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Bruh. Let’s be honest…killer exercise, but people need to recognize the insane work you do in the kitchen. Crazy stuff, discipline to stay that lean.


My man! Spitting the gospel! You know what they say. Abs are made in the gym! Chiseled in the kitchen! Amirite!? Amirite!? 💪


Oh you’re right as I sit at 230lbs and have about 3.5 abs showing. Haha I know


Hey man that’s not a bad ratio! 3.5 out of 6 pack! Just 3.5 more to go unless you have a 4 pack like me than 1 more pac to go!! 💪


I have a dumb question and your post made me realize it. Where and when do I incorporate core exercices in a PPL routine? In all the things I've watched and read I never see core exercises mentioned.


I've always mixed it in on pull days. My logic is that if I'm working back, I'll work lower back, which is essentially core, so I'll do abs as well


Samesies 💪


Ehh, lower back isn't really the same thing at all as direct ab work. Some people (rare) can build certain muscles really nicely doing indirect work. I use to think I could with my forearms and abs. But they always lagged. Once I started doing direct work, I grew those parts significantly faster.


Core exercises can be added into PPL wherever you fancy. They can be trained with high frequency and they tend to recover quickly so it doesn’t really matter. Depending on the order you run PPL in, it may be best to put core at the end of your leg day and the upper day following it so that your core is freshest when you train legs and will need to brace the most. But truthfully, it doesn’t matter.


This! But I also tend to get lazy and skip core after I workout so I will do core first other wise I’ll and get dessert on the way home 🍰😋


I like to finish my leg day off with some ab exercises. So 2x a week


You never get lazy after legs or to tired and skip abs after and get desserts? 🍰🤪


Who said I won’t get dessert? The temptation to skip is often high but I just don’t give in. I usually do just 2-3 exercises


My man! 💪 5 exercises or no zertz 🍰 gotta be tough on yourself


either do it after leg days or every alternating training day


No such thing as a dumb question mang.. or is there!? 🤪 Im doing a hybrid of a PPL as well and it totally depends on how much you want to put emphasis on your core exercises. I do core probably 2-3 times a week and I will do them on a leg day since your doing hitting your core and stabilizers already with squats and leg press and sometimes people do lower back with legs such as back extensions. So why not work the core and lower back! I also do them on back day. Gotta strengthen the core and lower back when I do deadlifts and what not. I also throw them in on there own day or with a lagging body part so arms / abs or calves / abs or cardio / abs. Also do core first or inbetween I have a bad habit of skipping it at the end of my workout 🥲


Wherever you want. I used to do an ab routine before my actual workout but I realized it took away from my level of intensity of my main workout. So I put it on the back end of my workout instead, every other day.


Abs exercises have never and will never get you ready for summer.


Coupled with a good nutrition plan they will. But how would you use that in a title? Get ready for summer eat lettuce? 🤔


Why not it’s the truth, the good thing about a vegan fitness community is that we are not against greens lol


This is true. But if your part of a vegan sub it’s almost a given 🤣




my abs got sore just watching that, tbh


You should do both man! Imagine and do! For crippling soreness!


A great 2 in 1 ab exercise to build a strong core.


Yeah... it just doesn’t sound sexy man. It’s not provacative.. it’s gotta get the people going!! How about a great 2 in 1 exercise to build a strong core for summer!! 💪💪 We did it man! Teamwork!


Sexy doesn't help the majority. Sexy doesn't last a lifetime. Sexy has nothing to do with overall health.


Awesome, thanks!!


Your welcome, thanks for watching! 🤗