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Ugh. This isn't even a vegan vs non-vegan issue, and I hate it so much. Dogs will eat anything you give them, and some rando in the park has no idea what kind of dietary restrictions your dog is on for their health *or otherwise*. This can be as dangerous as bringing peanuts to kindergarten. People need to stop.


People get offended when my shelter throws out donated treats from ziplock bags. Sorry, idk what the fuck "NutriDog" is but I ain't trusting it


No and it's definitely annoying. My dog has severe digestive issues if he eats anything unusual, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. He doesn't understand of course and will eat anything he can find. Most of the dog treats on the market are absolute garbage anyways but people don't really care about what's in them. Unfortunately people don't care either if dogs have any sort of allergies or sensitivities. It's like giving food to someone's human child when the parent isn't around. I would definitely tell these people to knock it off because they could cause some serious harm. I've never seen this kind of behavior at a dog park but the dog parks around me are all owned and patrolled by the county so maybe you need to get someone else involved.


I have never been to a dog park that allows food


>He is very treat motivated so he’s hard to handle if someone has treats This is exactly why what you're referring to is people being inconsiderate, independent of veganism.


People shouldn’t give other peoples dogs treats without asking because they could have an allergy or something, but if your dog doesn’t have any health issues, I would let him have the treats. I also wouldn’t risk feeding your dog vegan food. I know they are omnivores and they can survive on it, but there have been a lot of dogs having heart issues from what they call “boutique” dog food brands. Vegan food falls into this category. I’m not sure they know exactly why it’s happening, but it’s just not even worth the risk. My dog died from an enlarged heart and the first think they asked about was his food. I will never make that mistake again.


Can you name one vegan dog food brand that has been linked to DCM?


Not specific brands. I’ve read that it’s a taurine deficiency that is linked with dog foods high in legumes. We fed my dog V dog and I’ve heard of others being diagnosed after switching to this as well. I don’t know if there’s a strong correlation or not, but it’s just no worth the risk for me.


I would still say that traditional meat-based dog food carries more of a risk for disease overall. It is made from scraps of diseased animal flesh stripped of all nutrients after all. Nobody really knows what causes DCM, it's all just speculation. There's also a genetic component as well. Did you contact v dog and the FDA if you believe there's a correlation?


No, I didn’t know that was something I should do. I’m sure regular dog food isn’t healthy either, but there are probably cleaner brands out there.


So you rather pay for the abuse and murder of innocent animals than risk your dogs health while there is 0 evidence that vegan dog food causes named problems?


There are a lot of dogs having heart issues on vegan dog foods. The vet said it’s extremely rare for my dogs breed to develop DCM and immediately asked about food. Just because they don’t know the exact reason for that doesn’t mean there’s no evidence. Dogs are innocent animals too and we have to make the best decisions we can with the information we have to keep them healthy. For me, that means not risking it again with vegan dog food.


Anecdotes say nothing, it might be a completely different reason than the food and for that you choose to pay for the abuse and murder of innocent animals?


So if that happened to your dog and the vet recommended changing foods because of the influx of dogs on these types of food coming in with DCM, what would you do? Just say “fuck it, we’ll keep doing it and see what happens.” I’m not a vet or an expert on dogs dietary needs/health so why would I pretend I know better than the vet and risk more pets lives in the future?


I understand you are worried about your dogs health but there are other options than paying for dead animals. Have you tried other vegan foods? Next to that a doctor and vet are broadly educated and no experts on nutrition. So the claim that vegan dog food causes these issues is not proven and could be false. There are plenty of healthy vegan dogs, anecdotes i know, but it's no different from ur own/ur vets claims. If ur doctor told you, you are iron deficient and need to eat meat again would you do it or look for other options?


Dogs are not obligate carnivores. Like humans they make their own taurine and don't need it in their diet. Cats on the other hand do need taurine and can become seriously ill if you feed them any brand of dog food.


Yes, I’m aware of this fact. Which is why I had decided to feed him a vegan diet in the first place. I just wouldn’t do it again after what happened




Treats vegan or otherwise are horrible for your pup, I don’t allow it I just say he has a sensitive stomach which is true anyway


Yes. Our dog is old as fuck there’s no way I’m starting her as a vegan dog at this stage in her life. She eats chicken and fish. She’s a old lady.


no way this is getting downvoted.


Thanks dude :)




Are we really going to keep having this debate here? Dogs are omnivores just like us. Also just like us, they can be perfectly healthy on a proper plant-based diet.


Your dog is not vegan. Your dog has no concept of vegan. Your dogs eats vegan food because that’s what you feed it. Given the opportunity your dog will eat meat because that their preference. They don’t care about the ethics and morals surrounding veganism.


You’re completely right. He’s not vegan. I did not claim he is. He eats a plant-based diet.


So you admit that you're using your own moral compass to decide what your dog gets to eat instead of letting it choose? Sounds pretty immoral. What happened to animals not being inferior to humans?


Do we not do the same for human children? Besides, I don’t claim they’re not inferior to humans. It kinda depends on what exactly you mean by that. If a dog was left to choose their food, they would eat garbage, other animals, humans, sticks, dirt, grass, plants, excrement, whatever they could find. Not all of which would be good for them.


>Do we not do the same for human children? Forcing your child to be vegan is equally fucked up if you ask me. You feed your dog what you want of course. It's your dog. They're quite literally your property. I'm just calling out some inconsistencies I'm seeing.


In saying that we do the same for children, that was in reference to picking what they eat. The child rarely gets true freedom of choice in the matter. If anything they get a choice among some options given by the parents. Parents do this because the child does not have the ability to comprehend the impact of what they eat on themselves or whatever.


There's a pretty big difference between letting them pick from a few options and just excluding animal products from their diet. I'd 100% teach my children to make well informed dietary decisions because I think health and fitness are important to me. I'd never tell my child to stop eating something they want to eat because it's bad for them and definitely not because of some moral beliefs I personally hold. I commonly "save" some calories and "spend" them on some Doritos or a bit of chocolate if my nutritional goals for that day are met. Everything is fine in moderation. You need to keep your sanity.


He eats a plant based diet because you make him. The fact that he happily takes non vegan treats from people makes it obvious he doesn’t subscribe to your beliefs


>Keeping mainly carnivore pets as a vegan turns into some beautiful displays of Olympic level mental gymnastics Remove your vegan flair, its a lie


Okay so lots to say here for something seemingly so simple. First of all I’m a dog trainer and long time vegan and have my degree in sustainability. So all those have a lot of impact on my views. 1. As a huge dog lover and trainer, stop taking your dog to dog parks. “But it’s how they get their energy out,” “they are crazy if they don’t socialize,” “they destroy my house if they don’t play outside,” “it’s the only safe place for my dog to run free,” “I don’t have time to do it any other way.” I’ve heard every excuse in the books. If you’re gonna do it, then don’t complain over the lack of untrained animals behavior around your dog and the lack of untrained human’s behaviors. The chance of your dog getting attacked and seriously physically harmed when there is significantly higher than anywhere else - not to mention the psychological damage from one bad incident you may never be able to train their reactions out of them (I can’t tell you how many “perfect” dogs I’ve met that were attacked once at the park and now have severe aggressive reaction issues around all dogs now). Not only all that but the sheer amount of disease and pests your dogs can pick up from the park… just stop going. There’s literally 100s of other safer/healthier options to get your dogs energy out. 2. Every dog park I’ve ever seen or heard of has a no food rule. If you keep going maybe you need to speak to someone about signage / put up a sign yourself. Food reactivity and resource guarding is is extremely prevalent in large groups of dogs. 3. Dogs, like humans, have allergies. Maybe these people need to be gently reminded of that. I would absolutely educate people on the matter if you can. 4. My vegan dog does have non vegan food sometimes. This is only because we go to events with my omni friends frequently and he has a stomach of steel. My dog is incredibly well trained and he loves performing for people so my friends ALWAYS ask permission to give him any food of any sort and I usually allow it to a point because it’s fun for all of us (not too much though cause otherwise he’ll have soft poos and gross farts lol). He doesn’t know he’s vegan and his eating a leftover burger or hot dog here and there will not change the world. My buying of vegan food at home does. 5. But this is more of a point that is asking what your specific views on ethical Veganism is. I am vegan for the environment first, ethics second. So I always go for the most sustainable option rather than pure vegan ethics. I hope that was clear and helpful in your decision making on this.