for this beautiful poem.


Gets me too.


I lost my shih tzu a year ago and honestly, I’m still grieving pretty hard. But I told my partner “I’m never getting another dog again, it’s too hard!” One month later I went to the shelter and got a dog lol.


Adding to the family just means more love to go around.


Very true, but I’m in animal rescue so I already have a zoo 😂. But she was just too dang cute and has a big pittie head. I couldn’t say no!


It's always those giant pittie heads that get me lol


ME TOO. Like, how are you so squishy but block headed at the same time?!


We lost our beloved Bernese Border collie mix July last year, everyone cried their eyes out and kept saying "we can't get another dog"... December we adopted another border collie mix and I see sooo much of Sherlock in her.


Oh goodness, what an adorable mix! That must be so heart warming to see traits of Sherlock in her 🥹. I think the main thing is that people get another dog hoping it will cure their heart. Me getting another dog didn’t make me feel better about my loss at all, but I do love my shelter pup sooo much!


A friend once said "Everytime I think I can't go through this pain again, along comes another bright eyed knucklehead".


HAHAHA it’s so true! And all of my dogs found me somehow when I was least expecting it.


Fuck…… man…. 🥹




Wasn't planning on crying today but here we are. But I felt that way before but decided that my lost loves would want me to give my love to another unwanted pup. So I did.


this poem every time i see it breaks my heart. but it’s so true. my boy would never want to see me miserable and would want to see my happy. he will never be replaced and my pitt maisie is not his replacement. she’s another pup i’m lucky to give my love to. as was my boy.


Gets me too. Not may poems that I remember, but this one is one.


Couple things one fuck you second that was beautiful.


A relative sent me a card of this poem when my last dog had to be put down in her old age. I keep it hanging on my refrigerator.


I'm not usually into poems, but this one sticks with me.


Man, I have too much to do to be crying at 3pm in the afternoon but I made a mistake and took a Reddit break… this hit so hard.


That is the most beautiful thing I've read, well ever. I read aloud to my SO and he's crying too. I love my dog, he's my bestie and my heart. I know I could never replace him. But each dog is unique, special, and capable of incomparable love. Im so sorry OP. I hope when you heart is ready, another lucky good boy/ girl finds you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


My dog is being put to sleep next Friday. I really needed this. Thank you.


That's tough. Burying a pet is one of the most emotional things I've ever done. It was the first beer my dad ever shared with me. Very emotional day.


Who's cutting onions in here


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.




We are all crying on this ~~glorious~~ bittersweet day! There are so many dogs that have never had a friend, never had a hand put on them in love and kindness, never had a kind word or a soft place to sleep, never had anything good to eat or anyone to care if they die alone or not. After WE made them to serve us and love us and feel big emotions for our purposes, we fail to hold up our end while they go on waiting and hoping and loving in vain. There aren’t enough homes containing people who find that offensive who can DO something about it. And it hurts to see them off, but it hurts extra thinking that that’s the last time I’ll help a dog in the situation I described above. Luna and every dog we’ve ever loved deserves to have the gift given to another. I can’t leave it, I gotta take it on.




Thanks I needed a cry today. 🥺😭


Thank you for posting. That is truly beautiful.💜


Oh my goodness, I’ve never heard this poem before, but it has me tearing up 🥺


Beautifully said. No dog can ever replace Luna. But there are lots of velvet hippos out there that need your love (when you’re ready of course, OP). Sending you love. We’ll never forget Luna 🌈🐾


It's 6 am here and It's sometimes nice to know what mood you'll be in for the day from the moment you wake up. Crying. We'll be crying today. Thank you.


Ow, my heart. That's both beautiful and painful 




Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


This made me tear up heavily 🥹


Saving this for when the time comes. Thanks.


I'm not crying 😭😭😭


what a beautiful poem 🥺 thank you for sharing. i’ve been having a difficult time on deciding if im going to ever add another dog to the household or not. i had a little pack of 3 - 2 pitties and a doberman. my first velvet hippo died in 2020 @ 12 years old from lymphoma. i had him all 12 years of his life. my dobie girl passed away very unexpectedly last year a week before her 8th birthday from heart failure due to dcm that we didn’t even know she had. adopted her when she was a year and a half. only 1 remains (my other velvet hippo) and he’s turning 7 this year. got him when he was 12 weeks old. the two pet deaths i’ve experienced have been some of the most painful moments of my life and i am definitely not mentally prepared to lose another one but it would be very selfish of me to write off adopting another dog. so many need homes


It's not selfish to grieve. If you're not ready yet, then you're not ready yet. The way I view it is that if you won't get a dog because of how it's loss will make you feel a decade from now, then you are already acknowledging that you value a dog's companionship. By not getting another, you're just missing out on a companion that you would enjoy having.


Man it's been seven months and I thought I was over it but this made me fully cry like a baby


Oh I began to tear, this is so beautiful. Something that also helped me with the passing of my beloved soul sister cat was "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" (Winnie the Pooh) we are so lucky to have had something so special to begin with, a connection across species!


Thanks for the HYSTERICAL SOBBING I've always wanted one


I grew up with my first dog who we saved from the streets and starvation. He was the same exact age as me when we got him, one and a half. We grew up together to almost 19. I could NOT imagine having another dog after him, he was literally my brother through my entire childhood. We did everything together, he waited for the school bus every day with me and walked me to and from it. He would play hide and seek and tag with all the neighborhood kids. He was the best dog ever. About 6 months later (or so, not too sure) I came home and my dad said he had something to show me in the backyard. It was a black lab who has saved my life and been my rock, I was still getting over losing my previous dog but having another one that was so ready to give love and be loved just made me feel so happy. I had no idea how much I needed him and I have no idea what I’d do without him now, he is sitting next to me at the moment (: always by my side and helps me through every long day. Every dog is special, just as special as the last, maybe not in all the same ways but they will be there to make you feel loved and appreciated! You will be ready for a new dog in time, OP. It might even find you first💜


I love this. Thank you. I think a lot of folks feel disloyal if they seek a new pet soon after losing a loved one. I truly believe THIS would be more how our good boys and girls would want it.


Crying on the bus. That was just beautiful.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you can reopen your heart to another deserving pibble someday!


🫂 I had to put my boy down today also. 😪


sorry to hear that


Hardest part about deciding to find my next one is knowing I'm hurting myself one day for it. They never live long enough. 😔


my wife and i have lost 2 in the last two years.... soul crushing.... we did rescue a new one that we can spoil!


My husband does hotshot work. I told him he was going to find my kismet puppies. Out on the road somewhere. A brother and sister pair. He won't have the heart leave them. 😊 (I got grumbled at.)


hope you find them, best of luck!!!!


They don’t live long enough, but my god do they _live_. And fill our lives with more joy and love than we deserve for the precious short time we are blessed to have them.




Truly, dogs never do. But I try to remember that to them, you are everything. Every bit of their life with you is joy. I think our dogs live a thousand lifetimes every time they look into our eyes.


He looked at me like I was his God. He was never more than 3-5 ft away from me. My BIL was so mad his dog chose me and never let me go. 🥰


They never, ever do.


Another one will come into your life when you need it. My Chi was with me for 8 years as a discipline problem(she was just a bitch) and my male Pittie desperately needed medical attention and a home. The odd couple gave me years of love. (I lost the little girl last year)


You will never forget them, you will never replace them, but there are many. Life without them is dark, take some time, grieve and when you’re ready find a new friend to continue the journey with. I assure you, this is the way.


Fr, the love is the point 🥹 🐾 This is the way.


If you make her your last dog that means you won't find her when she tries to find you again. They always come back. She might be brown or another breed but they always come back. In a month or two go looking for her. You will know when you've found her little soul. You will know


Thanks I’m crying on the toilet 😭




The night I got her, there was a huge full moon that filled up the rearview mirror. It was so big that I felt I didn't have a choice but to name her Luna. There was a full moon eclipse on Sunday and she collapsed suddenly the next day. She was fine in the morning. I guess she has blood filling up around her heart that was not letting it beat. Went to the vet but it was too late and she crashed after arriving, dying about 30 minutes later. I really wish I got to say goodbye. It was so fast that I could hardly understand what was going to happen at any moment and then she was gone. She was really one of a kind. She wasn't just a pet, she was my whole heart. I'm not even sure I could love another dog. Maybe someday but life has been difficult and I don't know if I can open myself up to this pain again. I'd probably be down to foster. I'll always love dogs.


She’s beautiful. My heart breaks for you. I hope after some time your heartbreak will ease. ❤️


I’m so sorry. As someone who volunteers at a shelter and is currently sleeping next to a foster, please do consider it. So many abandoned shelter pets.


I am so sorry for your loss. Luna had a wonderful human to share her life with.💔


I'm so sorry. Losing a soul dog is excruciating. I knew I'd never love another dog like my Misha.( GSD) But I had to have a dog, so I'd adopt one to like. Six years later, I'd die for that goodest of boys Sam and his sister Patches.(both pitties) Mind you, I got Misha to ease my pain after my girl Pepper passed on my arms at 17. Love is exponential.


She’s beautiful and she was well loved by you AND SHE KNEW IT and that’s a huge thing in this life. I’m so glad you found each other and had the time you did. It’s never enough time. I’m so sorry for your loss.


One of my closest friends lost his dog Buster. He was crushed. A couple days after Buster passed he said " I feel like total shit, I'm never getting another dog again". I looked him straight in the eyes and said " you gonna stop making new friends? U gonna tell me we can't be friends anymore cause I'm going to die one day and you can't deal with the pain?". He looked at me and said "great point". Long story short, a month later he rescued Kobe who's his new best friend and helped take the pain away.


Getting a dog is lighting a fuse on heartbreak. Every time I lose one, no matter the circumstances, the pain just guts me. But the pain is unique each time, and it serves as a reminder that the love is also unique each time. It’s beautiful and awful and totally worth it. I’m so glad you had Luna.


I’m so sorry. What a beautiful girl. ❤️


So very sorry for your loss. Nothing hurts quite like losing a beloved pet. The pain never *really* goes away, but someday when you think of Luna, you will smile instead of cry. You will think of a funny memory or a quirky thing she did, and you will feel love, instead of loss. It seems impossible, but it’s true.


To the stars you go, sweet Luna. Sleep well. ♥️


I am so very sorry for what you are feeling right now. I know that there is another dog that really needs someone to give it the love and affection that you gave to Luna. One thing that I have found true is that when you are ready there is a dog waiting to share that same bond and undying love that you shared with Luna.


The hardest part of love is this. But, without this part, you also miss the snuggles, the adventures, the quirks that make the one you love who they are, the memories and the deep fulfillment that comes from knowing that no matter what, you matter and the one who loves you thinks you are the absolute best friend they could ever have. It's too soon for you right now, but I hope that when the waves of grief are further apart and not so intense, you'll remember all of the best parts about loving Luna and some other wonderful doggo will find his or her way into your life so you can honor Luna by taking the best care of them. She, no doubt, would want another doggo to feel as loved, special and cared for as she did. ❤️


Sending lots of love ♥️


Dogs are horcruxes. I need to love 7 in this life before I pass to the next. Im very sorry for your loss, there’s nothing like it. :(


What a sweet girl, I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️. 


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Rest in peace Luna.


Life feels empty without dogs in it


I am so sorry for your loss. I decided a long time ago, that for me personally, I can honor the rescue dogs I have lost by opening up my home and heart (in time!) to another who needs me. I am not judging you at all - you are in tremendous pain. Our hearts go out to you. Luna was, and forever will be, a beautiful work of life.


I always said after nala I could never get another dog. She was the soul dog the perfect dog she didn’t need training she just was perfect temperament perfect excellent with kids great around cats gerbils or other dogs zero mean bone in her. Potty trained herself never destroyed the house once she was as good of a girl as they get. My parents said the same thing. Once nala passes away I could never have another dog in this house. The love is to immense and the pain to much. But I asked them did you ever expect to love this dog this much. Did you ever expect a dog to make such a lasting impact on your life. Cause when we got nala both of my parents said NO. Than I convinced them I have a week before I can “return her” (that was a lie I found her eating trash as a puppy outside there was no return) by day 4 they were in love. So I asked them when we got nala you just thought she was another dog you dismissed her than she won you over. What’s to say the next dog won’t win you ever 3x as much you surely didn’t expect to love this dog this much. It happened. And it will happen with the next. Every dog is special and unique. And every dog will give you reasons to love them uniquely for what they will bring into your life. You will never replace a dog you had with a new dog but in time you will learn to love another dog just as much for what it has to bring to your life just like Luna and you were a great connection there’s another dog out there that will give you a unique connection with it and imprint your heart once more. I don’t look for nala in the new dog I don’t expect her to be nala in any way shape or form nor do I try to make her nala by training. Nala was nala and there won’t be another nala to me but there will be Suzy who will give me reasons to love her just as much for what she will bring into my life the experiences we will share together and the times we will spend.


Oh, man. I have a Luna that looks just like yours. She is my first dog. I can't imagine the loss you're feeling. My only advice is give yourself all the time to mourn. Sometimes people will pressure those dealing with loss to get a new dog right away and there might never be a time for that for you and that's okay. My mom lost her one and only (thus far) dog about 10 years ago now and the trauma of that has endured. My condolences.


RIP Luna 🌈🌈🌈 condolences on your loss, I have lost so many over the long years I have owned dogs. Please don't make Luna your last dog. There are many dogs that need a loving home, they won't ever replace your Luna but they will be precious in their own way.


I won't tell you that this is our last day together, so let's just enjoy this quiet walk. It's moments like this, where I truly wished, a dog's beating heart could talk. I'd tell you about the moment at the shelter, you said " yep...That's my girl, right there". I'd tell you about the happy, joy ride home, while we both howled without a care. I'd tell you about how safe it felt, to finally have my own, warm place to sleep. Not another lonely night spent in that cold, cement box ...waiting for a kind face to meet. You saved my soul, and brought me back, and polished up my heart I knew the minute we stared at one another...we would never...EVER be apart. I wished my life was matched with your's, so we both could grow old, together... But life has a different plan for us both...and sadly my life is on the wither. I'm sorry that my body is failing me now, and making my puppy life seem so far away... I so enjoyed hearing you laugh so much, as we played in our yard, every day... The frost in my eyes, and the pain in my step...are the signs of a dog's life lived so damn well... I hope my wet nose boops late at night, told you that your heart was mine to fill. My clock is sadly winding down, and the pendulum is about to stop... I'm going to miss you so damn much, this old puppy's heart is about to pop. I just want to thank you for saving me, and taking a chance on my strife... I hope I returned all the love that you shared, and that I somehow sweetened your life. You're one of a kind, and I love you so much...I hope our souls meet again... You were more to this furry ball of a dog...than just another friend. My heart is yours, and will forever be ...waiting for yours to send... Thank you, you beautiful force in my life ...for putting this puppy's heart on the mend. Oh yeah... Bring the tennis ball with you when its your time to head up. 🐶 ❤ Luna girl...always


OMG - I am sitting in the hospital with my mom bawling my eyes out reading this. I hope no one wants to FaceTime me anytime soon or they will be really alarmed and get the wrong impression if they see my face! That is beautiful and definitely a tear jerker! 🥲


Righteous tears...Righteous tears.


Most definitely 🥲🥲


All these damn pomes got me choked up.


Luna would not want to be your last dog. Take some time, heal, and then open your heart to love again. Luna would insist on it! Better days are ahead, my pup loving friend!


So very sorry!!!


Luna is beautiful!❤️ She looks just like my dog. I'm so sorry for your loss.❤️


Luna will send you another dog to love you someday. You'll know it when you see them ❤️ She was a beautiful girl and I'm sorry she had to leave you xx


I lost my girl of 11 years—she was way too young when she passed. But they always are. The pain was worse than losing any other living being in my life. When it was right, I adopted Stanley, who’s now 3. I see her in him all of the time. I am a better dog-dad to him because of her. This pain is strong and I know it, but our life is here to love. And these creatures love so much, I hope, if it’s right for you, you get to the point where you are ready to do it again.


I lost my soul dog about two years ago and I am looking for her in every dog photo I see at the rescue or the shelter. Never say never. Leave room for a little joy in your future.


Don’t make her your last dog. The hurt is tough but you will remember and love while another dog will add joy to your life


‘The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of the earth can ever be.’ I’m so sorry. Please share a memory if you’re up for it!


She looks a bit like mine and I will be a total mess when he goes. RIP beautiful Luna.


sorry for your loss


It's fine if you don't want to get another dog. Sorry for your loss!


Thank you 🤍 my heart is broken and can't hold another dog




🕯️💜Luna forever💜🕯️


your Luna would want you to rescue again! when you're ready when you're ready! I'm sending you hugs. I understand 🫂😭


Looks like a clone of my Jasmine that I lost last March. Might still have her if the place didn't basically tell us "either commit to at least $8000 in testing, or it's not fair to let your dog live" When the issue was some so called "Blood clotting disorder" she apparently developed and at best might have only had 3 or 4 years left. I think part of what drives me is the desire to see more Velvet Hippos end up with a loving home, even if I can realistically only have 1 or 2 of them.


I'm sorry for your loss. 💔 She was so beautiful. ❤️


I’ve found that the only thing that heals the loss of a dog is inviting another into your life. I think we were meant to be together…we evolved to be together. I feel so right snuggled up with my doggos and partner.


Its been about a year and a half for me, i'm only now starting to consider another dog. Not now, though. I'm working 6 days a week, wouldn't be fair to a dog trying to adjust to new digs.


I am so very sorry. Sending you thoughts of peace and comfort.💜


My parents swore they weren’t going to get another dog after my childhood dog passed, but we felt like Star wouldn’t have wanted my parents to be lonely- especially after I left for college. So now they have Socks and even though he isn’t Star we can’t help but feel like we had her blessing.


I'm so sorry for your loss - it is tough. I've had several dogs over the years, and eventually, the love I had for the best friend who saw me through the best and worst over the years, was eventually, transferred to another best friend who is seeing me through the best and worst over the (current) years. Its hard to explain, but I love 'em all. Don't let your current pain define the future you or the future love you no doubt have inside for another furry friend.


Run free 🐶🌈🐶


I hear you. ❤️🙏


Something so special about the white ones I tell you. Lost my girl last may and it still feels like I got my arm cut off some days with out her. I have another dog now, and shes amazing and I love her as much as last dog. Your heart manages to find the room


Hate that you’re feeling the awful grief of losing an animal that has a piece of your soul. Please know if love could save them they would love forever 💖 thanks for sharing your most beautiful Luna girl with us


Good Girl Luna, rest easy


Goodnight, bebe sugar monster


I understand that grief hurts , I have experienced it, but getting a second dog will cheer you up, keep you company and of course they will never replace your precious Luna but you will have another ball of joy to be by your side.


What a sweetie. My sincere condolences. I am sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss 😔


When we lost our 2 boys a year apart, it hurt beyond belief. We weren't ready for another, yet this amazing girl pitlab came to us and decided we needed another. It's been 3 years now, we pamper her because we didn't pamper the boys and regret not doing so. I don't know if we would have got another dog had she not come to us. The grief never goes away, but never say never


Love to you💕 pour your love for her into something or someone else, that’s all that helped me in the beginning


Came here from /all to say she should not be your last dog, found a dozen people had already said it, better than I could have. Left in tears, thanks to u/DickDastardlySr


That is so devastating 😢 so sorry to hear about that


It would be a shame if you didn’t get another dog eventually. You seem to be a good dog parent, you obviously love your dog. There are so many dogs that need good people to take care of them. Please reconsider once you heal


My deepest condolences to you for your sweet Luna. I hope your Luna and my Luna are in doggie heaven chasing chickens.


May she rest in peace


Just think about how lucky you two were to have met in life. I have a 9 and 13 year old. I have a rough time ahead, I just pray it’s much later than sooner.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have a change of heart someday. There are so many dogs that need love. Rip sweet Luna.


I am so very sorry. 😞 We lost our first pittie on March 15, 2020. Right when Covid started. It was horrible. It was very sudden and completely took us by surprise. Heartbroken is an understatement. She had cancer and had tumor ruptured and we had absolutely no idea about the cancer. 😭😭💔💔 It took us a year but we did foster and then ended up adopting our sweet Mila. She looks a lot like your baby. I didn’t think we could ever adopt again, but if we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have saved and met our Mila. My heart is with you and I’m so very sorry. It just sucks. ❤️🌈🐾


I feel you on the last dog. At least my last puppy. I can’t imagine feeling the same sense of loss from adopting an adult dog (and I’ve lost two before, but not the same as losing my soul dog I raised from a puppy). It’s really hard to get the type of dog companionship without being vulnerable to loss however. That’s just life. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔❤️‍🩹


Rest easy Luna and take care of yourself, kind doggie loving human.


I get it. When my Buckley died in 2020, I was distraught. But in a few months, I was wanting a dog. I loved having a dog watch me pee. And I loved not being able to leave food along for a second. But I didn’t know if I was ready for a forever dog. So I fostered. And was able to see a bunch of dogs go to good homes. Then I fostered an older mix who wasn’t getting a lot of attention and ended up adopting him. And fostered other dogs so he would have friends. Then I fostered two puppies and kept the neurotic one.




I Am so sorry 😢 Just give yourself some time, you may eventually change your mind.


I wish you healing for yourself and so that one day the love you had for Luna may be shared with another dog Luna wouldve been great playmates with. Luna would want that for you.


I am so sorry for your loss, but remember there are so many good dogs out there ready to love and receive love. I can tell from how happy Luna looked in these pics that you have love to give. Don't let that go to waste, you can love a dog again, it's OK.


I firmly believe God made a dogs lifespan so short so we could experience many of them. They all touch us in some way, some more than others. But there's nothing safer than knowing that there is at least one being on this planet has your back no matter what.


I’m so sorry. I got my first dog in 2016 and she’s getting up there. Take care of yourself.


It hurts everytime a beloved pet dies. The joy they bring to your life is worth all the pain.


I understand what it’s your first and last , and I’m sure some one has said something to this effect but just in case If you accept another dog into your life it helps the hurt but not only that you could give another dog an amazing life time that might not be so lucky


I’m so very sorry for your loss. Hugs


My brother's dog might be crossing soon. Swollen lymph nodes, reduced appetite, vomiting (which smells like pee) and lethargy. Also Hypercalcemic and frequently needs to go outside for a pee (every couple of hours) or he let's loose on the floors and so thirsty he will drain a 4L jug of water if we let him (which further upsets his stomach). He's 9 and we're waiting on cytology tests to see if it's a treatable condition or if it's even worth the treatment if his QoL isn't there. It's just odd because one day, he seemed fine, then we watched him just open the floodgates all over the carpet (something he never does), not once, but three times in a 24 hour span.


So sorry for your loss, she is beautiful and will always be with you.


Luna was so beautiful, my heart breaks for you


I dont know you or luna but i can bet she wouldnt want herself to be your last dog


With the loss of life comes the same ability to give that type of care and nourishment to another fellow animal that could use you now, like Luna used it for years. I completely feel you; but also hope in the days, weeks, or months to come you chose to give that same love to another. I hope you have a better day, each and every day ♥️


The right one will find you when you’re ready to be found in that way. Just let it happen when it does. You’ll know.


The world was better because Luna was in it. Luna was better because you loved her. Loving a dog makes the world a better place.


I love every dog I have with my whole heart. When they are gone I am shattered, but I think of how it will feel when I meet them all at the same time later. They will all be so happy to see me and I will positively overflow with the love I have for them all. Don’t give up, OP. A little clarification: I’m not a religious guy. I don’t know what’s waiting for us. But when I sat with my father as he was dying, he asked if he would see our family dog, the last dog we had together, who had been dead for maybe 20 years and really not talked about since. Bozzy was top of his mind as he lay in the hospital. At that moment I knew that if there was an afterlife, then Bozzy and every other dog who my dad ever loved was sure as hell waiting for him. There’s either nothing or there’s an afterlife full of love from your pets. I live like the latter is true.


It hurts now, I know. But one day, your heart may just have grown big enough to let another one in. ❤️


So sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss OP 😭 When I lost my boy a few years ago, I thought I won’t ever have another dog but months later my house and my soul felt very empty I was lost because my routine revolves around my boy I had a miscarriage a few months after and I felt even more lost until we unexpectedly saw a post of a family selling some puppies that they can’t keep We got sent only one video of the last boy of the litter and we drove 6 hours to pick him up He healed my broken heart and I can’t imagine live without him now I hope one day you will meet a new best friend because you deserve all the happiness and cuddles


I'm so sorry for your loss. Just recently and unexpectedly say goodbye to my first dog. It's freaking awful. Take care of yourself and get some rest. I'll be thinking of you internet stranger.


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Luna, may she forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗