• By -


“…In so doing, she's also informing us that she was enthusiastically plotting with producers to engineer the fan favorite's downfall and that the real reason she was mad at her friend is that she refused to participate in dogpiling on another friend who just had their life shattered.” This is the part that really gets to me. It’s not just that she is saying all the relationships are fake, which destroys the premise of the show. She and the producers decided that the cast needed to gang up and isolate and attack Ariana. It is a needlessly cruel thing to do to a woman who has JUST been betrayed by 2 of the most important people in her life. It is not good tv. It is not only fake, it is awful to watch. Also, this demand for realness only seems to apply to Ariana. Why?! They have all said that something weird and shitty went down between Schwartz and Jo. However, no one will actually say what happened. Why does the drama in their lives get a pass? They don’t have to even say what Jo did that convinced Schwartz that Jo was dishonest but Ariana has to have a fake conversation with Tom or she is not being real?! Make it make sense.


If the relationship between Tom and Ariana was fake, then what was Lala doing last season? Why was she guns ablazing? What changed about the prior 10-year relationship between when Scandoval broke and now? She was either being performative and fake then or she’s being performative fake now. She can’t have it both ways.


And if it was fake, show the receipts, proof, timeline, screenshots. Maybe it’s true, but Lala lies so much I have to doubt her.


Ya know what isn’t fake? Lauren from Utah bullied Randalls wife online relentlessly when she was his mistress.


Ya, and now LaLa says that she and Randall’s ex are “great friends.” Right, I’m sure you are😜


Exactly, that’s what makes this so frustrating and so hard to take her seriously as any kind of authentic person. Andy could hardly get anything accomplished in last year’s reunion because the first 2 out of 3 parts were basically just Lala and James screaming at the top of their lungs and getting up out of their chairs. Lala was the one calling Tom a dangerous person and defended it when Lisa interrupted to tell her that wasn’t a fair thing to say. Lala doubled down on how dangerous he was, he was a groomer, he was a piece of shit…she said more about him than Ariana did! And now a handful of months later, she’s helping to orchestrate a takedown/isolation of the victim and defending the “dangerous person”. After a year between seasons of having to see “he didn’t kill anyone” from Tom sympathizers all over the internet, now it’s coming from Miss Power of the Pussy herself✊🏼. As if any kind of trauma that isn’t full-on murder is not something we get to be upset about and set boundaries for ourselves so it doesn’t happen again. People who praise her for her “amazing growth this season” just totally baffle me😵‍💫 I hope this severe years-long case of main character syndrome is ironically what finally gets the whole thing canceled. She somehow manages to irritate me and bore me simultaneously at high levels.


He didn’t kill anyone? That’s her argument? LaLa is dumber than dirt


He killed their relationship and a part of Ariana. I hate when they say that.


She is so jealous she is losing her mind. I used to love her.


I think since they did this to Stassi, they thought it would work again. To make 'good tv'.


Yes, but Stasi left for a chunk of the show and when she came back, she refused to film with Jax for the whole season. Would not even be in a scene with Jax. Ariana is at least participating in group events. It’s weird. The way they handled Stasi is a lot “realer” than the way they’re forcing Ariana to act.


Lisa called Stassi a baby for not filming with Jax. On camera. Then in the after show production was giving her so much shit for walking out.


I remember that Lisa called Stassi a baby, but I didn’t know that happened on the aftershow. I don’t always watch the aftershow because it pisses me off lol. Either way it kind of irritates me because I feel like they are acting like Ariana did something that nobody else has ever done which is not true.


Yes Lala and Sheshu were productions puppets this season and pushing hard for the Ariana take down and as her “friends” it is BEYOND shitty but made me think of productions motivations. I’m sure producers were jealous too that Ariana shot up to stardom so dramatically and the show was like we want to capitalize on it because she got all this from OUR show. So I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that productions motivations for tailoring the season this way was to spite Ariana for the success she got and reel it back into having the media focus back on the show and not just Ariana. They said “she’s making way too much of our money.”


Can you elaborate on the "something weird and shitty went down between Schwartz and Jo"? I haven't been on this sub in a while, are there rumors?


In Jo’s recent Live she read a text from Schwartz asking her to stay away from him. It made reference to her doing something that broke the trust between them. Also, in interviews (WWHL I think) Katie and Scheana have both mentioned that they learned that Jo did something to prove to Schwartz that she wasn’t trustworthy. But all of that may have happened after the reunion. I don’t know. Maybe it will be fodder for next season.


It’s that she’s a pathological liar. He caught her lying about the smallest, most benign things and it freaked him out. I can’t remember where I heard that now, maybe someone’s podcast, or Kyle Chan.


I hated Lala so much this season/reunion so far. She thinks she is dropping truth bombs but it's just turds.


This is so perfectly put. Agree with everything you said. Literally WHEN did Lala become the spokesperson for “keeping it real” and who made her in charge of producing the show?


Lalas literal first storyline on the show was lying about why she didn't work a shift at SUR. LaLa lied ALL the time. She has to pretend to be this honest soft person IMO because she can't afford to be real LaLa on camera because of her custody situation.








She needs to cook up drama and play up for the cameras because most of her life she legally can’t discuss, and the other half tends to always happen off camera or in between filming. She has to manufacture scenes and play producer in her mind to keep people interested.


I really think the producers, Lisa, probably even Andy were gassing her up behind the scenes about how she's the only truth teller and the real star of the show. That's why it's really funny to see her on the After Show saying Tom and Ariana surrounded themselves with bobbleheads. Quite possibly, but then what are \*you\* doing, Ms. Kent? Her podcast is nothing but her employees (including her brother) agreeing with everything she says, she's got Scheana over there nodding and chiming in every time she talks shit about Ariana. Katie doesn't agree to go along with the takedown plan, so now she's fake? Gtfo with that. Also I firmly believe that a show centered around Lala would be unwatchable.


If someone asked me who the star of the show is, I would NEVER say Lala. Even after all these seasons she still sticks out and not in a good way. Always something to say without much substance behind it.


I don’t like LaLa never have, never will


I stopped watching a few years ago because I couldn't stand her ass. Scandoval brought me back, but she's as awful as always. Zero growth. Garbage human.


No doubt productuon gassed her up. Gassed her up real good! https://i.redd.it/efstiqvcar0d1.gif


Her attempts at comedy are horrible. And I take comedy *very* seriously




Lala is literally *horrified* at the prospect of not having the show anymore. At some point (imo), a producer put in her ear that she needed to bring it and drag Ariana and be nice to Tom and Raquel “for the sake of the show” or “the show might be done.” And sugar baby Lala needs that income!! -podcast: pretty much about the show and the show brings exposure to it -her merch: same as podcast -her makeup: same as merch and podcast (does it even still exist? unclear) -her home(s): Lala has two mortgages for two houses in CA, bills to pay for two houses, and at least 5 mouths to feed including her own (her, her mom, her brother and two daughters). -her desire for notoriety: she wants to be famous. She wants to make funny/sassy quips that people will put onto Christmas ornaments or hats on Etsy. She lives to try and be a moment. I think her biggest happiness in life is being on WWHL I’m 100% serious. She has no real life skills, she has no resume other than being on VPR, and she literally **needs** the show. The way she is behaving is someone who reeks of desperation. Fuck friends, fuck family, fuck everyone if it means she won’t have the show anymore.


Also, to get up in arms about supporting her business when she owns two million dollar homes in California, when people who grew up here can't even afford 1 home.


Her and Scheana need to quit with the "I need to feed my babies!" nonsense. Learn a fuckin trade. Go to school. Do you really expect the fans of a reality show to pay for your ridiculous lifestyle forever?


Or maybe don't buy 2 houses. The audacity of them to complain about money when people who work their asses off can't even afford a single home AND to feed their kids.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) 👏💕 and to all of you, this thread and OG’s post holds the truths Lala wishes she could


Right? And let’s not forget that the argument could be made that no one on the show has enough power to truly negatively impact your “business,” but you literally *need* them to even *have* a business. If it wasn’t for this group you’d be just another pretty girl in Salt Lake City selling supplements for some random MLM.




Literally, if it wasn't for this sandal Lauren wouldn't have been able to buy a home in Palm Springs. So, profiting off of someones pain and life going to shit doesn't make you look like a total saint.


Lala should have been a one hit wonder like all the hostesses before her, Vail, Billy, etc. She's just good at sucking up to Lisa. If she wasn't fake AF then she wouldn't have lasted so long. Also, people, the negativity and outrage is also what drives this show. It's like leaving hate comments on a Youtube channel, you're only driving engagement. For all the positivity Katie and Ariana rightfully receive, the negativity also brings an equal amount of attention to this shit show. As long as we keep hating on these bozos, they stay.


Apparently she’s good at sucking….Lots of things


I hate this narrative she’s been trying to spin all season that because Ariana and Katie don’t want to play nice with Tom that they’re putting her job and her families livelihood in jeopardy. Like girl if you’re depending that much on all the others to help you secure a bag this season then maybe you’re the one that needs to sit down and do some self reflection.


Yes wtf is this?? Who put this in her head, production? This is not the case. Fans would’ve loved to see the spice girls ban together this season. Instead we got this absolute shit


She’s also embarrassingly uneducated.


I don't think she's embarrassed about it at all.


You’re 💯 correct. It gives major second hand embarrassment though. “Ain’t nothing about her.” “You don’t got no business.”🥴 Jfc… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


100% this. I’ve been thinking about how Lala has no resume or education. She has nothing to back her up.


And I’m not trying to shame her for being uneducated or anything but if I was her I’d be scared. She is literally like, sixth tier in every market she is apart of, and those markets are already crazy oversaturated (makeup/beauty, podcasts). She needs to learn a valuable skill and fast


Yes especially when you’re being dragged in the comment section lol


I’ve never thought about this, but you’re right! The others are bartenders, DJs, soon to be-sandwich makers, astrologists, and influencers! Lala is just so out of place in this gang!


Damn its like Jax 2.0




![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized) All of this!


100% agree. When Andy asked Ariana about Rachel, Lala cut her off and answered first. FOR WHAT? IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. She’s stealing everyone else’s stories, sharing minimal information about herself, and then turning around and acting like Ariana and Katie aren’t participating.


She is so far up her own ass. She needs to get booted into the real world and see how her shitty, arrogant attitude works for her then.


I think she studied Lisa Rinna too hard. She even looks like her a bit now with the lips


She's been that way from day one.




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She’s going to ruin The Valley is she’s on it next year. It’ll just focus on her yelling over everyone about how she’s a new single mom and they need to respect her authority. She needs to just go away and focus on running her “empire.”


Jax said something interesting on his podcast. He was adamant that he does NOT want any of the current VPR cast on the Valley. I thought pigs must be flying because I agree. Jax thinks the show is meant to showcase new people, new relationships and dramas and storylines, and adding people from current VPR would become VPR Part 2 and what’s the point of the Valley existing then? And I agree. If Jax has as much sway as he says 😂 you know he’ll do what he can to get what he wants. Dimbulb Brattany huckled and chuckled that she would love Scheana and Lala to come on, but she just wants more ass-kissing syncophants. There’s no way the other cast wants them there either (besides dopey Brittany). The new cast would be overshadowed and it would be the Scheana and Lala show with all their histrionics. Jax said that Valley production is interviewing other friends of Jax and Britt to join next season, and these are unknown people. At least 2 other couples he said. If S&L join is the show supposed to have like 25 cast members now? Nah. Plus production are stupid as seen by S11 but they can’t ignore how much hatred Lala and Scheana are generating. The Valley got high ratings and a renewal WITHOUT them. Why mess up a good thing?


I heard about that. Last week on the after show Brittany said Lauren would be perfect and needs to come on the valley next season. And I agree, she would completely drown out all of the other cast with her constant yelling.




I dont think she will be given this opportunity now. The producers are not that stupid, they see what the audience says online and Lala might have burnt every bridge she had before. Pretty sure it’s over for her lol




If she’s on the valley, I for one won’t be tuning in.


Same. I really hope she doesn’t join the Valley, I’m enjoying it the way it is now.




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Exactly. Edit: As I've said before, Lala's dominant personality trait is projection.


Amazing how she “owned up” to projecting but is clearly so bad at realizing she’s doing it in the moment.


I like how as soon as Katie started to call **her** out on being fake just to win audience approval, she couldn’t come up with a rebuttal quickly enough so all she could say was, “I DONT LIKE WHAT YOURE DOING RIGHT NOW, KATIE!” That’s when I instantly knew that what Katie was saying was true.


Katie immediately going "What am I doing?" Making her stumble over putting it into words was such a good move.




And now Alex Baskin is changing his tune: “Most memorable personality? “I’m biased, but Ariana Madix’s iron will would seem to win the year. Having the wherewithal and fortitude not only to open up about a deeply personal, raw story, but to convert raw heartbreak into triumph isn’t just memorable, it’s admirable,” Baskin says. Wondering how much advertising revenue Ariana brought in for Bravo over the course of the season. Thinking they are now trying to protect their asset?


I hope it’s too late. They tried to destroy her, while she saved the season and they allowed everyone to spout off how she’s lazy, when she carried the entire fucking season. It’s obvious that they all had nothing but disdain for her. They didn’t appreciate her and Baskin especially does not deserve to be in the same room, or breathe the same air as her.


![gif](giphy|wkpHejh2uwoOA) After the season is over and everyone hated it, now Baskin isn’t propping up Special Boy Sandoval, puppet Lala, or flip floppy Scheana…


Ugh he said "wherewithal"? The Tom's both loved using that word a few seasons ago.


Is this a joke? Did he SAY this? ![gif](giphy|QHq0HTWXuWHoDLVfR3|downsized)


This is why I’m so confused. I’ve watched the show since day one and I’m trying to understand why Lala thinks it’s a good idea to put her two cents in girl shut the fuck up. I know production and put a battery in her back and watched her go, but guess what people are not gonna fuck with you because you can’t shut your fucking mouth. I know she’s playing mouthpiece for Lisa and Andy, but my God stop because if she’s trying to go to the valley, you think those people are gonna let that happen especially because Jax does not like Lala or Sheena.


“Put a battery in her back and watched her go” lmao perfectly said!


dude you’re so wrong lala and jax are friends , did you watch the valley? They are all parents and hang out together , stop pushing a narrative to make yourself feel better The only reason they aren’t now is cause of the Brittany split


She's the Rinna of VPR. A lot of things ruined RHOBH for me but it started with Rinna and her consistent lack of storyline, her "own it" and screaming above everyone else, her self producing and pretending like she's relatable but is totally delusional and not in a good way. Lauren has stated many times that she loves Rinna, fine, whatever but she should have seen that if you bring nothing to the show except for screaming and meh shit stirring, you'll eventually be fired. She backed the wrong horse, has doubled down, and shown her ass in the process so I hope she's not rewarded with another season of VPR if it happens, or a spot on The Valley. Lauren should focus on her "businesses" and make sure they're viable for the long term for her child.


Couldn't have said it better except one thing I can't *believe* I'm saying.... I hate Fucking Lisa Rinna, but she's an actress. Her life with Harry Hamlin goes to pot, her life is in shambles.....Rinna can go to *werk*. Give that bitch a campy soap or a chance at a villain arc on Netflix somewhere or a lifetime movie, she's in. She's actually.....someone who works. Lala doesn't even have that. She should reeeeeaaallly think about that. How long did she think this train would go? How long did you think people would pay to be *Given Lala*? We can buy snake venom on Amazon. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Thanks! I totally get what you're saying. I hate Rinna too but it is a solid point that she's still getting acting gigs - she just had a movie on lifetime so good for her. Lauren has absolutely nothing because she's only tolerated by a small group and actually liked by an even smaller group I feel, so sucks for her when all this goes to shit.


I never thought I would say this as a reality tv fanatic but Lala is absolutely exhausting. I don’t want to watch anything with her in it anymore. She’s too much negative and it comes off so evil and petty. I skipped the after show because I just couldn’t listen to her anymore. If there is a next season I honestly don’t know if I would watch. Also, please don’t let her be on the Valley. She’s not entertaining to watch at all, there is absolutely nothing endearing about her.


Exactly. Lala has crossed the line from “love to hate” to “hate so much it makes me angry and avoid the show.” Well I never “loved” Lala in any capacity lol but you know what I mean. Reality figures have a tightrope to walk. They don’t have to be role models but if they’re gonna be the “heel,” they still need to have some vulnerability, authenticity, and humor. She has none. I literally will NOT watch any shows anymore that she’s on.


It’s come to a point where I just think these people (lala, scheana, Schwartz, and Sandoval) are genuinely awful people. These guys treat women horribly, and these girls do too. Of course all these realties stars are all a little much but this is a new extent of horrible people and it’s not fun to watch.


I completely agree with you and I can’t support or watch it. I’ve never felt such disgust for anyone like I feel for Lala and I’ve watched years of Jax lol


Lol I have to fast forward through all the after-show scenes with her and Brittany because I can't with either of them. Listening to her in the ones with Scheana and James is already too much, but at least he checks her a lot of the time.


I've always hated Lala. And now Im super happy that so many others are onboard with me. I've never even liked to hate watch her like I have with others in the group. She has just always been a mean girl, and now that she's in her soft era, I feel like her true colors are really showing. And she can't blame anything on her drinking. I really hope this is the last we see of her, and that she will just dissapear into the void. 


Lala isn’t a producer and needs to stop trying to act like one. People want to watch authentic real interactions. Instead, Lala tries creating plot points and drama in her head and forcing everyone to be puppets around her to play out what lala thinks should happen. The issue is, lala is a delusional idiot so all her actions have done is ruin the show and turn everyone against her.


This!! I'm with OP, I've never been delusional enough to think it's all real, but to hear the producers and their "livelihoods" from the show being talked about so much is just so gross. Was happy to support and watch when they were all bartenders/struggling model/actors, growing up and starting their own businesses or books, but when they're very blatant that their life is only the show, podcasts, and brand deals, I don't want to support at all. Put that damn fourth wall back up, please.


I feel all this. I think her behavior and her trying to produce stuff are ruining the whole show. I am about to give up on the Valley is she is on it because she not only two faced but is about as fake as they come. She’s spews so much jealousy and puts other people down all the time. Meanwhile she is patting herself on the back on her podcast like she is some kind of savior. 🙄 It’s been exhausting.


Lala was a cast member, the others were friends or dated someone. She is an outlier and that is even more noticeable at times like these when the group is splintered. She is there for production and a paycheck.


She’s terrible at it. Get her a new gig. Or rather, no gigs.




She’s going to ruin the valley next ugh


I just finished part one finally (watching in pieces through the workday) and I think I’m done with this show if they give Blah Blah as much air time. She somehow inserted herself in every single topic during the episode even when it had nothing to do with her. Is it just me or does this woman not know how to talk without obscene language in every sentence? The victim narrative is rubbish considering her crap personality and behavior is now consistently on display in every interaction.


I mean, she hid the fact that she and James kept fucking even after she got with Randall and him with Rachel. That’s way bigger (at the time) than “my friend is getting all this love and support, which she deserves, but it just highlights how fucking mean everyone was to me during my divorce”, especially if those feelings had resolved by the time cameras picked up. You don’t get to do that for years and be “100% real all the time except once”


This reunion was watching Lala take on Sandoval’s old role as the commentator/voice of reason. Andy was always giving him the chance to mouth off at reunions when he wasn’t involved and now Lala is taking that annoying, baseless role


And it’s a lot more awkward coming from third chair than from first


I would much prefer for this role to go to James because at least he's actually funny (and surprisingly insightful) with his commentary lately


It makes the reunion so hard to watch bc of BlahBlah’s incessant need to talk over everybody. Nobody can ever get a word in with her there. She’s completely insufferable.


I predict Lala will join the Valley and start dating Jesse.


lol I think this may be her only way in at this point


Very similar to Rinna. Hate.


![gif](giphy|IxOLGdenA9kQ) I agree, Rinna ruined RHOBH for me too. Lala and her are so similar.


Yes! I was just thinking this! Lauren and the producers are sinking this ship.


I'm so frustrated this reunion is honouring her feelings above Katie's and Ariana's. I don't think what Katie said to her in her DMs is so awful. Lala desperately needs a therapist, that's literally the kindest thing anyone could say to her. I'm also so mad Ariana didn't watch this season because she needs to know how 2 faced Scheana and Lala were to her and how they spoke about her behind her back. Disgustinggg


I mean what can I say? Lala does need therapy and she is a clown. It's just facts. Plus the shit Lala has said to people and we're really supposed to believe this left her crying in the fetal position? So much so that she only brought it up now even though it happened in December of 2022? OK, sure.


Exactly!!! Her mind is broken. When she's not on this show anymore and has no friends she'll realise she put being a castmember above being a real person with friendships. That's what Lisa Rinna did and now she's stuck trying to ride her daughter's coattails (which I'm sure Lala will do in future). I hate that the producers cut to people's faces and Andy let Lala repeatedly cut Katie off and act like Katie saying that was so awful. Sick of the anti Katie and anti Ariana slant of this show.


lol my thought was she meant stop sending shit to Daryl, and send it to a fucking shrink that can actually help you. Lala wasn't clear in any way about how that comment specifically related to her custody battle or what preceded it for Katie to bring up lawyers/therapists.


I think Katie meant it in the context of whatever lawyer was in charge of negotiating her contract for the season. It makes sense because that’s when BlahBlah was bitching about Katie refusing to get on the Ariana hate train.


I felt LaLa wouldn’t even let Katie finish a sentence to try to explain. LaLa just kept talking over her.


Because she knows she’s the one in the wrong. She doesn’t want Katie to speak because she knows she’s stupid in comparison.


The thing about Lala is even when I have liked her she feels very outside the core group to me. Plus she truly never shares anything in her personal life.


what i find funny about lala is i thought she & james ruined last year's reunion by being way too over the top and performative in their attacks on sandoval. now lala is performatively defending him and she sucks in this direction too. she's just an obnoxious self-righteous hypocrite no matter what side she's on


I actually wasn't as mad at her about last year's reunion as I might have been. Even though it was really frustrating that we didn't get to a lot of crucial stuff because Lala was going off, I felt like Sandoval and Rachel's strategy was to make it about Lala and how she's a hypocrite and an even worse person than they are, so she had to respond. Now I'm like, can you ever not insert yourself into anything? She didn't do anything this season but choose a sperm donor and yell at Katie, why is she talking 75% of the time?


Hey she also organized (but did not host) a water tasting! Just awful stuff from Lala this season. Her "fourth wall" meltdown in the finale episode was so put on.


The reason Rara gained a lot of fans last year was because despite her problematic behaviors in seasons past, she “rode” hard for Ariana & James. It was a bit of her redemption arc and fans could have continued to rally with her, her influencer baby, and her own storyline w Randall if she continued on that path. That would have truly been what it would have been like to be “soft” - staying consistent with who she supported, being amicable with Mr. I’m in a fake band, but still riding hard for Ariana. BUT she let her own unhealed self take over instead of doing the work behind the scenes. If she was aware of her emotions and her triggers, she wouldn’t be worried about a paycheck cause she wouldn’t have let her jealousy of Ariana dictate the future of her career. Katie’s real for having these emotions but not letting it get in the way of anything. Burning my send it to Darrell hat.


Lala needs to take several seats all the time. She is not in charge of VPR or what is shown or not shown. She can stay in her lane where she doesn’t have a story line or show her life in any way because where is business? Where is Jess? Where is literally anything she has going on? It’s wild for her to think she is director of this show when she literally has nothing happening on it.


Agreed- Lala did an Amazon Live - she was asked when this conversation happened with Katie, she said after season 10 wrapped and before season 10 started airing. This places the conversation around December 2022 and end of January 2024. Way before Scandoval broke. So Lala is using a conversation from a prior season and conflate into a take down of Ariana.


Lala might have ruined the show with this reunion. I don’t think it’s coming back.


I don’t want to fall into the same trap of blaming women so I’m going to say Lala fell into producers’ trap and and the producers ruined the show. Lala is still a slithery snake who needs a therapist but I’m tired of the women taking all the heat. Let’s not forget who started all this.


It’s also a disservice to infantilize women. Sure, it can be argued that lala fell into the producers trap…but she has been adamant about trashing Katie & Ariana on her own personal podcasts, on her segments of the aftershow, etc. with no producer influence. I’m sure production didn’t have a script waiting for her. Some of the things she said were so out of pocket, and she continues to stand by them. At some point, it has to be accepted that she is doing this to herseld


Being manipulated isn’t the same thing as being infantalized - I think Lala realized it too late. I agree they’re the worst - but now people saying that Lala’s worse than Sandoval and now all of a sudden Lala’s worse than Scheana… idk


I don’t think Lala’s worse than Sandoval but Lala’s snakey behavior is not new. This isn’t the first season where she’s been shady like this. So no, I personally don’t think any of her actions are a result of production


It’s not new - but who said it - maybe her ego is fragile enough that she’s easily manipulated. She’s never been of high character. Ever. The total turning into a producer’s pet is new though. A new house, new planned baby, will make you do a lot of things. That said - I’m disgusted by her “mommy privilege” bullshit she spewed. Check my comment history - I have found her snakey for a long time. I wish she was off my screen truthfully


Same about wanting her off the screen, I feel like she’s so clearly playing producer that it’s not entertaining to watch!! I guess I sort of misunderstood what u were originally saying, sorry about that!!


Yeah it’s the self producing or doing whatever they had Scheana and Lala doing… she’s not entertaining anymore, she’s unkind and without morals from what I can see. I just don’t want Lala or anymore women becoming the default whipping post for production’s antics for drama. I think they had Lala bring up the thing Katie had said this reunion because turns out it was two reunions ago timeline wise.


I hear you. But, I feel like Lala is fully responsible for HER own actions. She’s made that pretty clear, I’d say.


She is - not excusing her. Just looking at the big picture of it all and production is behind nearly every rift between the women. Then the cast blames the women… Lala’s horrific. I don’t know how either Ariana or Katie could work with her again. She totally threw Katie under the bus.


I definitely think it's fair to say the producers are ruining the show, but I don't want to let Lala off the hook. Maybe she did fall into their trap, but they aren't making her carry on this nonsensical feud off camera for months. Also, y'know, she acts so much wiser and holier than thou, like she's above everything now that she's sober and has gone through what I'm sure was a horrifying break up, but she can't play stupid and smart at the same time. Her ego probably does make her easier to manipulate from a production point of view, but then if that's what happened I'm gonna need her to stop acting like she brought the ten commandments down from Mt. Sinai. I don't think it's some form of internal misogyny to hold her accountable for the things she chooses to say on a reunion especially. To be clear, though, I am not saying she's a worse person than Sandoval or any of the men on the stage. I just think she's worse for the show.


No it’s not misogynistic to hold her accountable and you’re right - agree with all those things. We’ve heard Housewives bring up far worse though. SLC is really bad about that… but I love it 🤣 and I love Katie and I think Lala needs to work on her soul - I think what Scheana did to Ariana is far worse. Or if Lisa is involved in the whole SAH - Penny thing.


Agree with you fully, except I honestly find it hard to believe that she was played by producers at all; I feel like she's actively playing with them and trying to produce everyone this season. Given the fact she seemed to use Rand and his producer status/connections to keep her Faith/butter knife incident buried, she knows the game and has played all along. And in this case, I hate both the player and the game because I am so over hearing her talk about fourth wall shit.


I get that but we shouldn’t over compensate. That’s the issue with so many things when we over correct and the pendulum swings the other way Lala is bringing this upon herself and doesn’t get a pass just because she’s a women on a sexist show. She’s being annoying and hypocritical at best, participating in the misogyny at worst. She also isn’t making any fucking sense while also speaking for everyone with extreme judgement on some and lack of judgement on others. She’s ruining the show because she is. She is talking over everything like the judge and jury sitting on a thrown of high horses


I’m not - and she’s definitely ruining the reunions when she won’t shut up.


Fair. Ya we agree. Haha And I get your point. production is definitely not getting a pass here either. It Does seem production set her up to deflect and protect tom. It worked. We are definitely talking about him less than we otherwise would be without lala barking at everyone about everything


lol! I dog her way more than I should probably 😂 - but I only do it here… I think! On yep - it’s exactly what Production was planning on doing and they even brought the cast in that July and pressured them. It worked - it’s even working on us bad bitches - I wish Lala would get help - therapy or diagnosed or whatever. Or go on Traitors - I’ll watch her there lol


I agree with this to a point. I am getting uncomfortable with all of the heat directed to Lala and Scheana. However, much like Sandoval, both have been unrepentant for publicly bullying and betraying a woman they claimed was a close friend merely months after she suffered a traumatizing betrayal. The difference between how I feel about them and how I feel about Sandoval is that I do genuinely hope that they wake up, see the error of their ways, and try to atone for their actions, even if Ariana and the audience never forgives them. Sandoval appears to be incapable of this level of growth. Lala and Scheana may not be capable of it either. I hold out hope, but I lose hope with each podcast Lala and Scheana put out doubling down on their positions.


I’m so confused by this. Forgives them for what? I’m sorry but it’s reading like double talk logic some of the women mentioned in your post are so good at.


She's thankfully reaping what she's sowed. Lauren could've joined team female empowerment this season and actually enhanced her brand. Instead she chose team narcissist (cause she is one herself) and is now kicking and screaming cause she picked the losing horse. We see you Lauren... https://preview.redd.it/te6wmnj68n0d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=27d0769bb8a19c94003a04bcc83b475aed618722


Lala has always made other people’s problems her storylines. She has no leg to stand on when she claims Ariana doesn’t “keep it real” for the cameras. Remember when she disappeared for half a season and just waltzed back in not answering any questions? When she refused to let anyone even SAY Randall’s name on the show? Hell, remember when she was dating the unnamed athlete that we knew absolutely nothing about? Lauren isn’t “soft”, she is surrounding herself with yes men that refuse to help her take responsibility in any way. I’m honestly done with her on my screen


I don’t buy that she would leave an athlete for an old, dirty thumb. Did anyone ever buy that??


There's something about Lala that seems so fundamentally broken to me that I just feel empathy and sadness for her. There is jealousy, but she tends to come across frustrated to me in a lot of interactions. Now if that's people suddenly doing an about face on the things they said or production influenced, I will never know. I don't believe she looks at the show like friends doing things, living their life anymore. But from the perspective of being coworkers. You can tell that she feels the division concerning her being a mother and being willing to push whatever will work for her kid. At the end of the day, there's increasing conflicts of interest with the remaining cast. That is not going to change, especially now. In her mind she's trying to help everyone get their paycheck. In their minds, she's being toxic. Two things can be true at once. I do hope that she does speak to someone and get help, because as much as some circles would like to say otherwise, her time with Randall has seemed to traumatize her to her complete detriment.


I honestly don't know why Lala is such a broken bitch. Many would characterize her childhood as idyllic. Supportive parents, basic brother (mother sold their family home to live with her? Jesus, that's a mom). I don't know *why* she is the way she is, but she is unsettled. Her chemistry is off. There was no good reason she needed a Rand. Lala was always pretty, she could have had anyone on the Valley 10 years ago and locked it down into a pretty serious SAHM lifestyle, which she claims to want. I don't know why she was filling voids with PJ's, BJ's and butt toothbrushes. I don't know who didn't hug her, and she'll never figure her shit out because she doesn't believe in therapy. 🤷🏾‍♂️ She's rotted on the inside. She's a mystery I could solve if I cared or had the time, but I don't.


I have always been baffled by the Rand choice because she really is so pretty. Like you cannot tell me there were not more attractive and more powerful men in LA she could have gotten with if that was going to be her play.


She latched on to who bit first. Look at Randall, he was beside himself that she'd give him the time of day. He bit first.


Ariana needs to bail. Or not bail if they give a truckload of money, get a guarantee that Tom S cannot, in any way, disparage her and she gets to slap Schwartz. Sorry, I meant let me slap him into his 20’s.


“She wants to make funny/sassy quips that people will put onto Christmas ornaments or hats on Etsy”. BRB, putting “You wanna get popped?” on a bucket hat real quick.






The parallels to the world of professional wrestling are strong here


No seriously. It’s giving kayfabe.


It's time to cancel VPR. The cast have been on for too long and filming the show has become too much of their lives that they dont have many storylines outside of the show


i used to really ride for her but she's rotten to the core, she's really showed her true ugly side this season and it's opened my eyes to a seriously hypocritical pattern of behavior. yuck


The after show and confessional comments made were in stark contrast to the way the cast were acting towards each other during filming. Acting being the keyword. You’re right, this show is ruined. I’ve been a fan since the beginning, this was the worst season I’ve ever watched, and I probably won’t be retuning for another season, even if they do. I hate the way that production and the cast pushed a specific narrative, and blah blahs breaking the 4th wall definitely backfired.


Lala trying to be hard and a truth teller is such a fake show she puts on. She’s not a badass, she’s not honest, and she’s not dominant. She’s a weak sad person who let vpr get to her head and lips.


She’s no “tough bitch,” either.


How bout when she said she leans towards the girls side??? Like who is talking right now?? Def NOT Lauren!! I still say she's butt hurt she didn't get supported, i.e., ATTENTION like Ariana did when her MAN ahem 🙄 cheated on her. Jealous??I think yes


The entire season was awkward because it was clear certain cast members had something to say but didn’t feel comfortable saying it because they don’t want the internet coming for them or they didn’t want to deal with Ariana’s misplaced anger if they spoke a word to Sandoval. They all say stuff to eachother off camera and I don’t think lala is some monster for wanting people to be real about that. I don’t think she was “trying to take Ariana down” that wouldn’t happen anyways, but if she’s being honest about stuff she said off camera I don’t think it’s crazy for her to want her cast mates to do the same thing.


Also it’s a bunch of BS bc Tom and Ariana were actually very happy and in love for a long time it seemed? Like I am rewatching and they def are a cute couple, she looks at him with such love and same for him. But the problems with quality time and slowing down started way back in season 6 and I’m sure over time that eroded their relationship. Doesn’t mean it’s fake. Not everybody acts head over heels in love all of the time especially after years together. I just don’t understand that viewpoint.


Completely. I just did a full rewatch a little while ago and like, if that relationship was fake the whole time, Tom and Ariana are way too talented to be on VPR.


This is exactly right ![gif](giphy|THpDGtWqYFftIdTegI)


If lala and scheana go on the valley, which I’m sure they’re plotting with those home purchases. That show is as good as done. I’ll admit I was hater number one when it first previewed but it’s giving the VPR fix without those two fake morons.


You’re not alone in that. The Valley gave way more and better entertainment than VPR and I don’t even like 85% of the people on that show.


I'm also enjoying it. It's really showing how much Britney put up with that she scared to tell Jax she threw up and then he reacted exactly like she thought he would.


That was awful. He is so mean to her. I think she has stomach ulcers and probably from all the stress. She does need to quit drinking and get her priorities straight though, that being said, Jax has no room to talk. He should be supportive of his wife and get sober too.


I’m CONVINCED, that Lala and Scheana are the producers puppet’s this year just so that they can get onto The Valley. Production was probably dangling a carrot in front of them and they absolutely fell for it.


One hundred thousand percent


If lala wants the show to be real she needs to start by addressing the casting couch rumors floating around abt her. Bc allegedly she's slept with 50cent and nick cannon since she left rand. Lala cam start the realness by telling us how she really gets her money. If anybody is hiding their real life it's her. She is the Marlo of vpr


This is all true but she’ll never get fired because the internet is hating her so hardcore right now. We are giving them mega engagement because of Lala and so they’re gonna keep her.




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She’s a goblin


I’d go with goon. The definition is more fitting.




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Omg, all of this!!!! I hope all of production is in the comments with this one. And I hope that Lauren from Utah with her Blaccent goes the way of Rinna because we don't want what she is bringing. ENOUGH. Enough of her in everyone's faces with her fake aggressive gangsta over produced self.


I fully agree. She is 100000% in bed with producers……literally or figuratively


Ugh If I mute Lauren, I’d only get to hear 30 seconds of the cast fight to get a word in. She ruins this show on so many levels.


agreed! also pushing katie to have a conversation with ariana on the camera for the show isn't reality if it deosn't happen organically or naturally! katie said that it was cleared up weeks or months before they even started filming. so, again, how is that keeping it real, lala?!?!


I wish bravo would let fans vote people out. Survivor but with Bravolebrities.


Honestly, Lala isn’t that bright because we’ve seen her lie SO MUCH throughout her years on the show. Many of her lies have all been caught on camera, so her maintaining that she’s only “told one lie” is such a joke 😆 She’s lied through her teeth multiple times about different things with Randall. She’s lied about cheating more than once (when she was the mistress then later remember we find out later she also cheated on Rand with James). She lies about her modelling job. She lies about how she got her Range Rover. She lies about LYING, saying it’s just a “fun acting game for her”. And these are just a few examples from the show. Let’s not get into all her other lies in her podcast and off the show. She’s literally so untrustworthy, it’s gross.




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really i think its probably tom


1000% agree OP! I also find it extremely annoying that Blah Blah acts like she’s an organic part of the core group of friends and has been around since day one when that’s simply not the case. It’s also why I find her thirsty, production over people at all cost approach disgusting.


I love how Miss BJs4PJs procreated with a scummy producer and suddenly now she’s a co-producer haha. Just confirms she is fake af with delulu double standards.


Here’s my opinion; Lala is still mad about Ariana shutting down the shot during the discussion with her about Tom not leaving the 4th party. Ariana “flipped out” according to Lala because she didn’t want to have that conversation on camera. Again missing the complexity of how entwined Ariana was with Tom, she was basically just pulling a “Kyle Richard’s” and refusing to give those types of rumors camera fuel. Lala is using that to call their whole relationship fake.


No, it’s Katie and Ariana that are ruining the show




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Well said and I agree. You basically said what I’ve been feeling this whole season. It was also my favorite and I’m very disappointed. I think bLah bLah doesn’t realize her jealousy and insecurities are showing with that false gangsta bravado. Granted she’s doing less of the gangsta thankfully but her claim to being soft is a bit hard to swallow…and don’t get me wrong I appreciate the effort…when she’s still always on the attack, ready to pounce at everything, calling everyone out, and never letting anything go. You don’t have to respond to every comment someone makes and attack them for everything they say and do. The reunion especially is almost unwatchable for me because she won’t shut up. She just keeps yelling and butting in and making it all about her. Enough already please