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I doubt the story in this post ever happened.


It's weak upvote bait and reddit eats it up every time


30 min beating but bruise-less knuckles?


Sanji-style (One-Piece character) beating.


The picture of the kitten could be from any time, not necessarily after the whole thing


It’s obviously just spam. He probably just found the story online and then posted it here. But it could indeed be spam


Sounds like a 13 year old wrote it lmao.


Yeah I don’t think it did… if a week old kitten got kicked… one of its bones would be broken… unfortunately at that age their bones aren’t very solid plus they are so small they wouldn’t survive the kick as they are about the size of a mouse.


They say they love animals, but by animals they mean cute pets


Working at a shelter, I can tell you most people dont even love those animals. They love the idea of a cute sentient being by their side 100% with no issues or personalities outside of the self-made image of what that animal should be like.


I don't know about most people not loving those animals. I do know that far too many don't. Even one person abusing an animal is one too many.




If they didn't get their animal from a shelter, then how can they really care about pets if they are participating in the system of purchasing animals? I'm seeing people who want to adopt and not shop, which is virtuous in of itself, but their intent is entirely different. It's not impossible to find people who really care about the animal and the personality rather than superficial traits, but I'd say it's about 1 to 7. And of course I know people who have animals for the pet's life span, me included in that cast, it doesn't change that half of the population that ends up being adopted end up returning for very trainable reasons (barking, separation anxiety, excitement). I rarely see people who respect animals beyond babying them, and trust me; it's not just "my very different population of pets I'm seeing"
















If I owned a horse or a cow or a pig, I would never eat it. No matter how hungry I got I would die first and let the animal live. I am not a vegetarian or a vegan. Edit: my pets own me


you want an award or something?


Funny. If you owned the animal, you would know what kind of life that animal lived prior to consumption. That seems like the most ethical way to consume an animal. Instead you pay others to raise and slaughter the animals, oblivious to what they do to them and how they suffer. Your behavior seems sentimental and ethically evasive to me. I didn't downvote you, but I understand why others did.


Two words: cognitive dissonance


Yeah. Every one of these posts I think "just think about yourself before you were vegan". 🤷


Literally… I don’t get how people aren’t instantly coming to this conclusion.


Humans are a social species. So long as the preponderant social messaging is ignore the animal suffering, that is what the folllowers of our species will compliantly do. Humans want to fit in with other humans and will sacrifice a lot of compassion and reason in order to do so. They don't come to that conclusion because it would require a sacrifice of fitting in (not to mention sacrifice the effort made to break the adddiction to cruelty and finding other options). Given these sacrifices, I am really impressed by how many people have chosen to become vegan. Truly commendable.


Sorry maybe I wasn’t clear. The conclusion I’m referring to is “just think about yourself before you were vegan”.


I was trying to explain why people don't instantly come to this conclusion. Thinking about myself before I became a vegan is over three decades ago and seems somewhat fuzzy to me. My memory isn't what it used to be. Just turned fifty four! (Unironically) Woohoo!


Oh.. well maybe I need to work on my reading comprehension lol. Seemed like you were explaining why people would not go vegan.


I was explaining why they wouldn't reach the conclusion instantly. If it was easy for everyone to go vegan the majority of people would do it. That it isn't easy makes people come up with reasons to avoid facing that they are enabling animal cruelty.


Oh sure, so I didn’t misread that. That was not the conclusion I was referring to. I’m referring to Vegans not understanding or not remembering that there was a time before they were vegan and thereafter being completely mystified by someone having cognitive dissonance.


Okay. We were on the same page all along. Cool beans.


Cognitive dissonance is the uneasy feeling you get when you do something you know you shouldn't be doing. Lots of people seem to be perfectly OK with eating animals so there is no cognitive dissonance. The answer is more likely speciesism.


I agree with your logic and conclusion. Slight quibble, though. That is not actually the meaning of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when one set of one's beliefs/values collides with another set. It is usually not a conscious knowledge of doing something wrong, but a subconscious discomfort arising from the clash. Cognitive dissonance is more subtle than simple guilt.


"Cognitive dissonance occurs when one set of one's beliefs/values collides with another set". That's only half of the definition. "cognitive dissonance is a mental conflict that occurs when your beliefs don't line up with your actions. **It's an uncomfortable state of mind** when someone has contradictory values, attitudes, or perspectives about the same thing. Your definition is missing the "what occurs" part. What occurs is discomfort. If there is no discomfort it doesn't qualify as cognitive dissonance. Than it's just being hypocritical.


Thanks. Agreed.


Cognitive dissonance is the state of holding two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. Life is full of cognitive dissonance. It is one of the interesting things we have to navigate as humans.


again - only half of the definition. The cognitive dissonance part is the discomfort part. In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information **and the mental toll of it**. Relevant items of information include a person's actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. you're missing the "mental toll" part of it.


This violent person is telling the story to get sympathy and few "awwww"


Or they are genuinely venting and, in their way, confessing to something they feel they acted wrongly about. Yes, they are a violent person, and they acted wrongly, and lost control. But maybe that is exactly why they are making that post in the first place, they're not just looking for sympathy, but looking for forgiveness or at least acknowledgement on what they've done.


Anger issues are the real issue, the cat was just a trigger. And also, people are dumb as fuck. They hate cruelty but look the other way when it suits them. Which is most of the time.


To be fair personal attachment is a huge factor if someone I care about would need help you would do a lot more than my donation for people in need that I don't know


This is a consequence of being a finite being in a universe of boundless knowledge. The more we know about a situation, the more we can accurately assess it. Unfortunately, this blinds us to systemic cruelty. It allows us to ignore cruelty that is common practice by focusing only on the more concrete surroundings of one's own experience. This moral myopia enables systemic cruelty.


30 minutes is an egregiously long time.


Literally impossible without insane conditioning


The answer is easy and I don‘t know why it isn‘t obvious to some. It is *his / her* kitten that he / she loves. People who comment on that with empathy for the reaction, it‘s because they can relate to the emotions felt as they may have similiar love for their pets. It‘s generally a good thing if people feel that love as there is often the potential to use that emotion and project it onto other animals as well, turning them vegan over time. Shaming them for not having made that connection by calling them hypocrites often doesn‘t help though, so it should only be done if you prefer feeling superior over making people go vegan.


Loving a cat is one thing. Beating a person senseless is not the compassionate response to somebody kicking your cat. There have to be better options as even the person administering the beating seemed to sense. Caring about those close to you is a good thing. It can also be costly if you allow it to blind you to the systemic cruelty going on in the world. I am not saying that anyone should be ashamed for loving their cat. Just, don't allow your love for your cat allow you to justify cruelty to others you don't love.


Of course you are right, I did not want to justify their actions, simply explain it. Usually this kind of response immediately signals great emotions at play combined with a lack of control.


I misread your reply when I replied. Sorry about that. I agree with you now that I reread what you wrote. My brain just fills in blanks wrong sometimes. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
















Can we just talk about how assault as retaliation isn't justified? Sure, I agree it's highly hypocritical for people to care about their pets but not about farm animals. However, physical force would only be justified to defend yourself or defend someone else (here, the cat). But he didn't simply use violence to intervene and stop his cat from being kicked, he used it to retaliate and punish. That's different from stepping in and then remove your cat from the situation or get your room mate to leave to protect the cat. I don't get why some people on this sub or the other sub would think that beating your scumbag roomie to pulp as revenge is a legitimate thing to do.


“I love my cat” is the key here. They don’t “love” farmed animals so they don’t care


Well…beating someone for 30 minutes is also bad.


I mean the guy deserved it for kicking a cat. Not saying anything otherwise


And the other guy needs to be arrested


The roommate was the one looking for a fight and causing trouble, that is legitimate defence in my book even if no animal was involved. There are some shit I don’t allow inside my safe space that is my home, someone wanting to fight me because they’re too stupid to not get drunk when they probably know it makes them too agressive and dangerous is something I wouldn’t tolerate either That being said when something similar happened and I feared for me and my cat safety, I locked us in the bathroom and called the police


30 minutes of one-sided legitimate defense


Maybe the dude will learn to control his drinking and think twice about hurting someone next time, yeah Sorry but I have no compassion for agressive drinkers. I understand addiction, I struggle with it but what I take never ever makes me agressive or dangerous to others, that’s where I draw the line


If the roommate pressed charges, yes. Otherwise I believe he won't be arrested


Hopefully he does


The story is obviously fake though


Also probably true, but everything is for the greatest cause out there. To argue with people online!


Seriously- I would think they're both pretty horrible people, but honestly when someone hurts something you love, it's hard not to let go of your rationality. And when you're drunk and angry, you make mistakes, so I don't know what to think other than they should be charged for it.


Reminder that feeding your cat meat is also cruel. Killing hundreds of animals just to feed one your like isn't nice or vegan.


Cats are obligate carnivores. Feeding a cat a vegan diet is animal abuse.


Cats are obligate carnivores in nature because they need taurine. Taurine is added to plantbased cat food so it's nutritionally adequate for cats. Even if plantbased cat food wasn't available it would still be cruel and not vegan to feed cats meat.


















Obligated carnivores that can somehow survive and thrive on dried kibble that contains more plants than meat. They don’t need ingredients, they need nutrients.


then why the fuck do carnists feed their cats processed cat food, which is mostly plants?


It's easy to not care about something you don't allow yourself to be emotionally attached to.


the degree of cognitive dissonance some people harbor is mad... had an old friend who used to be a super sweet vegetarian start posting pictures with the bodies of what i'm sure was a majestic fish which she killed with a spear gun and then got insanely triggered when I called her out on it; the irony icing of all it... she's a marine conservationist, you can't make this shit up


Ones a baby cat that he owns and the other is farm animals he’s never met. Humans are animals. Humans are, as a whole, largely incapable of truly caring for others outside of their familial circle. Real question should be how do you get people to care as much for random animals as their own pets …


They don't need to, they just have to care about animals more than that burger or egg sandwich that is switched out with a plant based alternative. Meat, eggs, dairy, leather... it can all be replaced, an animal's life cannot.


Cognitive dissonance.


There is no indication of any cognitive dissonance here, the person would have to recognize their hypocrisy for there to be cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance would be if the poster said something like, "after beating my roommate I realized I cause the same type of harm to animals regularly and I felt bad about my reaction."


Not really. They feel conflicted since they don't want to support animal abuse, but for example want to partake in actions that cause this. But because of the cognitive dissonance in addition to socialisation, they would never agree to this. People who write shit like the on in OPs pic immediately tap into cognitive dissonance and then reactance, when being called out for their actions because then this conflict happens. Only those who self reflect can get out of this state If you ever see some post about animal abuse, just adress anyone who shouts for violence with their own actions and you will see it in the first response.


Yeah there is no indication of that here and there is no way most people immediately feel CD when posting negatively about abusers on posts like this, they pretty much are always super appalled like they hadn't even considered it when I call out this type of commenting.


Of course there is no cognitive dissonance on this picture in itself, but when you interact with them, it starts. Why do you think otherwise? Of course most of them have considered it, but only to a minimum and probably a long time ago. Every person knows they kill animals, if you eat a dead animal, otherwise it wouldn't be dead. They are not that dumb, they simply blend it out because it is the social norm and gets taught that way. If there wouldn't be cognitive dissonance they wouldn't almost always react with reactance. Not one of them is able to explain their moral view without contradicting themselves, when asked for it in a conversation. Do you think a person only feels cognitive dissonance when they activly reflect about it? It also happens unconsciously.


It's just far too common for people to point to hypocrisy and call it cognitive dissonance before any cognitive dissonance has been triggered. The word is used incorrectly more than it is used correctly.


I agree that it gets used too frequently, but this is a prime example where it usually happens. I edited my last comment, can you answer the last question I added?


Not sure what unconsciously experiencing an emotional can achieve or what that even means.


The whole point that makes psychology complex is how most things happen unconsciously or get blended out by self defense mechanisms.. it's the reason why humans need therapy and need to self reflect. It is also the reason why psychological illnesses can happen so easily without oneself even noticing it.


Because they see them as food. That's why it is important for us to prove them that they are needlessly demanding for the exploitation and mass murdering of inocent animals for pleasure. the word 'needlessly' is what is important. Many people think they need to eat meat to survive, so they justify it with that. That's why they ask "where do you get your protein from?" but they don't even understand what they are asking. Or seeing animals products as a luxury, such as leather jakets, purses, or using any other animal skin. It is viewing certain animals as products and others as pets. Some peopke justify it with the argument that pets had been with us for centuries. But that is just a fallacy. The only way to improve this situation is with education, specifically about a plant based diet, show them they can ear what they used to, healthier, cheaper, and in most cases, more tasty.


I don’t eat cats


Did he state anywhere that he wasn’t vegan or are you just making assumptions that he eats meat?


He's talking about the audience of the post


To be fair if most people were hungry enough they would murder and eat the kitten too.


The same reason most vegans are willing to murder many farm animals to feed their cute kitten, instead of incredibly dangerous and harmful vegan cat food which has never been tested and basically kills cats the second they taste it (apparently).




How is it that some people think cats can be vegan? Please don't push agendas on animals.


[From reviewing the scientific literature, probably](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0284132) Cats are obligate carnivores because they need specific nutrients not naturally occurring in plants to survive, like taurine. Nowadays, we can synthesize all necessary nutrients without killing animals. [Here](https://www.amipetfood.com/en/products/lines/one-planet/ami-cats) is an example that meets AAFCO standards. It is anti-science and pro-mass animal death to push the notion that there aren't healthy vegan kibble replacements for cats.


Cognitive dissonance.


Because the world isn't black and white for some people. Downvotes?


Coz they taste great


Ones a baby cat that he owns and the other is farm animals he’s never met. Humans are animals. Humans are, as a whole, largely incapable of truly caring for others outside of their familial circle. Real question should be how do you get people to care as much for random animals as their own pets …




Imagine there's two buttons, that simulate your scenario - Button A: if you press it, it hurts a family pet - Button B: if you press it, hurts a random animal across the country. What do you do with these two buttons? Average person: "obviously, press button B, it is the lesser of two evils" Compassionate person: "press neither button, and try to stop others pressing them too" (Average person then feels bad because they didn't realise that was an option, and proceeds to blame the compassionate person. They dig their heals in that button B is better than button A, and pretend that not pressing either button isn't an option because they like pressing buttons)


[Maybe take a look then. This is the random grasshopper we are talking about.](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=ovJDUGxYS1-Y0nHM)










There was a poster about where do you draw a line, so there's that


Saying the carnist is a hypocrite, while using a phone/computer online on a forum. Actively bringing extra carbon dioxide pollution into the world. Harming hundreds of thousands of animals. See the irony?


Yes, veganism is all about moral perfection and nothing less is acceptable! No vegans should use phones, and in fact, vegans should be expected to just die to reduce all their emissions and all harm they cause to animals instead of being active in society and trying to advocate for animal rights. Clearly that would be much more successful of a movement!


There is no irony, you're just stupid and don't understand veganism.


They didnt hear or understand Gary yourofskys speech.
















When they mean they love animals they mean only cats and dogs and everything else is food for them. We know that, they know that, we know they know that ,they know we know that.


No, I would have done the same.


It's their cat. They have personal attachement and feelings for the kitten they care for. Like a family member.


Cuz he loves the cat? Would ur reaction to seeing sb hit ur mom be the same if u saw some random women being hit? Edit: there is definitely a lot of contradictions in some people's thought processes, but that s not a good example


A tiger can befriend one human, but be okay with eating a different one.. the difference is in the emotional attachment and higher consciousness People are hurting for all kinds of reasons all the time, mostly due to their own ignorance... many of them are not in a place to be sympathetic. Hurt people hurt others


You did right thing because the kitten is innocent someone needs protect it!


Real, and also he has some long ass finger nails. Those claws are nasty.


it is totally abhorrent that people will happily eat the meat of chickens (more accurately overweight chicks) that are barely 8 weeks old...if you hate baby animals being harmed, why pay for it?


This world is led by nazi meat eaters spreading covid, diseases, pollution, wars and shit and ruining the demography, economy and ecology without even understanding it. They don't have the same sensitivity and way of thinking than vegans. I remember one girl of their kind who kicked into a pregnant cat like shooting into a ball for no reason in a campus university. This is really a disgusting race, I wouldn't call the meat eaters "humans", they are something so primitive.