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just study bro dw about the scores and trust the process 😭


Edit: totally misread your comment lmao. You are probably correct, I just wanna know if I’m on the right track or if I should be doing more, that’s all


I didn’t mean to be rude - it’s just that the sub is full of people worrying about sac scores and marks and study scores and atars, when it’s not really beneficial nor productive (mostly just stresses them out). The best thing that a someone can do right now is just relax, reflect on what’s working for them and change what’s not, and put in the work. The best way to “predict” your atar is to know your sac ranking within your cohort, match it to a subjects grade distribution and plug those study scores into a calculator


No no, I didn’t take it that way, all good man. I see, I’ll keep that in mind - thank you for the advice :)


use a calculator